


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 involving RIP3-dependent regulated necrosis (necroptosis).
2 s cells undergoing apoptosis versus necrosis/necroptosis.
3 h then disrupts cellular membranes to effect necroptosis.
4 lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL) leading to necroptosis.
5 othesis that neutrophils fed CA-MRSA undergo necroptosis.
6  cell susceptibility to SMAC mimetic-induced necroptosis.
7 T cells, A20 prevents kinase RIPK3-dependent necroptosis.
8 -lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL)-dependent necroptosis.
9 ion and a form of regulated necrosis, called necroptosis.
10 ecently recognized regulated necrosis termed necroptosis.
11 not its activity, is required for preventing necroptosis.
12 cing cell detachment and promoting apoptosis/necroptosis.
13  proteins forming functional amyloids during necroptosis.
14 ing and activity of IL-1beta released during necroptosis.
15 nt small molecular inhibitor of RIPK1-driven necroptosis.
16 ient colorectal cancer (CRC) by induction of necroptosis.
17  and aggregation of MLKL, the executioner of necroptosis.
18 rmally to multiple inducers of apoptosis and necroptosis.
19 or MLKL may exert functions independently of necroptosis.
20      Ripk1 is directly involved in apoptosis/necroptosis.
21 anced death, confirming it as RIP1-dependent necroptosis.
22 arts died as a result of pneumolysin-induced necroptosis.
23 tissue inflammation drives TNF-alpha-related necroptosis.
24 /threonine kinase with essential function in necroptosis.
25 in TMEV-infected BHK-21 cells, which undergo necroptosis.
26 d mixed lineage kinase-like (MLKL)-dependent necroptosis.
27  lineage kinase domain-like (MLKL) to induce necroptosis.
28 ts that increased cellular glucose may prime necroptosis.
29 structural changes in MLKL that culminate in necroptosis.
30 ctivity of the heterodimer, it might prevent necroptosis.
31 d fungal programmed cell death and mammalian necroptosis.
32 ions, is also a potent inducer of macrophage necroptosis.
33 TAK1 promotes its interaction with RIPK3 and necroptosis.
34 vel regulatory mechanism for RIPK3-dependent necroptosis.
35 tream signaling activators of RIP3-dependent necroptosis.
36 pendent apoptosis and/or RIPK1/MLKL-mediated necroptosis.
37 hich infection with a dsRNA virus results in necroptosis.
38 in TMEV-infected BHK-21 cells, which undergo necroptosis.
39 IPs and subsequent structural changes during necroptosis.
40  inflammation and protect from apoptosis and necroptosis.
41 spase-independent and kinase RIPK3-dependent necroptosis.
42 ial factor for TNF-, TLR3-, and TLR4-induced necroptosis.
43 cting serine-threonine kinase 1 and CRC cell necroptosis.
44 go spontaneous cell death, primarily through necroptosis.
45 ly adhere to the cell surface to induce cell necroptosis.
46 inducing RIPK1 kinase-dependent apoptosis or necroptosis.
47 ent cell death driven by ferroptosis but not necroptosis.
48 osis leads to a switch to the RIP1-dependent necroptosis.
49 e of miR-21 in acute pancreatitis injury and necroptosis.
50 romoted cell proliferation and resistance to necroptosis.
51 inhibits cell death mediated by RIPK3-driven necroptosis.
52 ion of these death receptors can also induce necroptosis.
53 pendent signal transduction to interrupt the necroptosis.
54  step in tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-induced necroptosis.
55 ryonic lethality as a result of uncontrolled necroptosis.
56 osis and RIPK1 kinase-dependent apoptosis or necroptosis.
57 diates acute inflammation through macrophage necroptosis.
58 igger apoptosis that gives rise to secondary necroptosis.
59 -inflammatory roles and functions to prevent necroptosis.
60 dial survival and homeostasis by suppressing necroptosis.
61 sis or a regulated form of necrosis known as necroptosis.
62 rd an alternate and detrimental cell fate of necroptosis.
63 urs in several forms including apoptosis and necroptosis.
64 for TNF-induced RIP1-initiated apoptosis and necroptosis.
65 ssary to inhibit an IFN-primed virus-induced necroptosis.
