


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 hibitor of protein tyrosine phosphatases, is muted.
2 aspase-7, and CHOP/GADD153 was significantly muted.
3 intestinal epithelial cells (IEC) seem to be muted.
4 ting that a soluble factor is permissive for muting.
5 n-dependent and G(i/o)-dependent presynaptic muting.
6 dependent of astrocytes' role in presynaptic muting.
7 lved under the pressure of the microbiota to mute a response to commensal bacteria while maintaining
8 ization via [(TMS2NLi)2(R3N)(ketone)]++ with muted accelerations.
9 ersus trustworthy faces, older adults showed muted activation of the anterior insula to untrustworthy
10  most of the last 4,500 yr, their occasional muting adds further to the overall climatic complexity o
11 on with HSP70-PC derived from tumor cells is muted against such nonmutated tumor Ag.
12    The endowment effect has been found to be muted among experienced traders, but little is known abo
13                              Together, SPCH, MUTE and FAMA bHLH proteins control stomatal development
14 ic helix-loop-helix proteins PpSMF1 (SPEECH, MUTE and FAMA-like) and PpSCREAM1 (SCRM1) in the moss Ph
15 a rapidly progressive course and have become mute and non-ambulatory, and three have died after mean
16                           Orthologs of FAMA, MUTE and SPCH are present in other flowering plants.
17 paralogous bHLH transcription factors, FAMA, MUTE and SPCH, control discrete sequential stages in sto
18  stomatal morphologies, whereas the roles of MUTE and two SPCH paralogs are somewhat divergent.
19 tory NTS neurons, we show that they are both mute and unable to produce the expiratory drive required
20 ganelles and includes the proteins pallidin, muted and cappuccino, which are associated with HPS in m
21 imals indicating that the immune response is muted and not yet skewed to a Th2 type response that is
22 els were reduced in fibroblasts derived from muted and reduced pigmentation mice, suggesting that the
23 elix-loop-helix proteins, SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, and FAMA, mediate sequential steps of cell-state t
24 elix-loop-helix proteins: SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, and FAMA.
25  and specify the sequential actions of SPCH, MUTE, and FAMA.
26 or gain-of-function mutations in SPEECHLESS, MUTE, and SCREAM create seedlings with an epidermis over
27 omata formation regulators SPEECHLESS(SPCH), MUTE, and SCREAM/SCREAM2 and downstream or independent o
28  SCRM2 recapitulated the phenotypes of fama, mute, and spch, indicating that SCRM and SCRM2 together
29 elieved to be anhedonic, hunger and pain are muted, and body-image distortion obscures wasting, which
30 enesis, the most severely affected is sandy, muted, and buff followed by subtle gray.
31 rom apoptosis, the inflammatory response was muted, and highly functional muscle tissue was formed.
32 tatic adenocarcinomas, cyclin D1 effectively muted androgen-stimulated target gene expression in a ma
33  a recombinant adenovirus vector exhibited a muted anti-adenovirus immune response.
34 report that these two proteins, pallidin and muted, are components of a novel protein complex.
35          The electrode was electrochemically mute at pH > 5.5, and it was activated for the bioelectr
36 astrocytes in the development of presynaptic muting at glutamatergic synapses in rat hippocampal neur
37 s, and malfunction of inflammatory mediators mutes atheroma formation in mice.
38                                              Muted autocatalysis is traced to a lithium enolate-media
39 polygyrus infection localized to the gut can mute BCG-specific CD4(+) T cell priming in both the sple
40 curs in deafened birds when they sing and in muted birds when they produce silent song.
41 ene dosage effects in the mouse null alleles muted (Bloc1s5(mu/mu)) and dysbindin (Bloc1s8(sdy/sdy)).
42 ion in this region of northwest Australia is muted, but ENSO-driven changes to the monsoon may have c
43         Results from the trial apply, albeit muted by 12%, to the target population, under the assump
44                 However, enthusiasm has been muted by lack of direct evidence that Myc inhibition wou
45 l, the impact of consistent primary care was muted by the many patients in the ACO having shorter dur
46  the coiled-coil-forming proteins, Pallidin, Muted, Cappuccino, and Dysbindin.
47 -1), consisting of 4 HPS proteins (pallidin, muted, cappuccino, HPS7/sandy); BLOC-2, consisting of HP
48  inhibition of AP-1 and SP-1 in TNF receptor muted cells.
49  anterior and posterior segment changes were muted compared to the changes observed in eyes infected
50                     Substituent effects were muted compared to those in the corresponding bulk and mi
51 s infection, but these levels were generally muted compared with a triple-reassortant swine virus and
52 h species, but the effects in the human were muted compared with those in the rat.
53 , it represents them as worthless and small, muting compassion, guilt, and shame and potentiating ang
54 nodepletion experiments using an antibody to muted confirmed that this protein is a subunit of BLOC-1
55 S initiates entry into the stomatal lineage; MUTE controls asymmetric divisions of stomatal precursor
56      However, many organisms experience only muted daily environmental cycles due to their lightless
57  ubiquitous isoform of AP-3 (Ap3b1(-/-)) and muted, defective in the biogenesis of lysosome-related o
58 analyses could be substantially amplified or muted, depending on the values ascribed to cropland-adja
59               Constitutive overexpression of MUTE directs the entire epidermis to adopt guard cell id
60 ely attenuated DNA damage response (DDR) and muted DNA repair.
