


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e neural circuits, in this case the honeybee mushroom body.
2 oordinate synaptic plasticity throughout the mushroom body.
3 sticity at the output site of the Drosophila mushroom body.
4 decorrelation of odor representations in the mushroom body.
5 nd innervate a single anatomical target, the mushroom body.
6  heterogeneously distributed over the entire mushroom body.
7 of the antennal lobe and Kenyon cells of the mushroom body.
8 aminergic neurons in all subdivisions of the mushroom body.
9 on to the second-order olfactory center, the mushroom body.
10 t synaptic resolution, the Drosophila larval mushroom body.
11 cially apparent in the visual system and the mushroom body.
12 t of central brain structures, including the mushroom body.
13 mories using distinct sets of neurons in the mushroom body.
14 brum (LHNs) and to Kenyon cells (KCs) in the mushroom body.
15 r brain areas including the lateral horn and mushroom body.
16 rain, partly in response to signals from the mushroom body.
17  even after lesions in m-ALT or blocking the mushroom bodies.
18 lfactory pathway, the antennal lobes and the mushroom bodies.
19 n patterns within the antennal lobes and the mushroom bodies.
20 tivity was particularly strong in developing mushroom bodies.
21 lled, respectively, hemiellipsoid bodies and mushroom bodies.
22 e crustacean hemiellipsoid bodies and insect mushroom bodies.
23 , and connectivity between antennal lobe and mushroom bodies.
24 y shown to require cAMP signaling via PKA in mushroom bodies.
25 eam cAMP pathway signaling in neurons of the mushroom bodies.
26 ion of aversive and appetitive memory in the mushroom bodies.
27 rons that innervate a distinct region of the mushroom bodies.
28 een viewed as evolutionarily convergent with mushroom bodies.
29 an cerebellum and hippocampus and the insect mushroom bodies.
30  a subpopulation of intrinsic neurons of the mushroom bodies.
31 e neural sites for taste associations in the mushroom bodies.
32 hat gustatory conditioning also requires the mushroom bodies.
33 ipulations directed to projection (GH146) or mushroom body (201Y, MB247) neurons did not affect adapt
34 ns between olfactory sensory input and bees' mushroom bodies [6], incorporating empirically determine
35                These signatures occur in the mushroom bodies, a high-level integration center of the
36 ces were found in the relative volume of the mushroom bodies, a higher order neuropil essential for l
37 ment in insect olfactory learning target the mushroom bodies, a higher-order "cortical" brain region
38 g effect of starvation is independent of the mushroom bodies, a previously identified sleep locus in
39  level of PKG in the alpha/beta lobes of the mushroom bodies, a structure known to regulate both slee
40  growth and guidance in the adult Drosophila mushroom body, a brain center for learning and memory.
41 tal-less is necessary for development of the mushroom body, a brain region that processes olfactory i
42  injury in adults and the development of the mushroom body, a brain structure required for learning a
43 cillates in neuronal cells, glia, and in the mushroom body, a higher-order brain center in flies.
44             Instead, Slit is enriched in the mushroom body, a neuronal structure covering large areas
45 s of the supraesophageal brain including the mushroom body, a part of the posterior head capsule cuti
46 adult nervous system, or specifically in the mushroom body alpha/beta-lobes show reduced ethanol sens
47 nal expression of either OAMB isoform in the mushroom body alphabeta and gamma neurons.
48 tory learning and its functional site is the mushroom body alphabeta and gamma neurons.
49                     Extrinsic neurons of the mushroom body also contribute to the organization of mic
50 rebellum-like circuits, including the insect mushroom body, also exhibit large divergences in connect
51        Increasing for gene expression in the mushroom bodies, an important center of integration in t
52 lations, we find that the gamma lobes of the mushroom bodies and a subset of dopaminergic input neuro
53 and that their expression is required in the mushroom bodies and also in a single pair of closely con
54                     This is localized to the mushroom bodies and antennal lobes and organized by a ne
55            In contrast to Drosophila, locust mushroom bodies and antennal lobes expressed Fas I, but
56 abeling persisted into adulthood only in the mushroom bodies and antennal lobes.
