


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  acquired thermotolerance were identified by mutant analysis.
2 ry cell wall synthesis, were investigated by mutant analysis.
3 sequence motif identified here by a deletion mutant analysis.
4 ther PLL2 or PLL3 based on single and double mutant analysis.
5 ification, and differentiation has come from mutant analysis.
6  meristem determinacy was revealed by double mutant analysis.
7  cassettes for subsequent transformation and mutant analysis.
8 ose synthase (SS) by immunoprecipitation and mutant analysis.
9 protection, oligonucleotide competition, and mutant analysis.
10 een shown to be critical for its function by mutant analysis.
11 ription were identified through an extensive mutant analysis.
12 ctivity by LEAFY, as was deduced from double mutant analysis.
13  at amino acid position 291, as indicated by mutant analysis.
14 gen (HBsAg), HBeAg levels, HBV genotype, and mutant analysis.
15 ng, is becoming a powerful tool for en-masse mutant analysis.
16 racing, electrophysiology, pharmacology, and mutant analysis.
17 wer than half have roles established through mutant analysis.
18 in the germination process were confirmed by mutant analysis.
19  saul1 phenotypes, as demonstrated by double mutant analysis.
20          We used designer arrays for defined mutant analysis, a high-throughput subtractive competiti
21                                          The mutant analysis also confirms the proposed role of Frh i
22                                              Mutant analysis also revealed interactions of ABA and LR
23                           A loss-of-function mutant analysis also revealed that single mutants of bHL
24 s an approximately 85% reduction in omega-7s Mutant analysis also showed that FATTY ACID ELONGASE1 is
25               Crystal structures followed by mutant analysis and affinity pull-downs have revealed th
26                                              Mutant analysis and asymmetric reconstructions show that
27                Using a combination of double mutant analysis and biochemistry, we found that in maize
28                                       Double mutant analysis and comparison of AP-3(-) and BLOC-1(-)
29            Molecular epistasis tests, double mutant analysis and dosage-sensitive interactions demons
30 We tested a small set of these genes through mutant analysis and found that one significantly increas
31                  Reciprocal grafting, double mutant analysis and gene cloning suggest that all MAX ge
32 ng a combination of in vitro explant assays, mutant analysis and gene delivery into mouse embryos cul
33                                     Both the mutant analysis and gene regulation studies suggest that
34       Using gene expression studies, genetic mutant analysis and genetic mosaics, we show that egl-38
35 e CER2 homologs CER2-LIKE1 and CER2-LIKE2 by mutant analysis and heterologous expression in yeast.
36                                    Quadruple mutant analysis and in situ localization of A, B, C and
37                       Using a combination of mutant analysis and in vitro explant assays, we demonstr
38  studies, in vitro migration assays, genetic mutant analysis and in vivo fate mapping in mice, we fou
39                                              Mutant analysis and live cell imaging indicate that PDS5
40                                              Mutant analysis and optogenetic studies reveal that GABA
41 igands at the midline, and we show by double mutant analysis and physical interaction tests that WRK-
42            A combination of loss-of-function mutant analysis and protein interaction data indicates t
43 al gene 20 product (gp20) were determined by mutant analysis and sequence localization within the str
44                         By means of deletion mutant analysis and site-directed mutagenesis, we have i
45 teraction as previously determined by escape mutant analysis and site-directed mutation, is located i
46                                              Mutant analysis and subsequent molecular studies have re
47                To confirm the results of the mutant analysis and to determine the relative contributi
48      Using global expression studies, double mutant analysis, and protein interaction assays, we find
49 nt systems have been addressed by a targeted mutant analysis approach and almost all are shown to be
50  pylori stress resistance was evaluated by a mutant analysis approach.
51 gene targets in CGNs using inhibitor and Nfi mutant analysis as well as chromatin immunoprecipitation
52 A dimerization motif, an alanine scan double mutant analysis at the helix-helix interface was carried
53                              Based on double mutant analysis, AXL1 in a MATalpha strain acted genetic
54                                       Double-mutant analysis between abi3-3 and wri1-1 suggested that
55                                       Double-mutant analysis between mnp-1(RNAi), ina-1, and vab-1 mu
56                                       Double-mutant analysis between scraps, a mutation in anillin th
57 ion observed in mig-10 mutants, while double mutant analysis between unc-53 and mig-10 showed no incr
58 , we previously used the multistep method of mutant analysis by PCR and enzyme cleavage (MAPREC).
