


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                  Most importantly, an RNF126 mutant lacking 11 amino acids that is responsible for th
2 trate that expression of a priming-deficient mutant lacking 17 residues of the domain 3a hinge-loop (
3 chromatic regions, lose DNA methylation in a mutant lacking 22- to 24-nt sRNAs (dicer-like 2, 3, 4 tr
4                                         NleE mutants lacking (49)GITR(52) were unable to methylate TA
5 ough this result also occurred in a BPV-1 E2 mutant lacking a previously identified phosphorylation s
6                                 A DeltapstA1 mutant lacking a Pst phosphate uptake system component i
7  grow in co-culture with a G. sulfurreducens mutant lacking a trans-outer membrane porin-cytochrome p
8                               In Arabidopsis mutants lacking a functional AtRbohD, the flg22-induced
9                                       Fungal mutants lacking a functional Fusarium (F)-RALF peptide f
10 own here to be impaired by as much as 35% in mutants lacking ABCB19, an ATP-binding cassette membrane
11                                      An S6K1 mutant lacking acetylation sites in its CTR shows enhanc
12                          A B. bronchiseptica mutant lacking ACT produced more biofilm than the parent
13    In cv Pinot Noir, a red-berried grapevine mutant lacking acylated anthocyanins, Vv3AT contains a n
14 he present studies showed that the S. aureus mutant lacking adenosine production (adsA strain) increa
15                                              Mutants lacking AHR1 were defective in growth, alkaliniz
16 Cryptococcus HXS1 rendered the S. cerevisiae mutant lacking all 20 hexose transporters a high glucose
17 a phenotype similar to the one observed in a mutant lacking all 6 mce operons suggesting a pleiotropi
18                                       An APP mutant lacking all C-terminal lysines underwent the most
19 a1Deltalro1Deltaare1Deltaare2Delta quadruple mutant lacking all four triacylglycerol- and steryl este
20                           By expression in a mutant lacking all LHCSR isoforms, residues Asp(117), Gl
21     Here, we report on the construction of a mutant lacking all monomeric LHC proteins but retaining
22 on and complementation of a L. monocytogenes mutant lacking all PrfA-regulated genes with PrfA* indic
23  a truncated, constitutively active PKC-zeta mutant lacking all regulatory domain elements and contai
24 cking either one of the TCS components and a mutant lacking all three genes behaved like the wild-typ
25                     A Pseudomonas aeruginosa mutant lacking all three known iron acquisition systems
26                                     Knockout mutants lacking all EBs are viable and fertile and displ
27        In this study, we generated zebrafish mutants lacking all four zebrafish Mesp genes by using T
28 urface expression was rapidly lost, even for mutants lacking all known endocytosis motifs.
29                           An alphaS deletion mutant lacking amino-acid residues 71-82 binds to membra
30                  Complementation analysis of mutants lacking aminotransferases showed that the SDAP-A
31                                            A mutant lacking an ATP-binding cassette transporter exhib
32                 Among 13 mutants screened, a mutant lacking an extracellular polysaccharide (EPS) loc
33 umbia-0, but is able to do so effectively in mutants lacking at least two of the four Arabidopsis DCL
34 e of rescuing hypomyelination in a zebrafish mutant lacking BACE1.
35              We generated a series of double mutants lacking BAM5 and each of the active plastidic en
36                                     A Flower mutant lacking binding sites for the endocytic adaptor A
37 stored by expression of GAB2 but not by GAB2 mutants lacking binding sites for its effectors phosphat
38  both catalases, as the survival of a double mutant lacking both CatB and CatP was lower than that of
39 ir spaces; reduced methylesterification in a mutant lacking both CGR-genes 2 and 3 (cgr2/3) resulted
