


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es they play in the biology and pathology of mycobacteria.
2 ificantly up-regulated following exposure to mycobacteria.
3 ication has not been described previously in mycobacteria.
4 milarly impairs migration to newly infecting mycobacteria.
5 on respiratory pathogens and nontuberculosis mycobacteria.
6  or non-covalent trehalose mycolates in live mycobacteria.
7 e able to target different subpopulations of mycobacteria.
8 rgement in compromising host defense against mycobacteria.
9 vated ClpP in firmicutes, is not degraded in mycobacteria.
10 rleukin 1 receptor (IL-1R) signaling against mycobacteria.
11 ce expression of stress response proteins in mycobacteria.
12 et of hemerythrin-like proteins exclusive to mycobacteria.
13 y can be exploited for killing intracellular mycobacteria.
14 phages and restricts intracellular growth of mycobacteria.
15 s, Aspergillus fumigatus, and nontuberculous mycobacteria.
16 rifampin to promote intracellular killing of mycobacteria.
17 y low micromolar activity against pathogenic mycobacteria.
18 -endemic countries are already sensitized to mycobacteria.
19 d is only conserved in pathogenic strains of mycobacteria.
20 nitor, ESX-4, to promote conjugation between mycobacteria.
21 ns of RP105 as an innate immune receptor for mycobacteria.
22 tial and global transcriptional regulator in mycobacteria.
23  critical for non-replicating persistence of mycobacteria.
24 ibitors against opportunistic and pathogenic mycobacteria.
25 eins in slow growing as well as fast growing mycobacteria.
26 rD are essential transcription regulators in mycobacteria.
27 ovided species-level taxonomic resolution of mycobacteria.
28 dicate that a Psp-like system has evolved in mycobacteria.
29  was affected specifically by infection with mycobacteria.
30 new factor contributing to Fe homeostasis in mycobacteria.
31 e considered for gene regulatory analyses in mycobacteria.
32 eria, such as BCG vaccines and environmental mycobacteria.
33 lly derived nitrite as a metabolic signal in mycobacteria.
34 usly explore the biology of ncRNA species in mycobacteria.
35  as modulates expression levels of Rv0805 in mycobacteria.
36 he mft gene cluster found in many strains of mycobacteria.
37 peroxidase and the mycothiol/Mrx1 pathway in Mycobacteria.
38 n and redox sensor that is well conserved in mycobacteria.
39 pole, the site of peptidoglycan synthesis in mycobacteria.
40  count live and dead cells and intracellular mycobacteria.
41 oxygen is a key protective mechanism against mycobacteria.
42 s differ in virulent compared with avirulent mycobacteria.
43 ntext of viability in avirulent and virulent mycobacteria.
44 nor and supports replication of iron-starved mycobacteria.
45 inexpensive method for the identification of mycobacteria.
46 and RNA polymerase during stress response of mycobacteria.
47    Mycobacteriophage are viruses that infect mycobacteria.
48  severe infections caused by weakly virulent mycobacteria.
49 he infected cells and decreasing survival of mycobacteria.
50 scherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and mycobacteria.
51  responsible for the synthesis of lipid I in mycobacteria.
52 ly functional for targeted gene knockdown in mycobacteria.
53 nsically disordered protein domain unique to mycobacteria.
54 ights into OM biogenesis and MA transport in mycobacteria.
55  and reduces numbers of viable intracellular mycobacteria.
56 /or premise plumbing as main contributors of mycobacteria.
57 ngium cellulosum that is also active against Mycobacteria.
58 is cytokines and inhibition of intracellular mycobacteria.
59  reactivation have not been characterized in mycobacteria.
60 unctions to promote T cell responses against mycobacteria.
61 y macrophages and dendritic cells exposed to mycobacteria.
62 s recovered, 1,110 (82%) were nontuberculous mycobacteria, 145 (11%) were aerobic actinomycetes, and
63 f incubation included 65 (5%) nontuberculous mycobacteria, 4 (0.3%) aerobic actinomycetes, and 2 (0.2
64 of standard AFB culture for the isolation of mycobacteria (92.2% versus 47.1%; P < 0.0001).
