


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 n all animals in which virus was detected at necropsy.
2        Macroscopic analysis was performed at necropsy.
3 s from pulmonary tissue extracts obtained at necropsy.
4 ymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues collected at necropsy.
5 ficacy of medications and/or vaccine without necropsy.
6 a the PCR method at 6 and 10 months prior to necropsy.
7                 Oral tumors were resected at necropsy.
8 ic vascular rejection changes at the time of necropsy.
9 graphy was performed at 2 weeks, followed by necropsy.
10 wine bioassay of tissue samples collected at necropsy.
11 ale heart at least 9 months before death and necropsy.
12 rrelated with infarction and area at risk at necropsy.
13 o VZV DNA was detected in sensory ganglia at necropsy.
14 4-year old man in whom diagnosis was made at necropsy.
15 e drug concentrations and graft histology at necropsy.
16 lateaus of cynomolgus monkeys at the time of necropsy.
17 nimals demonstrated features of renal TMA at necropsy.
18  as an incidental lesion in adult animals at necropsy.
19 Fgf8b transgenic mice had lung metastases at necropsy.
20 8 months of age that were grossly visible at necropsy.
21 17E, and the renal pathology was examined at necropsy.
22 d either experimental or control diets until necropsy.
23 n, miscarried, or aborted fetuses by MRI and necropsy.
24 n filtered air for 0, 4, 16, and 40 h before necropsy.
25 fection but was not cultured from tissues at necropsy.
26 radic Alzheimer's disease (AD) who underwent necropsy.
27 o information previously available only from necropsy.
28 m plasma over time and from brain tissues at necropsy.
29 n; no isolates were obtained from tissues at necropsy.
30 ion was more extensive than that obtained at necropsy.
31 rdance with our protocol, immediately before necropsy.
32 use yielded more visible ablation lesions at necropsy.
33 idated by histopathological evaluation after necropsy.
34 liver, kidneys, and spleen were harvested at necropsy.
35 re harvested for histopathologic analysis at necropsy.
36 r and a region attributed to the pancreas by necropsy.
37 rate reflection of the pathology findings at necropsy.
38 mall but significant differences with LVM at necropsy.
39 phy (echo) and an ex vivo standard of LVM at necropsy.
40 olymer was confirmed by visual assessment at necropsy.
41 y the culture method at the time of moribund necropsy.
42 c B cells were measured by flow cytometry at necropsy.
43 d histologically confirmed ablation zones at necropsy.
44 LI correlated with that generated by PET and necropsy.
45  against culture for M. bovis (n = 1,464) at necropsy.
46 ding to tumor regression that is verified at necropsy.
47 well as in lung and lymph nodes collected at necropsy.
48 nalysis of brain tissue sections obtained at necropsy.
49 4 days, after which they were euthanized and necropsied.
50 sed with CHD and some CHD-negative pups were necropsied.
51                      Two were euthanized and necropsied 19-22 h after injection, and 6 received autol
52  capillary density (per mm2) was measured at necropsy (252 +/- 12 versus 183 +/- 10 (P < 0.005) for p
53 ger than the mean size of true infarction at necropsy (29% +/- 3) but smaller than the mean size of t
54 el, E. coli infected rabbits were imaged and necropsied 4 hr after administration of 99mTc-P483H.
55 CD8(hCXCR5) and untransduced CD8 T cells and necropsied 48 h later.
56 nfected piglet was still excreting spores at necropsy 50 days after an oral challenge.