40            In this study, we use a S. aureus mutant lacking both coagulases (Deltacoa/vwb) and dabiga
41                                     A double mutant lacking both EsxA and EsxB also induced increased
42      Most importantly, we demonstrate that a mutant lacking both of these proton pumps is conditional
43  SpoIIQ shows diffuse localization only in a mutant lacking both pathways.
44  PlcA, PlcB, or ActA grew normally, a double mutant lacking both PlcA and ActA failed to grow in wild
45 ion from the ava4025-vnfDGKEN promoter and a mutant lacking both VnfR1 and VnfR2 made the V-nitrogena
46 itivity is accentuated in a ytpB menA double mutant, lacking both known C35 -PP consuming enzymes, an
47                             Remarkably, PLS3 mutants lacking both actin-binding domains were still ab
48                                          HSV mutants lacking both gE and US9 fail to properly assembl
49           We previously described HSV double mutants lacking both gE and US9 that failed to transport
50       We therefore created conditional mouse mutants lacking both GSK-3alpha and GSK-3beta in newly b
51 ms to be involved, since dpe2-1/phs1a double mutants lacking both PHS1 and the cytosolic DISPROPORTIO
52 t-synaptic currents are eliminated in double mutants lacking both scaffolds.
53 with either wild-type (WT) MV or an isogenic mutant lacking C protein expression (C(ko)) comparably i
54 ession of CYP716A75 in a Medicago truncatula mutant lacking C-28 oxidase activity partially complemen
55             We then constructed two deletion mutants lacking C-terminal regions and mutants with poin
56                                              Mutants lacking calcineurin, or its client CrzA, display
57 omal H2O2 production in Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking CATALASE2 (CAT2) activity (cat2-2).
58                                    Moreover, mutants lacking cereose germinated faster than the wild
59 ntact mice and changes in gait expression in mutants lacking certain types of commissural interneuron
60                  A Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant lacking CGL71, a thylakoid membrane protein previ
61                          An Arabidopsis ddcc mutant lacking CHH and CHG methylation does not affect s
62  creating Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking combinations of starch synthases (SSs) S
63 st investigated whether adjustment occurs in mutants lacking components of the circadian clock or clo
64 e discovered that Corynebacterium glutamicum mutants lacking components of the pupylation machinery s
65 e data from beta2(KO) and beta2(TG) mutants, mutants lacking connexin isoforms, and also the age-depe
66  type yeast and of mss51, pet111, and pet494 mutants lacking Cox1p, Cox2p, and Cox3p, respectively.
67 n of aberrant supercomplexes in CcO assembly mutants lacking Cox2 or Cox4 subunits.
68         Expression of p120 catenin-truncated mutant lacking CRAD also delayed the recovery process af
69 istinct phototransduction systems, we tested mutants lacking CRY and mutants with disrupted opsin-bas
70 ponses to blue light significantly differ in mutants lacking CRY, as well as mutants with disrupted o
71                   However, we find that FtsN mutants lacking cysteines give rise to filamentous growt
72 nse to impaired respiration was blocked in a mutant lacking cytochromes caa3 and bc and markedly redu
73 o independent cerk1 null mutants; a deletion mutant lacking D14L, and with D14L complemented as well
74 l B-cell development, whereas an Hdac3 point mutant lacking deacetylase activity failed to complement
75                    By systematically imaging mutants lacking defined T4PM proteins or with individual
76 Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) xxt1 xxt2 mutants lacking detectable xyloglucan are viable, they d
77                      Interestingly, an MHV68 mutant lacking deubiquitinase (DUB) activity, embedded w
78                                 Furthermore, mutants lacking Dicer in gonadotropes displayed severely
79                                     Six CHFI mutants lacking different N- and C-terminal portions wer
80                             Here we examined mutants lacking each of the major neurotransmitters in C
81 bound by protein VII during infection with a mutant lacking early region E4.
