


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 mporaneously in a stabilizing solution to be nebulized.
2 he cough receptors, as they were mimicked by nebulizing 1 mg ml(-1) bradykinin into the lower airways
3 xercise by 58%, 78%, and 67% (p < 0.05) when nebulized 15 min, 1 h and 3 h, respectively, before exer
4   Patients were randomized to receive either nebulized 3% HS (HS group) or NS (NS group).
5  tested these hypotheses in a blind study by nebulizing 7- to 14-d-old macaques (n = 28) with oxytoci
6                            Administration of nebulized ABLC is safe in the short-term and well-tolera
7 s, inhaled short-acting bronchodilators, and nebulized adrenaline.
8 All subjects had reversibility in FEV1 after nebulized albuterol of 15% or more and a mean postbronch
9                            Patients received nebulized albuterol treatments every 20 min with a maxim
10                                        After nebulized albuterol, the mean TGV decreased to 96.4 +/-
11  to 15 after nasal suctioning and a trial of nebulized albuterol.
12 ung eosinophilia after airway challenge with nebulized Amb a I or ragweed extract in mice sensitized
13 received budesonide 1 mg twice daily, either nebulized and then swallowed (NEB) or as an oral viscous
14   We performed a randomized trial to compare nebulized and viscous topical corticosteroid treatments
15                 Electrospray is utilized for nebulizing and transporting intact sample molecules into
16                                              Nebulized anti-miRs against miR-25 and miR-138 restore M
17                                     In vivo, nebulized anti-miRs were administered to rats with monoc
18 oid administration (oral vs intramuscular vs nebulized) are the subject of several studies, with no c
19 ndomized to receive 7 days of treatment with nebulized AZD5423 (75 or 300 mug) once daily, budesonide
20 piratory flow limitation were recorded after nebulized bronchodilator therapy on the first 3 d after
21    This retrospective analysis suggests that nebulized budesonide inhalation suspension can be admini
22 ontraction of the trachealis with histamine, nebulized capsaicin (10-60 microm) evoked a 63+/-7% reve
23 jority of patients (28 of 34) were receiving nebulized colistin and/or gentamicin.
24                        In rat models of PAH, nebulized delivery of miR-140-5p mimic prevented the dev
25 n-induced bronchoconstriction, and a 5-mg/kg nebulized dose caused a 67% inhibition of allergic bronc
26   Pretreatment of allergic sheep with a 3-mg nebulized dose of BIO-1211 inhibited early and late airw
27 s were randomly assigned to receive a single nebulized dose of IL-4R 1,500 microg, IL-4R 500 microg,
28 ated in a sheep model of asthma, and a 30 mg nebulized dose was able to inhibit early and late airway
29  with He-O2 80/20 than O2, and the amount of nebulized drug was inversely correlated with gas density
30 e score and survived 48 h were randomized to nebulized DSCG 20 mg (n = 13) or 2 cc NS (control, n = 1
31                   These results suggest that nebulized DSCG may exert an anti-inflammatory effect in
32                       Pulmonary responses to nebulized endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide, LPS) were evalu
33 6), or an injured group treated with 4 mg of nebulized epinephrine every 4 hrs (n = 6).
34 e suggests that combined glucocorticoids and nebulized epinephrine may be associated with lower hospi
35                                              Nebulized epinephrine should be considered for use in fu
36                We tested the hypothesis that nebulized epinephrine would ameliorate pulmonary dysfunc
37  out using MALDI aerosol particles that were nebulized from solution.
38 e pneumatic spray operated at extremely high nebulizing gas flow rates.
39 meter to direct the aerosol flow through the nebulizing gas inlet.
40              The high linear velocity of the nebulizing gas provides efficient pneumatic spraying of
41         The influences of capillary voltage, nebulizing gas, an electrolyte modifier, and flow rate o
42 ompressed air as the DESI spray solution and nebulizing gas, respectively, showed similar ionization
43 traditional micro ESI source with supersonic nebulizing gas.
44 plet velocity, and the cooling effect of the nebulizing gas.
45  samples from a 12-month controlled trial of nebulized gentamicin.
46            Group LH (n = 6) was treated with nebulized heparin and intravenous infusion of lisofyllin
47                      Combined treatment with nebulized heparin and systemic lisofylline had beneficia
48     Group H (n = 6) received 10,000 units of nebulized heparin every 4 hrs.
49                                              Nebulized HS treatment did not significantly reduce the
50                Two previous meta-analyses of nebulized hypertonic saline (HS) on hospital length of s
51 l admission, have found a limited benefit of nebulized hypertonic saline (HS) treatment in the pediat
52 Recent data indicate the clinical benefit of nebulized hypertonic saline in cystic fibrosis lung dise
53                                Additionally, nebulized hypertonic saline inhibited matrix -metallopro
54                                              Nebulized hypertonic saline reduced inflammation (cytoki
55                          In the study group, nebulized hypertonic saline was delivered at the end of
56 us studies have shown a potential benefit of nebulized hypertonic saline; however, its effect in the
57                                              Nebulized IB-MECA directly induced lung mast cell degran
58                               The effects of nebulized IFN-gamma on primary and secondary IgE product
59                                              Nebulized IL-4R has a serum half-life of approximately 1
60                                Ivacaftor was nebulized into the lung immediately after volume overloa
61            The Syk inhibitor NVP-QAB-205 was nebulized intratracheally by using a treatment-based pro
62                                Administering nebulized isotonic saline to these "high-producer" indiv
63 , bronchoscopy, noninvasive ventilation, and nebulized medication administration (NMA).