65 onserved across pathogenic and nonpathogenic mycobacteria, a feature consistent with an important rol
66 l organisms but remains poorly understood in mycobacteria, a genus that includes the important human
67 r cells expressing DCAR, and delipidation of mycobacteria abolished this activity.
68 r chemistry and the growth of Legionella and mycobacteria across a transect of bench- and pilot-scale
69                                              Mycobacteria activated reporter cells expressing DCAR, a
70                            Here we show that mycobacteria actively create heterogeneity.
71 ecipher the natural resistance mechanisms of mycobacteria against novel compounds isolated by whole-c
72 guanide dihydrochloride (BBD) as potent anti-mycobacteria agent.
73 r gram-negative bacteria, and nontuberculous mycobacteria, although fungi and viruses were occasional
74 e and expedited method for identification of mycobacteria, although various specimen preparation tech
75 llenged with 147 isolates of rapidly growing mycobacteria and 185 isolates belonging to other species
76 ments for a LigD-independent NHEJ pathway in mycobacteria and demonstrate that all enzymatic function
77  eicosanoid networks in the host response to mycobacteria and discuss how targeting this crosstalk ca
78  RNA polymerase has evolved independently in mycobacteria and E. coli, with distinctively different s
79 tes demonstrated the frequent association of mycobacteria and FLA, as they are part of the most repre
80 r that is critical in the immune response to mycobacteria and fungi but does not have a well-defined
81  but are highly susceptible to environmental mycobacteria and have autoinflammatory disease presentat
82 ined to the gut can mute T cell responses to mycobacteria and impair control of secondary infections
83 esponse to intracellular pathogens including mycobacteria and is induced by the direct inhibitors of
84 h that MmpL3 is the MA flippase at the IM of mycobacteria and is the molecular target of BM212, a 1,5
85 directly inhibit the growth of intracellular mycobacteria and may also act as antigen-presenting cell
86        Its utility for the identification of mycobacteria and Nocardia spp. has also been reported in
87 ative of a P450 family widely distributed in mycobacteria and other bacteria.
88 l mannosides (PIM) are glycolipids unique to mycobacteria and other related bacteria that stimulate h
89 pidomic analysis platform for drug-resistant mycobacteria and provide direct evidence for characteris
90 hosphate-buffered saline or 10(6)M. canettii mycobacteria and sacrificed over a 28-day experiment.
91              In addition to the detection of mycobacteria and some fungi, MB bottles improved the det
92 n on innate and adaptive immune responses to mycobacteria and susceptibility to tuberculosis.
93 tinct Th1 subset involved in the response to Mycobacteria and the characterization of two types of Th
94 oci IS6110 and rpoB as targets to detect the mycobacteria and the rifampicin resistance from gDNA dir
95 dium supported the growth of all isolates of mycobacteria and was more selective than any other mediu
96 our-gene module occurred only in tuberculous mycobacteria and was required for intramacrophage growth
97 eactions due to infection with environmental mycobacteria and/or bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccin
98 caused by many different bacteria (including mycobacteria) and viruses, and rapid detection of pathog
99 e broad spectrum activity against parasites, mycobacteria, and anaerobic Gram-positive and Gram-negat
100  including different MTB strains and related mycobacteria, and studied their transcriptional response
101 are important elements of innate immunity to mycobacteria, and these features of bdMphi biology would
102 ted abundant inflammatory nodules containing mycobacteria, and these mice developed nonresolving infl
103 constructed and shown to bind to DNA in live mycobacteria, and to prevent segregation of plasmid DNA
104      This family of USPs is conserved in all mycobacteria, and we suggest that they serve as "sinks"
105 toantibodies and disseminated nontuberculous mycobacteria; anti-granulocyte macrophage colony-stimula
