


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 gesting that FliW and RNA interaction is not mutually exclusive.
2 nants, which become gradually restricted and mutually exclusive.
3 tem in which autotrophy and heterotrophy are mutually exclusive.
4 ink repair and/or heteroduplex rejection are mutually exclusive.
5                GNAQ and GNA11 mutations were mutually exclusive.
6 gth and ductility, properties that are often mutually exclusive.
7 esis of myeloma and were often assumed to be mutually exclusive.
8 ein synthesis in bacteria and eukaryotes are mutually exclusive.
9 hese two mechanical properties are generally mutually exclusive.
10 be different aspects and are not necessarily mutually exclusive.
11 ity of solids, two properties that are often mutually exclusive.
12 tection of BRAF or KRAS mutations which were mutually exclusive.
13 in a population of model neurons, may not be mutually exclusive.
14  confirmed that the two cell phenotypes were mutually exclusive.
15 and EIF1AX are later events that are largely mutually exclusive.
16 on of cases (45.9%) and these mutations were mutually exclusive.
17                   The two mechanisms are not mutually exclusive.
18       PRKACA, GNAS and CTNNB1 mutations were mutually exclusive.
19 on Nrxn1alpha and show that their binding is mutually exclusive.
20 ing of these proteins or MLL to LEDGF/p75 is mutually exclusive.
21 ing of Fin and sigma(F) to RNA polymerase is mutually exclusive.
22 ing why the formation of binary complexes is mutually exclusive.
23  within the zymogen, i.e. both complexes are mutually exclusive.
24 infer information about classes that are not mutually exclusive.
25 ly inert, two properties usually regarded as mutually exclusive.
26                       These aberrations were mutually exclusive.
27 ion of the transcription factor ERG, while a mutually exclusive 10% of prostate cancers harbor recurr
28 293925 (R525W, MAF = 0.45), which tend to be mutually exclusive across different human ethnic groups
29 ays that drive cancer development tend to be mutually exclusive across tumors, providing a signal for
30      Rhesus monkeys were trained to make two mutually exclusive actions on a touch-sensitive screen:
31                                              Mutually exclusive activating mutations in the GNAQ and
32             Our findings reveal a pattern of mutually exclusive activation of the BCR-NF-kappaB or NI
33 to groups 3 and 4, resulting in specific and mutually exclusive activation of the growth factor indep
34 Pro might be involved in the coordination of mutually exclusive activities of the viral genome by con
35            BRAF V600E and RAS mutations were mutually exclusive; all ATC cell lines exhibited a combi
36                   Unexpectedly, we found two mutually exclusive altered subpopulations: one with STAT
37 alternative splicing model in which most non-mutually exclusive alternative splicing events are rando
38 isoforms: KHK-A and KHK-C, generated through mutually exclusive alternative splicing of KHK pre-mRNAs
39 et-derived growth factor receptor as well as mutually exclusive amplification of RAC-alpha serine/thr
40        These genetic aberrations are largely mutually exclusive and activate the Ras/mitogen-activate
41      Mutations in BAP1 and PBRM1 are largely mutually exclusive and are associated with different tum
42 hanisms of regular-pattern formation are not mutually exclusive and can coexist and interact at diffe
43   The expression of Th and Cgrpalpha was not mutually exclusive and co-expression could be observed,
44                             Level two has 21 mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive categorie
45 te with SMAD7 for SMURF2 and that binding is mutually exclusive and dependent on a proline-rich domai
46 e synthesis, even though these ideas are not mutually exclusive and may in fact be complementary.
47              Mutations of cohesin genes were mutually exclusive and mostly resulted in predicted loss
48  Campylobacter sequence types (STs) were not mutually exclusive and on average colonized only 17.7% o
49 rm simultaneous analysis of multiple sets of mutually exclusive and subtype-specific alterations.
50 nstrate that DNMT3B and H3K4 methylation are mutually exclusive and that DNMT3B is co-localized with
51 and ZIP-sensitive maintenance mechanisms are mutually exclusive and that the progression from one to
52 m-up and top-down forces are not necessarily mutually exclusive and together can lead to the emergenc
53                    These rearrangements were mutually exclusive and were absent in ALK-positive ALCLs
54 ving and brain-dead donor strategies are not mutually exclusive and, in view of the current scarcity
55 roteins can regulate caspase activity within mutually-exclusive and independently regulated subcellul
56  4E-BP1 and 4EGI-1 to eIF4E is therefore not mutually exclusive, and both ligands contribute to shift
57                       The A- and Q-state are mutually exclusive, and in agreement, ATP and glutamine
58 -binding activities of PRC2 in vitro are not mutually exclusive, and that binding specificity in vivo
59                                              Mutually exclusive anemia categories based on iron bioma
60                           The activities are mutually exclusive, as the closed conformation has GTP b
61                                      We find mutually exclusive associations between EECTGs and somat
62 ripts can co-occur in the same cell they are mutually exclusive at individual loci.