82 g in Chlamydomonas in 1995, the isolation of mutants lacking easily ascertained newly acquired phenot
83                        Ribosome profiling of mutants lacking eIF4B or with impaired eIF4A or Ded1 act
84                      Cre and Flp recombinase mutants lacking either arginine can be rescued by compen
85                           Isogenic H. pylori mutants lacking either GGT or VacA are incapable of prev
86   Purified enzymes inhibit fungal growth and mutants lacking either GH18 grow normally on cellulose a
87                           Moreover, Top3beta mutants lacking either its RNA-binding domain or catalyt
88                               Interestingly, mutants lacking either one of the TCS components and a m
89                  Targeted P. patens knockout mutants lacking either PpSMF1 or PpSCRM1 develop gametop
90                                 In addition, mutants lacking either SPN or SLO are significantly atte
91 s required the full-length Peg3 as truncated mutants lacking either the N-terminal SCAN domain or the
92                                              Mutants lacking either the SPR or its central ligand, my
93                            Y. enterocolitica mutants lacking either the Ysa or Ysc T3SS were partiall
94                                              Mutants lacking elements of the stringent response - (p)
95 ression restores cholesterol export to yeast mutants lacking endogenous Pry1 and Pry2.
96 either BLOC-1 or Msb3, but it also occurs in mutants lacking endosome-vacuole fusion machinery such a
97 lost when Kir3.1 subunits were replaced by a mutant lacking essential sites for Gbetagamma-mediated a
98 r overexpressing ESV1 or LESV, and of double mutants lacking ESV1 and another protein necessary for s
99 we determined resection at IR-DSBs in WT and mutants lacking exonuclease1 or Sgs1 helicase.
100  countermeasures and that vaccination with a mutant lacking expression of the protein provides a plat
101               By using isogenic A. baumannii mutants lacking expression of virulence effector protein
102 hese results, together with our finding that mutants lacking fraD or the fra island are not attenuate
103                    Plants of T-DNA insertion mutants, lacking FUM2, show marked differences in their
104  abolished by inhibiting DGK and in the rdgA mutant, lacking functional DGK, implicating DGK.
105                                              Mutants lacking functional Enok exhibited defects in the
106                        Analysis of zebrafish mutants lacking functional Pten revealed that HSPCs colo
107              Inhibition of PI3K signaling in mutants lacking functional Pten suppressed hyperprolifer
108                                   Finally, a mutant lacking Fur and the Isc pathway increased suf exp
109                                          The mutant lacking galactofuranose exhibited a decreased gro
110     The hypersusceptibility of gshA and gshB mutants lacking gamma-glutamylcysteine and glutathione s
111                               Furthermore, a mutant lacking genes encoding both the beta-glucosidase
112      Here we show that, unexpectedly, an Mtb mutant lacking GLPX grows on gluconeogenic carbon source
113                  Overexpression of GspA in a mutant lacking gspA and srtA was lethal; conversely, cel
114 re rescued by wild-type FBH1, but not a FBH1 mutant lacking helicase activity.
115                         JMJD1A (wild type or mutant lacking histone demethylase activity) bound to HU
116                Isogenic NTHI strain 86-028NP mutants lacking hktE and pdgX had increased susceptibili
117 nt strain efficiently outcompeted the double mutant lacking HMW1 and HMW2.
118 ts confirmed that Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 mutants lacking hydrocarbons exhibit reduced thylakoid m
119    This prompted the construction of an MCMV mutant lacking ie611 but retaining the coding capacity f
120 scripts prompted the construction of an MCMV mutant lacking ie611 but retaining the coding capacity f
121 rp1 interactions, such that recombinant Drp1 mutants lacking insert B form a stable complex with Mff.
122        ISA1 homomultimer activity existed in mutants lacking ISA2.
123 induced liver fibrosis, we used a PPAR-alpha mutant lacking its DNA-binding-dependent activity on fat
124 nts rescued the replication defect of an HSV mutant lacking its NLS motif.
125  under conditions of oxidative stress and in mutants lacking key antioxidants.
126 hromes caa3 and bc and markedly reduced in a mutant lacking kinase KinB.