59 g of oral poliovirus vaccine with the use of mutant analysis by PCR and restriction enzyme cleavage (
60                                              Mutant analysis by PCR and restriction enzyme cleavage (
61                    Direct RNA extraction and mutant analysis by polymerase chain reaction and restric
62 Inr consensus sequence based on an extensive mutant analysis carried out in HeLa cell extracts.
63                                              Mutant analysis confirms that affinity proteomics is a v
64                                              Mutant analysis confirms that Asp-97 and Glu-108 are pro
65                                     However, mutant analysis correlated specific HMW2 domains with co
66                                          The mutant analysis, coupled with physiological data, indica
67 ular localization in response to Shh, double mutant analysis demonstrates that Rab23 does not work th
68                                              Mutant analysis demonstrates that Vac8p functions separa
69                                     Deletion mutant analysis determined that the N- and C-termini are
70                                     Deletion mutant analysis determines that there is a difference in
71 -mapping studies using neutralization escape mutant analysis, deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, a
72 ed subtly elevated levels of lesions, double mutant analysis disagreed with a simple epistatic model
73                                              Mutant analysis established residues that were involved
74 tro findings to in vivo biological function, mutants analysis establishes the role of Shr in GAS grow
75                                          The mutant analysis further allows us to propose that a subs
76                                              Mutant analysis has defined two parallel genetic pathway
77                                              Mutant analysis has identified mycoplasma proteins assoc
78                            Although deletion mutant analysis has suggested that the region of the gen
79                                          The mutant analysis highlights some important motifs for sub
80 enzymes in H. pylori have been studied using mutant analysis; however, the gene encoding adenosine de
81 r downstream of ETR1 and ERS based on double mutant analysis; however, the signaling mechanisms leadi
82 ading to the epidermis in L. japonicus While mutant analysis identified redundancy in several biosynt
83 ter activity in lymphoid cells, and deletion mutant analysis identified three distinct domains of TEL
84                                              Mutant analysis in Arabidopsis has indicated that absenc
85      By combining physical perturbations and mutant analysis in both species, we show that difference
86                                              Mutant analysis in Caenorhabditis elegans reveals that c
87                                       Recent mutant analysis in zebrafish points to an important role
88                    Results from deletion and mutant analysis indicate that Pak1 regulates cyclin D1 t
89                                       Double-mutant analysis indicated that blocking the salicylic ac
90                                       Double mutant analysis indicated that ERS2, similar to ETR1, ET
91                          In addition, double-mutant analysis indicated that gamma-tubulin-dependent n
92                                          ATR mutant analysis indicated that it is required for checkp
93                                            A mutant analysis indicated that the Ino2p/Ino4p/Opi1p reg
94                                       Double mutant analysis indicated that the SOS genes function in
95                                       Double mutant analysis indicated that the thk1 mutant is epista
96                                       Double mutant analysis indicated that the two auxin transport s
97                                              Mutant analysis indicates a progressive loss in the amph
98                                              Mutant analysis indicates a role for PIAL1 and 2 in salt
99                                       Double mutant analysis indicates an interaction energy between
100                                       Double-mutant analysis indicates that a related helix-loop-heli
101                                       Double-mutant analysis indicates that BK and Erg K(+) channels
102                                       Double-mutant analysis indicates that both sag-1 and eat-16 act
103 termediate columns of the neuroectoderm, and mutant analysis indicates that Dichaete regulates cell f
104                                       Double-mutant analysis indicates that early flowering is depend
105                                       Double mutant analysis indicates that ETR2 acts upstream of CTR
106                                       Double mutant analysis indicates that Gli3 repressor activity i
107                 Essential for viability, plx mutant analysis indicates that larval death is attributa
108                                       Double mutant analysis indicates that phyB is epistatic to hrb1
109 uces increases in the abundance of PIF3, and mutant analysis indicates that PIF3 acts, in conjunction
110 r the S/M or G2/M checkpoint, however double mutant analysis indicates that rad31 acts in a process w
111                 Genetically, sos2sos3 double mutant analysis indicates that SOS2 and SOS3 function in
112                                              Mutant analysis indicates that the cytokinin receptors A
113                                     Deletion mutant analysis indicates that the juxtamembrane region
114                                       Double mutant analysis indicates that the primary target of Rab
115                               Genetic double-mutant analysis is consistent with ptp-3A acting with th
116                                       Double mutant analysis is consistent with these results, showin
117                                        Using mutant analysis, laser ablation, optogenetics, and Ca2+
118 depressor, we used YFP:actin to monitor, and mutant analysis, laser-ablation and transgenic feminizat
119 at integrates multiple approaches, including mutant analysis, lineage tracing, cell purification, gen
120                                    A refined mutant analysis localized this element to nucleotides -8
121                            Based on deletion mutant analysis, MdmX inhibition of Smad transactivation
122 stion and have shown by microarray analysis, mutant analysis, metabolite measurements, and (13)C-labe
123 res, we propose how the information from the mutant analysis might facilitate the use of a simplified