63 me3 marks function independently and are not mutually exclusive at the dehydration stress-responding
64 t identification and differentiation are not mutually exclusive, (b) that a sequence in which identif
65 actor and the expression of these factors is mutually exclusive because of cross-regulation among the
66                  Here, the authors show that mutually exclusive bi-allelic inactivation of HR genes a
67 rtial occupancy of the same site rather than mutually exclusive binding derived by stable binding of
68 hosteric binding site by adopting one of two mutually exclusive binding modes.
69 ly in immature NK cells and operates via the mutually exclusive binding of transcription initiation c
70 he detection of a target small molecule, two mutually exclusive binding reactions (aptamer-target bin
71      Vertebrate separase is held inactive by mutually exclusive binding to securin or Cdk1-cyclin B1
72              HSP70 and membranes compete for mutually exclusive binding to the tetratricopeptide repe
73 ng of MAP2K1 exons 2 and 3 revealed somatic, mutually exclusive BRAF and MAP2K1 mutations in 18 of 40
74 cated two key functions of Cplx that are not mutually exclusive but cannot easily be reconciled, one
75 re we suggest that the two scenarios are not mutually exclusive but rather complementary, and might d
76  epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) are mutually exclusive, but it is not known how K-Ras activa
77 gions, demic and cultural diffusion were not mutually exclusive, but merely the ends of a continuum f
78 anti-amyloidogenic activities of SAP are not mutually exclusive, but reflect two sides of the same co
79      We conclude that the models need not be mutually exclusive, but that protein interactions are ne
80 e brain evolutionary patterns, which are not mutually exclusive, can be informed by the examination o
81             Caprin1/USP10 binding to G3BP is mutually exclusive: Caprin binding promotes, but USP10 b
82 omatin structure through the activity of two mutually exclusive catalytic subunits, SMARCA2 and SMARC
83 matin remodeling through the activity of two mutually exclusive catalytic subunits, SMARCA4 and SMARC
84 iate piggyBac-derived genes, which carry out mutually exclusive categories of excision events mediate
85 in emissions for the 20 year period into six mutually exclusive causal determinants.
86 e annual mortality rates by US county for 21 mutually exclusive causes of death from 1980 through 201
87 onsistent with gH/gL/gO and Pentamer forming mutually exclusive cell entry complexes and reveal the o
88 e, whereby quantum superpositions decay into mutually exclusive classical alternatives, thus robbing
89  of genetic overlap, but these diseases have mutually exclusive clinical phenotypes and opposing immu
90 of CNAs and revealed single, concurrent, and mutually exclusive CNAs that could be the driving events
91 ynactin (as represented by p150(Glued)) form mutually exclusive complexes with dynein, exhibit nonove
92 ies have established that in vivo RGS7 forms mutually exclusive complexes with the membrane protein R
93          Here, we report that BAP1 forms two mutually exclusive complexes with the transcriptional re
94  AEBP2 normally plays a role in defining the mutually exclusive composition of PRC2 subcomplexes.
95  apoB values were divided into tertiles of 4 mutually exclusive concordant/discordant groups, based o
96 hly conserved corA leader mRNA can adopt two mutually exclusive conformations that determine whether
97 NA of the Salmonella corA gene can adopt two mutually exclusive conformations that dictate accessibil
98                                   We defined mutually exclusive consumer profiles as main exposures:
99 and biomarker values were compared between 6 mutually exclusive consumption groups formed on the basi
100             The Par polarity complex creates mutually exclusive cortical domains in diverse animal ce
101 ntibody-based vaccine strategies need not be mutually exclusive, defining the specific characteristic
102 spiratory disease have used inconsistent and mutually exclusive definitions of the term "transpulmona
103 l synthetic-lethal interactions by screening mutually exclusive deletion patterns in cancer genomes.
