コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)
1 ocyte glycoprotein (MOG that is a protein in myelin sheath).
2 (MS) is caused by immune-mediated damage of myelin sheath.
3 hinery required for the proper growth of the myelin sheath.
4 t of axons and subsequent elaboration of the myelin sheath.
5 facilitated by the oligodendrocyte-produced myelin sheath.
6 lowed by local translation at the developing myelin sheath.
7 glial cell size to generate a multilamellar myelin sheath.
8 that could result in radial fractures of the myelin sheath.
9 NF155), and apposes the inner mesaxon of the myelin sheath.
10 etabolite diffusion across the layers of the myelin sheath.
11 rrents can be short-circuited underneath the myelin sheath.
12 ents for the formation and maturation of the myelin sheath.
13 RNA and translocates from the nucleus to the myelin sheath.
14 adherin alone, but without any defect to the myelin sheath.
15 monolayers important to the adhesion of the myelin sheath.
16 between the paranodal terminal loops of the myelin sheath.
17 role in the formation and maintenance of the myelin sheath.
18 ar sheets of insulating plasma membrane--the myelin sheath.
19 free-radical-induced oxidative damage to the myelin sheath.
20 sion of the multiple, spiraling wraps of the myelin sheath.
21 odel membrane system that closely mimics the myelin sheath.
22 ructural and functional role in the neuronal myelin sheath.
23 ation of the newly synthesized MBPs into the myelin sheath.
24 n proteins results in destabilization of the myelin sheath.
25 to maintain the structural integrity of the myelin sheath.
26 the peripheral nervous system that form the myelin sheath.
27 etween adjacent cytoplasmic membranes of the myelin sheath.
28 d is critical for the genesis of the central myelin sheath.
29 med oligodendrocytes frequently generate new myelin sheaths.
30 e in service or intercalating among existing myelin sheaths.
31 nating oligodendrocytes and their contiguous myelin sheaths.
32 millimeters and were organized with compact myelin sheaths.
33 mmon objective of investing nerve axons with myelin sheaths.
34 osis lesions relevant to the regeneration of myelin sheaths.
35 generation of their axons and alterations in myelin sheaths.
36 at beta1 integrins regulate the outgrowth of myelin sheaths.
37 f proteins that are responsible for building myelin sheaths.
38 characterized by distinctive, focally folded myelin sheaths.
39 alterations in the structure of many of the myelin sheaths.
40 urons or indirectly by abnormal formation of myelin sheaths.
41 ligodendrocytes, which fail to form complete myelin sheaths.
42 rotein and morphologically normal internodal myelin sheaths.
43 yelin and forms tight junctions (TJs) within myelin sheaths.
44 spite apparently normal initial formation of myelin sheaths.
45 ropathy characterized by abnormal folding of myelin sheaths.
46 segments of neurites associated with nascent myelin sheaths.
47 urvatures are also found in vivo in diseased myelin sheaths.
48 he initiation and properties of Schwann cell myelin sheaths.
49 n of dominant-negative Fbxw7 produced longer myelin sheaths.
50 brane around axons to generate multilamellar myelin sheaths.
51 ng to mature cells capable of generating new myelin sheaths.
52 axons or, having achieved this, fail to form myelin sheaths.
53 localised to both developing and mature CNS myelin sheaths.
54 roduction of myelin proteins to generate new myelin sheaths.
55 al impulse propagation is facilitated by the myelin sheath, a compact membrane surrounding the axon.