124                 This work provides the first mutant analysis of a GYF-domain protein in either C. ele
125 tructure of the AdpA-DBD-DNA complex and the mutant analysis of AdpA-DBD revealed its unique manner o
126                                       Double mutant analysis of Atrar1 in combination with the R sign
127                 Genetic evidence from double-mutant analysis of cow1-1 and other loci involved in roo
128                                       Double mutant analysis of dlf1 and indeterminate1 (id1), anothe
129                                       Double mutant analysis of hos5-1 and the ABA-deficient aba1-1 a
130                                              Mutant analysis of induced plant defense pathways showed
131                                       Double-mutant analysis of lls1 with two maize mutants oil-yello
132                                              Mutant analysis of plants deficient in any of three in-f
133                                       Double-mutant analysis of polar residues in the distal beta-hai
134        Surprisingly, a detailed substitution mutant analysis of the amino-terminal domain revealed a
135                   Here, we report a detailed mutant analysis of the D' element which suggests that an
136                                     Deletion mutant analysis of the LTR of a PERV-NIH isolate identif
137                              Finally, double mutant analysis of unc-71 with other axon guidance signa
138  Deltahns, DeltarpoS, and Deltahns DeltarpoS mutants, analysis of RpoS reporter fusions, quantitative
139 otein 70 (Hsp70) family, in conjunction with mutant analysis, permitted the characterization of a mot
140                                              Mutant analysis, pharmacology and patch-clamp recording
141                                      Through mutant analysis, protein depletion and rescue experiment
142                In this issue, Oda et al. use mutant analysis, protein tagging, and cryoelectron tomog
143              Transplantation experiments and mutant analysis reveal that cephalic mesoderm is the sou
144                   Deletion and site-specific mutant analysis revealed a critical role of a potential
145                                              Mutant analysis revealed a new relationship between the
146                          In addition, double mutant analysis revealed epistasis between EDM2 and the
147                                              Mutant analysis revealed extensive ligand redundancy in
148                              A comprehensive mutant analysis revealed only one element upstream of th
149                                              Mutant analysis revealed that a variable residue within
150                                       Double mutant analysis revealed that all edr1-associated phenot
151                                     Deletion mutant analysis revealed that both the kinase domain and
152                                              Mutant analysis revealed that complement-protective CD55
153                                       Double-mutant analysis revealed that edr2-mediated resistance i
154                                       Double mutant analysis revealed that espA was epistatic to pktA
155                                              Mutant analysis revealed that GndA and FDH4 are crucial
156                                       Double mutant analysis revealed that SmD3b is also involved in
157                           The stf lfl double mutant analysis revealed that STF and LFL act mainly ind
158                                              Mutant analysis revealed that the C-terminal region of C
159                                       Double mutant analysis revealed that the coi1 mutation (causing
160                                     Deletion mutant analysis revealed that the complement control pro
161                                       Double mutant analysis revealed that the nlp7-1 phenotype depen
162                                              Mutant analysis revealed that the protective function of
163                                              Mutant analysis revealed that the single chemotaxis syst
164                                       Double mutant analysis revealed that these drought-induced phen
165                                              Mutant analysis revealed that yKu70 and Sir1 act collect
166 induce transcription of a reporter, deletion mutant analysis revealed the presence of a strong activa
167                                         This mutant analysis revealed the presence of a third glycosy
168                          Furthermore, MFSD2A mutant analysis reveals an important function of the C t
169                                       Double mutant analysis reveals an unexpected, redundant negativ
170  spatially stereotyped in wild-type animals, mutant analysis reveals that each cell has the potential
171                              wun wun2 double mutant analysis reveals that the two genes, hereafter co
172                                     Deletion mutant analysis reveals that WASP residues 101-151 are n
173                   Tryptic phosphopeptide and mutant analysis reveals that, as in mitosis, stress-indu
174                                          Our mutant analysis reveals the contribution of mechanical e
175 AHF-Cre genetic tracing experiments and Tbx1 mutant analysis show that nonsomitic neck muscles share
176                           Deletion and point mutant analysis show that the activity of TNRC4 on tau E
177                                              Mutant analysis showed that AAD2 also contributes to ome
178 formation depends on ZCF membrane curvature: mutant analysis showed that Cdc42p localization is negat
179                           Explant essays and mutant analysis showed that cellular guidance involved r
180                                              Mutant analysis showed that crdA cells were delayed in d
181                                       Double mutant analysis showed that dopA interacts genetically w
182  genes involved in glycogen homeostasis, and mutant analysis showed that Gcn4p suppresses glycogen le
183                                              Mutant analysis showed that HDA19/HD1 mediated deacetyla
184                                       Double mutant analysis showed that only re rer1 and rer5 rer6 e
185                                              Mutant analysis showed that the glutamate residue corres
186                                              Mutant analysis showed that the RsbT kinase, which is re
187 involved in this response were identified by mutant analysis, showing that the EARLY FLOWERING 4 gene