106                           The nontuberculous mycobacteria are a large group of acid-fast bacteria tha
107 DI-TOF MS to rapidly identify slowly growing mycobacteria are discussed.
108                                              Mycobacteria are endowed with a highly impermeable mycom
109                                              Mycobacteria are endowed with rich and diverse machinery
110                        We show that ejecting mycobacteria are escorted by a distinct polar autophagoc
111                            The TopoI-CTDs in mycobacteria are evolutionarily unrelated in amino acid
112                                              Mycobacteria are intrinsically resistant to a variety of
113              Here we show that, in contrast, mycobacteria are killed by ADEP through inhibition of Cl
114 further from the equator where environmental mycobacteria are less and with lower risk of diagnostic
115              Infections with weakly virulent mycobacteria are much rarer than TB, but the inherited a
116                                              Mycobacteria are obligate aerobes and respire using two
117                              Rapidly growing mycobacteria are rarely found in central nervous system
118                                         When mycobacteria are recovered in clinical specimens, timely
119                                              Mycobacteria are surrounded by a complex multilayered en
120 pecies of multidrug-resistant nontuberculous mycobacteria, are emerging as an important global threat
121 erial P450s, particularly P450s belonging to mycobacteria, are highly conserved both at protein and D
122 ion systems (T7SSs), originally described in mycobacteria, are now known to be widespread across dive
123 hlight RnhC, the sole RNase H1 in pathogenic mycobacteria, as a candidate drug discovery target for t
124 tion from other pathogenic and environmental mycobacteria at multiple surveillance levels.
125 ay also represent a selective drug target in mycobacteria because of the crucial role of these enzyme
126 e showed that the transmission of pathogenic mycobacteria between phagocytic cells also depends on no
127 cts chromosome architecture and of Lsr2 from Mycobacteria, binds A+T-rich sequences throughout the ge
128 contributor to the unusual immunogenicity of mycobacteria but has a limited role in the pathogenesis
129 lar proteins have diverged in two species of mycobacteria by modifications in amino acid sequence, wh
130                       In summary, ADEPs kill mycobacteria by preventing interaction of ClpP1P2 with t
131                              Non-tuberculous mycobacteria cause a broad range of clinical disorders,
132                                              Mycobacteria cause major diseases including human tuberc
133    We show that this receptor is acquired by mycobacteria-containing phagosomes via interactions with
134 a pathway required for optimal intracellular mycobacteria control and lung inflammation in vivo.
135 in M. tuberculosis to that in non-pathogenic mycobacteria, controlling genes involved in nitric oxide
136             This increased susceptibility to mycobacteria correlated with reduced IFN-gamma/TNF-alpha
137 etworks, there is also strong suspicion that mycobacteria could use amoebae as a vehicle for protecti
138                                     In fact, mycobacteria create variability each time a cell divides
139                                           In Mycobacteria, degradation of pupylated proteins by the p
140 ebrafish, we tracked the fates of individual mycobacteria delivered to phagosomes versus phagolysosom
141  glycans are present in patients infected by mycobacteria; detection of these antibodies could be the
142  sensitive method for the rapid detection of mycobacteria directly from clinical specimens.
143                  Despite negative selection, mycobacteria diversified within individuals to form subl
144 lieved that slow-growing bacteria (including mycobacteria) do not reinitiate chromosome replication u
145 s region overlaps the TNF1 locus controlling mycobacteria-driven tumor necrosis factor alpha producti
146 SMP accumulated in macrophages infected with mycobacteria efficiently killing the infected cells and
147                                              Mycobacteria elongate and divide asymmetrically, giving
148                        Our results show that mycobacteria encode a non-conserved protein that control
149                      In the absence of PkQs, mycobacteria escape from the hypoxic core of biofilms an
150       Despite concerns about non-tuberculous mycobacteria, especially Mycobacterium abscessus, post-t
151         Our work suggests that if pathogenic mycobacteria fail to prevent lysosomal trafficking, they
152 es a robust competition between the host and mycobacteria for iron acquisition during mycobacterial i
153                       We compared sequencing mycobacteria from all newly positive liquid cultures wit
154 vocated for the isolation of rapidly growing mycobacteria from the sputa of cystic fibrosis (CF) pati
155 medium) for the isolation of rapidly growing mycobacteria from the sputum of cystic fibrosis patients
156  agars, for the isolation of rapidly growing mycobacteria from the sputum of patients with CF.