66  complex, LUBAC also restricts TRAIL-induced necroptosis.
67 rm of programmed necrotic cell death, termed necroptosis.
68 on of host cells with reovirus can result in necroptosis.
69  induce RIPK1-kinase-dependent apoptosis and necroptosis.
70 K-1 or MLKL, and therefore was distinct from necroptosis.
71 dsRNA) within infected cells is required for necroptosis.
72 cular mechanisms and relevance to disease of necroptosis.
73 3 protein prevents DAI-mediated induction of necroptosis.
74  two different stages of infection to induce necroptosis.
75 nd the mechanism by which caspase-8 inhibits necroptosis.
76 ls fed CA-MRSA and attributed the process to necroptosis.
77 ey components of the molecular machinery for necroptosis.
78 aspase-independent form of cell death termed necroptosis(4,5).
79                 However, the contribution of necroptosis, a caspase-independent pathway of cell death
80 nteracting protein kinase 3 (RIPK3) mediates necroptosis, a form of programmed cell death that promot
81 Paneth cells and displayed TNFalpha-mediated necroptosis, a form of programmed necrosis.
82 PK3 and its substrate MLKL are essential for necroptosis, a lytic cell death proposed to cause inflam
83  effectively kill cancer cells by triggering necroptosis, a non-apoptotic form of cell death.
84                                              Necroptosis, a programmed form of necrosis, is executed
85                                              Necroptosis, a regulated form of necrotic cell death, re
86                RIPK-1 figures prominently in necroptosis, a specific form of programmed cell death de
87 ion of IRGM1 (or IRGM) induced cell death by necroptosis, accompanied by release of damage-associated
88 h nec-1s, strongly suggesting that increased necroptosis accounts for exacerbation of this injury in
89       Furthermore, we observed that lowering necroptosis activation reduced cell loss in a mouse mode
90  current study is to test whether perturbing necroptosis affects progression of existing aneurysm usi
91 dy, we report that human neutrophils undergo necroptosis after exposure to GM-CSF followed by the lig
92                 Human CMV blocks TNF-induced necroptosis after RIP3 activation and phosphorylation of
93 hrough dsRNA-dependent RLR receptor-mediated necroptosis against infections from different classes of
94                             The induction of necroptosis also requires late stages of reovirus infect
95               However, whether inhibition of necroptosis ameliorates atherosclerosis is largely unkno
96  (also known as DAI or DLM-1), which induces necroptosis, an inflammatory form of cell death.
97 view, we discuss the molecular mechanisms of necroptosis and analyze the effect of inhibiting necropt
98                                              Necroptosis and apoptosis were detected in the myocardiu
99 e myocardium and induces cardiac injury with necroptosis and apoptosis, followed by cardiac scarring
100 influence immunity, we established models of necroptosis and apoptosis, in which dying cells are gene
101  acid binding are resistant to IAV-triggered necroptosis and apoptosis.
102  resistance to RIPK1-dependent apoptosis and necroptosis and are also partially protected against RIP
103 V activates parallel pathways of MLKL-driven necroptosis and FADD-mediated apoptosis, with the former
104 lineage kinase domain-like protein (MLKL) in necroptosis and gasdermin-D in pyroptosis] were recently
105 d to function downstream of RIPK3 to promote necroptosis and IL-1beta secretion.
106                               RIP1 regulates necroptosis and inflammation and may play an important r
107 sinic:polycytidylic acid (poly(I:C))-induced necroptosis and inflammatory signalling.
108 ng molecule that induced RIP1/PARP1-mediated necroptosis and inhibited tumor growth.
109 nature illustrates the cooperative nature of necroptosis and innate inflammatory signaling pathways i
110 anisms of phosphatidylserine exposure during necroptosis and its role in the recognition of necroptot
111 ll established, the regulatory mechanisms of necroptosis and its significance in the pathogenesis of
112 romote apoptosis or cytokine expression in a necroptosis and kinase-independent manner.