188                                      Phospho-mutant analysis shows that Aurora contributes to the mic
189                                          Our mutant analysis shows that eliminating UNC-34 function r
190                                              Mutant analysis shows that RAD51B is essential for the m
191                                       Double mutant analysis shows that trio interacts with Rac in a
192                    In addition, our homeotic mutant analysis shows that wing transformation in T1 ori
193                                       Double mutant analysis shows that zig-3 and zig-4 act together
194                                   Our double-mutant analysis shows that, in contrast to Zw3, Nkd acts
195       Precursor metabolite incorporation and mutant analysis studies support the mode-of-action, bloc
196                                              Mutant analysis substantiates this idea.
197 heterozygous genetic interactions and double mutant analysis suggest that 18W affects the Rho-GTPase-
198                                     Deletion mutant analysis suggested a requirement of RopGEF activi
199                 Binding studies in vitro and mutant analysis suggested that GFP-PH bound PtdIns(4,5)P
200 not been demonstrated in vitro, but previous mutant analysis suggested that Rhizobium etli gene wreQ
201                                              Mutant analysis suggested the role of the cysteine prote
202                                       Double mutant analysis suggests a possible inaccessibility of e
203                                 In addition, mutant analysis suggests a possible novel role for phyC
204                                       Double mutant analysis suggests that ETTIN interacts with TSL,
205                                       Double mutant analysis suggests that HST acts in parallel to SQ
206                                       Double mutant analysis suggests that pgp-2(+) functions in para
207                                       Double mutant analysis suggests that sur-6 PP2A-B acts downstre
208                                              Mutant analysis suggests that VE accumulation in these f
209                                              Mutant analysis supports the assignment of the primary i
210             Here, we show through systematic mutant analysis that GA20ox1, -2, and -3 are the dominan
211                            We present double mutant analysis that indicates that daf-28(sa191) acts a
212 he aid of genetic engineering and subsequent mutant analysis, the functional role of conserved cystei
213  we have developed an approach termed triple-mutant analysis (TMA).
214                               We used double mutant analysis to determine the relative positions of t
215 FRUITFULL, which we show through comparative mutant analysis to modulate fruit shape during post-fert
216                          We have used double mutant analysis to position mei-217 in the meiotic recom
217                   Through single- and double-mutant analysis to study the mitotic cohesion proteins S
218   We used mouse in utero electroporation and mutant analysis to test whether cortical signaling sourc
219 tinin (Pta), a surface-associated cytotoxin, mutant analysis was used in conjunction with a mouse mod
220                                              Mutant analysis was used to identify Moraxella catarrhal
221                                              Mutant analysis was used to prove that the HupA protein
222 to be composed of PFs by cross-sectional and mutant analysis, was found to extend along the entire le
223                       Using fate mapping and mutant analysis, we find that PAA progenitors are derive
224                  Using antibody labeling and mutant analysis, we have localized 12 of 13 core APC/C c
225                                 Based on our mutant analysis, we revised the rec27 open reading frame
226                Through phenotypic and double mutant analysis, we show that AGO1 regulates stem cell f
227                           By conditional Shh mutant analysis, we show that Shh signaling regulates hC
228                     We also report an escape mutant analysis, which allows the mapping of heterotypic
229 ure focused physiological studies, including mutant analysis, which will provide further details into
230                                       Double-mutant analysis with anther ear1 and tassel seed2 reveal
231                                       Double-mutant analysis with atr1D, an overexpression allele of
232                                       Double mutant analysis with mutations in other genes affecting
233                                              Mutant analysis with potential upstream genes was used t
234                                       Double-mutant analysis with suppressors and enhancers of lin-12
235                                 We performed mutant analysis with the null alleles of ABP1, abp1-c1 a
236                                       Double-mutant analysis with the peroxisomal ATP-binding cassett
237                                       Double mutant analysis with this Hoxb1(3'RARE) allele and other

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