57                              Also, common to mushroom bodies and hemiellipsoid bodies are arrangement
58 s concomitant memory phases that localize to mushroom bodies and propose a decentralized organization
59 e to those observed in the calyces of insect mushroom bodies and which characterize olfactory inputs
60 over, activity in alpha'beta' neurons of the mushroom body and a subset of ellipsoid body ring neuron
61                  Clock cell axons invade the mushroom body and corpus allatum and travel down the ven
62                 The authors propose that the mushroom body and cortex evolved from the same structure
63 the crustacean hemiellipsoid body and insect mushroom body and discuss the implications of this with
64 e antennal lobe, and then transferred to the mushroom body and lateral horn through dual pathways ter
65  from projection neurons in the calyx of the mushroom body and project axons to the central brain.
66 relaying gain-controlled ORN activity to the mushroom body and the lateral horn.
67 dent ethanol reward is also localized to the mushroom bodies, and Sir2 mutants prefer ethanol even wi
68 rt of a striking volumetric expansion of the mushroom body, and explore patterns of differential post
69 nd beta' lobes of a higher brain centre, the mushroom body, and function in dopaminergic re-inforceme
70 s neuronal signaling functions, a functional mushroom body, and neurally driven apoptosis of oocytes
71 lian hippocampus, and possibly the arthropod mushroom body, and offers an explanation for similar fle
72 and perhaps sole source of inhibition in the mushroom body, and that inhibition from this cell is med
73                    Transcriptome analysis of mushroom body, antennal lobe and type II neuroblasts com
74                                              Mushroom bodies are a well-known site for associative le
75  as essential sites for LTM formation, while mushroom bodies are claimed to be unnecessary to this en
76                               The Drosophila mushroom bodies are critical association areas whose rol
77                                          The mushroom bodies are high-order sensory integration cente
78                                          The mushroom bodies are prominent lobed centers in the foreb
79                                              Mushroom bodies are the iconic learning and memory cente
80 eurons in the ellipsoid body, but not in the mushroom bodies, are necessary for visual place learning
81 sect olfactory learning have established the mushroom bodies as key brain structures for the formatio
82 ethanol-induced hyperactivity, revealing the mushroom body as an important locus mediating the stimul
83                  These results establish the mushroom body as an important site of integration in the
84  previously described crustacean possesses a mushroom body as defined by strict morphological criteri
85 iates adhesion between functionally distinct mushroom body axon populations to enforce and control ap
86 ion is dispensable for the initial growth of Mushroom Body axons, but is required for the stabilizati
87  of dDAAM essential for correct targeting of mushroom body axons.
88  embryonic stages, Sema 1a expression in the mushroom bodies became restricted to a subset of Kenyon
89 ponsive dopaminergic neurons that target the mushroom body beta' lobe.
90  of metabolic learning requires not only the mushroom body but also the hypothalamus-like pars interc
91 t within the lines expressing broadly in the mushroom bodies, but not within specific mushroom body l
92  to localize precisely a segmentation of the mushroom body by differential contacts with aminergic ne
93 ard inhibitory GABAergic interneurons of the mushroom body, called MVP2, or mushroom body output neur
94 stment in higher-order cognitive processing (mushroom body calyces) versus peripheral sensory process
95  the microglomeruli that characterize insect mushroom body calyces.
96 nitoring responses to taste compounds in the mushroom body calyx with calcium imaging reveals sparse,
97 ng to assess how the Kenyon cells in the fly mushroom bodies change their activity and reactivity to
98 orating empirically determined properties of mushroom body circuitry (random connectivity [7], sparse
99 e patterning requires further processing and mushroom body circuits.
100 lso report a novel canonical circuit in each mushroom body compartment with previously unidentified c
101 een shown that the 2,000 Kenyon cells of the mushroom body converge onto a population of only 34 mush
102 rganization of glomerular connections to the mushroom body could allow the fly to contextualize novel
103                Here we show that mutation of mushroom body defect (mud) dramatically enhances the phe
104 b5 associated in vivo with nuclear Lamin and mushroom body defect (Mud), the Drosophila counterpart o
105 d following loss of the Pins-binding protein Mushroom body defect (Mud).
106 er may share a common origin with the insect mushroom body despite obvious divergent evolution of ove
107 these mechanisms have been shown to underlie mushroom body development and spacing of mechanosensory
108  markers to compile a comprehensive atlas of mushroom body development.