127        These results did not occur with 130b mutants lacking lbtU or lbtC, indicating that both endog
128                                              Mutants lacking LdhA and LdhD showed greatly reduced sur
129         The severest phenotype-observed in a mutant lacking Lhca4 (DeltaLhca4)-displayed a 69% reduct
130                                    S. aureus mutants lacking LTA are enlarged and show aberrant posit
131                         We further show that mutants lacking lysosome-related organelles are defectiv
132                                         MCMV mutants lacking M45 or expressing C-terminally truncated
133                                     A CC9605 mutant lacking mccA1, mccA2, and the N-terminal domain o
134 ect can be mimicked with "melanin ghosts"; a mutant lacking melanin showed reduced platelet stimulati
135 nomenon was also observed in a Dictyostelium mutant lacking MidA (C2orf56/PRO1853/Ndufaf7), another C
136 h was mitigated upon co-expression of an Eos mutant lacking miR-17 target sites.
137 e flux, we generated conditional Cox10 mouse mutants lacking mitochondrial respiration in astrocytes,
138                            As such, the mkp1 mutant lacking MKP1 displays enhanced PAMP responses and
139                                              Mutants lacking MltG were also shown to have longer glyc
140                                     A triple mutant lacking MYC2, MYC3, and MYC4, three basic helix-l
141                Infection of cells with a BTV mutant lacking NS4 results in increased synthesis of IFN
142 ramatic phenotype of the ntrc-trxf1f2 triple mutant, lacking NTRC and f-type Trxs, was also suppresse
143                                  Arabidopsis mutants lacking NTRC (ntrc) displayed a striking photosy
144                 Furthermore, we found that a mutant lacking Nup107, a key NPC-specific component, phe
145                   We investigated a deletion mutant lacking only this alpha-helix in stable cell line
146 and two affect virulence in vivo; and (iv) a mutant lacking ORF25 is highly attenuated but induces mo
147 ce of male mice for females is eliminated in mutants lacking oxytocin, a neuropeptide modulating soci
148                                              Mutants lacking p38 MAPK components pmk-1 or sek-1 resem
149 e overexpression of full-length IL1RAPL1 and mutants lacking part of C-terminal domains leads to simp
150 is effect is abolished when we overexpressed mutants lacking part of N-terminal domains, indicating t
151 tructs encoding PMCA4a, PMCA4b, and a PMCA4b mutant lacking PDZ binding rescued this phenotype of P4K
152 fluctuations are significantly diminished in mutants lacking peroxisome fission factors, leading us t
153 onuclear cells, while its isogenic nonmotile mutant lacking PF resulted in significantly diminished c
154                                     An RPA32 mutant lacking phosphorylation sites fails to recruit PR
155                          A mitofusin (Mfn) 2 mutant lacking PINK1 phosphorylation sites necessary for
156                                              Mutants lacking plastid-encoded RNA polymerase-associate
157 ession and cell death were observed in clock mutants lacking proper CCA1 and LHY function.
158 nctional complementation of L. monocytogenes mutants lacking prsA2.
159  In comparison with the wild type, growth of mutants lacking Psb28-1 and Psb27, but not Psb28-2, was
160               Phenotypic characterization of mutants lacking PSB33 revealed reduced amounts of PSII-L
161                                 An S. aureus mutant lacking PSM expression exhibits a transcriptional
162 s Rad51 from undamaged sites on chromosomes; mutants lacking Rad54 accumulate nonrepair-associated co
163 ga and its role in assembly of RNAP, E. coli mutants lacking rpoZ (codes for omega) are viable due to
164                                           In mutants lacking Schwann cells, regenerating growth cones
165  trajectories, similar to what we observe in mutants lacking Schwann cells.
166                        During IFS formation, mutants lacking SEP4 could produce reactive oxygen speci
167 histone H3 and RNA polymerase II (Pol II) in mutants lacking single or multiple cofactors to address
168 cued by adding back wild-type Nap1 but not a mutant lacking sites subject to posttranslational modifi
169 ore, A549 human lung cells infected with GAS mutants lacking SP-PTP displayed increased Ser-/Thr-/Tyr
170                   Phenotypic analysis of GAS mutants lacking SP-PTP revealed that the phosphatase act
171                                              Mutants lacking SPCH do not produce stomata or lineages.
172 ft-right synchronous hopping-like pattern in mutants lacking specific neuron classes, and speed-depen
173 mice and the changes in coordination seen in mutants lacking specific neuron classes.
