


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e equivalent and independent (no positive or negative cooperativity).
2 nges that precluded additional interactions (negative cooperativity).
3  and K(2) = 3.1 x 10(6) M(-1), indicative of negative cooperativity.
4  and binding to subsequent sites occurs with negative cooperativity.
5 e of high- and low-affinity binding sites or negative cooperativity.
6 receptor monomers, but are not necessary for negative cooperativity.
7  binds cofactor via a sequential model, with negative cooperativity.
8 opulations of intermediates, consistent with negative cooperativity.
9 the filling of only one ring owing to strong negative cooperativity.
10 ude less tightly at another site, suggesting negative cooperativity.
11  a Hill coefficient of 0.7+/-0.1, indicating negative cooperativity.
12 h- and low-affinity subunits in the dimer or negative cooperativity.
13 the R39Q mutant with cis,cis-muconate showed negative cooperativity.
14  suggesting that pathway activation involves negative cooperativity.
15 insulin) without disproportionate changes in negative cooperativity.
16 e function as a novel facility emerging from negative cooperativity.
17 sites occurs without substantial positive or negative cooperativity.
18 g region 2 loop of the Vbeta domain, exhibit negative cooperativity.
19 icating that part of this shortfall reflects negative cooperativity.
20 yzed, all of which lead to the conclusion of negative cooperativity.
21 minobenzyl-DTPA were biphasic, indicative of negative cooperativity.
22 rative) kinetics, positive cooperativity, or negative cooperativity.
23 interaction actually occurs with significant negative cooperativity.
24 inds sequentially two molecules of cAMP with negative cooperativity.
25 irectly bind at least two ATP molecules with negative cooperativity.
26 rial domains of the two rings, the source of negative cooperativity.
27  coli displays elements of both positive and negative cooperativity.
28 comparable affinity linked by a mechanism of negative cooperativity.
29 or NPr (2 and 10 microM) possibly because of negative cooperativity.
30 GroES ring can bind to GroEL weakly and with negative cooperativity.
31 table in the S68D mutant, an extreme form of negative cooperativity.
32 ing and suggested that binding occurred with negative cooperativity.
33 -fold increase in affinity while maintaining negative cooperativity.
34 half-the-sites reactive", which is a form of negative cooperativity.
35 in two di-metal binding sites that bind with negative cooperativity.
36 inity than the substrate, apo-ACPP, and with negative cooperativity.
37  (perhaps along with other factors) for this negative cooperativity.
38 ence of both NVP and MgATP indicate a strong negative cooperativity.
39 1 phosphorylation of IRF3 and SIKE displayed negative cooperativity.
40 thermodynamics, producing either positive or negative cooperativity.
41 to a lower binding affinity and the observed negative cooperativity.
42 nt binding can exhibit positive, neutral, or negative cooperativity.
43 y for binding of the second ligand, and thus negative cooperativity.
44                     This study suggests that negative cooperativity across a beta1-adrenoceptor homod
45  spatially distinct sites, with mutual, weak negative cooperativity (allosteric inhibition) between t
46                       The data showed strong negative cooperativity (alpha = 0.01-0.05) of 1 toward c
47 merase GmhA displays homotropic positive and negative cooperativity among its four protomers.
48 a of a wild-type aspartate receptor that has negative cooperativity and a mutant that has no cooperat
49 xamide (11d), which displayed both increased negative cooperativity and affinity for the D2R.
50            The hexamer exhibits positive and negative cooperativity and apparent half-site binding ac
51                             The positive and negative cooperativity and apparent half-site reactivity
52 y a model in which STIM1 binds to Orai1 with negative cooperativity and channels open with positive c
53 film thickness; the binding isotherms showed negative cooperativity and could all be mapped onto a si
54 analyses reveal the molecular origin for the negative cooperativity and explain the substrate specifi
55 ental data, a unified model for the apparent negative cooperativity and fumarate activation of DbetaM
56                      The observed increasing negative cooperativity and gradient of decreasing microa
57 losteric protein which displays positive and negative cooperativity and half-site reactivity that is
58 ture provides a rationale for the receptor's negative cooperativity and necessitates a reconsideratio
59 urves were approximately 0.58, indicative of negative cooperativity and possible multiple spermine in
60  binds IgE resident on the cell surface with negative cooperativity; and that 23G3 appears to induce
61 r the site-site interactions which result in negative cooperativity are proposed on the basis of the
62 significantly diminished (400-fold), and the negative cooperativity associated with its binding is lo
63                              Consistent with negative cooperativity, asymmetry of the resulting compl
64 ed by decline in Hill slope, suggesting that negative cooperativity at ascending dose might underlie