113 ron antiviral responses of infected cells to necroptosis and leads to rapid death of the virus-infect
114 est that miRNAs are critical participants in necroptosis and miR-21 enhances cellular necrosis by neg
115 s previously implicated in the regulation of necroptosis and pathologic tissue injury, in directing I
116                               IRGM regulates necroptosis and release of DAMPs to induce gastrointesti
117                                     Although necroptosis and release of danger molecule high-mobility
118 ed factor 2 (Traf2) in regulating myocardial necroptosis and remodeling using genetic mouse models.
119 after PS exposure can reverse the process of necroptosis and restore cell viability.
120 s the plasma membrane, and may also apply to necroptosis and some forms of nonprogrammed necrosis.
121                                              Necroptosis and subsequent danger signal release is a no
122  lytic cell death pathways of pyroptosis and necroptosis and their implications in inflammation and c
123 g markedly decreased cell viability, induced necroptosis, and delayed culture wound closing in three
124 ation of EIF2A, increased levels of IRGM and necroptosis, and increased release of nuclear DAMPs comp
125  pathologies via the induction of apoptosis, necroptosis, and nuclear factor-kappaB-driven inflammati
126  upregulation of IL-33, an alarmin linked to necroptosis, and other chemokines and cytokines and prev
127 bserved following virus infection-apoptosis, necroptosis, and pyroptosis.
128 ever, the biological consequences of chronic necroptosis are unknown.
129 ced PCD due to hyperglycemia was specific to necroptosis as extrinsic apoptosis was inhibited by expo
130 consistently suggested RLR receptor-mediated necroptosis as the underlying mechanism of infected cell
131 es identified RIPK3, an essential kinase for necroptosis, as having a key role in inhibiting acute my
132  expression of RIP3, the master regulator of necroptosis, as well as phosphorylated mixed lineage kin
133 of poly(ADP ribose)polymerase-1 (PARP-1), or necroptosis, assessed by levels of phosphorylated mixed
134 required to prevent TNF-induced apoptosis or necroptosis but is necessary for the transcriptional pro
135       Dendritic cell necrosis was not due to necroptosis but was dependent of the presence of circula
136 s distinct from the RIP1/3 pathway-dependent necroptosis, but mediated by a functional deficiency of
137  observed in the FADD-deficient cells during necroptosis, but not during apoptotic activation of Panx
138 of the action of ESCRT-III, cells undergoing necroptosis can express chemokines and other regulatory
139 ovoked by inhibition of caspase activity and necroptosis cascades.
140  Nonetheless, it has already been shown that necroptosis contributes to cellular demise in various pa
141 dels, suggesting that inflammation caused by necroptosis contributes to tissue damage and that inhibi
142 itions, accumulating evidence indicates that necroptosis-deficient cancer cells are poorly immunogeni
143                  In 293T cells, induction of necroptosis depended on expression of RIPK3 as well as t
144  activities in either inducing or preventing necroptosis, depending on the host species.
145                 Hyperglycemic enhancement of necroptosis depends upon glycolysis with AGEs and ROS pl
146 K3 and MLKL are dispensable, indicating that necroptosis does not contribute to APAP-induced necrosis
147 1 (RIPK1) is a critical kinase that mediates necroptosis downstream of death receptors and TLRs.
148 m in vertebrates is programmed necrosis, or "necroptosis", driven by receptor-interacting protein kin
149  induces cell death via parallel pathways of necroptosis, driven by the pseudokinase MLKL, and apopto
150 cal for preventing ZBP1/RIPK3/MLKL-dependent necroptosis during development.
151 ne CMV M45 mutant virus drives virus-induced necroptosis during nonproductive infection of RIP3-expre
152 ivities of both RIPK1 and RIPK3, but not the necroptosis effector protein, MLKL.
153       Strikingly, induction of apoptosis and necroptosis effectors was sharply decreased in the absen
154           Absence of RIP3, a key mediator of necroptosis, exacerbated HFD-induced liver injury, assoc
155               However, the events that drive necroptosis execution downstream of IFN-I and RIP signal
156         Apoptosis, pyroptosis, pyronecrosis, necroptosis, ferroptosis, and parthanatos were excluded
157 on cycle that contribute to the induction of necroptosis following infection with an RNA virus.IMPORT
158 encoded cell-death suppressors revealed that necroptosis functions as a trap door to eliminate virall
159                                   Triggering necroptosis has become especially important in experimen
160                               However, while necroptosis has been shown to contribute to antiviral im
161 Intriguingly, many of the signal adaptors of necroptosis have dual functions in innate immune signali
162 chanisms that underlie distinct instances of necroptosis have just begun to emerge.