109 ptic changes in calycal microcircuits of the mushroom body during periods of altered sensory activity
110                  Strikingly, upregulation of mushroom body energy flux is both necessary and sufficie
111 lomeruli, each side of the brain possesses a mushroom body equipped with calyces supplied by olfactor
112                       Furthermore, while the mushroom-body-expressed dDA1 dopamine receptor is essent
113 ius display a remarkably large investment in mushroom bodies for a lepidopteran, and indeed rank high
114 f Sema 1a and Fas I expression during locust mushroom body formation.
115 ons of this are considered in the context of mushroom body function and early ecologies of ancestral
116 ntisera against proteins required for normal mushroom body function in Drosophila are indicative of g
117            Here, we show that the Drosophila mushroom body functions like a switchboard in which neur
118 rons that innervate a restricted zone of the mushroom body gamma lobe.
119 s age- and experience-dependent posteclosion mushroom body growth comparable to that in foraging Hyme
120                                  In insects, mushroom bodies have been an important model system for
121                          Previous studies on mushroom bodies have focused on higher olfactory process
122 dditionally, intense signals derive from the mushroom bodies, higher-order integration centers for ol
123  factors, recovering those known to regulate mushroom body identity and predicting analogous regulato
124  al. report in this issue of Neuron that the mushroom bodies in Drosophila, a critical center for olf
125 ral arrangements, we demonstrate insect-like mushroom bodies in stomatopod crustaceans (mantis shrimp
126 neurons that carry information away from the mushroom bodies in the brains of fruit flies has improve
127 nd for their exclusion from dendrites of the mushroom body in Drosophila, a brain structure involved
128                                          The mushroom body in the fruitfly Drosophila melanogaster is
129 nnal lobe and a few extrinsic neurons in the mushroom body, including a giant neuron innervating the
130 rosophila brain and was strongly enriched at mushroom body input synapses.
131   Kenyon cells, the intrinsic neurons of the mushroom body, integrate input from olfactory glomeruli
132 ositive and subdivide the medial lobe of the mushroom body into four distinct subunits.
133  localize this function to Kenyon cells, the mushroom body intrinsic neurons, as well as GABAergic AP
134 by neuronal activity and Tob activity in the mushroom body is required for stable memory formation.
135 parse odor coding by the Kenyon cells of the mushroom body is thought to generate a large number of p
136 re, for a comprehensive understanding of the mushroom body, it is of interest not only to determine w
137 ls, the neurochemistry of the memory-storing mushroom body Kenyon cell output synapses is unknown.
138  monomolecular odors, and of 174 PNs and 209 mushroom body Kenyon cells (KCs) to mixtures of up to ei
139 ociative learning to the axons of Drosophila mushroom body Kenyon cells for normal olfactory learning
140                  Here, using recordings from mushroom body Kenyon cells in acutely isolated honeybee
141  assign value to odor representations in the mushroom body Kenyon cells.
142 rebrum (SLP) and convey taste information to mushroom body learning centers.
143 r of simple neuronal connectivity within the mushroom bodies (learning centres) show performances rem
144  observations demonstrate that across phyla, mushroom body-like centers share a neuroanatomical groun
145 ns in the morphology of gamma neurons in the mushroom body lineage, as well as many neurons in the an
146    Imp and Syp control neuronal fates in the mushroom body lineages by regulating the temporal transc
147 opaminergic neurons innervating the vertical mushroom body lobes substantially reduced behavioral col
148 oss different anatomical compartments of the mushroom body lobes.
149 nnal lobes and highly correlated activity in mushroom body lobes.
150 the mushroom bodies, but not within specific mushroom body lobes.
151 ject to the beta'2 and gamma4 regions of the mushroom body lobes.
152 lts suggest that odor representations in the mushroom body may result from competing optimization con
153  of large neurons that broadly innervate the mushroom bodies (MB), the center of olfactory memory.
154 d by a paired brain structure, the so-called mushroom bodies (MB).
155 leep via release of GABA onto wake-promoting mushroom body (MB) alpha'/beta' neurons.