65   AtOASS binding of the C10 peptide displays negative cooperativity at higher temperatures.
66           However, this chimera retained the negative cooperativity between alcuronium and the classi
67 re of the protein, i.e. it shows positive or negative cooperativity between ligand binding and the re
68                We observed both positive and negative cooperativity between multiple bonds depending
69 anism (positive cooperativity within a ring, negative cooperativity between rings) is shown to be bas
70 ntrinsic affinity for ssDNA and enhances the negative cooperativity between ssDNA binding sites, indi
71 reaction at the substrate binding site, with negative cooperativity between subunits accounting for t
72 ains independently, shows the existence of a negative cooperativity between the D1 and D2 rings and t
73 rom the allosteric substrate protein-induced negative cooperativity between the GroEL rings involves
74                                          The negative cooperativity between the rings in the R''-->T
75                        In contrast, there is negative cooperativity between the rings, so that they a
76     The different binding constants indicate negative cooperativity between the subunits; the asymmet
77  demonstrate that dimeric vSET operates with negative cooperativity between the two active sites and
78             Despite biochemical evidence for negative cooperativity between the two active sites of t
79 he relative rotation mode also explained the negative cooperativity between the two binding pockets.
80 both sides of the membrane shows substantial negative cooperativity between the two blocking sites.
81 s within one heptameric ring of GroEL, while negative cooperativity between the two rings generates a
82 Analyses of metal-binding affinities reveals negative cooperativity between the two site 2 binding ev
83 losteric communication between T3 and 9c and negative cooperativity between their binding pockets.
84                    Binding of NADPH displays negative cooperativity, binding of either folate or dihy
85 f catalytic sites for MgATP do not represent negative cooperativity, but rather represent heterogeneo
86 o lessen the degree of both the positive and negative cooperativity, but the cause of this effect was
87                 Substrate protein suppresses negative cooperativity by decreasing the affinity of the
88 lent character of the linker histone and the negative cooperativity by which linker histone and super
89                                              Negative cooperativity can make a multimeric receptor's
90 y additive fashion, but apparent positive or negative cooperativity characterized several putative Cr
91 nts were close to 0.5, the highest degree of negative cooperativity commonly observed (although small
92 statistical support for the existence of two negative cooperativity constants, one linking protonatio
93                               The calculated negative cooperativities cover a narrow range, in sharp
94 displayed pH and fumarate-dependent apparent negative cooperativity demonstrating that the previously
95 CBP-pRb interactions have either positive or negative cooperativity, depending on the available E1A i
96                                         Such negative cooperativity did not occur with TSHR ECD-GPI-e
97 roteins have been recently proposed in which negative cooperativity due to area exclusion by adsorbat
98 itrosated in a single step but is subject to negative cooperativity due to steric hindrance at the di
99 trate inhibition during nitrite turnover and negative cooperativity during hydroxylamine turnover, ne
100 mulated dissociation of prebound (125)I-TSH (negative cooperativity; EC(50)=70 mU/ml), which requires
101 ion in a given porphycene, with positive and negative cooperativity effects.
102 ow-affinity, uric acid-binding site and that negative cooperativity exists between homologous, high-a
103  potencies, compounds exhibit differences in negative cooperativity for agonist-mediated calcium mobi
104 o do not display the dramatic intra-tetramer negative cooperativity for binding of a second (dT)(35)
105 th modulation of the global normal modes and negative cooperativity for binding the second cAMP ligan
106 binary enzyme-NAD(+) complex is the apparent negative cooperativity for binding to the tetramer with
107        Such a mechanism requires the extreme negative cooperativity for DNA binding to the second sub
108                               This indicates negative cooperativity for ligand binding between subuni
109 ity binding to every other T-T mismatch with negative cooperativity for proximal T-T mismatches.