163 fections, or the T cell receptor can trigger necroptosis if the activity of the protease caspase-8 is
164 on degeneration by inducing inflammation and necroptosis in a manner dependent on receptor-interactin
165 are only beginning to appreciate the role of necroptosis in different pathological conditions, includ
166 at MLKL is an essential effector of aberrant necroptosis in embryos caused by loss of Caspase-8 or FA
167 eptor-interacting protein 3 (RIP3)-dependent necroptosis in erythroid precursor cells.
168 optosis and analyze the effect of inhibiting necroptosis in experimental models of critical illnesses
169 rinsic apoptosis in control Jurkat cells and necroptosis in FADD-deficient cells; treatment of both l
170  (ICP6 and ICP10, respectively) also prevent necroptosis in human cells by inhibiting the interaction
171  cytomegalovirus triggers both apoptosis and necroptosis in infected cells; however, encoded inhibito
172 ar pathway that leads to cellular stress and necroptosis in macrophages challenged with a super-low d
173 aspase-8 activation may go hand-in-hand with necroptosis in macrophages, and revises current understa
174  TLR4 and the NLRP3 inflammasome, as well as necroptosis in macrophages.
175 or-interacting protein (RIP) kinase-mediated necroptosis in macrophages.
176         There are many potential inducers of necroptosis in PDA, including ligation of tumour necrosi
177  to hyperglycemic levels of glucose enhances necroptosis in primary red blood cells (RBCs), Jurkat T
178 raf2 deletion, validating a critical role of necroptosis in regulating pathological remodeling and he
179 m adaptors RIPK1, TRIF, or DAI to signal for necroptosis in response to death receptor or Toll-like r
180 intains the intestinal barrier by inhibiting necroptosis in the epithelium.
181       The molecular mechanisms that regulate necroptosis in the heart and its physiological relevance
182 egeneration, energy failure, DNA damage, and necroptosis in the retinas of WT mice.
183  and polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid-induced necroptosis in vitro, and Ripk1(D138N/D138N) mice are pr
184 t RARgamma has a similar role in TNF-induced necroptosis in vivo.
185  lead to cell death, including apoptosis and necroptosis, in both RIPK1-dependent and RIPK1-independe
186 ing serine-threonine kinase 1, a mediator of necroptosis, in CRC cells.
187 on Thr231 and Ser232, which is a hallmark of necroptosis, in the skin and thymus.
188              Downstream effector pathways of necroptosis include formation of advanced glycation end
189 he caspase-8-binding domain, which unleashes necroptosis independent of RHIM function.
190                                       Unlike necroptosis induced by classical TNF-like cytokines, nec
191 restingly, this flavanone compound: inhibits necroptosis induced by death receptors ligands TNF-alpha
192     Importantly, human CMV is shown to block necroptosis induced by either TNF or M45 mutant murine C
193 than either apoptosis induced by DeltaM36 or necroptosis induced by M45mutRHIM virus.
194 sis induced by classical TNF-like cytokines, necroptosis induced by proteasome inhibitors does not re
195      Our work describes parallel networks of necroptosis-induced CXCL1 and Mincle signalling that pro
196 act RIP1/RIP3 signalling depended in part on necroptosis-induced expression of the chemokine attracta
197 K1-induced oxidative stress upon caspase and necroptosis inhibition to further ensure induction of ce
198                             Furthermore, the necroptosis inhibitor necrostatin-1 but not the pan-casp
199                                              Necroptosis is a cell death pathway regulated by the rec
200                                              Necroptosis is a form of cell death associated with infl
201                                              Necroptosis is a form of cell death that can be observed
202                       Programmed necrosis or necroptosis is a form of nonapoptotic cell death driven
203                                              Necroptosis is a form of programmed cell death defined b
204                                              Necroptosis is a form of programmed necrosis that is reg
205                                              Necroptosis is a form of regulated cell death that criti
206                                              Necroptosis is a highly inflammatory form of programmed
207                                        Thus, necroptosis is a human host defense pathway against two
208                                              Necroptosis is a physiological cell suicide mechanism in
209                                              Necroptosis is a programmed cell death pathway that has
210                                              Necroptosis is a recently identified form of cell death
211                                              Necroptosis is a regulated form of necrosis, with the dy
212                                              Necroptosis is a regulated, nonapoptotic form of cell de
213                                              Necroptosis is a RIP1-dependent programmed cell death (P
214                                              Necroptosis is an alternate programmed cell death pathwa
215 by RIPK1 and RIPK3 with the possibility that necroptosis is but one mechanism by which these kinases
216                                              Necroptosis is characterized by rapid permeabilization o
217                                              Necroptosis is considered to be complementary to the cla
218 me" signals that are a feature of apoptosis, necroptosis is considered to be inflammatory.