57 lls, and loss of CFTR caused ultrastructural myelin sheath abnormalities similar to those in known ne
58 ating axons and of nerve fibers with altered myelin sheaths all correlate with increasing cognitive i
60 hat interact with axons but fail to assemble myelin sheaths; an oligodendrocyte phenotype described p
61 the lipid composition found in the cytosolic myelin sheath and bovine MBP (bMBP) leads to an atherona
62 KO)] mice exhibited loss of integrity of the myelin sheath and defective nerve conduction as indicate
63 lin protein 22 (PMP22) is a key component of myelin sheath and has been found mutated and aggregated
64 ous system leading to the destruction of the myelin sheath and resulting in metachromatic leukodystro
66 ume such as the periaxonal space between the myelin sheath and the axon in the myelinated axon and th
68 association between the leading edge of the myelin sheath and the axonal membrane to demarcate the n
70 egeneration: the Schwann cells degrade their myelin sheaths and dedifferentiate, reverting to a pheno
71 ce, and electron microscopy revealed thinner myelin sheaths and increased myelin periodicity in BACHD
72 ease of the CNS resulting in degeneration of myelin sheaths and loss of oligodendrocytes, which means
73 gpr126 mutant Schwann cells elaborate mature myelin sheaths and maintain krox20 expression for months
74 udinal structures forming cylindrical axons (myelin sheaths and neurofilaments) can be locally invisi
75 revented BCCAO-induced damage to hippocampal myelin sheaths and oligodendrocytes, enhanced expression
76 model structural damage is initiated at the myelin sheaths and only later spreads to the oligodendro
78 onfirm the persistence and longevity of thin myelin sheaths and the importance of remyelination to th
79 tly, affecting the integrity of the axon and myelin sheaths and thus preventing proper remyelination.
80 in pieces were gradually released from aging myelin sheaths and were subsequently cleared by microgli
82 n the frequency of structural alterations in myelin sheaths, and an increase in the frequency of occu
83 rase promoter, exhibited thicker PNS and CNS myelin sheaths, and PNS myelin abnormalities, such as to
85 oles of dominant constituents in cytoplasmic myelin sheaths, and shed new light on mechanisms disrupt
86 e high lipid content of axonal membranes and myelin sheaths, and that elevated serum levels of lipid
88 internodal length, and the thickness of the myelin sheath are powerful structural factors that contr
92 n is well advanced by 3 months (although the myelin sheaths are still thinner than normal), indicatin
96 erosis, are characterized by the loss of the myelin sheath around neurons, owing to inflammation and
98 cells that can both form and stably maintain myelin sheaths around axons and also rapidly dedifferent
99 from multipotent neural crest cells and form myelin sheaths around axons that allow rapid transmissio
101 nd is sufficient for the generation of thick myelin sheaths around remyelinated axons in the adult mo
102 nd significant reduction in the thickness of myelin sheaths around small-diameter axons was observed
103 showed that the grafted OPCs formed central myelin sheaths around the axons in the injured spinal co
104 GRPs formed morphologically normal-appearing myelin sheaths around the axons in the ventrolateral fun
106 accurately characterized by (i) modeling the myelin sheath as a hollow cylinder composed of material
107 iffusion tensor imaging, and by newly formed myelin sheaths, as determined by electron microscopy.
109 PLP-null specimens, in contrast, many of the myelin sheaths became almost completely decompacted.
110 that in midlife, the structural integrity of myelin sheaths begins breaking down, with an acceleratin
111 mation of the axon insulating and supporting myelin sheath by differentiating oligodendrocytes (OLGs)
112 the ER and reduces the level of P0wt in the myelin sheath by half-a level previously shown to cause
116 on of proteolipid protein, a highly abundant myelin sheath component that was previously linked to an
118 13 years that we propose results in the same myelin sheath deficiencies as seen in remyelination; tha
121 markably, transgenic shiverer mice with thin myelin sheaths display an intermediate phenotype indicat
122 ker K channel normally localized beneath the myelin sheath, display three types of cooling-induced ab
124 in zebrafish, that oligodendrocytes make new myelin sheaths during a period of just 5 hr, with regula
125 n the pinniped optic nerve, those with thick myelin sheaths (elephant seal: 9%, sea lion: 7%) and thi
126 s (elephant seal: 9%, sea lion: 7%) and thin myelin sheaths (elephant seal: 91%, sea lion: 93%).
127 developing oligodendrocytes in vivo and that myelin sheath elongation is promoted by a high frequency
128 m of cytoplasmic channels within the growing myelin sheath enables membrane trafficking to the leadin
130 the optic nerve, smaller-caliber axons lack myelin sheaths entirely, whereas many large- and interme
132 nodal axon that is normally concealed by the myelin sheath expresses a rich repertoire of K channel s
134 al for ensuring the timely generation of new myelin sheaths following demyelinating injury in the adu
135 that stimulating neuronal activity increased myelin sheath formation by individual oligodendrocytes.