61 e to climate change, and floods increasingly muted due to regulation, fish assemblages in desert rive
62  record, and paleontology has been virtually mute during two decades of discussion about molecular cl
63                                  Videos were muted except for a beep or nonsense word inserted where
64 LH) transcription factors SPEECHLESS (SPCH), MUTE, FAMA, and ICE/SCREAMs (SCRMs), which promote stoma
65 an seed development and mRNAs orthologous to MUTE, FAMA, and inducer of C-repeat/dehydration responsi
66 rasses have revealed that divergence of SPCH-MUTE-FAMA predates the evolutionary split of monocots an
67 ion was not noticeably affected in pallid or muted fibroblasts.
68                        Here we show that the muted flowering response of Bla-6 is due to high levels
69 e with the right cell phone activated (sound muted) for 50 minutes ("on" condition) and once with bot
70 ively fewer infiltrating leukocytes and more muted functional phenotypes similar to that of NT.
71   Apposition of a PNG with immunosuppression muted gene expression overall.
72 t vip2 is probably due to the combination of muted gene expression response upon Agrobacterium infect
73                    Such YD cooling implies a muted Greenland climate response to atmospheric CO(2), c
74 ma to become more compressible, resulting in muted ground displacements.
75 d body parts in adult mammals results from a muted growth response and fibrotic scarring.
76                                              MUTE has two paralogues: FAMA, a regulator of guard cell
77 ith residual lobular secretary ability and a muted host inflammatory reaction with fewer lumenal micr
78  and cranial development (e.g. PVRL3, TSHZ1, MUTED, HOXB3, HOXD3).
79 lthough this change has been attributed to a muted hydrological cycle forced by global warming, the e
80                                Mechanisms to mute hyperactivated brain regions and delink dysregulate
81  with the least virulent strain triggering a muted IFN response.
82                          We demonstrate that muted IL-1beta and IL-18 responses generated in macropha
83                       This suggests that the muted immune response triggered during vDeltaK1L infecti
84 ed by expression of WT-CFTR and dramatically muted in cells with DeltaF508-CFTR.
85 me, although the effect of circadian time is muted in comparison to that of period.
86    In contrast, these responses are strongly muted in neurons from mice with CALHM1 genetically delet
87 rall CpG-induced transcriptional response is muted in NOD cDCs.
88  the magnitude of the apoptotic response was muted in Tao cells, as assessed by morphology, annexin V
89 lone signal (PQS) systems, was significantly muted in the absence of PA5174.
90 t during aversive pictures was significantly muted in the Parkinson's disease patients.
91          These data suggest that presynaptic muting in hippocampal neurons uses a G-protein-dependent
92 xpectation from earlier work, there are only muted increases in the cross-sections for antihydrogen f
93 tivation identifies a mechanistic target for muting inflammation in the ischemically damaged heart.
94 cinia virus construct reported that caused a muted innate immune gene expression profile and decrease
95 ver, leptin does not play a specific role in muting insulin action on hepatoma cells and therefore ma
96   We also show that the C-terminal domain of Mute interacts with a short region at the end of the Dro
97 transient metastable state of Ge2Sb2Te5 with muted interatomic interaction induced by a weakening of
98 aliana basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) protein MUTE is a key switch for meristemoid fate transition.
99 bindin, which along with its binding partner Muted is an essential component of the biogenesis of lys
100 dysfunction may provide a mechanism by which muting is disrupted during astrocyte deficiency.
101 ote the thiol oxidase activity of ceCblC but mute it in wild-type human CblC.
102 preformed n-Bu2BOTf.Et3N complex, displaying muted Lewis acidity and affiliated tractable rates, reve
103                            In the absence of MUTE, meristemoids abort after excessive asymmetric divi
104 Later paintings, achieved when AA was nearly mute, moved towards increasing photographic realism, per
105                                          The muted (mu) mouse is a model for Hermansky-Pudlak Syndrom
106 encoded at 2 mouse HPS loci, pallid (pa) and muted (mu), and at least 3 other unidentified proteins.
107 function alleles of BLOC-1, Pldn(pa/pa), and Muted(mu/mu) revealed that this complex acts as a brain-
108 genes, which are defective in the pallid and muted mutant mouse strains, encode small, coiled-coil-fo
109 cited by surgery itself appears to provoke a muted neuroinflammatory response, which enhances ongoing
110                Surprisingly, we discovered a muted NRF2 activation response in human HD neural stem c
111                                  Presynaptic muting of hippocampal glutamatergic terminals defends ag
112 atory effects were mediated by the selective muting of inhibitory cholecystokinin-positive basket cel
113            We suggest that, before 2.3 Ga, a muted oxidative supply of weathering-derived copper enri
114 griculture there is likely to continue on a "muted" path of growth.