219 xecuted by the activation of caspases, while necroptosis is dependent on the receptor interacting pro
220                                              Necroptosis is driven by two serine threonine kinases, R
221                                              Necroptosis is mediated by RIPK1, RIPK3, and MLKL kinase
222                                              Necroptosis is mediated by the kinase activities of rece
223 IP 3 (RIPK3) driving extrinsic apoptosis and necroptosis is not fully understood.
224                            We confirmed that necroptosis is not involved in APAP toxicity by using mi
225                                              Necroptosis is one the best-characterized forms of regul
226                                      Indeed, necroptosis is triggered by caspase inhibition to ensure
227  and the IAP ubiquitin ligases, how and when necroptosis is triggered in physiological settings are o
228             Future studies will show whether necroptosis is truly a better strategy to overcome apopt
229 ction has been extensively investigated, how necroptosis is unleashed following virus infection is un
230 optosis, mitochondria-mediated necrosis, and necroptosis, is critically involved in ischemic cardiac
231 r-interacting protein (RIP) kinase-dependent necroptosis, is upregulated and activated in human autoi
232 regulator of cellular death by apoptosis and necroptosis; its importance in development is exemplifie
233 optosis inducers FADD and caspase 8, and the necroptosis kinases receptor interacting protein kinase
234 se mouse genetic studies reveal that chronic necroptosis may underlie human fibrotic and autoimmune d
235 ulted in increased protein expression of the necroptosis mediators receptor-interacting protein kinas
236 tosis, suggesting that systemic targeting of necroptosis might be associated with the risk of promoti
237                   Here, we show that, during necroptosis, MLKL-dependent calcium (Ca(2+)) influx and
238  between ANCA-induced neutrophil activation, necroptosis, NETs, the AP, and endothelial damage.
239 isingly, this death occurs primarily through necroptosis, not apoptosis, due to assembly of the necro
240          In this study, we demonstrated that necroptosis occurred in clinical atherosclerotic samples
241 mmation through release of HMGB1 and induces necroptosis of lung EC.
242 e we interrogate the consequences of chronic necroptosis on immune homeostasis by deleting Ripk1 in m
243 herefore, we examined the impact of heme and necroptosis on Leishmania replication.
244 fferent from activated T cells, there was no necroptosis or increase in reactive oxygen species in c-
245          Decoupling NF-kappaB signaling from necroptosis or inflammatory apoptosis reduced priming ef
246 n the other hand, inhibition of parthanatos, necroptosis, or apoptosis did not change cocaine cytotox
247                                              Necroptosis, or programmed necrosis, contributes to the
248  genetic similarities with classic necrosis, necroptosis, parthanatos, or other forms of non-apoptoti
249 domain like (MLKL), two core proteins of the necroptosis pathway, blocks crystal cytotoxicity.
250                  The extrinsic apoptosis and necroptosis pathways regulate each other and their balan
251                              The effector of necroptosis, phosphorylated mixed-lineage kinase domain-
252                         Programmed necrosis (necroptosis) plays an important role in development, tis
253 crystals trigger inflammation and renal cell necroptosis, processes that involve TNF receptor (TNFR)
254     Another type of programmed cell death is necroptosis (programmed necrosis), but its role in pancr
255                                              Necroptosis promotes inflammation through leakage of cel
256 e emerged, including immunogenic cell death, necroptosis, pyroptosis, and netosis that interweave dif
257 osis may further worsen the damage, although necroptosis-related proteins may have additional roles i
258                                 We find that necroptosis requires sensing of the genomic RNA within i
259 n this review, we discuss recent advances in necroptosis research and the functional consequences of
260 1 or RIPK1, key mediators of parthanatos and necroptosis, respectively, did not prevent cocaine-induc
261 f necrotic cell death, termed pyroptosis and necroptosis, respectively.