57                  Bone marrow was examined at necropsy 6, 10, or 15 days postinfection.
58 f tissues from RhCMV/SIV vector-protected RM necropsied 69-172 weeks after challenge did not detect S
59 nimals were monitored through death and were necropsied; 94% developed multiple neurofibromas, with 7
60                                           On necropsy, a large number of necrotic polymorphonuclear l
61                                           At necropsy, a small retroperitoneal hematoma along the ste
62                                           At necropsy, A. butzleri was recovered from the lung, kidne
63                                           At necropsy, affected rabbit hearts showed ischemic areas.
64                                         Upon necropsy after 10 days of infection, fungal burden in lu
65                                           On necropsy, all dolphins were in good nutritive status wit
66                                           At necropsy, all tissues were assessed for levels of radioa
67       After 6 to 8 weeks, 2 underwent direct necropsy analysis for histology, 3 underwent primary x-r
68                                              Necropsy analysis of animals that received DiI-labeled V
69 pathologies in Caenorhabditis elegans with a necropsy analysis of worms that have died of old age.
70                                              Necropsy analysis revealed hepatic microvesicular steato
71                                        Gross necropsy and histologic examination of the liver were pe
72                                              Necropsy and histology ruled out hemorrhage and hypovole
73                           Furthermore, gross necropsy and histopathology did not show any significant
74                                         Both necropsy and histopathology revealed the presence of int
75                Confirmation with analysis by necropsy and histopathology showed excellent diagnostic
76                       Morphologic studies at necropsy and liver function tests in dogs receiving hemo
77                        Upon killing, careful necropsy and tissue histology show age-related changes o
78 ue extent of atherosclerosis is supported by necropsy and transplant donor studies.
79             Whole brains were snap-frozen at necropsy and were subsequently sectioned prior to analys
80 plaque extent (determined subsequently after necropsy) and plasma lipoproteins did not alter the resu
81               Five weeks post-BMT, mice were necropsied, and lung and GI tissue were analyzed.
82 SHIV T cell responses in blood or tissues at necropsy, and no virus emerged after CD8(+) T cell deple
83 s were isolated from the spleen and liver at necropsy, and propidium iodide labeled target-specific c
84  entire SIV genome from tissues collected at necropsy, and the course of viral evolution was assessed
85  tissues and organs were collected from each necropsied animal.
86                Paralleling these results, at necropsy, animals immunized with the recombinant BCG vac
87                                           At necropsy Arcobacter spp. were cultured from the liver, k
88            Two chickens from each group were necropsied at 1, 3, 5, 7, 10, 13, 16, 20, 24, 28, 35, an
89 ferrets were biopsied at 12 and 15 weeks and necropsied at 18 weeks after infection, the levels of ba
90  and 0.24 microg/kg/week subcutaneously) and necropsied at 2 or 10 weeks postsurgery.
91                                 Piglets were necropsied at 2 to 10 days after inoculation, and intest
92                                 Animals were necropsied at 2 weeks postinoculation; 100% of F344, 42%
93 ive doses of Yersinia pestis strain CO92 and necropsied at 24-h intervals postexposure (p.e.).
94                Two pigs from each group were necropsied at 3, 7, 14, 20, 27, and 55 days postinoculat
95        Two to four pigs from each group were necropsied at 3, 7, 14, 20, 27, or 55 days postinoculati
96 ation (dpi), and the remaining chickens were necropsied at 56 dpi.
97 8) of IL-10-deficient mice was genotyped and necropsied at 6 weeks of age.
98 or at gestational day (gd) 11 or 14 and were necropsied at gd 11, 14, or 18 or within 24 h of parturi
99 e inoculated with broth or H. bilis and were necropsied at several time points postinoculation to ass
100                                              Necropsies at 5 and 7 months postinfection included hist
101 ells in the peripheral blood and heart until necropsy at > or = 11 months of age.
102 y rats to CB11 via nose-only inhalation with necropsy at 0, 4, and 8 h post exposure.
103                                              Necropsy at 24 h revealed that the popliteal node on the
104 ing at 3 weeks postinoculation and ending at necropsy at 3 months postinoculation.
105 s and microscopic lesions were assessed upon necropsy at 3, 7, 14, and 21 days following SIV inoculat
106 d from the time of experimental infection to necropsy at 5 or 7 months and were similar among all exp
107                     Macroscopic pneumonia on necropsy at days 3 and 7 was greatest in both SIV-infect
108 rand HEV RNA in each tissue collected during necropsy at different DPI.
