


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 berculosis, primarily as a building block of mycothiol.
2 GlcNAc-Ins from the medium and convert it to mycothiol.
3 idase is highly specific for S-conjugates of mycothiol.
4  the cell and utilized in the resynthesis of mycothiol.
5  M. smegmatis at a level about twice that of mycothiol.
6 d by MtAhpE in the presence of MR, Mrx1, and mycothiol.
7  covalent adducts with N-acetyl-cysteine and mycothiol.
8 m reflected by the ratio of reduced/oxidized mycothiol.
9 am-positive bacteria lacking glutathione and mycothiol.
10 ion of radiolabeled inositol 1-phosphate and mycothiol.
11                                              Mycothiol, 1-D-myo-inosityl-2-(N-acetylcysteinyl)amido-2
12                                              Mycothiol [2-(N-acetylcysteinyl)amido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-gl
13     The highly aerobic actinomycetes produce mycothiol, a conjugate of N-acetylcysteine with a pseudo
14 first enzyme involved in the biosynthesis of mycothiol, a major low-molecular-weight thiol in M. tube
15     Low molecular weight thiols, including a mycothiol analogue and thioredoxin, exerted a small but
16 n that a simplified cyclohexyl thioglycoside mycothiol analogue is a good substrate for MCA, it appea
17 onent correlated with defective recycling of mycothiol and accumulation of cellular oxidative damage.
18 cobacteria as a component of the major thiol mycothiol and also in the cell wall, with phosphatidylin
19 edoxin-1 (MtMrx1) acting in combination with mycothiol and mycothiol disulfide reductase (MR), as a b
20                  These results indicate that mycothiol and mycothiol S-conjugate amidase play an impo
21 nce to oxidative stress and reacts with free mycothiol and mycothiolated targets.
22 peroxide detoxification actions inferred for mycothiol, and more recently, for Mrx1 in cellular syste
23 served that it demycothiolates and reduces a mycothiol arsenate adduct with kinetic properties differ
24 ermined by NMR the solution conformations of mycothiol bimane (MSmB) and the pseudodisaccharide 1-D-G
25  thiols, such as cysteine and an analogue of mycothiol, bind weakly to the [4Fe-4S] cluster, and expo
26 n of a chemical library of inhibitors of the mycothiol biosynthesis enzyme GlcNAc-Ins deacetylase (Ms
27  for indirect induction of mshB-D to support mycothiol biosynthesis is also presented.
28                   The biochemical pathway of mycothiol biosynthesis is now fully elucidated.
29                                A key step in mycothiol biosynthesis is the ATP-dependent ligation of
30 ts the first identification of a gene of the mycothiol biosynthesis pathway.
31 oup acetylated by acetyl-CoA to complete the mycothiol biosynthesis pathway.
32  The mshA deletion mutants were defective in mycothiol biosynthesis, were only ethionamide-resistant
33 -Ins is a key intermediate in the pathway of mycothiol biosynthesis.
34 gests that it may be important in regulating mycothiol biosynthesis.
35 form l-Cys-GlcN-Ins, the penultimate step in mycothiol biosynthesis.
36 l-1-phosphate in the first committed step of mycothiol biosynthesis.
37                                              Mycothiol biosynthetic and detoxification enzymes are no
38  mycothiol-S-conjugate amidase (MCA) and the mycothiol biosynthetic enzyme D-GlcNAc-alpha-(1 --> 1)-D
39 in a sigR null mutant, although no candidate mycothiol biosynthetic genes were identified among the s
40                                          The mycothiol biosynthetic pathway has been postulated to in
41 glucopyranoside (GlcNAc-Ins), a hypothetical mycothiol biosynthetic precursor.