104  neurons, and each mPFC population exhibited mutually exclusive dependence on MD and hippocampal inpu
105                                    We report mutually exclusive desmoplasia and inflammation in papil
106 gene, thus revealing an AhR agonist-specific mutually exclusive dichotomous transcriptional response.
107 of independent origin, irrespective of their mutually exclusive distribution in animals.
108                     Here we have uncovered a mutually exclusive distribution of EPHB4 receptors in bo
109 activated KV3.1b and KV2.2 were expressed in mutually exclusive domains: KV3.1b was strictly localize
110       Taken together, our findings establish mutually exclusive dual functionality of mPDE upon PknA-
111 ns that give rise to temporally distinct and mutually exclusive effects on fear-related behaviors.
112  our results uncover the complex patterns of mutually exclusive epigenetic modifications deposited at
113  into distinct molecular subtypes, including mutually exclusive ETS-gene-fusion-positive and SPINK1-o
114 or-ligand and ligand-ligand associations are mutually exclusive events.
115  late events; (b) there are two distinct and mutually exclusive evolutionary paths of CLL evolution;
116  favour inclusion of exon K, rather than the mutually exclusive exon L.
117 n of the muscle-specific Troponin T3 (TNNT3) mutually exclusive exons 16 and 17 in OPMD samples compa
118 med CaV1.2e21+22, that contained the pair of mutually exclusive exons 21 and 22.
119 nd immune mechanisms have been thought to be mutually exclusive explanations for pathogenesis.
120  we classified individuals into one of three mutually exclusive exposure categories on the basis of t
121 sion during human infections, which revealed mutually exclusive expression and identified the gene pr
122 for activation is critical for understanding mutually exclusive expression but remains a mystery.
123                           Our data support a mutually exclusive expression of either STAiR2 or the fu
124 report a new targeting strategy based on the mutually exclusive expression of T cell receptor beta-ch
125                        Here we show that the mutually exclusive expression of the mouse genes Hoxa11
126  Lineage fate in the thymus is determined by mutually exclusive expression of the transcription facto
127           We report that cell type-specific, mutually exclusive expression of two alternative splicin
128 y role in regulating var gene activation and mutually exclusive expression.
129       In this study, we identify several non-mutually exclusive factors that may have led to the evol
130       First, XPD was found to associate in a mutually exclusive fashion with either TFIIH or the CIA
131 n high-risk neuroblastomas (12/39, 31%) in a mutually exclusive fashion with MYCN amplifications and
132 ellular accumulation of viral particles in a mutually exclusive fashion.
133 n and, therefore, interact with F-actin in a mutually exclusive fashion.
134 n provide a platform where the divergence of mutually exclusive fates is orchestrated.
135 o of age were used to define the following 5 mutually exclusive feeding groups on the basis of the ty
136 ne possible explanation for what seems to be mutually exclusive findings is that the original reagent
137 cription factors reported to be specific and mutually exclusive for TH1, TH2, TH17, and TH22 cells, r
138         Importantly, this is not necessarily mutually exclusive from current hypotheses.
139 Chromosome instability (CIN), which is often mutually exclusive from hypermutation genotypes, represe
140 re detected in 5.1% of the tumors, occurring mutually exclusive from mutations in KCNJ5, ATP1A1, ATP2
141 these mutations to demonstrate that they are mutually exclusive from other common RTK variants in lun
142 uggested where SAMHD1 alternates between the mutually exclusive functions of ssRNA binding and dNTP h
143 vel method for the identification of sets of mutually exclusive gene alterations in a given set of ge
144 eneral regulatory principles for stochastic, mutually exclusive gene expression programs.
145 the-art CoMEt method in terms of discovering mutually exclusive gene modules and identifying biologic
146                        ZKSCAN1 was part of a mutually exclusive gene set that included the RTK/RAS/RA
147                                  To identify mutually exclusive gene sets (MEGS), we developed a powe
148 ing 78% of AML patients, that are defined by mutually exclusive genetic alterations.
149 ional method that identifies combinations of mutually exclusive genomic alterations correlated with f
150                 Patients were divided into 4 mutually exclusive groups according to history of CAD an
151 ore antibody titers were clustered into four mutually exclusive groups and named after Socransky's cl
152 based clustering, to define and characterize mutually exclusive groups making up a novel classificati
153 lysis was used to classify participants into mutually exclusive groups, which were determined by usin
154 re classified separately, resulting in eight mutually exclusive groups.