109  direct viral assay of lung tissues taken by necropsy at the peak of viral replication demonstrated a
110                                              Necropsy at the time of natural death revealed an associ
111                                           At necropsy, bacteria were present in mammary lymph nodes o
112 targeting by PET correlated with traditional necropsy-based analysis at all time points analyzed.
113 /neu C6.5 diabody PET data and compared with necropsy biodistribution data from the same tumor-bearin
114                                           At necropsy, blood, lung, kidney, and spleen samples were c
115 c mouse model of Huntington's disease and in necropsy brain tissue of patients with Huntington's dise
116                                           At necropsy, bronchoalveolar lavage was performed and the r
117          Brain viral RNA was undetectable at necropsy, but viral DNA levels were not different from t
118 enhanced green fluorescent protein model, at necropsy, can provide an opportunity to locate or assess
119 D8(+) or CD4(+) lymphocyte depletion and, at necropsy, cell-associated SIV was only occasionally meas
120 ucting time-dependent (124)I diabody PET and necropsy comparative studies with larger numbers of mice
121  less than 20.0 x 10(9)/L (20,000/microL) at necropsy, compared with only 8% of imatinib mesylate-tre
122                                              Necropsy confirmed severe aortic vegetative endocarditis
123                                              Necropsy confirmed the presence of EAC in 50% of treatme
124                        Data from hundreds of necropsy-confirmed non-AD patients in other longitudinal
125 ian gerbils were infected with H. pylori and necropsied continuously during 18 months.
126 that the amount of normal liver remaining at necropsy correlated best with survival.
127 ensity in the ischemic limb was performed at necropsy (D40).
128                                  Imaging and necropsy data for tumor-bearing animals given the anti-C
129                             Twenty-four-hour necropsy data in the DU145 model showed significantly hi
130                                              Necropsy data indicated that the signal in tumor-bearing
131                    A comprehensive survey of necropsy data was performed across 36 mammalian species
132     Imaging (including small-animal PET) and necropsy data were collected at several intervals over 2
133       Analyses of tracheal rings obtained at necropsy (day 12) documented widespread infection of ind
134                 The four individuals who had necropsies demonstrated the neuropathological hallmarks
135 at least two of the following features in 23 necropsies: dermatitis, severe pan-nephritis, and/or sev
136                                           At necropsy, disease was quantified with respect to patholo
137  failure was unsuccessfully implemented, and necropsy evaluation of the dog was not permitted.
138 m a total of four premises were subjected to necropsy evaluation.
139               After euthanization on day 28, necropsy examination disclosed that capillary density wa
140                                              Necropsy examination findings included enlarged pulmonar
141 uminescence imaging, caliper measurement and necropsy examination.
142 ble toxicity as evaluated by weight gain and necropsy examination.
143  better diagnostic sensitivity than internal necropsy examination; in 18 (90%) of the 20 cases the tw
144                                              Necropsy examinations confirmed DLIT measurements.
145                               MR imaging and necropsy findings confirmed stent position.
146                                  The MRI and necropsy findings were compared to assess how much diagn
147 eath was determined and tissues collected at necropsy for histologic examination.
148 r and spleen samples, were collected at each necropsy for pathological and virological testing.
149   Cardiovascular structures were examined at necropsy for rupture, perforation, dissection, or hemorr
150  tonsil biopsy specimens and surveillance by necropsy for the screening of farmed deer which have bee
151 eplication in jejunum and colon collected at necropsy from 12 SIV-infected (group 1), or 10 uninfecte
152 ction of seven PTMs with plasma collected at necropsy from a rapid-progressor PTM was consistently hi
153 d histologically normal thyroids obtained at necropsy from eight women who died from unrelated condit
154                       We obtained tissues at necropsy from four patients with neuropathologically con
155 ression of the complexins in tissue taken at necropsy from human medial temporal lobe (hippocampus, p
156 pleens, and 40 lymph nodes) were obtained at necropsy from patients affected by prion disease and fro
157      All lymphoreticular tissues obtained at necropsy from patients with neuropathologically confirme
158 ologic sections of lung tissue were taken at necropsy from the injury group.
