


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  active ECC couplons (on average, 17,000 per myocyte).
2 e expressed in arterial smooth muscle cells (myocytes).
3 a1 subunits in arterial smooth muscle cells (myocytes).
4 established mathematical model of the rabbit myocyte.
5  silico model of the adult human ventricular myocyte.
6 d three-dimensional model of the ventricular myocyte.
7 aling in isolated murine primary ventricular myocytes.
8 ing that augments insulin action in skeletal myocytes.
9 nd can trigger action potentials in isolated myocytes.
10 the proximity of beta1 to surface BKalpha in myocytes.
11 thways altered in vivo and by using isolated myocytes.
12  control of respiration by NO within cardiac myocytes.
13 ced early afterdepolarizations in guinea pig myocytes.
14 elayed aftercontractions in HRC null cardiac myocytes.
15 at the beta1 and alpha1B were present in all myocytes.
16 s the cycling of Ca(2+) and Na(+) in cardiac myocytes.
17 gap junction coupling in HF-AS versus CTL-AS myocytes.
18 e increasing organization of the ventricular myocytes.
19  mechanically active in skeletal and cardiac myocytes.
20 l death in embryonic fibroblasts and cardiac myocytes.
21 ial canonical channel 6 (Trpc6), in isolated myocytes.
22 f HCO3(-), impairs O2/CO2 balance in cardiac myocytes.
23  plasma membrane abundance of KV channels in myocytes.
24 tential morphology in guinea pig ventricular myocytes.
25 hat SR Ca content is increased in old atrial myocytes.
26 function is exquisitely regulated in cardiac myocytes.
27 n Kv11.1 tail currents and APs in guinea pig myocytes.
28 of Cx43 protein in PRA versus PRB expressing myocytes.
29  perturbations of O2/CO2 balance in AE3-null myocytes.
30 s (APs) more closely resemble those of human myocytes.
31 kbone for coordinated contraction of cardiac myocytes.
32 ta-adrenergic stimulation in beating cardiac myocytes.
33 a(2+) load alterations vs. control-diet (CD) myocytes.
34  the 5 cardiac ARs in individual ventricular myocytes.
35 rovider of passive tension and elasticity in myocytes.
36 ol/L) and Na(+) current in mouse ventricular myocytes.
37 l of diastolic [Ca(2+) ]i in rat ventricular myocytes.
38 in-A prevented INa increase in CASK-silenced myocytes.
39 ng Fluo-3 in voltage clamped rat ventricular myocytes.
40 ng differentiation and maturation of cardiac myocytes.
41                 BTP2 had no effect on normal myocytes.
42 bundance at the surface of mesenteric artery myocytes.
43 content in colon ascendens stent peritonitis myocytes.
44 ion controlling the repolarization of atrial myocytes.
45 et of bursting activity in mouse ventricular myocytes.
46 m concentration were observed in rat cardiac myocytes.
47  resolution to assess coupling of individual myocytes.
48 CC) is strikingly different from ventricular myocytes.
49 e sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) in ventricular myocytes; a median separation of 20 nm in 2D electron mi
50                              Sinoatrial node myocytes act as cardiac pacemaker cells by generating sp
51                                 How does the myocyte adjust its response to compensate for such chang
52 otassium channels (KATP channels) in cardiac myocytes adjust contractile function to compensate for t
53 lar distribution and preservation in cardiac myocytes after cell isolation are not well documented.
54  candidate loci in neonatal cultured cardiac myocytes after in utero exposure to diesel exhaust and f
55 I reduced surface KV 1.5 protein in isolated myocytes; an effect inhibited by BIM.
56 ailed computational model of the ventricular myocyte and mathematical analysis.
57 iac desmosomes, which leads to detachment of myocytes and alteration of intracellular signal transduc
58 ls (SK, KCa 2) are expressed in human atrial myocytes and are responsible for shaping atrial action p
59 ssium ions outward to repolarize ventricular myocytes and end each beat.
60        Pathological features include loss of myocytes and fibrofatty replacement of right ventricular
61  tagged KCNQ1 and KCNE1 in adult ventricular myocytes and follow their biogenesis and trafficking pat
62 ocesses such as spontaneous beats in cardiac myocytes and glucose-dependent ATP increase in pancreati
63 ns in isolated murine and guinea pig cardiac myocytes and mitochondria.