42 r four weeks showed a reduction in levels of mycothiol, but phosphatidylinositol mannoside, lipomanna
43  Rv1170, a homolog of Rv1082, possesses weak mycothiol conjugate amidase activity but shows substanti
44 l mycothiol-dependent detoxification enzyme, mycothiol conjugate amidase, was recently identified in
45 namycins (Gdms B-G, including new linear and mycothiol conjugates), were characterized as metabolites
46 cterium smegmatis shown to be GlcNAc-Ins and mycothiol deficient was sequenced to identify a putative
47    It was shown that GlcNAc-Ins is absent in mycothiol-deficient mutant strain 49 of M. smegmatis and
48                                   In vivo, a mycothiol-deficient strain grew normally in immunodefici
49 of (35)S methionine into the cysteine adduct mycothiol, demonstrated the conversion of exogenous meth
50 enzyme GlcNAc-Ins deacetylase (MshB) and the mycothiol-dependent detoxification enzyme mycothiol- S-c
51 hat represent the natural substrates for the mycothiol-dependent detoxification enzyme mycothiol-S-co
52                                      A novel mycothiol-dependent detoxification enzyme, mycothiol con
53                                        A key mycothiol-dependent detoxification pathway utilizes the
54                 MtMrx1, a glutaredoxin-like, mycothiol-dependent oxidoreductase, directly reduces the
55 al analyses revealed that Rv2466c is a novel mycothiol-dependent reductase, which represents a mycore
56 t is a potential drug target involved in the mycothiol detoxification pathway.
57 ss management and is oxidized to the dimeric mycothiol disulfide (MSSM) in the process.
58 x1) acting in combination with mycothiol and mycothiol disulfide reductase (MR), as a biologically re
59                              NADPH-dependent mycothiol disulfide reductase (Mtr) helps to maintain an
60 dation of the two-electron reduced enzyme by mycothiol disulfide yielded a maximum rate of 190 +/- 10
61  in mshA demonstrate the non-essentiality of mycothiol for growth in vitro and in vivo, and provide a
62                            How expression of mycothiol genes is regulated in mycobacteria has been un
63                                              Mycothiol has antioxidant activity as well as the abilit
64 The final three steps in the biosynthesis of mycothiol have been fully elucidated but the initial ste
65  intermediate in the biosynthetic pathway of mycothiol, i.e., 1-D-myo-inosityl-2-(N-acetyl-L-cysteiny
66  members of the Actinomycetes family produce mycothiol, i.e., 1-d-myo-inosityl-2-(N-acetyl-l-cysteiny
67 s to that established for the related thiol (mycothiol) in the Actinobacteria.
68                                              Mycothiol is a novel thiol produced only by actinomycete
69                                              Mycothiol is a novel thiol produced only by actinomycete
70                                              Mycothiol is an abundant small molecular weight thiol fo
71                                              Mycothiol is comprised of N-acetylcysteine (AcCys) amide
72 ciated with the membrane fraction, and since mycothiol is hydrophilic, direct reduction by MtMrx1 mig
73 MtMrx1 in aqueous intracellular media, where mycothiol is present at millimolar concentrations.
74                                              Mycothiol is the major thiol present in most actinomycet
75                                              Mycothiol is the major thiol produced by mycobacteria an
76                   It was shown in vitro that mycothiol, like reduced thioredoxin and dithiothreitol,
77  regulator sigma(R) controls key elements of mycothiol metabolism is a major advance.
78 ese studies establish for the first time how mycothiol metabolism is regulated to cope with stress fr
79 nstrated that Mca is highly specific for the mycothiol moiety of mycothiol S-conjugates and relativel
80 between a thiol-dependent peroxidase and the mycothiol/Mrx1 pathway in Mycobacteria.
81 r members of the actinomycete family produce mycothiol (MSH or acetylcysteine-glucosamine-inositol, A
82                                              Mycothiol (MSH) (acetyl-Cys-GlcN-Ins) is the major low-m
83  of Mycobacterium smegmatis does not produce mycothiol (MSH) and was found to markedly overproduce bo
84 hione and instead utilize the small molecule mycothiol (MSH) as their primary reducing agent and for
85 ive bacteria that utilize the small molecule mycothiol (MSH) as their primary reducing agent.