156 at transposon expression is more abundant in mushroom body (MB) alphabeta neurons than in neighboring
157 ons projects dendrites into the calyx of the mushroom body (MB) and axons into the inferior protocere
158  learning in Drosophila have established the mushroom body (MB) as a key brain structure involved in
159 neurons that innervate distinct zones of the mushroom body (MB) assign opposing valence to odors duri
160 er show that targeting Rac inhibition to the mushroom body (MB) but not the antennal lobe (AL) suffic
161 o secondary olfactory centers, including the mushroom body (MB) calyx and the lateral horn (LH) in th
162 n the relative contributions of two parallel mushroom body (MB) circuits-the beta'- and beta-systems.
163            Df(4)dCORL adult escapers display mushroom body (MB) defects and Df(4)dCORL larvae are lac
164 th single-unit extracellular recordings from mushroom body (MB) extrinsic neurons elucidating the neu
165 oting the segregation of sister axons during mushroom body (MB) formation.
166 ll autonomously required for axon pruning of mushroom body (MB) gamma neurons and for ectopic synapse
167 mental elimination of two neuron populations-mushroom body (MB) gamma neurons and vCrz(+) neurons (ex
168                               The Drosophila mushroom body (MB) is a key associative memory center th
169                           In Drosophila, the mushroom body (MB) is critically involved in olfactory c
170                           In Drosophila, the mushroom body (MB) is the major site of associative lear
171                           In Drosophila, the mushroom body (MB) is the major site of associative odor
172 dritogenesis in two extrinsic neurons of the mushroom body (MB) learning and memory brain center: (1)
173 ral sensory information to the central brain mushroom body (MB) learning/memory center.
174  chinmo to control temporal cell fate in the mushroom body (MB) lineage.
175 fter training from the alpha'beta' subset of mushroom body (MB) neurons and from a pair of modulatory
176 aging in vivo, we demonstrate that the gamma mushroom body (MB) neurons of Drosophila melanogaster re
177 lular signaling and plasticity in Drosophila mushroom body (MB) neurons, combining presynaptic thermo
178 alyzed the stereotyped pattern of Drosophila mushroom body (MB) neurons, which have single axons bran
179 e electric shock (unconditioned stimulus) in mushroom body (MB) neurons.
180                           In Drosophila, the mushroom body (MB) plays a key role in these processes.
181 ate that neither ablating nor inhibiting the mushroom body (MB), a known Drosophila learning and deci
182 oscillations in LFP recordings made from the mushroom body (MB), a site of sensory integration and an
183 activity in the relatively simple Drosophila mushroom body (MB), an area involved in olfactory learni
184 Most NBs, with the exception of those of the mushroom body (MB), are decommissioned by the ecdysone r
185 d to odor learning and memory, including the mushroom body (MB), for immediate sensory integration an
186 lasts and sustains neurogenesis in the adult mushroom body (mb), the center for learning and memory i
187                                              Mushroom body (MB)-dependent olfactory learning in Droso
188 100 neurons simultaneously in the Drosophila mushroom body (MB).
189 de olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) and the mushroom body (MB).
190 te an odor with coincident punishment in the mushroom body (MB).
191 ns associated with the fly memory center-the mushroom bodies (MBs) [3].
192 hat interfering with bunched activity in the mushroom bodies (MBs) abolishes sleep homeostasis.
193                                       Insect mushroom bodies (MBs) are critical for several behaviors
194 higher order neuropils of the forebrain [the mushroom bodies (MBs) of insects and the hemiellipsoid b
195                    Furthermore, ablating the mushroom bodies (MBs) of the fly brain via larval hydrox
196                        Expressing hTDP-43 in mushroom bodies (MBs) resulted in dramatic axon losses a
197 rcuits in the bee brain to determine whether mushroom bodies (MBs), brain structures that are essenti
198 ial (DPM) neurons that broadly innervate the mushroom bodies (MBs), the center of olfactory memory.
199 y, we reveal that dopaminergic inputs to the mushroom body modulate synaptic transmission with exquis
200 ow that mutations in par-1 suppress both the mushroom body morphology and behavioral phenotypes of ta
201 phic variants affecting natural variation in mushroom body morphology.
202                                 For example, mushroom body neuroblast cycling can continue under star
203 n Eyeless is ectopically expressed, some non-mushroom body neuroblasts divide independent of dietary
204                When Eyeless is knocked down, mushroom body neuroblasts exit cell cycle when nutrients
205                 However, a small subset, the mushroom body neuroblasts, which generate neurons import
206 by Eyeless, a Pax-6 orthologue, expressed in mushroom body neuroblasts.