64 nse on ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) in cardiac myocytes and mouse hearts.
65                                              Myocytes and non-myocytes are known to communicate and e
66                    Dynamic crosstalk between myocytes and non-myocytes plays a crucial role in stress
67 ed pattern in WT myocytes, whereas CD38(-/-) myocytes and nonpermeabilized WT myocytes showed little
68 croscopy, we demonstrate that in rat cardiac myocytes and other cell types mitochondrial PDE2A2 regul
69 9 promotes pathologic hypertrophy of cardiac myocytes and overall cardiac dysfunction.
70 he cells; they are expressed in human atrial myocytes and responsible for shaping atrial action poten
71 sing latency variance) of Ca waves in nearby myocytes and SR Ca load, whereas the number of Ca wave i
72 gle BK channels and transient BK currents in myocytes and stimulated vasoconstriction via a PKC-depen
73 ntaneous Ca waves are much more common in HF myocytes and these AS myocytes are also poorly coupled,
74              These 'male' and 'female' model myocytes and tissues then were used to predict how vario
75 stimulates TRPM4 currents in cerebral artery myocytes and vasoconstriction of cerebral arteries.
76 in H9c2 cardiac cells, adult rat ventricular myocytes, and human induced pluripotent stem cell-derive
77 had significantly reduced scar size, smaller myocytes, and increased myocyte nuclear density.
78 mechanical properties of normal and diseased myocytes, and to determine whether Orai channels are obl
79 litudes, in chronically stressed ventricular myocytes, and use COS-7 cell expression to probe the und
80 yocardium correlating with oxidative stress, myocyte apoptosis, and the accumulation of proinflammato
81 As a first approximation, sensors inside the myocyte appear to modulate reactive oxygen species while
82                                Four distinct myocyte AR phenotypes are defined: 30% of cells with bet
83 much more common in HF myocytes and these AS myocytes are also poorly coupled, enabling local Ca-indu
84 ALE: Junctional membrane complexes (JMCs) in myocytes are critical microdomains, in which excitation-
85                             Well-coupled CTL myocytes are effectively voltage-clamped during Ca waves
86                             Myocytes and non-myocytes are known to communicate and exert mutual regul
87 tochondrial calcium concentration in cardiac myocytes are largely unknown.
88                                              Myocytes are responsible for electrical conduction and c
89                     The dominant ventricular myocyte ARs present in all cells are the beta1 and alpha
90 ta1 and beta2 are thought to be the dominant myocyte ARs.
91 n the whole rat heart, adult rat ventricular myocytes (ARVMs), and myofibrils from both sexes of rats
92 ecordings were made from isolated guinea pig myocytes as well as from human embryonic kidney 293 (HEK
93 current passed by Kv11.1 channels in cardiac myocytes, as well as the current passed in response to p
94 ter calcein diffusion than in HF, with HF-AS myocyte being slowest.
95 tors, including endothelin-1 (ET-1), inhibit myocyte BK channels, leading to contraction, but mechani
96     The beta2 and beta3 are mostly absent in myocytes but are abundant in nonmyocytes.
97 s the most relevant source for NO in cardiac myocytes, but this nNOS is not located in mitochondria a
98 yndrome in male and female ventricular human myocytes by combining effects of a hormone and a hERG bl
99                                   In cardiac myocytes Ca(2+) is a crucial regulator of contractile fo
100                          ABSTRACT: In atrial myocytes Ca(2+) release during excitation-contraction co
101  their downstream targets, the regulation of myocyte calcium cycling and myofilament activity.
102 of the molecular circuitry governing cardiac myocyte cell cycle regulation is required.
103  cardiac myocytes dominates over that in non-myocyte cell types.
104  propagation of the [Ca(2+) ]i signal to the myocyte centre both in patients with AF and in a rabbit
105 however, the endogenous structure of cardiac myocyte chromatin has never been determined.
106         RATIONALE: During each beat, cardiac myocytes (CMs) generate the mechanical output necessary
107 ire strong and stable connections of cardiac myocytes (CMs) with the extracellular matrix (ECM) to pr
108 gulator of Cx43 expression, GJ formation and myocyte connectivity/synchronization for labour.
109                                While cardiac myocytes contain several isoforms of NO synthases, it is
110        Inadequate insulin action in skeletal myocytes contributes to hyperglycemia in diabetes.
111 panied by increased cell cohesion in cardiac myocyte cultures and murine heart slices.