159 3 pathway in jejunum and colon, collected at necropsy, from 10 SIV-infected macaques with diarrhea (g
160 ir musculoskeletal allografts at the time of necropsy (&gt;100 days) regardless of the status of the epi
161 organ parts from deceased infants undergoing necropsy had been kept for several years without parenta
162         F344 rats without struvite stones at necropsy had milder bladder lesions and significantly lo
163       2110 (86.0%) patients had PE proven by necropsy, high-probability lung scan, pulmonary angiogra
164                                           At necropsy, histologic lesions of OA were graded, and the
165 side effect of SWNTs to mice was observed in necropsy, histology, and blood chemistry measurements.
166                            Echocardiography, necropsy, histology, and molecular phenotype confirm a d
167                                Comprehensive necropsy, histopathology, and metabolomic analysis revea
168                                              Necropsy identified a widespread ALK+ lymphoma in lymph
169  distention and brain edema were observed at necropsy in a few mice, while histology showed multifoca
170 discretely stained LV sites were observed at necropsy in each pig, corresponding to the injection sit
171  of stent graft-induced injury at surgery or necropsy in half of the patients.
172  untreated until 70 days of age (the time of necropsy in the previous experiments) and then treated t
173 luded or severely stenotic at venography and necropsy in the remaining six animals.
174 hrombi are detected histologically following necropsy in untreated sph/sph mice of various ages and a
175                                   AT present necropsy is done in less than 60% of cases of perinatal
176 ption for the 40% of cases where consent for necropsy is not given or requested.
177                 IL-8 levels were elevated in necropsy lavages of animals with significant lung infect
178                                           At necropsy, lung water and surfactant function (Wilhelmy b
179                                           At necropsy, lymphoid tissues and vaginal mucosa were virus
180                                           At necropsy, macaques with SIVE had more infected macrophag
181 n immunodeficiency virus (SIV) infection, we necropsied male rhesus macaques at 1, 3, 7, and 14 days
182                                           At necropsy, mammary tumors and blood were collected for ev
183 s; and polymerase chain reaction analysis of necropsy material, using probes specific for kinetoplast
184                                              Necropsy measurements of cardiac mass indexed for body w
185                                           At necropsy, microscopic pathology of brain was most consis
186                                           At necropsy, monkeys with active disease had more lung T ce
187                                           At necropsy, more lesions were found using needle versus co
188                                           At necropsy, multiple markers (CD44v6, CCR2, and CCR5 on bl
189                          Empirical data from necropsies of deceased animals were then utilised to ass
190                                              Necropsy of 2 eyes of 1 patient revealed prominent granu
191                                Finally, upon necropsy of a WSU5-infected horse 4 years postinfection,
192 raphy was performed at 1-month intervals and necropsy of graft-containing animals at 1, 2, 3, 4, and
193                                              Necropsy of nmd mice in end-stage heart failure revealed
194 by computed axial tomography of the head and necropsy of the brain when possible.
195 duction abnormalities could be detected upon necropsy of the null mice.
196 nef sequences in brain tissues, collected at necropsy of two animals with detectable infection in the
197 ately or kept at 4 degrees C for 30 h before necropsy of two monkeys inoculated with simian varicella
198 ned and bacterial species were identified by necropsy of various tissues.
199 mice were identified at gross examination on necropsy, of which 30 measured 2-5 mm and 11 measured <2
200 sues of the animals that were euthanized and necropsied on day 14 were prepared for histopathologic e
201 ommendations) from 60 d before conception to necropsy on d 135 of pregnancy.
202 ytometry, tissue culture, adoptive transfer, necropsies, or histologic examination.