110 used to evaluate the thermodynamic origin of negative cooperativity for this series of guests, reveal
111 rst C60 molecule, in good agreement with the negative cooperativity found in these systems.
112 n IC50 value of 382 +/- 23 nM, and exhibited negative cooperativity (Hill coefficient, 0.27).
113  K(+) concentration, folding with no or even negative cooperativity (Hill coefficients </=1), and are
114 N and ATP with NMAT were observed to exhibit negative cooperativity, i.e. Hill coefficients <1.0.
115 NA)-gold nanoparticle conjugates occurs with negative cooperativity; i.e., each binding event destabi
116  Furthermore, the two ATP binding sites show negative cooperativity; i.e., nucleotides do not bind in
117 th the R39Q mutant, cis, cis-muconate showed negative cooperativity in active site binding with two K
118 n best be described by a model that involves negative cooperativity in an aggregating system.
119 be completely explained by a model involving negative cooperativity in an aggregating system.
120                              Subunits showed negative cooperativity in ATP binding and positive coope
121                                              Negative cooperativity in binding is supported by the re
122 dependent, and MMPIP exhibits differences in negative cooperativity in certain cellular backgrounds.
123 cMazE, which are also responsible for strong negative cooperativity in EcMazE-EcMazF binding.
124 g the loop entirely led to a decrease in the negative cooperativity in EGF binding and was associated
125                                              Negative cooperativity in enzyme reactions, in which the
126 dentified elements that could play a role in negative cooperativity in GSTs.
127 tes, unlike mammalian PNPs which demonstrate negative cooperativity in ImmH binding.
128 underscore the pharmacological importance of negative cooperativity in ligand binding within TR:RXR h
129 genic mutations and the structural basis for negative cooperativity in ligand binding.
130 125)I-PMP-BSA/receptor complexes, suggesting negative cooperativity in multivalent ligand binding and
131 ate binding and may suggest the existence of negative cooperativity in MUR1 function.
132 ition, this study also provides evidence for negative cooperativity in NADH binding and for at least
133 e binding but, rather, the substrate-induced negative cooperativity in protein orientation that accom
134 of nZ of < 1 was interpreted as evidence for negative cooperativity in spermine binding to d(CA/TG) d
135 Significantly, we observe an apparent strong negative cooperativity in ssDNA binding between relaxase
136  GCT from Bacillus subtilis displays unusual negative cooperativity in substrate binding and appears
137 le bound in the biological dimer, supporting negative cooperativity in substrate binding.
138 inding of the first two serine molecules and negative cooperativity in the binding of the last two se
139 hes the intrinsic affinity and increases the negative cooperativity in the cofactor binding to the he
140           This indicates that the inter-ring negative cooperativity in the double-ring GroEL has a ma
141                                              Negative cooperativity in the double-ringed system is al
142 n plays a significant role in the genesis of negative cooperativity in the EGF receptor.
143 tic evidence, the proposal that the apparent negative cooperativity in the interaction of ascorbic ac
144                 The present study also shows negative cooperativity in the ITC binding data of asialo
145                                              Negative cooperativity in the kinetic response of MtPPAT
146                            Here we show that negative cooperativity in the rate-determining step in t
147  recognition domains of the gal-1 dimer with negative cooperativity, in that the first lactose molecu
148                      Lysine binding exhibits negative cooperativity, indicating cross-talk between th
149 d and unphosphorylated EGF receptors exhibit negative cooperativity, indicating that mechanistically,
150 fied nucleotides is characterized by similar negative cooperativity, indicating that negative coopera
151  tetrahydroquinoline compounds, which showed negative cooperativities instead.