157                                              Mycobacteria grow and divide asymmetrically, creating va
158  susceptibility results of Xpert MTB/RIF and mycobacteria growth indicator tube (MGIT) were confirmed
159 ellet in 2 mL of CSF, and tested 0.5 mL with mycobacteria growth indicator tube culture, 1 mL with Xp
160                      Similar to results with mycobacteria, H. polygyrus-infected mice displayed an in
161                                              Mycobacteria harbor unique proteins that regulate protei
162                                              Mycobacteria have a complex cell wall structure that inc
163               While many PRRs that recognize mycobacteria have been identified, none is essentially r
164                              However, viable mycobacteria have been observed in phagolysosomes during
165                                              Mycobacteria have inteins inserted into several importan
166 is, and Streptococcus pneumoniae, studies in mycobacteria have not yet provided definitive results.
167 uring infection of cultured macrophages, and mycobacteria have the virulence determinant MarP, which
168 otein that is dispensable for normal growth, mycobacteria have two ClpPs, ClpP1 and ClpP2, which are
169 tract infections with viruses, bacteria, and mycobacteria) have all been associated with exposure to
170  in response to lipopolysaccharides (LPS) or mycobacteria, higher concentrations (10 uM) are required
171                           This suggests that mycobacteria hijacks NQO1 to down-regulate pro-inflammat
172 ed for the differentiation of six species of mycobacteria, i.e., both Mycobacterium tuberculosis comp
173 reports of trade-offs between Legionella and mycobacteria if chloramines are applied as secondary dis
174 f alphabeta T cells to inhibit intracellular mycobacteria; (ii) although soluble mediators are critic
175  CF supplementation allowed for detection of mycobacteria in 34 patients with no culturable bacteria
176 rolling intracellular survival of pathogenic mycobacteria in host macrophages, but how these mechanis
177 rculosis and infections with non-tuberculous mycobacteria in human populations, but the mechanisms by
178 F MS was effective for the identification of mycobacteria in RGM medium.
179 n this study, we estimated the prevalence of Mycobacteria in slaughter cattle in Cameroon.
180 e of clinically and environmentally relevant mycobacteria in treated municipal wastewater, suggesting
181 s relapse have different immune responses to mycobacteria in vitro than patients who remain cured for
182 ral environmental and potentially pathogenic mycobacteria including M. llatzerense and M. chelonae.
183 -fixing bradyrhizobia and cyanobacteria, and mycobacteria including the pathogen Mycobacterium tuberc
184  acids found in the lipid-rich cell walls of mycobacteria including the tubercle bacillus Mycobacteri
185 ion to childhood clinical diseases caused by mycobacteria, including not only M.tb but also weakly vi
186                                              Mycobacteria, including the human pathogen Mycobacterium
187                       Our data indicate that mycobacteria induce granuloma-associated angiogenesis, w
188                                   Pathogenic mycobacteria induce the formation of complex cellular ag
189                                              Mycobacteria induced comparable activation of NF-kappaB
190 TLR family member RP105 (CD180) in promoting mycobacteria-induced cytokine production by macrophages.
191                                 In contrast, mycobacteria-induced phosphorylation of Akt was abrogate
192 A-mediated knockdown of p110delta diminished mycobacteria-induced TNF secretion by WT but not RP105(-
193 nowledge, has not previously been applied in mycobacteria-infected animals.
194  class II-restricted antigen presentation by mycobacteria-infected dendritic cells, we identified the
195 on of Akt phosphorylation and TNF release by mycobacteria-infected macrophages.