112                       While assays to detect myocyte death are used to diagnose a heart attack (acute
113 ocks CaMKII- or ISO-induced mPTP opening and myocyte death in vitro and rescues heart hypertrophy in
114 e (synchrony of Ca release in populations of myocytes) determine DAD features in cardiac tissue using
115  pathways regulated by TBX5 in human cardiac myocyte development.
116                          Myomerger deficient myocytes differentiate and harbour organized sarcomeres
117 ating that the function of miR-29 in cardiac myocytes dominates over that in non-myocyte cell types.
118 sidered cardiomyopathies because of electric myocyte dysfunction.
119 esult in myocyte hypertrophy with changes in myocyte electrical and mechanical phenotype.
120          Hearts of Glyco(Lo) mice had larger myocytes, enhanced cardiac function, and higher capillar
121                                          The Myocyte Enhancer Factor 2 (MEF2) transcription factors s
122 tor), SRF (serum response factor), and MEF2 (myocyte enhancer factor 2) play critical roles in the me
123  Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, and report myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C) motif enrichment in s
124 the activity-dependent transcription factor, Myocyte enhancer factor-2C (Mef2c), differentially regul
125 evels, effects likely to preserve functional myocyte excitation-contraction coupling.
126                        KEY POINTS: In atrial myocytes excitation-contraction coupling is strikingly d
127                                          FRD myocytes exhibited enhanced SR Ca(2+) spontaneous events
128 ALE: It is unknown whether every ventricular myocyte expresses all 5 of the cardiac adrenergic recept
129 A sequencing were performed in adult cardiac myocytes following development of pressure overload-indu
130 pective markers of atrial versus ventricular myocyte formation from hPSCs and their use in directed d
131 c myocytes from wild-type but not in cardiac myocytes from ATF6 knockout mice.
132 o I-1c gene transfer in isolated left atrial myocytes from both pigs and rats increased calcium trans
133 te electrophysiology and calcium dynamics in myocytes from control rats (SHAM) and aortic-banded rats
134 te electrophysiology and calcium dynamics in myocytes from control sham operated rats and aortic-band
135                                 We show that myocytes from fructose-rich diet (FRD) animals exhibit a
136                                     Isolated myocytes from HFD-fed mice also displayed a reduced cont
137 tein inactivation with pertussis toxin or in myocytes from M2- or M1/3-muscarinic receptor knockout m
138 and transverse-tubule imaging of ventricular myocytes from MCM-Speg(fl/fl) mice post HF revealed both
139                          In freshly-isolated myocytes from rat cerebral resistance arteries, FaLM sho
140  field focusing on the withdrawal of cardiac myocytes from the cell cycle during the transition from
141 stressor, tunicamycin, and by I/R in cardiac myocytes from wild-type but not in cardiac myocytes from
142           METHODS AND We studied ventricular myocytes from wild-type mice, mice with alpha1A and alph
143 ced increase in Ca(2+) transients in cardiac myocytes from WT but not CD38(-/-) mice.
144                          Using single atrial myocytes from young and old Welsh Mountain sheep, we sho
145 ze electrotonic conduction occurs across non-myocyte gaps in the heart and is partly mediated by Conn
146  the adult mammalian heart lacks a definable myocyte-generating progenitor cell of biological signifi
147 ses revealed interactions within the cardiac myocyte genome at 5-kb resolution, enabling examination
148 eptor (FGFR) 4 thereby inducing hypertrophic myocyte growth and the development of left ventricular h
149  and global differential gene expression for myocyte growth, amino acid biosynthesis, and oxidative s
150                                Hypertrophied myocytes had increased STIM1 expression and activity, wh
151 th restricted diffusion for Na(+) in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electro
152 earts containing mostly post-mitotic cardiac myocytes have lost this ability.
153     The histological features of HCM include myocyte hypertrophy and disarray, as well as interstitia
154 ated PE-mediated/FAK-dependent initiation of myocyte hypertrophy in vivo Collectively, these findings
155 cal increases in cardiac afterload result in myocyte hypertrophy with changes in myocyte electrical a
156 ting increased calcineurin/NFAT signaling in myocyte hypertrophy.