136 macrophage activation in the retina promotes myelin sheath formation by oligodendrocytes generated fr
138 the individual oligodendrocyte, during which myelin sheath formation occurs and the number of sheaths
140 dramatically decreased MBP and P0 levels and myelin sheath formation without affecting expression of
144 The new data show that NMDARs exist on the myelin sheath formed by oligodendrocytes, that an uncomp
145 hypothalamus (HY), and counted the number of myelin sheath forming oligodendrocytes (OLs) in CTX, CP,
149 hannel protein complexes located beneath the myelin sheath from Na(+) channels located at nodes of Ra
152 s found that the frequency of alterations in myelin sheaths from both locations correlates significan
154 In addition, loss and/or dysfunction of the myelin sheath has been associated with a variety of neur
157 as been implicated in destabilization of the myelin sheath in autoimmune demyelinating diseases such
158 d in pathogenic autoimmune cells that attack myelin sheath in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelit
160 uction of oligodendrocytes and the damage of myelin sheath in MHV-infected CNS and suggests that olig
161 of myelin proteins correlated with a thicker myelin sheath in optic nerves; comparison of quantified
162 , which are responsible for the formation of myelin sheath in the central nervous system, with the hu
166 In both media formulations, the number of myelin sheaths in SC/DRGN cultures was far higher than i
170 demonstrated vacuolation and swelling of the myelin sheaths in the spinal cord of Lbr(+/-):Dhcr14(Del
171 rve-impulse conduction is greatly speeded by myelin sheaths in vertebrates, oligochaete annelids, pen
174 M-20 is incorporated into functional compact myelin sheaths in young animals, our data show that the
175 erations have been examined by comparing the myelin sheaths in young monkeys, 5-10 years old, with th
176 icroarrays composed of lipids present in the myelin sheath, including ganglioside, sulfatide, cerebro
178 The restriction of P0 immunoreactivity to myelin sheaths indicates that the protein is subject to
187 indicate that formation of a normal compact myelin sheath is required for normal maturation of the n
188 While this increase in the thickness of myelin sheaths is occurring in old monkeys, there are al
189 ed disruption in the integrity of internodal myelin sheaths is well described and includes splitting
190 elin basic protein (MBP), a component of the myelin sheath, is mediated by both bone marrow (BM)-deri
192 s system, and malformation or destruction of myelin sheaths leads to motor and sensory disabilities.
194 servation that axon diameters correlate with myelin sheath length, as well as reports that PNS axonal
195 ly a century ago, many studies have observed myelin sheath-length diversity between CNS regions.
196 ces in myelin sheath lengths is unknown; are myelin sheath lengths determined solely by axons or do i
197 What accounts for regional differences in myelin sheath lengths is unknown; are myelin sheath leng
198 ed CNS myelination by reducing the number of myelin sheaths made by individual oligodendrocytes durin
200 provide two lines of evidence here that thin myelin sheaths may persist indefinitely in long-lived an
201 local synthesis of the major protein in the myelin sheath, myelin basic protein, through Fyn kinase-
203 that membrane proteins are delivered to the myelin sheath of an oligodendrocyte on rafts with a dist
204 constituents of oligodendrocytes and/or the myelin sheath of oligodendrocytes results in the formati
205 e glycoprotein (MOG) is an Ag present in the myelin sheath of the CNS thought to be targeted by the a
208 our examination of the effects of age on the myelin sheaths of nerve fibers in primary visual cortex.