203 mor xenografts for scintigraphic imaging and necropsy organ counting.
204         HGE agent-infected C3H/HeJ mice were necropsied over 21 days.
205 ulated with PCV2 VP120 at both day 21 and 42 necropsies (P = 0.0032 and P = 0.0274, respectively).
206  infection (5.4% and 6.7%, respectively); at necropsy, PCR was positive in none of 17 patients from v
207                                              Necropsies performed 8 to 55 weeks after the initiation
208                           In eight cases the necropsy provided more detailed information than MRI exa
209  after inoculation and brain virus burden at necropsy (r = -0.614; P < 0.01).
210                        Plasma virus loads at necropsy ranged from 11 to 28 copies of vRNA per ml.
211 e done, and permission for neuropathological necropsy requested, in suspected cases.
212 ction, clinical signs were minimal and gross necropsy results were unremarkable.
213 r Mrp6 expression in the liver, and complete necropsies revealed profound mineralization of several t
214                                              Necropsy revealed at least two of the following features
215                                              Necropsy revealed no gross vascular injury.
216                                              Necropsy revealed patent ductus arteriosus with normal i
217 kin punch biopsies and multiple tissues from necropsy samples remained PCR positive and B. burgdorfer
218 fy and sequence this same region of pag from necropsy samples taken from victims of the 1979 Sverdlov
219  clonal pattern in paired splenic biopsy and necropsy samples was correlated with progression.
220 e dog, and subsequent analysis of biopsy and necropsy samples, demonstrated in vivo repair of the GRM
221                                          The necropsy sampling was weighted in that we preferentially
222                                           At necropsy, selected organs were weighed and prepared for
223    We studied lymphoreticular tissues from a necropsy series and assessed tonsillar biopsy samples as
224 firmed non-AD patients in other longitudinal necropsy series will allow the predictive value of APOE
225 e used as controls, and histology after full necropsy served as the gold standard.
226              Electrocardiograph profiles and necropsies showed the cause of death to be the developme
227                Follow-up catheterization and necropsy showed accurate stent deployment, durable gradi
228                                              Necropsy showed prominent meningitis with vasculitis ext
229                                           At necropsy, similar brain nef sequences were found in diff
230  by light (LM) and electron (EM) microscopy; necropsy specimens by LM.
231                                              Necropsy specimens from 4 sources were studied: (1) hear
232                                              Necropsy specimens from CsA-cats demonstrated: (1) incre
233 ere compared with postinjection MRI and with necropsy specimens obtained 24 hours later.
234 on of "arterial remodeling" was confirmed in necropsy specimens of human coronary arteries.
235 ng tissues of historical adult bighorn sheep necropsy specimens supported the association of this age
236 trunk in 86 patients were supplemented by 16 necropsy specimens.
237  0.4) compared well with those obtained from necropsy studies (5.1).
238                                              Necropsy studies from Africa have shown that Pneumocysti
239                                              Necropsy studies have outlined the morphological charact
240                      Serial angiographic and necropsy studies suggest that the risk of plaque rupture
241                            Here, by detailed necropsy studies, we show that the virus can rapidly dis
242 therosclerosis at young ages is derived from necropsy studies, which have inherent limitations.
243  then be further evaluated using traditional necropsy studies.
244               Subsets of animals underwent a necropsy study at 4, 7, 14 and 28 days after injury; inj
245                                  Analysis of necropsies suggests that the analog was well tolerated.
246 t weights, leptin levels, and body weight at necropsy tended to map to the same locations and were re
247 ificantly more likely to have lung tumors at necropsy than age-matched non-transgenic littermates (9
248                                           At necropsy, the four largest pigmented lesions in each ani
249  patients in whom PE was first discovered at necropsy, the mortality rate at 3 months was 15.3% (365
250                                           At necropsy, the mutant mice had very small thymuses and sp
251                                           At necropsy, the rear paws were either fixed in formalin an
252                                           At necropsy, the small, and occasionally the large, intesti
253                                           At necropsy, the urogenital system and periaortic lymph nod
254 ine (PBS) (n = 15) or PBS alone (n = 10) and necropsied them at 7 weeks postinfection.