157 d L-type Ca(++) currents (rabbit ventricular myocytes, IC50=66.5+/-4 mumol/L) and IK1 (HEK cells expr
158 ing BKalpha and beta1 surface trafficking in myocytes, identify mechanisms involved, and determine fu
159 myocytes (PdCMs) are similar to conventional myocytes in morphological, electrical and contractile pr
160 ption of myo18b is restricted to fast-twitch myocytes in the zebrafish embryo; consistent with this,
161 deled the Holt-Oram syndrome in iPSC-cardiac myocytes in vitro and uncovered novel pathways regulated
162       Targeted deletion of miR-29 in cardiac myocytes in vivo also prevents cardiac hypertrophy and f
163 sis for CO-induced arrhythmias in guinea pig myocytes in which action potentials (APs) more closely r
164 lar organ composed of cardiomyocytes and non-myocytes including fibroblasts, endothelial cells and im
165 f STIM1 in cultured adult feline ventricular myocytes increased diastolic spark rate and prolonged AP
166 -type action potentials of PMCA1(cko) atrial myocytes increased significantly under Ca(2+) overload c
167 lammatory molecules, immune cells may induce myocyte inflammation, adversely regulate myocyte metabol
168 rs of inflammation, endothelial dysfunction, myocyte injury and stress, and kidney function.
169 he end of perfusion, and histology showed no myocyte injury.
170 abolished the protection against H/R-induced myocytes injury by AS-1.
171 ln forms from the heart-muscle cell leads to myocyte instability and a dilated cardiomyopathy.
172 s the number of Ca wave initiation sites per myocyte is less important.
173 trial natriuretic peptide secreted by atrial myocytes is a major adipogenic factor operating at a low
174 namic CpG and non-CpG methylation in cardiac myocytes is confined to A compartments.
175         The desmin network's pivotal role in myocytes is evident since mutations in the human desmin
176  the calcium signalling apparatus in cardiac myocytes is unknown.
177  and contractility measurements performed or myocytes isolated for patch-clamp electrophysiology.
178 -I) and in colon ascendens stent peritonitis myocytes isolated from mutant mice that have the ryanodi
179 d Ca(2+) transients from cardiac ventricular myocytes isolated from rabbit hearts.
180 eserved in colon ascendens stent peritonitis myocytes isolated from transgenic mice expressing a calc
181 nthases (NOSs) are also expressed in cardiac myocytes, it is unclear whether they control respiration
182                         In adult ventricular myocytes, KCNE1 maintains a stable presence on the cell
183                                              Myocyte KV currents are inhibited by vasoconstrictors, i
184 ngly different from ventricle because atrial myocytes lack a transverse tubule membrane system: Ca(2+
185                       In many species atrial myocytes lack a transverse tubule system, dividing the s
186 ibuted to perturbed Ca2+ handling in cardiac myocytes leading to spontaneous Ca2+ release and delayed
187 ricular (LV) relaxation, restoration forces, myocyte lengthening load, and atrial function, culminati
188                               At the cardiac myocyte level, colon ascendens stent peritonitis cells s
189 nic Cl(-)/HCO3(-) transporter in ventricular myocytes, linking the critical roles of Slc26a6 in regul
190    Isolated patch-clamped rabbit ventricular myocytes loaded with Fluo-4 to image intracellular Ca we
191   The pathological characteristic of ARVC is myocyte loss with fibrofatty replacement.
192                                      In uMSC-myocytes, lower amino acid concentrations and global dif
193  stages of cardiomyocytes and supporting non-myocytes may be a critical factor for promoting function
194 sparate diseases that have in common altered myocyte mechanics.
195  type IV collagen and effects of fibrosis on myocyte membrane indicated the possible interaction betw
196 p experiments using native cerebral arterial myocytes, membrane stretch-induced cation currents were
197 uce myocyte inflammation, adversely regulate myocyte metabolism, and contribute to insulin resistance
198  muscle inflammation and negatively regulate myocyte metabolism, leading to insulin resistance.
199            Mechanistically, we found cardiac myocyte miR-29 to de-repress Wnt signaling by directly t
200 of APs observed in a paced human ventricular myocyte model by decreasing and/or increasing the rapid
201 hannels were integrated into the O'Hara-Rudy myocyte model modified to include dynamic drug-hERG chan
202  Using computer simulations of a ventricular myocyte model, we show that initiation and termination a
203  into a physiologically detailed ventricular myocyte model.
204                   Quantitative assessment of myocyte morphology revealed significantly enhanced myocy
205 a3 were detected in only approximately 5% of myocytes, mostly in different cells.