212 ve disease multiple sclerosis (MS), only the myelin sheaths of the CNS are lost, while Schwann cell m
213 on diameter to the diameter of the axon plus myelin sheath) of myelinated axons in regions subject to
214 ase, multiple sclerosis, the regeneration of myelin sheaths often fails due to a default of the resid
215 E(-/-) OLs also display defects when forming myelin sheath on neuronal axons during neonatal developm
216 e model for characterizing the effect of the myelin sheath on the evolution of the NMR signal is an e
219 r fails leaving remyelinated axons with thin myelin sheaths potentially compromising function and lea
221 is well described and includes splitting of myelin sheaths, redundant myelin, and fluctuations in bi
228 ion and repair of the central nervous system myelin sheath requires an unambiguous identification and
229 ly, with age the internodes of many of these myelin sheaths show structural changes, the most common
230 axin (Prx), a PDZ domain protein involved in myelin sheath stabilization, is also a component of adha
231 rs, together with age-related alterations in myelin sheath structure, may result in the inefficient a
233 S results from destruction of the protective myelin sheath surrounding axons, which prevents the tran
235 om damage or dysregulation of the insulating myelin sheath surrounding spinal motor axons, causing pa
238 imaging of the mouse spinal cord to resolve myelin sheaths surrounding individual fluorescently-labe
240 expressing reticulospinal neurons have fewer myelin sheaths than controls and that their myelin sheat
241 ctional gap junctions are present within the myelin sheath that allow small molecules to diffuse betw
243 In peripheral nerves, Schwann cells form the myelin sheath that insulates axons and allows rapid prop
247 ol homeostasis, a major lipid constituent of myelin sheaths that are formed by oligodendrocytes.
249 apable of synthesizing these lipids yet form myelin sheaths that exhibit major and minor dense lines
250 nase did not block myelin formation, but the myelin sheaths that formed were shorter, and the rate of
251 disorder that results in the degradation of myelin sheaths that insulate axons in the central nervou
252 in the central nervous system (CNS) produce myelin sheaths that insulate axons to ensure fast propag
253 ccompanied by a progressive increase in MBP+ myelin sheaths that were restricted to the periventricul
254 ly localized to the innermost aspects of the myelin sheath, the paranode, the juxtaparanode, and the
256 hed axonal segments even in the absence of a myelin sheath; these clusters persist after oligodendroc
259 ocytes that contributes to the regulation of myelin sheath thickness and that uncouples the initiatio
261 in-1 by BACE1 is speculated to cause reduced myelin sheath thickness in both the central nervous syst
263 We characterized oligodendrocyte numbers and myelin sheath thickness in mice with conditional inactiv
265 ce1 regulates the process of myelination and myelin sheath thickness in the central and peripheral ne
275 working together to drive the growth of the myelin sheath, thus increasing myelin thickness.SIGNIFIC
277 e paranodal junction (PNJ) that attaches the myelin sheath to the axon, are present in the shk centra
278 ost common is splitting of the dense line of myelin sheaths to accommodate electron dense cytoplasm d
279 y-driven adaptations to both axons and their myelin sheaths to fully understand how myelinated axon p
280 olled, at least in part, by the adherence of myelin sheaths to the axolemma in the adjacent region of
281 quisitely tailor the thickness of individual myelin sheaths to the diameter of their target axons to
282 hy characterized by focal thickenings of the myelin sheath (tomacula), progressive demyelination, axo
283 tral myelin, characterized by thin or absent myelin sheaths, vacuolation, enlarged periaxonal collars
285 the cell that synthesizes and maintains the myelin sheath, we analyzed JHMV pathogenesis in transgen
286 on was common, whereas in the lesion proper, myelin sheaths were consistently transformed into vesicu
289 oligodendrocytes that were actively forming myelin sheaths were identified in 30 of 42 remyelinated
291 ls defective or incapable of forming compact myelin sheathes when they differentiated to myelinating
292 ternodal and juxtaparanodal regions of small myelin sheaths, whereas Cx32 staining was restricted to
293 In peripheral nerves, Schwann cells form the myelin sheath, which allows the efficient propagation of
294 to aberrant targeting and destruction of the myelin sheath, which manifests as the clinical syndrome
295 ligodendrocytes initially over-produce short myelin sheaths, which are either retracted or stabilized
296 In the central nervous system (CNS), the myelin sheaths, which protect axons and allow the fast p
297 to the fact that, in the old monkeys, thick myelin sheaths with more than ten lamellae are more comm
298 and cerebellum showed diffuse unraveling of myelin sheaths with occasional disintegration of neurona
299 ese oligodendrocytes also generate their new myelin sheaths within the same period, despite having va
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