64                                              Nebulized methoxamine (40 mg ml-1 for 60 s), an alpha 1-
65              Exposure to a 300 micrograms/ml nebulized misoprostol solution provided significant prot
66 at 125 to 137 d gestational age and received nebulized natural surfactant (Neb Only), instilled surfa
67 monary arterial hypertension to low doses of nebulized nitrite (1.5 mg/min) 1 or 3 times a week.
68 ly ten-fold more rapid (<5 secs) than during nebulized nitroprusside ( approximately 1 min).
69 ced (DeltaFio2 from 0.5 to 0.08), and either nebulized nitroprusside (5 mg/mL at 4 L/min flow; total
70                              During hypoxia, nebulized nitroprusside also reduced pulmonary artery pr
71             Neither inhaled nitric oxide nor nebulized nitroprusside altered pH, Pao2, or Paco2.
72 ts that cautious extrapolation of the use of nebulized nitroprusside as a convenient bridge to inhale
73                Both inhaled nitric oxide and nebulized nitroprusside produced prompt, significant, se
74                       We hypothesized that a nebulized NONOate would improve oxygenation and reduce p
75 ere 1) the absence of a group treated with a nebulized or aerosolized anticoagulation regimen, 2) the
76 halation exposure, 2) they were treated with nebulized or aerosolized anticoagulation regimens, inclu
77 (OVA) that following a single challenge with nebulized OVA, a rapid and protracted activation of inhi
78 of adjuvant and subsequently challenged with nebulized OVA, FcepsilonRalpha(-/-) mice had significant
79 -/-)) were exposed on 10 consecutive days to nebulized OVA.
80 n alum systemically and then challenged with nebulized OVA.
81 zed to ovalbumin and subsequently exposed to nebulized ovalbumin (1% in saline) on 3 consecutive days
82                         We hypothesized that nebulized oxytocin would increase affiliative social beh
83                                              Nebulized PGE(2) administered before to segmental allerg
84 ficantly reduced in those subjects receiving nebulized PGE(2) compared with control subjects.
85                                              Nebulized PGE(2) was well tolerated.
86 dynamic diameter [MMAD]) after inhalation of nebulized placebo (0.9% saline) and two doses of UTP (20
87 /min; drying gas temperature, 200 degrees C; nebulizing pressure, 6 psi (0.414 bar); capillary voltag
88                Both inhaled nitric oxide and nebulized prostacyclin caused effective, selective, dose
89                         We hypothesized that nebulized prostacyclin has the same properties for selec
90 s on corticosteroids, and more recently with nebulized racemic epinephrine and hypertonic saline.
91 ant Bla g 1 (rBla g 1) antigens, followed by nebulized rBla g 1 challenge.
92 als were randomly assigned to receive either nebulized saline or the NONOate 2-(dimethylamino)ethylpu
93  suggest that the mechanism of action of the nebulized saline relates to modification of the physical
94                     Group S (n = 6) received nebulized saline through an endotracheal tube every 4 hr
95                                              Nebulized salmeterol (5 mg/ml for 10 min) administered b
96                                              Nebulized sildenafil is a selective pulmonary vasodilato
97                  All the children received a nebulized solution of albuterol (2.5 or 5 mg per dose, d
98 mbient ionization method in which a charged, nebulized solvent spray is directed a surface.
99 Inst/Inst), instilled surfactant followed by nebulized surfactant (Inst/Neb), or no surfactant (Contr
100                  Efficiency of deposition of nebulized surfactant directly correlated with the compli
101 reasonably homogeneous distribution, whereas nebulized surfactant had a less homogeneous distribution
102                            The potential for nebulized surfactant therapy for respiratory distress sy
103 y of the treatment, limit the penetration of nebulized therapeutic agent(s) into the bloodstream and
104        Six patients received nine courses of nebulized therapy, which consisted of treatments every 8
105                   The aqueous solutions were nebulized to create the inhalation atmospheres.
106 ckground sputum is mixed with TBa or MSm and nebulized to produce conglomerate aerosol particles, sin
107 oup (n = 163) received 0.9% isotonic saline, nebulized twice daily for 48 weeks.
108 tential of optimized lung MRI techniques and nebulized ultrasmall multimodal gadolinium-based contras
109 he efficiency and distribution of ultrasonic nebulized versus instilled surfactant in the treatment o
110  randomized into two groups: 1) epinephrine, nebulized with 4 mg of epinephrine every 4 hours startin
111 studied the spirometric effects of albuterol nebulized with heliox during emergency room visits for a
112 during acute asthma exacerbations, albuterol nebulized with heliox leads to a more significant improv
113 atients were randomized to receive albuterol nebulized with oxygen (control) versus heliox (n = 22 co
114 t in spirometry when compared with albuterol nebulized with oxygen.
115 ing 1 hour post injury, n = 6; or 2) saline, nebulized with saline in the same manner, n = 6.

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