155            Hospitals were categorized into 3 mutually exclusive groups: National Cancer Institute-Des
156 del and the experiments support a common and mutually exclusive GrpE and ClpB interaction region on D
157                    We suggest a model of two mutually exclusive GS conformations governing the intera
158 istance for health (DAH) was divided into 11 mutually exclusive health focus areas, such that every d
159  maintaining the boundaries of these largely mutually exclusive histone marks.
160 emory systems have been predicted to involve mutually exclusive histone modifications that, through p
161 S, BRAF, and NRAS RAS pathway mutations were mutually exclusive; however, we found significant co-occ
162                  Recently, two universal but mutually exclusive hydrocarbon production pathways in cy
163                           We addressed 2 non-mutually exclusive hypotheses for the discrepancy betwee
164          We tested predictions of three, non-mutually exclusive hypotheses regarding thermal acclimat
165 erve, South Africa, associated with four not mutually exclusive hypotheses: food-perishability, consu
166                       Two competing, but not mutually exclusive, hypotheses are that ASD risk genes a
167 ST1H1 B-E and in EZH2 or ARID1A were largely mutually exclusive, implicating HIST1H1 B-E in epigeneti
168 aling and that PTPN14 and TP53 mutations are mutually exclusive in human cancers.
169 confirmed that MSI1 and TNS3 expressions are mutually exclusive in migratory tumor lesions, and GBM p
170 orphogenesis, and are often considered to be mutually exclusive in spite of the fact that many cancer
171  located on chromosome 7, and monosomy 7 are mutually exclusive in this disease.
172 PspB(CT) and PspC(CT).PspA interactions were mutually exclusive in vitro.
173 netics to yield distinct complexes featuring mutually exclusive interaction footprints.
174 s the membrane is governed by sequential and mutually exclusive interactions with PI(4,5)P2 and hepar
175 d DNA represent sites for multiple and often mutually exclusive interactions.
176                  Although the two events are mutually exclusive, it is unclear whether they are funct
177 iferative neoplasms and are characterized by mutually exclusive Janus kinase 2 (JAK2), calreticulin (
178 enes is statistically disfavored, suggesting mutually exclusive LCR-gene contacts.
179 cur during UM tumor progression in an almost mutually exclusive manner and are associated with differ
180 -ribose) polymerase 1 (PARP-1) promoter in a mutually exclusive manner and regulate PARP-1 expression
181 e development of an MPN phenotype occur in a mutually exclusive manner in 1 of 3 genes: JAK2, CALR, o
182 L7 or OBSL1, two genes that are mutated in a mutually exclusive manner in 3M growth retardation syndr
183 AP1 tumor suppressor genes, which occur in a mutually exclusive manner in ccRCC and define biological
184 inding domains, are thought to function in a mutually exclusive manner in DNA binding and transcripti
185 nd GCAP2 bind with the cyclase molecule in a mutually exclusive manner using a common or overlapping
186 sides with similar or higher affinities in a mutually exclusive manner with cocaine.
187 hese spliceosomal mutations often occur in a mutually exclusive manner with one another and, in aggre
188 ecific transcription factor, is mutated in a mutually exclusive manner with TET2, IDH1, and IDH2 in a
189 es interact with Atg8 in a LIR-like and thus mutually exclusive manner.
190  obscurin and OL1 in Obsl1) to bind M10 in a mutually exclusive manner.
191 st that these cysteines may be modified in a mutually-exclusive manner.
192 ndency of a set of genes to be mutated in a 'mutually exclusive' manner.
193 s and conclude that several parallel and non-mutually exclusive mechanisms are likely involved in cel
194  that HD is a consequence of multimodal, non-mutually exclusive mechanisms of pathogenesis that invol
195 ow NMIIA-F stacks are formed through two non-mutually exclusive mechanisms: expansion and concatenati
196 ble-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired by two mutually-exclusive mechanisms, homologous recombination
197 t contributes to segregation of distinct and mutually exclusive membrane domains in epithelial cells.
198 achinery in driving tumorigenesis and define mutually exclusive meningioma subgroups with distinct cl
199 bA CTD that partially overlap and point to a mutually exclusive mode of interaction.
200                              Two essentially mutually exclusive models prevail.
201 sed EGFR oscillates between two distinct and mutually exclusive modes of signalling.
