


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  and high-yield modification of the ELP with myristic acid.
2 ular asses of 37, 35, and 25 kDa) label with myristic acid.
3 CD28 monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) or phorbol myristic acid.
4  labeled only with [35S]methionine, not with myristic acid.
5 nic and oleic acid and to a lesser extent by myristic acid.
6 over through the receptor's interaction with myristic acid.
7 ecrease in hSlo1 plasmalemma localization by myristic acid.
8 ), basic residues in NC, and the presence of myristic acid.
9 d in the X-ray structure of HSA complexed to myristic acid.
10 iolabeled with either [35S]methionine or [3H]myristic acid.
11 e 2 diabetes (HR [95% CI] per SD difference: myristic acid 1.15 [95% CI 1.09-1.22], palmitic acid 1.2
12 10:0) acid (HRSD: 0.93; 95% CI: 0.89, 0.99), myristic acid (14:0) (HRSD: 0.90; 95% CI: 0.83, 0.97), t
13 decreased, the binding affinity was reduced; myristic acid (14:0) bound with a K(d) of 1409 +/- 423 n
14 s with 4-10 carbons, lauric acid (12:0), and myristic acid (14:0) were associated with decreased risk
15                                              Myristic acid (14:0), 14:1n-9, and 14:2n-6 were all inco
16                          Lauric acid (12:0), myristic acid (14:0), and palmitic acid (16:0) are appro
17 :0) and oleic acid (18:1), cholesterol ester myristic acid (14:0), and phospholipid palmitoleic acid
18 ly assessed other DNL fatty acid biomarkers [myristic acid (14:0), palmitoleic acid (16:1n-7), 7-hexa
19    Even-chain SFAs that were measured (14:0 [myristic acid], 16:0 [palmitic acid], and 18:0 [stearic
20 l-CoA, the other products were identified as myristic acid, 2-myristoylmyristic acid, and 14-heptacos
21 cid (10.07%), palmitelaidic acid (9.56%) and myristic acid (8.83%).
22 ion known as myristoylation, the transfer of myristic acid (a 14-carbon saturated fatty acid) to an N
23               Modification of HIV-1 Gag with myristic acid, a saturated 14-carbon fatty acid (14:0),
24 , with the IB isoform containing a potential myristic acid acceptor sequence.
25                            NAE 14:0, but not myristic acid, activated phenylalanine ammonia lyase exp
26 otein which prevented incorporation of [(3)H]myristic acid also altered the detergent solubility and
27                   These compounds included a myristic acid analog known to interact with Src family k
28                                     With [3H]myristic acid and [3H]acetate, GPIX was found to be a ma
29  the simultaneous insertion of an N-terminal myristic acid and binding to a Golgi-associated binding
30 ically hydrolyzed by acetylcholinesterase to myristic acid and choline to prevent the color transitio
31                                      Phorbol myristic acid and dimethyloxalylglycine differentially s
32 virus expression system required addition of myristic acid and E9-14 acid precursors to demonstrate t
33  labeling of calcineurin B with radiolabeled myristic acid and electrospray mass spectral analysis co
34  pathways by treatment of cells with phorbol myristic acid and ionomycin rescued up-regulation of Btk
35 GPIb was acylated with about equal mounts of myristic acid and palmitic acids.
36 -translational modifications: acylation with myristic acid and phosphorylation at the C terminus.
37                                              Myristic acid and positively charged residues within the
38 ence (G2E), which eliminates the addition of myristic acid and the membrane-binding capacity of this
39                       Based on evidence that myristic acid and TSP1 each modulate endothelial cell ni
40 nfidence interval: 1.06, 5.38) for saturated myristic acid, and 2.88 (95% confidence interval: 1.24,
41 ng studies using [3H]glycerol, [32P]Pi, [14C]myristic acid, and [14C]linoleic acid indicated that the
42 , the sum of pentadecylic and margaric acid, myristic acid, and SFAs from dairy sources.
43                           Surprisingly, only myristic acid, and to a lesser extent palmitic acid, sti
44 udosubstrate-specific peptides with attached myristic acid are cell permeable and can be used to bloc
45                              The presence of myristic acid at the N terminus of the Myr1E Gag protein
46 ele (nmt487D) produces temperature-sensitive myristic acid auxotrophy.
47 t of synthetically derived tagged analogs of myristic acid bearing a 'clickable' tag.
48 rs that target either the active site or the myristic acid binding pocket in the kinase domain C-lobe
49 losteric network linking the SH3 domain, the myristic acid binding pocket, and the active site of the
50 pported monohydroxylation of lauric acid and myristic acid, but secondary oxygenation of the primary
51 bolic labeling showed incorporation of [(3)H]myristic acid by wild-type Z protein but not by the G2A
52  fat pad showed a decrease in the content of myristic acid (C14), a principal substrate for protein m
53 ential enzyme that catalyzes the transfer of myristic acid (C14:0) from myristoylCoA to the N-terminu
54 tment of cells expressing hSlo1 with 100 muM myristic acid caused alteration of hSlo1 activation kine
55 se data demonstrate an unexpected link among myristic acid, CD36, AMP kinase, and eNOS activity.
56 ive constructs were used to demonstrate that myristic acid/CD36 stimulation of eNOS activity was depe
57                    In vivo, treatment with a myristic acid conjugated trivalent histidine-histidine d
58    Of the fatty acids tested, only exogenous myristic acid contributed to increased intracellular myr
59  dynamics simulations show that luteolin and myristic acid cooperate to stabilize the Omega-loop amon
60 aplsX S. pneumoniae strain was refractory to myristic acid-dependent growth arrest, and unlike the wi
61                           The requirement of myristic acid for multimerization was reproduced using t
62  degrees C and in the presence of 1) phorbol myristic acid, forskolin and 3-isobutyl-1-methylxanthine
63 -myristoyltransferase (NMT), which transfers myristic acid from myristoyl coenzyme A to the amino gro
64 T41I/T78I mutant was defective in release of myristic acid from the more hydrophobic core.
65 in the sequence oleic acid > palmitic acid > myristic acid > linoleic acid > linolenic acid.
