


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ized microscale arrays fabricated by dip-pen nanolithography.
2 hermal, in addition to conventional, dip-pen nanolithography.
3 ts using nanoshaving, an AFM-based method of nanolithography.
4 s such as real-time biomolecular imaging and nanolithography.
5 microfluidics, capillary chromatography, and nanolithography.
6 ies and thereby patterns produced in dip-pen nanolithography.
7 e exploited to enhance patterning using soft nanolithography.
8 ducting polymers deposited within by dip-pen nanolithography.
9 tures within libraries generated via dip-pen nanolithography.
10 atomic force microscopy technique of dip-pen nanolithography.
11 ment, establishes a new paradigm for polymer nanolithography, allowing rapid (of the order of millise
12 tics of polymer crystal growth using dip-pen nanolithography and an atomic force microscope tip coate
13 Fabricated using three-dimensional colloidal nanolithography and atomic layer deposition, the process
14          But writing methods such as dip-pen nanolithography and ink-jet printing are either confined
15 wever, existing technologies such as dip-pen nanolithography and inkjet printing are currently unsuit
16 d to combine scanning probe microscopy (SPM) nanolithography and modified SPM break junction techniqu
17 th common patterning methods such as dip-pen nanolithography and multichannel microfluidic delivery d
18 chemical syringe include fluid dispensing in nanolithography and pumping in microfluidic systems.
19 rs using atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based nanolithography and subsequent selective immobilization
20 escribe a protocol that combines solid-state nanolithography and supported lipid membrane techniques
21 fully patterned on gold surfaces via dip-pen nanolithography, and the predicted molecular orientation
22 patial-frequency template, will be useful in nanolithography applications such as the formation of hi
23 ta storage, noncontact sensing, imaging, and nanolithography applications.
24 n nanowire was fabricated using the top-down nanolithography approach, through nanostructuring of sil
25 m of the inks most typically used in dip-pen nanolithography by patterning both 16-mercaptohexadecano
26 transmission efficiency with applications to nanolithography, data storage, and bio-chemical sensing.
27                     A direct-write "dip-pen" nanolithography (DPN) has been developed to deliver coll
28                                      Dip pen nanolithography (DPN) involves the direct transfer of an
29                                      Dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) is a scanning probe microscopy-bas
30                                      Dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) is becoming a popular nano-pattern
31                                      Dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) is becoming a popular technique to
32 anoplotter capable of doing parallel dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) is reported.
33  this paper, we demonstrate that the dip pen nanolithography (DPN) method can be used to precisely fu
34      This technique relies on either dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) or polymer pen lithography (PPL) t
35            We demonstrate the use of dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) to crystallize proteins on surface
36              The use of direct-write dip-pen nanolithography (DPN) to generate covalently anchored, n
37 es and use microcontact printing and Dip-Pen Nanolithography (DPN) to pattern alkanethiols with both
38                                      Dip-Pen Nanolithography (DPN) uses an AFM tip to deposit organic
39             A scanning probe method, dip-pen nanolithography (DPN), can be used to pattern monolayers
40  as microcontact printing (muCP) and dip-pen nanolithography (DPN).
41  surfaces has been demonstrated with dip pen nanolithography (DPN).
42 were patterned onto gold surfaces by dip-pen nanolithography (DPN).
43 terostructures using electrochemical dip-pen nanolithography (E-DPN).
44                                     This DNA nanolithography enables wafer-scale patterning of two-di
45                     We introduce Electro Pen Nanolithography (EPN), a nanoscale chemical patterning t
46 organosilane MNLs are used as lubricants, in nanolithography, for corrosion protection and in the cry
47                                     Maskless nanolithography, including electron-beam and scanning-pr
48                                      Dip-pen nanolithography is employed to directly pattern monolaye
49 The material can be patterned using standard nanolithography methods.
50 ains in the solid state with applications in nanolithography, nanotemplating, and nanocatalysis.
51 state three-terminal platforms created using nanolithography, or aqueous media.
52  we demonstrate that a novel form of dip-pen nanolithography provides an effective means to pattern t
53                One approach to visible-light nanolithography (resolution augmentation through photo-i
54 -tip, soft-spring lithography is a versatile nanolithography strategy that should be widely adopted b
55                This extension of the dip-pen nanolithography technique provides an easy methodology t
56 ting, an atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based nanolithography technique, to fabricate thiolated DNA na
57 ensive and time consuming using conventional nanolithography techniques.
58                                      Current nanolithography technologies are unable to recreate 4D n
59             Here we develop a metallized DNA nanolithography that allows transfer of spatial informat
60           However, many of the approaches to nanolithography that are used to pattern inorganic mater
61 w-cost, high-throughput approach to maskless nanolithography that uses an array of plasmonic lenses t
62  These studies demonstrate that biomolecular nanolithography (the arrangement of nanoscale building b
63   In light of the scalability limitations of nanolithography, this work presents an important step an
64 ly used in laser-assisted nanopatterning and nanolithography to pattern nanoscale features on a large
65 d novel lithography technique--electrostatic nanolithography using atomic force microscopy--that gene
66                                      Dip-pen nanolithography was used to construct arrays of proteins
67                                Electron beam nanolithography was used to fabricate 20 x 20 arrays of
68  NFP combines the high-resolution of dip-pen nanolithography with the efficient continuous liquid fee
69 y merges the feature size control of dip-pen nanolithography with the large-area capability of contac

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