196  tetramer staining and ex vivo analysis with mycobacteria-infected MR1-deficient cells to demonstrate
197 rticle, we define the metabolic signature of mycobacteria-infected murine MPhis supplied L-arginine,
198 inal cleavage, which may potentially channel mycobacteria into dormancy under extreme oxidative and n
199 loma macrophages can then necrose, releasing mycobacteria into the extracellular milieu, which potent
200                     Galactan biosynthesis in mycobacteria involves two glycosyltransferases, GlfT1 an
201 nfection or sensitization with environmental mycobacteria is associated with higher efficacy of BCG a
202  Malawi where sensitization to environmental mycobacteria is common and almost all children are BCG-v
203 et al. now show that ADEP's effectiveness in mycobacteria is likely due to inhibition of ClpP-depende
204 terium tuberculosis (M.tb) and a few related mycobacteria, is a devastating disease, killing more tha
205 NA gene sequencing for the evaluation of 297 mycobacteria isolates, 148 Nocardia species isolates, an
206                                       Killed mycobacteria maintained differential hydrophobicity but
207  bottle) and a second for enhanced growth of mycobacteria (MB bottle), and processed with the BactT/A
208 ng that to establish a successful infection, mycobacteria must escape out of the initially infected r
209 embers of the order Corynebacterineae (e.g., mycobacteria, nocardia, and rhodococci) share a glycolip
210 ies (A.R.U.P. Reference Laboratories and the Mycobacteria/Nocardia Laboratory at the University of Te
211                              Non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are a large family of acid-fast bacte
212                               Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) are an important cause of pulmonary d
213                               Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) commonly colonize municipal water sup
214  strains, and some species of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) compared with that of linezolid.
215 e method for the isolation of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) from patients with CF.
216                  Isolation of nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) from the sputum of patients with cyst
217                               Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) infection has attracted increasing at
218  complex (MABSC) is a form of Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) of special, international concern in
219 ary infection via aerosolized nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), it is important to characterize thei
220 uberculosis complex (MTC) and nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM), using surface-enhanced Raman spectro
221                               Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs) are environmental microorganisms tha
222 d to sequence conservation in nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTMs), suggesting environmental exposure a
223 pert MTB/RIF in patients with nontuberculous mycobacteria, old PTB scar, and immune reconstitution sy
224                        The identification of mycobacteria outside biocontainment facilities requires
225 an that of BCSA (35.7%) for the isolation of mycobacteria (P < 0.0001).
226  host immune responses and are implicated in mycobacteria pathogenicity.
227 ients infected with pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacteria (PNTM) are well described, but the genetic
228                   MTBDRplus was performed on mycobacteria-positive cultures to ascertain acquired dru
229                                              Mycobacteria possess a multi-layered cell wall that requ
230                                              Mycobacteria possess the highest P450 diversity percenta
231                             The two dominant Mycobacteria present, M. frederiksbergense (arithmetic m
232 eveloped a 3-D system incorporating virulent mycobacteria, primary human blood mononuclear cells and
233                                              Mycobacteria produce an unusual, glycolylated form of mu
234 with two media designed for the isolation of mycobacteria (rapidly growing mycobacteria [RGM] medium
235 berculosis or sensitization to environmental mycobacteria (rate ratio [RR], 0.26; 95% confidence inte
236                   In evolving from ancestral mycobacteria, related to "M. canettii" and M. kansasii,
237 a few bacterial pathogens, their function in mycobacteria remains uncharacterized.
238                                     Although mycobacteria require extraction prior to MALDI-TOF MS an
239 d 205 silenced host genes highly enriched in mycobacteria-resistant macrophages.
240 n most species of pathogenic rapidly growing mycobacteria (RGM).
241 e isolation of mycobacteria (rapidly growing mycobacteria [RGM] medium and Middlebrook 7H11 agar), fo
242                                          The mycobacteria RNA polymerase (RNAP) is a target for antim
243           The clade-specific features of the mycobacteria RNAP provide clues to the profound instabil
244 provide clues to the profound instability of mycobacteria RPo compared with E. coli.
245                                              Mycobacteria share a common cholesterol degradation path
246 y testing of 170 isolates of rapidly growing mycobacteria showed equivalent or lower (1- to 8-fold) M
247               Interestingly, the transfer of mycobacteria-specific (P25 CD4(+) TCR transgenic) wild-t
248 ation of a previously unrecognized subset of mycobacteria-specific CD4(+) T cells that is characteriz
249  was found to dampen IFN-gamma production by mycobacteria-specific CD4(+) T cells.
