


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                                     Baseline mydriatic 7-standard field Early Treatment Diabetic Reti
2                     Provocative testing with mydriatic agents (tropicamide and atropine 1%) caused si
3 ct, side effect, blood pressure, heart rate, mydriatic, and eye drops.
4                               A stand-alone, mydriatic camera prototype was successfully developed at
5                   We have found that using a mydriatic cocktail-soaked wick - an alternative way to a
6 r purpose was to investigate the effect of a mydriatic-cocktail soaked cellulose sponge on perioperat
7 ts using tamsulosin were dilated either with mydriatic-cocktail soaked sponge (group 1) or with conve
8                                          The mydriatic effect of ibopamine was completely blocked by
9 nce for the potential artifact caused by its mydriatic effect.
10 ieving mydriasis with Mydriasert compared to mydriatic eye drops (tropicamide [1%] plus phenylephrine
11  5) experienced in using both Mydriasert and mydriatic eye drops and results from the current clinica
12 ost of Mydriasert compared with conventional mydriatic eye drops to induce pupil dilation prior to ca
13 gery showed that when Mydriasert substituted mydriatic eye drops, annual total costs decreased by 18%
14 rated that despite its higher unit cost than mydriatic eye drops, Mydriasert resulted in overall savi
15 camera to images from a traditional tabletop mydriatic fundus camera.
16 nonmydriatic fundus photography, and 7-field mydriatic fundus photography for their abilities to dete
17 ne fundus photography, compared with 7-field mydriatic fundus photography, for the detection of any D
18 aluation of disc images on par with standard mydriatic fundus photography.
19 comparison with the standard method, 7-field mydriatic fundus photography.
20  using modified Wisconsin grading of 4-field mydriatic photographs.
21 tients, we used non-stereoscopic three-field mydriatic photography and modified Wisconsin grading.
22                                              Mydriatic red-free monochromatic 60-degree digital fundu
23 ic receptor inhibtors were also dilated with mydriatic sponge (group 3).In all groups oxybuprocain 0.
24 en with a nonmydriatic portable camera and a mydriatic standard camera.
25 re dark adapted overnight, eyes dilated with mydriatics; the right eye was light occluded and the fun
26                              Routine topical mydriatics were instilled before surgery.

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