174                       We found that isogenic mutants lacking SPN, SLO, and both toxins are equally im
175 mposition of cardiolipin is modified like in mutants lacking tafazzin.
176                                              Mutants lacking TAG or impaired of TAG hydrolysis show s
177                We show that pox-neuro (poxn) mutants lacking taste function in the legs and labial pa
178 he progressive neurological deficits seen in mutants lacking TBs; and 2) the insertional mutation in
179 t, an ORF2 nuclear localization mutant, or a mutant lacking the 5 protein kinase A or C phosphorylati
180 rnica multiple nucleopolyhedrovirus (AcMNPV) mutant lacking the antiapoptotic gene p35 (vAc(P35)) and
181 to the level of GAA knock-out mice, as did a mutant lacking the Atg8 family interacting motif (AIM) a
182 icked by the expression of a truncated OPHN1 mutant lacking the BAR domain, demonstrating that the BA
183                                       An Arg mutant lacking the C-terminal calponin homology actin-bi
184                                            A mutant lacking the C-terminal half of Hof1 displays miso
185 found that the deletion mutants and a double mutant lacking the C94-C111 and C95-C112 disulfide bonds
186 ITF1 expression and that the JA biosynthetic mutant lacking the CITF1- and SPL7-regulated genes, LOX3
187 ion with AtCBC: many changes observed in the mutant lacking the correct SERRATE activity were common
188 ely impaired when complementing with a TgADF mutant lacking the corresponding residue (Lys-68).
189     Expression of the p120-catenin truncated mutant lacking the CRAD in endothelial cells attenuated
190 on, as DCs expressing a high-mobility ICAM-1 mutant lacking the cytoplasmic domain exhibit diminished
191  in prt6, an Arabidopsis thaliana N-end rule mutant lacking the E3 ligase PROTEOLYSIS6 (PRT6).
192 ation, the full-length receptor (CD21=CR), a mutant lacking the entire cytoplasmic tail (CT), and a c
193                                     An LRIG1 mutant lacking the ErbB3 interaction motif was insuffici
194       We used this model to analyze a MHV-68 mutant lacking the expression of all miRNAs.
195 the role of GlcNAc metabolism using a triple mutant lacking the genes required to metabolize exogenou
196                               An Arabidopsis mutant lacking the glucosyl-transferase, STARCH SYNTHASE
197     Furthermore, overexpression of Mag1 in a mutant lacking the H2A and H3 N-tails rescues base excis
198 relevant structures, because an A. fumigatus mutant lacking the hydrophobin protein induced stronger
199                           In a dap160 rescue mutant lacking the interaction between Dap160 and synaps
200  TIS11d, the E220A mutant and the truncation mutant lacking the last two residues (D219/E220) were st
201                                            A mutant lacking the manganese-dependent superoxide dismut
202 tures of the cleaved form and of an inactive mutant lacking the membrane-spanning region.
203                             An M. genitalium mutant lacking the MG491 segment corresponding to the pe
204  The production of small amounts of T4P by a mutant lacking the minor pilin operon was traced to expr
205        Loss of SNPH or expression of an SNPH mutant lacking the mitochondrial localization sequence r
206                                        KIF17 mutant lacking the motor domain translocated to nuclei a
207 that of the t-LM produced by a C. glutamicum mutant lacking the mptA gene, encoding a membrane alpha1
208 e, we address this issue by studying a HSV-1 mutant lacking the mucin-like domain in gC and the corre
209                                 A truncation mutant lacking the N terminus (DeltaN) was found to alte
210         Our complementation studies, using a mutant lacking the nitrate/proton symporter NasA from th
211 ith the N terminus of TAP, whereas an HDAg-L mutant lacking the NLS failed to interact with full-leng
212                 Unexpectedly, a gp210/Nup210 mutant lacking the NPC-targeting transmembrane and C-ter
213 ve-attenuated herpes simplex virus 1 (HSV-1) mutant lacking the nuclear localization signal (NLS) on
214                                            A mutant lacking the oligomerization domain (53BP1(oligo))
215 le than that of Src, an effect lost in a Fyn mutant lacking the palmitoylation sites.