207                We find that in the intrinsic mushroom body neuron lineage, the numbers for each class
208 ein, Rac1, as a key player in the Drosophila mushroom bodies neurons (MBn) for active forgetting.
209             RNAi knockdown in the Drosophila mushroom body neurons (MBn) of a newly discovered memory
210            We show that all three classes of mushroom body neurons (MBNs) are involved in the retriev
211  locusts, the synapses between the intrinsic mushroom body neurons and their postsynaptic targets obe
212  We find that aggregated Orb2 in a subset of mushroom body neurons can serve as a "molecular signatur
213                        Finally, inactivating mushroom body neurons disrupted both aversive and attrac
214  effects of G(o) signaling in the gamma lobe mushroom body neurons during memory formation.
215             However, Nf1 expression in adult mushroom body neurons has not been observed.
216  calcium influx into the axons of alpha/beta mushroom body neurons in response to the conditioned odo
217            Caffeine potentiated responses of mushroom body neurons involved in olfactory learning and
218                     Silencing of a subset of mushroom body neurons is sufficient to reduce ethanol-in
219 1 transgene only in the alpha/beta subset of mushroom body neurons is sufficient to restore both prot
220             Here, we report that OAMB in the mushroom body neurons mediates the octopamine's signal f
221 ) within either the alpha/beta or gamma lobe mushroom body neurons of Drosophila results in the impai
222  short-term memory trace in the alpha'/beta' mushroom body neurons remains unaffected by age.
223 ing sensory input from both eyes onto single mushroom body neurons returned correct discriminations e
224 cesses of the dorsal paired medial (DPM) and mushroom body neurons revealed that the capacity to form
225 e identify a novel compartment in Drosophila mushroom body neurons that mirrors the molecular hallmar
226 n forms part of a transcriptional program in mushroom body neurons to alter presynaptic properties an
227           Cyclic AMP signaling in Drosophila mushroom body neurons, anchored by the adenylyl cyclase
228 f1 RNA can be detected in the cell bodies of mushroom body neurons, and (3) that expression of an nf1
229 inhibitory circuits, intrinsic properties of mushroom body neurons, and connectivity between antennal
230 mine receptor DAMB, also highly expressed in mushroom body neurons, is required for forgetting.
231                                 Like that of mushroom body neurons, M4/6 output is required for expre
232 rformance in flies expressing Abeta42 in the mushroom body neurons, which are intimately involved in
233 ression of axonal and dendritic branching of mushroom body neurons, which mediate a variety of cognit
234 or negative value to odor representations in mushroom body neurons.
235  distinct odor tuning converge on individual mushroom body neurons.
236 tein Grb2, is essential for ARM within adult mushroom body neurons.
237 and forgetting through DAMB signaling in the mushroom body neurons.
238 ions by specifically studying the alpha/beta mushroom body neurons.
239 olog that is preferentially expressed in the mushroom body neurons.
240 nation for the characteristic selectivity of mushroom body neurons: these cells receive different typ
241 exhibit synchronized ongoing activity in the mushroom body neuropil in alive and awake flies before a
242                                          The mushroom body neuropils have been identified as a crucia
243 d loss, paired lobed centers referred to as "mushroom bodies" occur across invertebrate phyla.
244 ble to the number of globuli cells supplying mushroom bodies of certain insects, such as honey bees a
245                   Potential functions of the mushroom bodies of D. sublineatus are discussed in the c
246 atomy of the input region, the calyx, of the mushroom bodies of Drosophila melanogaster.
247  Synapsin and by locally restoring it in the mushroom bodies of mutant flies.
248                     We find that Sir2 in the mushroom bodies of the fruit fly Drosophila promotes sho
249 atus, and compare this organization with the mushroom body of an insect, the cockroach Periplaneta am
250 cortex of vertebrates or Kenyon cells in the mushroom body of insects), which in the model correspond
251 e hemiellipsoid body of C. clypeatus and the mushroom body of the cockroach P. americana reveal in bo
252                                          The mushroom body of the insect brain represents a neuronal
253 age registration, Tomer et al. find that the mushroom body of the segmented worm Platynereis dumerili
254 rating fibers projected erroneously into the mushroom body on a pathway that is normally chosen by se
255 ense in the antennal lobes but sparse in the mushroom bodies, only one synapse downstream.