115 with different intensity or frequency from a mute person can be detected and converted into controlla
116                        COX-2 deficiency also muted postoperative disruption in pacemaker activity.
117 Stage (MIS) 11 and seem to correspond to the muted precessional cycles within this interglacial.
118                  This report illustrates the muted presentation and atypical microbiology of gynecolo
119                 Downregulation of MIR by RNA muting prevented the reorganization of actin structures
120 protein (YARP) and its Drosophila homologue, Mute, previously shown to localize to HLBs in Drosophila
121 otein that coassembles with pallidin and the muted protein in the BLOC-1 complex.
122 utant mice together with localization of the muted protein within vesicles in both the cell body and
123  the underlying sediment sulfides preserve a muted range of delta(34)S values.
124                           The basis for this muted reactivity is unknown but may involve an amygdala-
125                More broadly, the findings of muted reactivity to aversive stimuli may reflect a 'brad
126 C-terminal domain shared by FLASH, YARP, and Mute recognizes the C-terminal sequence of NPAT ortholog
127 mmunity (interferon) were upregulated versus muted, respectively.
128              The historical record reveals a muted response by the scientific community to the propos
129                                         This muted response may contribute to the lower incidence and
130  is essential for release from the C-lobe; a muted response of K569Q to chloride concentration sugges
131 listers, further underscoring the relatively muted response of LC to L3.
132 ations does not support this prediction of a muted response of precipitation to global warming.
133 selected for features imparting a relatively muted response to acyl-chain saturation.
134 ately adjoining the PVH, suggesting that the muted response to Glu may be a consequence of concurrent
135             Thus, smaller individuals showed muted response to predation risk compared to their large
136 s, elevated basal activation, and profoundly muted responses to BCR ligation and, when captured as hy
137 se to the T cell-dependent Ag, sheep RBC, is muted severely in a manner inversely proportional to B c
138                                              MUTED siRNA produced similar effects.
139 nt of the repressor from the translationally mute Smt1-ATP8/ATP6 complex by F1, thereby permitting th
140 ly setting a signaling threshold required to mute Ssy5 activation in the absence of amino acid induct
141 ery, with death 1 month later in an akinetic-mute state.
142 or harmonicity (active listening) or watch a muted subtitled movie of their choice (passive listening
143 nity in an ecosystem subject to gradients in mute swan (Cygnus olor) herbivory, riparian shading, wat
144 at last reproduction (ALR) in a free-ranging mute swan (Cygnus olor) population monitored for 36 year
145 we take advantage of a long-term data set on mute swans (Cygnus olor) to demonstrate that the ages of
146 th ASD with de novo mutations may exhibit a "muted" symptom profile with respect to social communicat
147 erminals are selectively silenced, creating "mute" synapses, after periods of increased neuronal acti
148 with increased circulating bacterial LPS and muted systemic LPS responsiveness.
149 show that a nematode confined to the gut can mute T cell responses to mycobacteria and impair control
150 and/or recognition within granulomas evoke a muted T cell response drawing on only a fraction of the
151 allenge in nonatopic, nonallergic adults was muted T-cell activation in the peripheral blood and infl
152  this rejection response was associated with muted Th1 responses.
153 CID comorbidity with Alzheimer's disease may mute the response to anti-Abeta immunotherapy.
154                         Loss of p53 function muted the cytotoxic effects of DSB-inducing agents in ce
155           Incorporation of physical activity muted the effects of excess caloric intake on insulin le
156 iencing psychosocial instability, frequently muted the offer of ART, at times unintentionally.
157                                   Second, it mutes the influence of stereochemistry at the alpha-carb
158  the Cox-2 protein could serve as a means of muting the cellular inflammatory response during HCV inf
159  the role of the distal histidine residue in muting the reactivity of human neuroglobin toward H2S.
160 thesized that if the downstream effects were muted, the relationship between developed force and tiss
161  post-translational NFkappaB nuclear import, muting TNF receptor, overexpression, and physiological i
162 oters has been investigated given the highly muted transcriptional activity of the Igamma4 promoter.
163  and global-mean dP/dTs, consistent with the muted tropical high cloud shrinkage.
164 B components, FLICE-associated huge protein, Mute, U7 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein, and MPM-2 phos
165            However, A-T cells mounted a more muted ubiquitination response to the stress.
166  renin-angiotensin system is associated with muted vascular oxidative stress.
167 articipants to guess 50 parents' words from (muted) videos of their interactions with their 14- to 18
168                                              Muting was restored with chronic, but not acute, treatme
169 isobutylmethylxanthine and cholera toxin was muted, was less that in HPS-1 melanocytes.
170 tions (through isolation, song tutoring, and muting), we manipulated the postnatal auditory environme
171 onments (e.g., wastewater) is expected to be muted while the EPS layers of wastewater biofilms may pr
172 ily evoked at 28 degrees C; potentiation was muted, while depotentiation (the reversal of the potenti
173             The patient is congenitally deaf-mute, with recurrent syncopal events and a greatly prolo
174  in perceptual closure may contribute to the muted world experience of patients with the persistent n

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