206  heart failure typically arises from cardiac myocyte necrosis/apoptosis, associated with the patholog
207                                      Cardiac myocytes normally initiate action potentials in response
208 logical property of neonatal rat ventricular myocyte (NRVM) cultures.
209 d scar size, smaller myocytes, and increased myocyte nuclear density.
210 rs includes lamina-associated protein LAP-1, myocyte nuclear envelope protein Syne1, BetaM itself, he
211 neously nor do they physically colocalize in myocyte nuclei.
212                 Here, we report that cardiac myocytes of heterozygous mice carrying a catecholaminerg
213  and a loss of functional KV 1.5 channels in myocytes of pressurized arteries.
214 ed, and determine functional significance in myocytes of small cerebral arteries.
215               ABSTRACT: Smooth muscle cells (myocytes) of resistance-size arteries express several di
216 ximal +34-mV shift in neonatal mouse cardiac myocytes or Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells expressing
217 ytes were much more frequent in HF (10.8% of myocytes, P<0.05 versus CTL).
218                                      Cardiac myocyte passive tension was significantly increased 1 ho
219   Dynamic crosstalk between myocytes and non-myocytes plays a crucial role in stress/injury-induced h
220 omains, and LQT3-associated mutant channels, myocytes produced EADs for wide intercellular clefts, wh
221   Also, the exact nature of various putative myocyte-producing progenitor cells remains elusive and u
222 growth factor receptor ERBB2 is critical for myocyte proliferation and trabeculation.
223                      To (re)initiate cardiac myocyte proliferation in adult mammalian hearts, a thoro
224 bians leading to the hypothesis that cardiac myocyte proliferation is a major driver of heart regener
225 n after cardiac damage, induction of cardiac myocyte proliferation is an attractive therapeutic optio
226  a linker element between passive and active myocyte properties.
227                                    In mutant myocytes, ranolazine inhibited the enhanced late Na(+) c
228 ed cardiac function, and higher capillary-to-myocyte ratios.
229 ouse hearts containing proliferating cardiac myocytes regenerate even extensive injuries, whereas adu
230 not elicit cKit(+) cardiac stem cell-derived myocyte regeneration.
231 ctive is to understand how adult ventricular myocytes regulate the IKs amplitudes under basal conditi
232 ing ubiquitin-tagged proteins within cardiac myocytes related to proteasome dysfunction and impaired
233 first evidence of human infant adipocyte- or myocyte-related alterations in cellular metabolic pathwa
234 n pathological hypertrophy and is central to myocyte remodeling.
235 ibilities have been proposed: differentiated myocyte replication and progenitor/immature cell differe
236 thylation in embryonic stem cells or cardiac myocytes, respectively, does not alter genome-wide chrom
237 a(2+) ]SR ; fluo-5N) Ca(2+) in rabbit atrial myocytes revealed that Ca(2+) release from j-SR resulted
238                       However, most of these myocytes seem to recover and do not elicit cKit(+) cardi
239                         How does the cardiac myocyte sense changes in preload or afterload?
240 k initiation after Ca(2+) release in cardiac myocytes should inhibit further Ca(2+) release during th
241                                          TAC myocytes showed a higher incidence of triggered activiti
242 s CD38(-/-) myocytes and nonpermeabilized WT myocytes showed little or no staining, without striation
243                           The majority of HF myocytes showed remarkable t-system remodeling, particul
244 e morphology revealed significantly enhanced myocyte size compared with patients with ICM.
245 N, activating transcription factor 2 (ATF2), myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2A (MEF2A), and SRY-Box
246 elated IFN-I milieu downregulates microglial myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C (Mef2C).
247 in of chromatin with GPR98, including MEF2C (Myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C).
248                         LRRK2 also inhibited myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2D activity, which is r
249 in combination with activated fibroblast- or myocyte-specific GRK2 ablation-each initiated after myoc
250 mma, germ-line iPLA2gamma(-/-) mice, cardiac myocyte-specific iPLA2gamma transgenic mice, and wild-ty
251                              A novel cardiac myocyte-specific Speg conditional knockout (MCM-Speg(fl/
252 ts that complex with the sarcomere, altering myocyte stiffness, contractility, and mechanosignalling.