250 e pursue in-depth analysis of the endogenous mycobacteria-specific CD4(+) T-cell population, comparin
251                                              Mycobacteria-specific CD4(+) T-cell responses were measu
252                            The proportion of mycobacteria-specific CD4+ T cells secreting tumor necro
253                         Adoptive transfer of mycobacteria-specific central memory T cells validated t
254                          Herein, we describe mycobacteria-specific chemical reporters that can select
255                        We identified several mycobacteria-specific cytokine biomarkers with the poten
256            Novel strategies for induction of mycobacteria-specific resident memory T cells in the lun
257                     AM proteolysis and total mycobacteria-specific Th1 CD4(+) T-cell responses in ind
258 93% (95% CI 90-96; 322 of 345 specimens; 356 mycobacteria specimens submitted) accuracy and drug susc
259           Identification of these amoeba and mycobacteria strains indicated that the main genera foun
260 uding not only M.tb but also weakly virulent mycobacteria, such as BCG vaccines and environmental myc
261 phages phagocytosed and eradicated infecting mycobacteria, suggesting that to establish a successful
262 dynamics of hypoxia-induced, non-replicating mycobacteria that are thought to play a role in latent t
263 mbers of this multigene family occur only in mycobacteria that cause disease.
264  specific phenolic glycolipids (PGLs) in the mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis or leprosy.
265 hanges in the genus Mycobacterium Only those mycobacteria that have been isolated from human specimen
266 e that is effective for mRNA extraction from mycobacteria that have hydrophobic and waxy cell walls.
267                                              Mycobacteria, the etiological agents of tuberculosis and
268 o direct inhibitory effects on intracellular mycobacteria, the following: (i) gamma9delta2 T cells en
269                                           In mycobacteria, the genes encoding these proteins exist in
270                     For tuberculosis-causing mycobacteria, the impact of HGT in the emergence and dis
271              Given the physical asymmetry of mycobacteria, the models that describe coordination of c
272 blishment of an effective immune response to mycobacteria, the possible function of the adaptor molec
273 xtracellular SODs in specific bacteria (i.e. Mycobacteria), throughout the fungal kingdom, and in the
274  the whole-cell drug efflux pump activity of mycobacteria, thus turning out to be promising multidrug
275 sibly increasing the ability of slow-growing mycobacteria to adapt to environmental conditions.
276 out the mechanisms enabling obligate aerobic mycobacteria to cope with hypoxia, resulting in long-ter
277 e production, which underlies the ability of mycobacteria to evade the immune system and also to func
278 re used by both environmental and pathogenic mycobacteria to secrete proteins across their complex ce
279   The mycolic acid-containing cord factor of mycobacteria, trehalose dimycolate, activates the C-type
280                                   Pathogenic mycobacteria trigger formation of organized granulomas.
281 otease complex is essential for viability in Mycobacteria tuberculosis and is an attractive drug targ
282 scherichia coli, Listeria monocytogenes, and Mycobacteria tuberculosis.
283   Cambier et al. (2013) show that pathogenic mycobacteria use the coordinated action of two cell wall
284 gger signalling through direct engagement of mycobacteria using tranfectant cells incorporating a rep
285  and 23S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) and tRNA, from mycobacteria, using Mycobacterium bovis BCG to illustrat
286      The proportion of patients cultured for mycobacteria varied greatly by state of residence (media
287 ggesting that these proteins are involved in mycobacteria virulence.
288         To understand biotin biosynthesis in mycobacteria, we executed a genetic screen in Mycobacter
289 ium tuberculosis complex and rapidly growing mycobacteria were also evaluated for a 5-month period du
290                                              Mycobacteria were detected in 24 samples (86%) using the
291                  Acylated PIMs purified from mycobacteria were identified as ligands for DCAR.
292                                              Mycobacteria were isolated from 28 patients (prevalence,
293    By using a combination of all methods, 98 mycobacteria were isolated from 869 samples (11.3%).
294 e direct inhibitory effects on intracellular mycobacteria were measured, and the enhancing effects on
295 icus, Mycobacterium vanbaalenii, and related mycobacteria were the most abundant oil-degrading microo
296 poxia-induced non-replicating persistence in mycobacteria-which models tuberculous granulomas-are par
297 his behaviour can be extended to saprophytic mycobacteria, whose more complex genomes encode more Mce
298     Finally, we discovered that treatment of mycobacteria with ethambutol, a front-line tuberculosis
299 et of hemerythrin-like proteins exclusive to mycobacteria, with likely roles in protection against ho
300  genes are especially abundant in pathogenic mycobacteria, with more than 160 members in M. tuberculo

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