256 l neurons in the ellipsoid body, but not the mushroom bodies or the fan-shaped bodies, and may rely o
257  dye labeling, we obtained new insights into mushroom body organization by resolving previously unrec
258 s recruits activity in specific parts of the mushroom body output network and distinct subsets of rei
259 eurons of the mushroom body, called MVP2, or mushroom body output neuron (MBON)-gamma1pedc>alpha/beta
260 identify a class of downstream glutamatergic mushroom body output neurons (MBONs) called M4/6, or MBO
261 m body converge onto a population of only 34 mushroom body output neurons (MBONs), which fall into 21
262 t Kenyon cell activation, evokes activity in mushroom body output neurons (MBONs).
263 urrent and hierarchical connectivity between mushroom body output neurons and dopaminergic neurons en
264 y reconsolidation requires the gamma2alpha'1 mushroom body output neurons.
265 al state of the fly guide behavior by tuning mushroom body output synapses.
266 erty homeostatically regulates the timing of mushroom body output, its potential role in associative
267  a role for these molecules in developmental mushroom body plasticity.
268  lobes, but unlike other aquatic insects its mushroom bodies possess robust calyces.
269 t Locusta migratoria with an emphasis on the mushroom bodies, protocerebral integration centers impli
270 ntrasts with the probabilistic wiring of the mushroom body, reflecting the distinct roles of these re
271 eurons innervating the vertical lobes of the mushroom body responded to decreases in temperature, but
272 ld using intracellular recordings to examine mushroom body responses to optogenetically controlled in
273 of wild-type ecdysone receptors in the adult mushroom bodies resulted in an isoform-specific increase
274 nsight into gustatory representations in the mushroom bodies, revealing the essential role of gustato
275 s, the superior part of which approximates a mushroom body's calyx in having large numbers of microgl
276              The complete circuit map of the mushroom body should guide future functional studies of
277                                            A mushroom body subdomain whose development or function re
278  similar to olfactory learning, requires the mushroom bodies, suggesting fundamental similarities in
279 einforces memory through discrete subsets of mushroom-body-targeted dopamine neurons.
280 ike OAMB receptor in an identified subset of mushroom-body-targeted dopamine neurons.
281  signalling mediates an energy switch in the mushroom body that controls long-term memory encoding.
282 opamine provide a motivational switch in the mushroom body that controls the output of appetitive mem
283 ns (MBONs) of the alpha'3 compartment of the mushroom body that is rapidly suppressed upon repeated e
284   For the supraesophageal ganglion excluding mushroom body (the part of the brain investigated in the
285 c mutant with reduced OAMB expression in the mushroom bodies, the brain structure crucial for olfacto
286 at expression of a secreted-APPL form in the mushroom bodies, the center for olfactory memory, is abl
287 ong support that in terrestrial insects with mushroom bodies, the primary input region, or calyces, a
288 on of this isoform is most pronounced in the mushroom bodies, the subesophageal ganglion, and the cor
289 tion of energy consumption in neurons of the mushroom body, the fly's major memory centre.
290 gely converge onto three target regions: the mushroom body, the lateral horn (both of which are well
291 ls but also to pinpoint where exactly in the mushroom body they do so.
292 ual dimorphism of the relative investment in mushroom body tissue is observed only in Apis.
293 signals act within Kenyon cells (KCs) of the mushroom bodies to support ASM, dnc-sensitive cAMP signa
294  the theoretical storage capacity of the ant mushroom body to be estimated at hundreds of independent
295 ormalizing negative-feedback loop within the mushroom body to maintain sparse output over a wide rang
296 pair of dopaminergic neurons afferent to the mushroom bodies, via the D5-like DAMB dopamine receptor.
297 ndrites in the alpha and alpha' lobes of the mushroom body, which drive negatively reinforcing dopami
298 ned, behavior because the latter engages the mushroom body, which enables differentiated responses to
299 ique morphology of neurons in the Drosophila mushroom body, which receive input on large dendritic cl
300 minergic circuits innervating the Drosophila mushroom body with in vivo calcium imaging and condition

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