255 estinal content collected at three different necropsy times.
256 aling 15 to 30% of the genomes from blood or necropsy tissue from eight different cases, we have dete
257 notype analyses by partial PCR sequencing of necropsy tissue from five asymptomatic African elephants
258 sed DNA sequencing to detect EEHV genomes in necropsy tissue from five healthy adult African elephant
259 ysis of GPD1-L on genomic DNA extracted from necropsy tissue of 83 unrelated cases of sudden unexplai
260 by direct targeted PCR from blood samples or necropsy tissue samples from six viremic elephants.
261 ents of DNA amplified directly from blood or necropsy tissue samples of six more selected cases of he
262 rions by mucosal routes and performed serial necropsies to assess PrP(CWD) tissue distribution by rea
263 g (MRI) of the fetus with internal perinatal necropsy to assess whether MRI examination is a feasible
264 fter phases 2 and 3 with the use of detailed necropsy to detect pigs with live, nondegenerated cysts
265 es and tissues taken during infection and at necropsy to determine viral load and tissue tropism.
266 d viral load was measured in brain tissue at necropsy to examine the relationship of systemic and cen
267                                           At necropsy, tumors were harvested, and the relative enzyme
268                                           At necropsy, up to 7.1% of CD3(+) cells in tissues were GFP
269  yields improved CMR agreement with echo and necropsy-verified LVM.
270                     Tumor uptake measured at necropsy was 3- to 15-fold higher and tumor-to-blood rat
271  women who continued with their pregnancies; necropsy was done in two cases of pregnancy termination.
272                                              Necropsy was done on surviving animals 100-200 d after t
273                                              Necropsy was done on two patients who died; there was ly
274             Upon animal death and/or 72 hrs, necropsy was followed by histopathologic evaluation of o
275 ce were killed at 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 months; necropsy was performed and serum thyroid stimulating hor
276 t venography was performed at 5-8 weeks, and necropsy was performed at 7-8 weeks.
277 cultation and angiography for up to 1 month; necropsy was performed in all animals.
278                                              Necropsy was performed on all cats, and a complete set o
279                                              Necropsy was performed on Day 14.
280 s were sacrificed between 2 and 4 weeks, and necropsy was performed.
281 th blood sampling until they were killed and necropsy was performed.
282  cases, but in some brain tissue obtained at necropsy was used.
283                                           At necropsy we determined tumor and ulcer numbers, tumor si
284 g disease progression, and after death, when necropsies were performed and lung samples were collecte
285 in the hind limb with 100 B. pahangi L3, and necropsies were performed at various times.
286                                              Necropsies were performed between 12 hours and 28 days a
287   To study the long-term fate of these MSCs, necropsies were performed between 9 and 21 months follow
288                       In the original study, necropsies were performed on 714 adult blacks from south
289  each of the genotypes throughout the gut at necropsy were determined.
290                         Tissues collected at necropsy were examined for disease-associated prion prot
291 eads retrieved from the peritoneal cavity at necropsy were found to secrete insulin, C-peptide, and g
292                        Isolates collected at necropsy were not tested for antimicrobial susceptibilit
293 dure, after follow-up splenic venography and necropsy were performed.
294                  Skeletal muscles removed at necropsy were studied by (i) microscopic examination of
295 ascular perfusion to prevent collapse during necropsy were used for morphometry evaluations of mucus
296                                The mice were necropsied when the control mice became moribund.
297 mpression (repair) and continued daily until necropsy, when liver underwent morphometric analysis, im
298                                 Animals were necropsied while immunosuppressed on day 50 (two animals
299 -old female crossbred puppy was submitted to necropsy with a history of weakness and vomiting for sev
300                       Animals also underwent necropsy with quantitative bacterial cultures from multi

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