262              We demonstrate that deregulated necroptosis results in systemic inflammation, tissue fib
263 of MLKL, the cell death-execution protein in necroptosis, revealing a transkingdom evolutionary relat
264 stinct alternative mechanisms of cell death: necroptosis, RIPK1-independent and -dependent apoptosis.
265 ote three distinct mechanisms of cell death: necroptosis, RIPK1-independent and dependent apoptosis.
266                                              Necroptosis signaling is modulated by the kinase RIPK1 a
267 date the mechanisms by which Traf2 regulates necroptosis signaling.
268 nd the requirement of RIPK1/3/MLKL-dependent necroptosis, specifically in the bone marrow-derived com
269 , IE1-regulated viral gene product acts on a necroptosis step that follows MLKL phosphorylation prior
270  that selectively kill motor neurons through necroptosis, suggesting a new therapeutic avenue.
271  by identifying mechanisms to counterbalance necroptosis, sustain plasma membrane integrity, and prol
272 ich cells are extraordinarily susceptible to necroptosis, that local glucose levels alter the balance
273 that following LPS treatment, or LPS-induced necroptosis, the TLR adaptor protein TRIF and inhibitor
274  viral RNA are required for the induction of necroptosis, they are not sufficient.
275 events including inflammation, apoptosis and necroptosis through different signaling complexes.
276 h interaction with mitochondria, the role of necroptosis through receptor-interacting proteins 1 and
277             Finally, therapeutic blockade of necroptosis through TNFalpha or RIPK1 inhibition amelior
278                     CRD increases intestinal necroptosis, thus rendering the gut epithelium more susc
279 anisms, RDA, RIPK1-independent apoptosis and necroptosis.TNFalpha can promote three distinct mechanis
280 dicate that ALA-SDT mediates the switch from necroptosis to apoptosis by activating the caspase-3 and
281 ls, which is responsible for the switch from necroptosis to apoptosis.
282 he relative contributions of ferroptosis and necroptosis to folic acid (FA)-induced AKI in mice.
283             All these steps are required for necroptosis to occur.
284      Intact ZBP1-ZBDs were also required for necroptosis triggered by ectopic expression of ZBP1 and
285 enal tubules do not undergo sensitization to necroptosis upon genetic ablation of either FADD or casp
286 n Z-DNA/RNA binding in ZBP1's ZBDs prevented necroptosis upon infection with mouse cytomegalovirus.
287 otein kinase 1 (RIPK1) induces apoptosis and necroptosis via kinase-dependent mechanisms and exhibits
288                                We found that necroptosis was activated in postmortem human AD brains,
289 ished an in vitro necroptotic model in which necroptosis was induced in THP-1-derived foam cells by s
290 e-protein kinase (RIP)-3-mediated intestinal necroptosis was linked to increased mitotic cell cycle a
291                            During programmed necroptosis, we observed frequent cell-cell transfer of
292 atin-1, an inhibitor of programmed necrosis (necroptosis), which occurs in renal tubular cells during
293 neumolysin kills infiltrated macrophages via necroptosis, which alters the immune response.
294 sis takes place through RIPK3-MLKL-dependent necroptosis, which can be counterregulated by autophagy.
295 est understood form of regulated necrosis is necroptosis, which is transduced by the kinase activitie
296 caspase 8 by glutathionylation, resulting in necroptosis, which occurs independently of tumor necrosi
297 ated sonodynamic therapy (ALA-SDT) inhibited necroptosis while promoting apoptosis.
298                                     Blocking necroptosis with catalytically inactive RIPK3(D161N), RH
299 a suggest that pharmacological inhibition of necroptosis with Nec-1s stabilizes pre-existing aneurysm
300 ineage domain-like protein (MLKL), targeting necroptosis with the RIPK1 inhibitor necrostatin-1 or ge

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