152 al results suggest mechanisms for inter-ring-negative cooperativity, intra-ring-positive cooperativit
153                The Hill coefficient for this negative cooperativity is 0.9.
154 II chaperonins, these observations show that negative cooperativity is a common feature of all chaper
155                                              Negative cooperativity is a phenomenon in which the bind
156                                 In contrast, negative cooperativity is manifested by alterations in b
157 nucleotide binding domain interface, and the negative cooperativity is mediated across the regulatory
158 lso been found to be superadditive, and this negative cooperativity is now shown to extend to the nei
159                                              Negative cooperativity is observed between the binding o
160                                              Negative cooperativity is observed in the wild-type rece
161 we studied 16 different GSTs, revealing that negative cooperativity is present only in more recently
162 Finally, a possible structural mechanism for negative cooperativity is presented.
163 assic allostery is not involved and that the negative cooperativity is probably the consequence of a
164  in both TTR binding sites without the usual negative cooperativity, is therefore of interest.
165                         When the lattice has negative cooperativity, its properties mimic those of a
166         Tafamidis binds selectively and with negative cooperativity (K(d)s ~2 nM and ~200 nM) to the
167 metry shows that genistein binds to TTR with negative cooperativity (K(d1) = 40 nM, K(d2) = 1.4 micro
168  the data are globally fit with a two-branch negative-cooperativity kinetic model in which ET in one-
169 -tRNA synthetase displays an extreme form of negative cooperativity, known as "half-of-the-sites reac
170 -Cys(593) disulfide bond resulted in extreme negative cooperativity, ligand-independent kinase activi
171 ors, including bistability and oscillations, negative cooperativity may be an important ingredient in
172 te binding of isocitrate, but that a form of negative cooperativity may limit access to apparently eq
173 the dimer asymmetric and implying an extreme negative cooperativity mechanism.
174  also a strong inhibitor of GSTs, we suggest negative cooperativity might have evolved to maintain a
175 h estrogen receptor (ER) thus validating the negative cooperativity model for an established function
176 esence of 5 mm ATP, the ATPase showed strong negative cooperativity (n(H) = 0.16 +/- 0.03) for Na(+)
177  variants exhibiting positive, nH > 1.0, and negative cooperativity, nH < 1.0.
178                                          The negative cooperativity observed in B. anthracis NMAT sub
179 netheless, both the positive linkage and the negative cooperativity observed in EGF binding require t
180 bservation that could also contribute to the negative cooperativity observed.
181                                              Negative cooperativity occurs in human glutathione trans
182                            We think that the negative cooperativity occurs when saturation of actin f
183 ed for by a Markov state model that includes negative cooperativity of agonist binding to unsensitize
184 uents were important to maintain the limited negative cooperativity of analogues of 1, and replacemen
185  binding of serine at one interface leads to negative cooperativity of binding of a subsequent serine
186               Biotinylated DNA showed strong negative cooperativity of binding to cis-divalent but no
187      These results suggest that the apparent negative cooperativity of binding to the two ssDNA bindi
188                                         This negative cooperativity of binding was also seen when a c
189  and a significant reduction in the apparent negative cooperativity of binding, relative to wild-type
190 ted as playing a critical role in modulating negative cooperativity of cyclic nucleotide binding.
191 negative cooperativity of substrate binding, negative cooperativity of enzyme activity was not observ
192           Such complexes fail to rationalize negative cooperativity of epidermal growth factor (EGF)
193 activity of SR-BI but does not influence the negative cooperativity of HDL binding.
194 und and a lessening of both the positive and negative cooperativity of inhibitor binding as compared
195  consistent with the experimentally measured negative cooperativity of ketamine binding to GLIC.
196 Bs, and establish a molecular basis for both negative cooperativity of ligand binding to vertebrate E
197 irmed by our kinetic analysis that shows the negative cooperativity of mGSTA4-4 for 4-HNE.
198 he current concepts of unisite catalysis and negative cooperativity of nucleotide binding will be nec
199                  Furthermore, the increasing negative cooperativity of SBA binding to Tn-PSM correlat
200                                    It is not negative cooperativity of substrate binding but, rather,
201                       Despite the pronounced negative cooperativity of substrate binding, negative co
202 nc site, which collectively drive homotropic negative cooperativity of Zn(2+) binding (Delta(DeltaG)
203 94 dimer, a model for allosteric regulation (negative cooperativity) of ligand binding is proposed.