86                                              Mycothiol (MSH) is the major low molecular weight (LMW)
87                                              Mycothiol (MSH) is the major low-molecular-mass thiol in
88                                              Mycothiol (MSH) is the major thiol in Actinobacteria and
89                                              Mycothiol (MSH) is the principal low-molecular-weight th
90  WhiB3, and the major M. tuberculosis thiol, mycothiol (MSH), are required to resist acidic stress du
91 or the determination of femtomole amounts of mycothiol (MSH), the main low-molecular-weight thiol in
92                                              Mycothiol (MSH; 1-D-myo-inosityl-2-(N-acetyl-L-cysteinyl
93 omycetes do not produce glutathione but make mycothiol (MSH; AcCys-GlcN-Ins) that has functions simil
94                                              Mycothiol ([MSH] AcCys-GlcN-Ins, where Ac is acetyl) is
95                                              Mycothiol, MSH or 1D-myo-inosityl 2-(N-acetyl-L-cysteiny
96 methionine sulfoxide reduction linked to the mycothiol/mycoredoxin-1 pathway.
97 y; rather, it receives electrons through the mycothiol/mycothione reductase/NADPH pathway to activate
98                     Activity with 100 microM mycothiol or with the monobromobimane derivative of 1-D-
99 ase, MshA, is required for production of the mycothiol precursor, 1-O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-alpha-D-gl
100                Disulfide formation involving mycothiol probably competes with the direct reduction by
101                                              Mycothiol production was not detected in Propionibacteri
102                 Using a genetic biosensor of mycothiol redox potential (EMSH), we demonstrated that a
103 e PknG mutant exhibited a reductive shift in mycothiol redox potential and compromised stress respons
104 onment resulted in higher oxidative shift in mycothiol redox potential of PknG mutant compared with t
105                                          The mycothiol S-conjugate amidase (amidase) responsible for
106                                              Mycothiol S-conjugate amidase (Mca) cleaves the amide bo
107    These results indicate that mycothiol and mycothiol S-conjugate amidase play an important role in
108                                          The mycothiol S-conjugate of rifamycin S was produced under
109  Significant activity was also seen with the mycothiol S-conjugate of the antibiotic cerulenin as a s
110  highly specific for the mycothiol moiety of mycothiol S-conjugates and relatively nonspecific for th
111 gate amidase (Mca) cleaves the amide bond of mycothiol S-conjugates of a variety of alkylating agents
112 pathway utilizes the amidase (Mca) to cleave mycothiol S-conjugates to produce GlcN-Ins and a mercapt
113 n its ability to react with a broad range of mycothiol S-conjugates, including two different classes
114 he mycothiol-dependent detoxification enzyme mycothiol- S-conjugate amidase (MCA) from Mycobacterium
115 he mycothiol-dependent detoxification enzyme mycothiol-S-conjugate amidase (MCA) and the mycothiol bi
116  could be adapted to measure the activity of mycothiol-S-conjugate amidase, a metal-dependent amidase
117                                              Mycothiol synthase (MshD) catalyzes N acetylation of Cys
118      The structure of the ternary complex of mycothiol synthase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis with
119                                          The mycothiol synthase mutant, the mshD::Tn5 mutant, produce
120 tructure of the ternary complex reveals that mycothiol synthase undergoes a large conformational chan
121 ene disruption in the mshD gene that encodes mycothiol synthase, the final enzyme in MSH biosynthesis
122 om thioredoxin reductase (TrxR) and not from mycothiol, the low molecular weight thiol of actinomycet
123 g agent monobromobimane (mBBr), the cellular mycothiol was converted to its bimane derivative (MSmB).
124                                              Mycothiol was previously shown to be synthesized from 1-
125 evel of the major actinomycete thiol buffer, mycothiol, was fourfold lower in a sigR null mutant, alt
126 e glutathione but make an alternative thiol, mycothiol, which has functions similar to those of gluta
127 oxidized MtAhpE forms a mixed disulfide with mycothiol, which in turn is reduced by MtMrx1 using a mo
128  reaction, MsrA forms a mixed disulfide with mycothiol, which is transferred via a thiol disulfide re
129                                Conjugates of mycothiol with the antibiotic cerulenin, N-ethylmaleimid

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