253                  These findings suggest that myocyte stretch, fibroblast stretch, and matrix stiffeni
254 that mutated desmin already markedly impedes myocyte structure and function at pre-symptomatic stages
255     METHODS AND Knockdown of ATF6 in cardiac myocytes subjected to I/R increased reactive oxygen spec
256         Direct observation of MTs in working myocytes suggests a spring-like function, one that is su
257  the abundance of functional channels at the myocyte surface.
258 ve been identified, which may promote either myocyte survival or death or, most interestingly, both.
259 raction amplitudes were smaller in CD38(-/-) myocytes than in the WT.
260 ted mechanism of glucose sensing in skeletal myocytes that contributes to homeostasis and therapeutic
261 l design, such as receptor overexpression in myocytes that do not express the AR normally.
262 ly-adapted membrane invaginations in cardiac myocytes that facilitate the synchronous release of Ca(2
263 n electrophysiological alterations in atrial myocytes that may promote AF.
264 arcomere, the structural unit of the cardiac myocytes, the Frank-Starling mechanism consists of the i
265                                   In cardiac myocytes, there are several Ca(2+) -sensitive potassium
266 initial ion circumstances within ventricular myocytes, these multi-stable AP states might increase th
267 stic triggered activity in a one-dimensional myocyte tissue model.
268 iled mathematical model of mouse ventricular myocytes to disclose the key mechanisms underlying the c
269 work provides structural evidence in cardiac myocytes to indicate the formation of microdomains betwe
270 current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K(+) after a period of exposure to K(+)-free
271     STIM1 can associate with Orai in cardiac myocytes to produce a Ca(2+) influx pathway that can pro
272 osely associated with the ability of cardiac myocytes to proliferate.
273                    Exposure of hypertrophied myocytes to the Orai channel blocker BTP2 caused a reduc
274                        Failure of trabecular myocytes to undergo appropriate cell cycle withdrawal le
275 cells as well as in neonatal rat ventricular myocytes treated with the muscarinic agonist carbachol.
276 significantly prolonged in PMCA1(cko) atrial myocytes under basal conditions, with Ca(2+) overload le
277 rial permeability transition pore in cardiac myocytes under stress.
278    Spontaneous calcium (Ca) waves in cardiac myocytes underlie delayed afterdepolarizations (DADs) th
279 rk (LCS) activity in intact isolated cardiac myocytes using fast confocal line scanning with improved
280 ded from freshly isolated rabbit ventricular myocytes using whole-cell patch clamp.
281                       In ventricular cardiac myocytes (VCM), Gbeta5 deficiency provided substantial p
282 aturic hormone that directly targets cardiac myocytes via FGF receptor (FGFR) 4 thereby inducing hype
283 vity regulate internal Ca release in cardiac myocytes via Na/Ca exchange.
284 CO induces arrhythmias in guinea pig cardiac myocytes via the ONOO(-)-mediated inhibition of Kv11.1 K
285  increased in fructose-rich diet mouse (FRD) myocytes vs. control diet (CD) mice, in the absence of s
286                 The number of EdU(+) cardiac myocytes was increased in CBSC- versus vehicle- treated
287                        Calcium release in HF myocytes was restricted to regions proximal to the sarco
288 3W) in patient-specific iPSC-derived cardiac myocytes, we demonstrated that the knockout strategy ame
289 the patch-clamp technique in beating cardiac myocytes, we identified a neuronal NO synthase (nNOS) as
290  electrophysiology and rat cerebral arterial myocytes, we monitored STOCs in the presence and absence
291 gical inhibition of iNOS in isolated cardiac myocytes, we reveal that an increase of expression and a
292                     Furthermore, ventricular myocytes were found to be an important source of cardiac
293                                     These AS myocytes were much more frequent in HF (10.8% of myocyte
294                       In CTL hearts, 1.4% of myocytes were poorly synchronized with neighboring cells
295 phy due to polymicrobial sepsis and cultured myocytes were used for mechanistic analyses.
296 entricle can be captured by data from single myocytes when these results are expressed as 'repolariza
297 ining of CD38, with a striated pattern in WT myocytes, whereas CD38(-/-) myocytes and nonpermeabilize
298  gene and were shown to bind ATF6 in cardiac myocytes, which increased catalase promoter activity.
299 nzymatically digested to isolate ventricular myocytes, which were subsequently fixed at 0, 3, and 8 h
300         Membrane permeabilization of cardiac myocytes with saponin and/or Triton X-100 increased NAAD

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