204 lude the notion that NCNs require regions of negative cooperativity, or "frustrated" noncovalent inte
205 ng sites on each TfR polypeptide chain, from negative cooperativity, or from a combination of both.
206  to the DnaB hexamer is characterized by the negative cooperativity parameter sigma=0.25(+/-0.1).
207 of HemAT suggest that asymmetry and apparent negative cooperativity play an important role in the sig
208  between dimers is fully compatible with the negative cooperativity previously observed between the t
209 oupling between the structural asymmetry and negative cooperativity previously proposed for CK is not
210 preciably depleted by receptor binding, then negative cooperativity produces a qualitatively differen
211 nduced reduction in ligand binding affinity (negative cooperativity) requires TSH receptor (TSHR) hom
212 n liver alcohol dehydrogenase gamma exhibits negative cooperativity (substrate activation) with ethan
213 g is characterized by significantly stronger negative cooperativity than ADP.
214  binding sites in the tetramer such that the negative cooperativity that is originally manifest at on
215 of NADPH to precede loss of the product H4F (negative cooperativity), the mutants can reenter the cat
216 easing the affinity of CAP for cAMP enhances negative cooperativity through an entropic penalty for l
217 tants (ATP and peptide substrates) bind with negative cooperativity to Src kinase while products (ADP
218 factor Zur requires Zn(II), which binds with negative cooperativity to two regulatory sites per dimer
219 itrate dependence from sigmoidal, displaying negative cooperativity, to hyperbolic.
220                                    It showed negative cooperativity towards bicarbonate at 70 degrees
221                                 CAP displays negative cooperativity upon association with two identic
222 lectin concanavalin A (ConA) show increasing negative cooperativity upon binding of the analogues to
223 gent slopes below 1.0, indicating increasing negative cooperativity upon binding of the analogues to
224                                              Negative cooperativity was also found between the S1 and
225                                          The negative cooperativity was associated with the decreasin
226               To test the role of the TMD in negative cooperativity, we studied the TSHR ECD tethered
227   Quantitative mappings of positive and then negative cooperativity were obtained by fitting the resu
228 als collisions, we have found a significant "negative cooperativity" when the two classes of compound
229                               Dimers exhibit negative cooperativity whereas tetramers exhibit positiv
230 e-sensitive high-affinity state and exhibits negative cooperativity, whereas the monomeric receptor i
231          The system is well-known to exhibit negative cooperativity, whereby the binding of one cAMP
232 nalysis of the raw ITC data shows increasing negative cooperativity, which correlates with an increas
233  do not reveal the structural origin of this negative cooperativity, which has remained unclear.
234                          Tetrameric L1 shows negative cooperativity, which is not present in either t
235 ts by mutating the R69 residues released the negative cooperativity with 4-HNE.
236 d various patterns of positive, neutral, and negative cooperativity with [3H]NMS and acetylcholine, b
237 a compound showing positive, neutral, or low negative cooperativity with acetylcholine may yield comp
238                             Cmpd-15 exhibits negative cooperativity with agonists and positive cooper
239         The fourth binding step shows a weak negative cooperativity with an affinity one-half that of
240 /- 0.2, while the ionization of Pro-1 showed negative cooperativity with an apparent pK(a) of 7.1 +/-
241                 In contrast, ML375 displayed negative cooperativity with each of the agonists in a ma
242 n a manner that correlated with efficacy but negative cooperativity with inverse agonists.
243 studies have revealed the first evidence for negative cooperativity with respect to bicarbonate and s
244 ke GDH from bacteria, mammalian GDH exhibits negative cooperativity with respect to coenzyme, activat
245 nducing an entirely entropic (nonmechanical) negative cooperativity with respect to substrate binding
246 pe selectivity: an agent showing positive or negative cooperativity with the endogenous ligand at one
247  by isothermal titration calorimetry reveals negative cooperativity with three distinct binding event
248                                   But due to negative cooperativity within the dimer, only one groove
249 cooperative copper binding, with evidence of negative cooperativity within the octarepeat region.

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