216                           An R. solanacearum mutant lacking the pathogen's two extracellular nuclease
217 Notch2(DeltaPEST) allele expressing a Notch2 mutant lacking the PEST domain.
218 the sensors expressed in the wild type and a mutant lacking the PHOSPHATE TRANSPORT4;2 plastidic Pi t
219            In previous studies, an M. sedula mutant lacking the primary copper efflux transporter, Co
220                                    An E.coli mutant lacking the PROSC homolog (DeltaYggS) is pyridoxi
221 he M. mycoides subsp. capri wild type with a mutant lacking the proteolytic phenotype.
222                       Infection with an HCMV mutant lacking the pTRS1 PKR binding domain resulted in
223                                       A MCMV mutant lacking the PVR inhibitor was attenuated in norma
224 ression was only detectable in a Tolypothrix mutant lacking the RcaE photoreceptor required for compl
225            Here, we show that an Arabidopsis mutant lacking the receptor-like kinase FERONIA (FER) sh
226                                      In this mutant lacking the Snf1-mediated positive feedback loop,
227 rion formation is particularly elevated in a mutant lacking the Sod1 Cu,Zn-superoxide dismutase.
228  the resistant line with the pmr4 disruption mutant lacking the stress-induced callose synthase PMR4
229                                     An ATRIP mutant lacking the SUMOylation sites fails to localize t
230  is inhibited in a Chlamydomonas reinhardtii mutant lacking the transcription factor Pi Starvation Re
231 both early and late in cells infected with a mutant lacking the UL13 protein kinase, (iv) ICP0 encode
232 nt increase in cAMP, which still occurred in mutants lacking the adenylate cyclases ACG or ACR, or th
233                                Notably, PAO1 mutants lacking the alkB2 gene fail to form an elastic l
234 udies of the native translocation domain and mutants lacking the beta-hairpin and/or the alpha-helix.
235                                      Monarch mutants lacking the BMAL1 C terminus including the TAD e
236                     Hypersensitivity of taf1 mutants lacking the C-terminal bromodomain to X-rays and
237                                        SAP11 mutants lacking the C-terminal domain were impaired in b
238  found to promote cry photoreduction even in mutants lacking the classic Trp triad electron transfer
239  absence of added phage or plasmid and since mutants lacking the CRISPR array or any one of the other
240 uide regenerating axons in vivo, we examined mutants lacking the deleted in colorectal carcinoma (DCC
241                                        SAP11 mutants lacking the entire N-terminal domain, including
242 HSV-1 but is degraded in cells infected with mutants lacking the genes encoding functional infected c
243                                              Mutants lacking the GLFG domain of Nup116 displayed decr
244 fective in cellulose synthesis and xxt1 xxt2 mutants lacking the hemicellulose xyloglucan, stomatal a
245 NA repeat with Reb1-binding sites, and using mutants lacking the histone H3K9 methyltransferase Clr4,
246                       No strong phenotype of mutants lacking the hydrogenase has been found.
247  by CH25H can inhibit HCV replication, CH25H mutants lacking the hydroxylase activity still carry the
248  p38 MAPK components pmk-1 or sek-1 resemble mutants lacking the hypoxia response component and proly
249                                        Yeast mutants lacking the intracellular V-ATPase proton pump (
250                         LI spheroplasts from mutants lacking the Lpp lipoprotein or PBP6 produced sph
251                                However, MinE mutants lacking the MinE membrane-targeting sequence sti
252  inversely correlated to levels of miR398 in mutants lacking the miRNA, or transgenic plants overexpr
253                                              Mutants lacking the Mld proteins are severely attenuated
254                                   Truncation mutants lacking the motor region failed to localize to f
255 partially restored target gene regulation to mutants lacking the native p53RE.