66 oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid, and myristic acid had little effect.
67               Treatment of ER membranes with myristic acid in the presence of cytosol increases SVIP
68 tide was labeled with [35S]methionine or [3H]myristic acid in the translation reactions, while mutant
69     Mechanistically, metabolism of exogenous myristic acid increased the biosynthesis of myristoyl Co
70 ristoylation by nearly 90% and abolished the myristic acid-induced change in current density.
71 ates that ASFV effectively inhibited phorbol myristic acid-induced synthesis of antiviral, proinflamm
72                      In human cells, phorbol myristic acid induces syndecan-1 shedding, resulting in
73         The Lineweaver-Burk plot showed that myristic acid inhibited firefly luciferase in competitio
74                Ueda and Suzuki reported that myristic acid inhibited firefly luciferase in microM ran
75 ndicated that caveolin-1 was not acylated by myristic acid; instead, it was acylated by palmitic acid
76  interleukin- (IL) 2 was measured in phorbol myristic acid-ionomycin-stimulated peripheral lymphocyte
77                 These results establish that myristic acid is a primary determinant of the stability
78                                              Myristic acid is found here to bind Sig-1R as an agonist
79  molecules may adopt a conformation in which myristic acid is hidden and unavailable for membrane int
80 f glycosylphosphatidylinositol biosynthesis, myristic acid is incorporated into the anchor from the d
81 results strongly support the hypothesis that myristic acid is sequestered inside MA prior to capsid-m
82  of well-controlled studies, it appears that myristic acid is the most potent saturated fatty acid.
83                                          [3H]Myristic acid-labeled cells were lysed by nitrogen cavit
84 detergent-resistant fractions and that [(3)H]myristic acid-labeled HIV Gag showed a nine-to-one enric
85 c acid was confirmed by the detection of [3H]myristic acid labeling and the observation that labeling
86                      A saturated fatty acid, myristic acid (MA), had no inhibitory effect on the isop
87 reatment of Sig-1R-KO neurons with exogenous myristic acid mitigates p35 accumulation, diminishes tau
88 d from Gag proteins that lack the N-terminal myristic acid modification or the nucleocapsid (NC) prot
89                                     Both the myristic acid moiety and additional determinants within
90 coli lipopolysaccharide (LPS) that lacks the myristic acid moiety of lipid A.
91                                     A single myristic acid molecule simultaneously binds the LBP, sug
92 catalyzes the cotranslational acylation with myristic acid of the NH2-terminal glycines of a number o
93 tic studies demonstrated that the effects of myristic acid on eNOS function were not dependent on PI
94 ng antibody demonstrated that the effects of myristic acid on eNOS required association with CD36.
95  293 cells, when stimulated with oleic acid, myristic acid, or the agonist 4-[[(3-phenoxyphenyl)methy
96 correlation was significant specifically for myristic acid (P < 0.001).
97 r exposure to dexamethasone (DEX) or phorbol myristic acid (PMA), PMA had no effect on expression of
98                                      Phorbol myristic acid (PMA)-treated U937 cells and elutriated mo
99 s claudin-1 were treated with 200 nM phorbol myristic acid (PMA).
100  C (PKC) by the diacylglycerol mimic phorbol-myristic acid resulted in specific and dose-responsive i
101 ourse labeling of VV-infected cells with [3H]myristic acid reveals at least three additional putative
102                  Metabolic labeling with [3H]myristic acid showed that both the 120- and 160-kDa kine
103 s in IL-8 and MCP-1 resulted from CM phorbol myristic acid-stimulated T-lymphocytes.
104 the molecular basis of how the metabolism of myristic acid stimulates high-fat diet-mediated prostate
105                                      Phorbol myristic acid stimulation significantly decreases DiD (1
106 ent acyltransferase which is responsible for myristic acid substitutions at the hydroxy moiety of lip
107                          This indicates that myristic acid targets MARCKS to the membrane, where it i
108 ine, threonine, and/or tyrosine residues and myristic acid; this type of esterification was further c
109 lation by potentially carrying and providing myristic acid to p35 for enhanced p35 degradation to cir
110 myristoylation is the covalent attachment of myristic acid to the N terminus of proteins in eukaryoti
111 N-myristoylation refers to the attachment of myristic acid to the N-terminal glycine of proteins and
112 reversible attachment of a C(14) fatty acid, myristic acid, to the N-terminal glycine of a protein vi
113                    Furthermore, we show that myristic acid treatment of hepatocytes increases both VT
114 xpressed in HEK293T cells incorporated [(3)H]myristic acid via a posttranslational mechanism, which i
115 % (IC50) at 13.6 microM, whereas the IC50 of myristic acid was 0.68 microM.
116                     Modification of ArgIB by myristic acid was confirmed by the detection of [3H]myri
117 ospray mass spectral analysis confirmed that myristic acid was covalently and stoichiometrically link
118                                              Myristic acid was detected on cysteine residue(s) (i.e.
119                                              Myristic acid was linked to GPIX by an amide bond, and t
120                                              Myristic acid was the only nutrient that appeared to med
121                             Trace amounts of myristic acid were also detected in transgenic plants co
122             The K(d) values for palmitic and myristic acid were in the nanomolar range.
123  oleic acid, stearic acid, palmitic acid and myristic acid, were the primary chemicals identified usi
124 d, and the highest activity was observed for myristic acid with a Km of 1.7 mol % and a Vmax of 0.63

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