202                                We identified mutually exclusive, mosaic missense mutations that alter
203 ristics of a driver gene in that it showed a mutually exclusive mutation pattern when compared with m
204    Strikingly, WGS and/or WES showed largely mutually exclusive mutations affecting IL2RG, JAK1, JAK3
205                                  We observed mutually exclusive mutations in BRAF(V600E) (26%), BRAF(
206  types, the weighted test identifies sets of mutually exclusive mutations in cancer genes with fewer
207 quencing studies have revealed recurrent and mutually exclusive mutations in leiomyomas, suggesting t
208 over, half of the patients carried virtually mutually exclusive mutations in other TCR-related genes,
209                                          The mutually exclusive nature of MAP2K1 and BRAF mutations i
210        Interestingly, several are coupled in mutually exclusive neighborhoods with either a prokaryot
211 prostate cancers, bi-allelic alterations are mutually exclusive of each other.
212 minal A and B subtypes of breast cancer, was mutually exclusive of HER2 expression, and correlated wi
213  high-risk HPV types and low-risk HPV types (mutually exclusive of high-risk HPV) was 30.5% (95% CI,
214         Strikingly, TP53 homozygous loss was mutually exclusive of NDRG1 overexpression in over 96% o
215 vidual patients has been ascribed to largely mutually exclusive on-target or off-target mechanisms in
216 istinct mutational subtypes characterized by mutually exclusive oncogenic mutations in RTK/RAS pathwa
217  participants decide among a set of unitary, mutually exclusive options.
218 lly establish whether specific mutations are mutually exclusive or occur sequentially in the same sub
219 nvironments in which individuals compete for mutually-exclusive outcomes require rational decision ma
220 ts of indolent FLs, we identify a pattern of mutually exclusive (P = 0.003) genomic lesions that impa
221 on pairs (dMAPs) and distant molecularly and mutually exclusive pairs (dMEPs).
222 ed on individual cancer types suggested that mutually exclusive pairs often share the same functional
223                  Finally, we show that while mutually exclusive pairs within or across cancer types a
224 l exclusivity analysis allowed us to uncover mutually exclusive pairs, some of which may have relativ
225 el rat model, in which the availability of a mutually exclusive palatable food maintains prolonged vo
226 rp6 or Rrp44 using partially overlapping and mutually exclusive paths, several issues related to RNA
227                              We identify two mutually exclusive pathways for biofilm formation.
228 ive a combinatorial regimen co-targeting two mutually exclusive pathways for the metastatic cancer ce
229             Thus, there are at least two non-mutually exclusive pathways that include both non-cell-a
230 otein alpha subunits, which are mutated in a mutually exclusive pattern in most cases of uveal melano
231                           Most strikingly, a mutually exclusive pattern was found between HBV surface
232 16%), ALK (10%), BRAF (5%) and RET (3%) in a mutually exclusive pattern.
233                                              Mutually exclusive patterns of chronic conditions were e
234 R-21 and Sox2 are predominantly expressed in mutually exclusive patterns, suggesting a role in normal
235             Well-differentiated HCCs display mutually exclusive periportal or perivenous zonation pro
236 ters upon light stress, on the contrary, are mutually exclusive photoprotection strategies among cyan
237                                         This mutually exclusive PI-binding/ubiquitylation mechanism m
238 0A1a and NtEXO70B1 occupied two distinct and mutually exclusive plasma membrane domains.
239  reporter allows for real-time recordings of mutually exclusive PPIs of PKA upon activation of select
240 ractions revealed that these proteins may be mutually exclusive PRC2 subunits that fail to interact w
241 sitionally distinct editosomes differ by the mutually exclusive presence of the KREN1, KREN2 or KREN3
242 cation and transcription, which appear to be mutually exclusive processes in mitochondria.
243 on reconsolidation) and maintenance might be mutually exclusive processes, the onset of one canceling
244                                              Mutually exclusive production of IL-9 and the TH2-specif
245 strong magnetoelastic coupling are generally mutually exclusive properties due to opposing dependenci
246 nd with its close homologue, AtMORC2, in two mutually exclusive protein complexes.
247                                        Three mutually exclusive provider groups were identified, i.e.
248 anaplastic large-cell lymphoma is defined by mutually exclusive rearrangements of ALK, DUSP22/IRF4, a
249 expense of substrate transport, suggesting a mutually exclusive regulation mediated by the movement o
250 an increased number of cells and through the mutually exclusive relationship facilitates shutdown of
251  that the overexpression of DLX2 exhibited a mutually exclusive relationship with p53 alterations in
252 ircuits that allow females to generate these mutually exclusive responses remain largely unknown.