256 athogen Candida albicans, deep sequencing of mutants lacking the orthologous protein, Zfs1, revealed
257 te residues, deletion of lpxE or eptA led to mutants lacking the P-Etn group, with consequently incre
258  vivo biofilm infections, we tested isogenic mutants lacking the pel, psl, and alg operons and showed
259     Using Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) mutants lacking the peroxisomal CATALASE2 (cat2-2) that
260                          We found that yeast mutants lacking the phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate [PI
261 C was dependent on activation state, and (b) mutants lacking the phosphoregulatory domain could still
262        Disruption of degradosome assembly in mutants lacking the polynucleotide phosphorylase (PNPase
263                                        While mutants lacking the PrfA-dependent virulence factor PlcA
264 med lineage tracing experiments and analyzed mutants lacking the Prox1 transcription factor, a master
265 but they are not observed in sma-2 and sma-3 mutants lacking the R-Smads functioning downstream of th
266 s LMW PBPs is critical for bacterial growth; mutants lacking the related protein DacA-2 and/or homolo
267 r mutants, or their inability to bind EEs in mutants lacking the RNA-binding protein Rrm4, reduced ri
268 rvations had been made previously with maize mutants lacking the Rubisco biogenesis proteins RAF1 and
269                         Arabidopsis thaliana mutants lacking the SS4 isoform of starch synthase have
270                Hence, we could select double mutants lacking the T-DNA already in the first offspring
271                                 In contrast, mutants lacking the TAD alpha-helix but retaining the mo
272                                          PSI mutants lacking the U1 snRNP-interacting domain (PSIDelt
273                             Pathological Tau mutants lacking the vesicle binding domain still localiz
274  produced single-cell colonies of C. merolae mutants, lacking the PsbQ' subunit in its PSII complex b
275                                      A BubR1 mutant lacking these motifs is defective in MCC maintena
276                                  We assessed mutants lacking these glycans for expression and functio
277 l, psl, and alg operons and showed that PA14 mutants lacking these operons can successfully form biof
278                         In Escherichia coli, mutants lacking these proteins often have no phenotype,
279 exogenous acids/bases rescue the reaction in mutants lacking these residues, can estimate these catal
280 cell entry between wild-type HCV and a viral mutant lacking this domain.
281 o wild-type Synechocystis PSII and a D1-D61A mutant lacking this hydrogen-bonding interaction demonst
282                                  A kinesin-5 mutant lacking this N terminus is enzymatically active,
283 gests these polysaccharides extracellularly, mutants lacking this ability are outcompeted.
284 ssible basis for the phenotypes of H. pylori mutants lacking this enzyme.
285 otably, experiments against Candida albicans mutants lacking those genes showed resistance to the com
286  almEFG and the polymyxin B MIC increased in mutants lacking toxRS or leuO Conversely, leuO overexpre
287              Ectopic expression of Oct4 or a mutant lacking transcriptional activity recapitulated de
288 ses included wild type C. elegans but also a mutant lacking two HS sulfotransferases (hst-6 hst-2), a
289                                              Mutants lacking UL128-131 replicate well on fibroblasts
290 and to function in virion envelopment, since mutants lacking UL37 accumulate capsids in the cytoplasm
291        Blue cone synaptogenesis increases in mutants lacking ultraviolet cones, and when transmitter
292                                In C. elegans mutants lacking unc-75 or its targets, regenerating axon
293                                     Deletion mutants lacking up to five of the six pilin genes displa
294                                              Mutants lacking V-ATPase activity are avirulent and fail
295 ssion observed in vivo in intact mice and in mutants lacking V0V or all V0 CINs.
296 for IFIT1 restriction of a human coronavirus mutant lacking viral N1 methylation.
297 ab49DeltafbaA was compared to other isogenic mutants lacking virulence genes known to be disproportio
298                Unlike wild-type V. cholerae, mutants lacking wigR fail to recover following exposure
299 idate genes were expressed in an Arabidopsis mutant lacking XyG galactosylation, and two of them resu
300  contributor to carotenoid composition, with mutants lacking ZEP activity showing a remarkable 6-fold

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