


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lin-resistant S. aureus strains cause severe necrotizing pneumonia.
2 USA300 is the predominant strain that causes necrotizing pneumonia.
3 h, hallmark clinical features of fatal human necrotizing pneumonia.
4 creased bacterial survival in the lungs, and necrotizing pneumonia.
5 L) is a key virulence determinant in CA-MRSA necrotizing pneumonia.
6 ng inflammation and, in some cases, a lethal necrotizing pneumonia.
7 ion and tissue destruction characteristic of necrotizing pneumonia.
8  ranging from minor skin infections to fatal necrotizing pneumonia.
9  virulent than USA400 isolates in a model of necrotizing pneumonia.
10 s aureus (CA-MRSA) and with the often-lethal necrotizing pneumonia.
11  survival outcomes in a rabbit model of MRSA necrotizing pneumonia.
12 ne animals developed lesions consistent with necrotizing pneumonia after challenge with CA-MRSA or pu
13 nfluenza virus and PVL act together to cause necrotizing pneumonia: an influenza infection activates
14 associated Lemierre's syndrome and secondary necrotizing pneumonia and cerebral infarcts.
15 ection with P. aeruginosa, which resulted in necrotizing pneumonia and death.
16 ical deterioration from this infection, with necrotizing pneumonia and multiple-organ-system involvem
17 ome, which is characterized by a fatal acute necrotizing pneumonia and sepsis.
18 of codY increased the virulence of USA300 in necrotizing pneumonia and skin infection.
19 se isolates was compared in rodent models of necrotizing pneumonia and skin infection.
20 with severe skin and soft tissue infections, necrotizing pneumonia, and eye infections.
21 d with increased virulence in a rat model of necrotizing pneumonia, as assessed by mortality, in vivo
22 essing S. aureus pneumonia can cause severe, necrotizing pneumonia associated with acute respiratory
23 s aureus (CA-MRSA) causes severe hemorrhagic necrotizing pneumonia associated with high mortality.
24 ht to play a key role in the pathogenesis of necrotizing pneumonia, but data from rodent infection mo
25 lveolar capillary destruction in hemorrhagic/necrotizing pneumonia caused by CA-MRSA and offer novel
26                                              Necrotizing pneumonia caused by community-associated met
27 orrhage in the lung in addition to fulminant necrotizing pneumonia caused by massive bacterial replic
28 l recent clinical strains from patients with necrotizing pneumonia caused high mortality following in
29                        Staphylococcus aureus necrotizing pneumonia is a life-threatening disease that
30                                              Necrotizing pneumonia is generally considered a rare com
31  2), multifocal lymphadenopathy (n = 2), and necrotizing pneumonia (n = 1).
32 % (14 of 304) of patients, including chronic necrotizing pneumonias (n=7), mycetomas (n=4), and invas
33 he life-threatening conditions endocarditis, necrotizing pneumonia, necrotizing fasciitis, and septic
34 ith sickle cell disease developed persistent necrotizing pneumonia of the left lung following exchang
35 ive sudden, massive loss of lung tissue from necrotizing pneumonia or acute respiratory distress synd
36 imple colonization to severe and often fatal necrotizing pneumonia, termed cepacia syndrome.
37           We conclude that in a rat model of necrotizing pneumonia, there was an early, brisk inflamm
38    Therefore, we developed a rabbit model of necrotizing pneumonia to compare the virulence of a USA3
39                            A rabbit model of necrotizing pneumonia using MRSA clone USA300 was used t
40 th cystic fibrosis (CF) and can cause severe necrotizing pneumonia, which is often fatal.
41  syndrome, which is characterized as a fatal necrotizing pneumonia with bacteremia.

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