253 cation of the 2013 ACC/AHA guideline among 4 mutually exclusive risk groups within the ACC Practice I
254 mmon set of 12 proteins, but are typified by mutually exclusive RNase III endonucleases with distinct
255 The workshop developed four distinct but not mutually exclusive scenarios in which the social aspect
256  respond to near-freezing temperatures via a mutually exclusive set of singular behaviors-in particul
257         Thus, the EGFR triggers distinct and mutually exclusive signaling networks, depending on the
258 late each other's activities long before any mutually exclusive silencing occurs.
259                                              Mutually exclusive somatic mutations in MAPK pathway gen
260 imalivores exhibited chequerboard structure (mutually exclusive species pairs) during the dry season
261 p helix" (OH), have been crystallized in two mutually exclusive states: either as part of the CCD or
262 al field potentials are characterized by two mutually exclusive states: one characterized by regular
263 ithin stem II, which must toggle between two mutually exclusive structures during splicing.
264 a extension in RH stabilize it in one of two mutually exclusive structures, the biological relevance
265 onists, unique caspase adaptor proteins, and mutually exclusive subcellular domains of caspase activi
266 300 cells per muL and 400 cells per muL, and mutually exclusive subgroups.
267                                     However, mutually exclusive subsets of same data show exactly the
268                     Curiously, despite their mutually exclusive substrate specificities, PON1 and dii
269                           Divergent, but not mutually exclusive, theories have been proposed to expla
270                                 Although not mutually exclusive, these differences may affect hearing
271 This analysis revealed highly restricted and mutually exclusive tissue distributions, with striking r
272 y primitive streak characteristics, which is mutually exclusive to a neural-like fraction.
273 ts are found in equivalent positions and are mutually exclusive to a significant degree, with key nuc
274 tribution of Kv1 immunofluorescence appeared mutually exclusive to that of Kv3.1b subunits, which med
275 promoters include multiple and in some cases mutually exclusive transcription start sites (TSSs).
276                                              Mutually-exclusive transcriptional switching between var
277                                Recurrent and mutually exclusive transposon insertions were identified
278                          We further explored mutually exclusive use of single SSRI substances.
279 d noncanonical signaling have been viewed as mutually exclusive, we show that S897 phosphorylation by
280 12~Atg5-Atg16 complex and Atg8 with Atg19 is mutually exclusive, which may confer directionality to t
281          RIT1 switch II domain mutations are mutually exclusive with all other known lung adenocarcin
282 D1B, an ARID1A homolog whose gene product is mutually exclusive with ARID1A in SWI/SNF complexes, as
283 uent in adults and children t(8;21) and were mutually exclusive with ASXL1 mutations.
284 he filament barbed end, where its binding is mutually exclusive with AtFH14.
285 AP1, SF3B1, and EIF1AX mutations were almost mutually exclusive with each other.
286 ng of the U3 box A region to the pre-rRNA is mutually exclusive with folding of the central pseudokno
287  frequent IGF2 upregulation (16%), which was mutually exclusive with IRS2, PIK3CA, PTEN, and INPP4B a
288 et3 is functionally distinct from and likely mutually exclusive with its targeting function, and resp
289                 Oncogenic BRAF mutations are mutually exclusive with KRAS and define sensitivity to v
290 fy pancreatic carcinomas with BRAF deletions mutually exclusive with KRAS mutations.
291  (1.0%) of 6517 colorectal cancers, and were mutually exclusive with mismatch repair deficiency (MMR-
292 on, which decreases survival further, and is mutually exclusive with mutations affecting RAS signalin
293 he WD40 domain and were, except in one case, mutually exclusive with NF2 alterations.
294  to receptor inactivity, and they are mostly mutually exclusive with other loss-of-function (stop/fra
295 ablish that a second Dna2-Rpa interaction is mutually exclusive with Rpa-DNA interactions and mediate
296               However, this mechanism is not mutually exclusive with scale-dependent feedbacks.
297 idues at Akt consensus site motifs, which is mutually exclusive with serine phosphorylation by Akt.
298 n colorectal cancers, IGF2 overexpression is mutually exclusive with somatic mutations in PI3K signal
299 both preneoplastic lesions and HCCs and were mutually exclusive with those of Nrf2.
300 tly mutated in sarcomatoid elements and were mutually exclusive with TP53 and each other.

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