


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ing were substituted with phenylalanine (3YF-Nephrin).
2 rstitial injury (fibronectin) and podocytes (nephrin).
3 it interacts with the slit diaphragm protein nephrin.
4  several phosphorylated tyrosine residues on nephrin.
5 n-dependent, raft-independent endocytosis of nephrin.
6 rier and required for the proper function of nephrin.
7 ical Notch signaling, prevented this loss of nephrin.
8 ophila myoblasts, has structural homology to nephrin.
9 n cytoskeleton via the transmembrane protein nephrin.
10 pression of SHP-1, which was associated with nephrin.
11 are required to allow SHP-1 interaction with nephrin.
12 se Shp2 to be associated with phosphorylated nephrin.
13 n RGDfv blocked suPAR-induced suppression of nephrin.
14  < 0.05), and reduced expression of podocyte nephrin (-29%, p < 0.01).
15 negative Dynamin mutant (K44A-Dynamin) in WT-Nephrin, 3YF-Nephrin, or Nephrin siRNA-transfected cells
16                                              Nephrin, a critical podocyte membrane component that is
17                                              Nephrin, a podocyte-specific protein, is the main compon
18                 In kidneys of Ae1(-/-) mice, nephrin abundance was normal but its distribution was al
19 emia accelerated podocyte injury and reduced nephrin, acetylated nephrin, and miR-29a levels in prima
20 on of histone deacetylase (HDAC) actions and nephrin acetylation by miR-29 contributes to podocyte ho
21  glucose-induced apoptosis and inhibition of nephrin acetylation in podocyte cultures.
22 retion associated with diabetes and restored nephrin acetylation.
23 standing of nephrin function by showing that nephrin activation in cultured podocytes induced actin d
24                                              Nephrin activation induced cofilin dephosphorylation via
25  requires interactions between surface Neph1/nephrin adhesion receptors Roughest and Hibris, which bi
26 airs the polymerization of actin at sites of nephrin aggregates.
27  process effacement and F-actin collapse via nephrin, alphavbeta3 integrin, and MICAL1 interactions w
28 Hbs function appears conserved, as mammalian Nephrin also promotes N signaling in mammalian cells.
29                                              Nephrin, an immunoglobulin-like protein essential for th
30  upregulation of Snail and downregulation of nephrin and alpha-actinin-4.
31 sence of protein-protein interaction between Nephrin and Dynamin.
32 hat the podocyte protein kAE1 interacts with nephrin and ILK to maintain the structure and function o
33 on of activated Notch decreased cell surface nephrin and increased cytoplasmic nephrin in transfected
34 ized that cofilin-1 activity is regulated by Nephrin and is necessary in normal podocyte actin dynami
35 in clusters containing the adhesion receptor Nephrin and its cytoplasmic partners, Nck and N-WASP.
36                   The cell adhesion proteins nephrin and neph1 localize to the slit diaphragm and tra
37 down sns and duf, the Drosophila homologs of nephrin and Neph1, respectively, in pericardial nephrocy
38 teins, orthologs of the human genes encoding nephrin and nephrin-like protein 1, colocalize within a
39  supported a functional relationship between nephrin and NF-kappaB and suggested the involvement of a
40 ured human podocytes increased expression of nephrin and other epithelial markers and reduced mesench
41  of CMP-sialic acid prevented sialylation of nephrin and podocalyxin in the maturing podocyte where i
42                 The glomerular glycoproteins nephrin and podocalyxin were hyposialylated in this uniq
43 type mice, with improved sialylation of both nephrin and podocalyxin, as well as reduced albuminuria
44 altered endoderm development, as assessed by nephrin and podocin expression in double osr1/sox32-defi
45      We monitored podocyte loss by detecting nephrin and podocin mRNA in urine particulates with quan
46 duced expression and altered localization of nephrin and podocin proteins.
47 hanistically, claudin-1 interacted with both nephrin and podocin through cis- and trans-associations
48 so, KLF15 binding to the promoter regions of nephrin and podocin was increased in RA-treated podocyte
49 l surface expression of the podocyte markers nephrin and podocin, but there was no loss of cells.
50  express the foot process junctional markers nephrin and podocin.
51 rrelates with reduced urinary levels of both nephrin and podocin.
52  (e.g., ceruloplasmin), and podocytes (e.g., nephrin and prepronociceptin).
53 te that similarly to Neph1, Myo1c also binds nephrin and reduces its localization at the podocyte cel
54 though MAGI2 has been shown to interact with nephrin and regulate podocyte cytoskeleton and slit diap
55                     TGF-beta1 down-regulated nephrin and synaptopodin expression in podocytes in cell
56 ) overexpression significantly downregulated nephrin and synaptopodin expression, promoted apoptosis
57 in 7 increased the interaction of VAMP2 with nephrin and syntaxin 4.
58 l strategy that posttranslationally modifies nephrin and the effects of this strategy in the pancreas
59 vation required a direct interaction between Nephrin and the p85 subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-ki
60 s that control the expression of podocin and nephrin and thereby mediate podocyte differentiation.
61  in chicken, including the long-sought-after nephrin and tumor necrosis factor genes.
62 rk, we characterized the interaction between nephrin and VEGFR2 in cultured cells and in vitro.
63                      GSIR and live images of Nephrin and vesicle trafficking were studied.
64 remains unknown whether SHP-1 interacts with nephrin and whether its elevated expression affects the
65 the infusion of suPAR inhibits expression of nephrin and WT-1 in podocytes and induces proteinuria.
66 ed cAMP, 2) activated PKA, 3) phosphorylated nephrin, and 4) attenuated albumin transcytosis.
67 rentiation marked by a loss of synaptopodin, nephrin, and foot process effacement, partly regulated b
68 ocyte injury and reduced nephrin, acetylated nephrin, and miR-29a levels in primary renal glomeruli f
69  slit diaphragm-associated proteins podocin, nephrin, and synaptopodin and to enhanced transient rece
70                                    Thus, Hbs/Nephrin appear to share a general requirement in Psn/gam
71 th increased urinary podocin:aquaporin 2 and nephrin:aquaporin 2 molar ratios.
72 obulin superfamily (IgSF) proteins Neph1 and Nephrin are co-expressed within podocytes in the kidney
73  the slit diaphragm in the absence of either nephrin (as in human congenital nephrotic syndrome of th
74  Nck enhances phase separation of Nck/N-WASP/nephrin assemblies.
75            We previously showed that in vivo nephrin associates with VEGF receptor-2 (VEGFR2), the si
76 e PCP protein Vangl2 leads to an increase of nephrin at the cell surface; loss of Vangl2 functions in
77 diates the dynamic organization of Neph1 and nephrin at the slit diaphragm and is critical for podocy
78                                         With Nephrin attached to the bilayer, multivalent interaction
79                In vitro changes of the Snail/nephrin axis were similar to those in renal biopsy speci
80 ates with CD2-associated protein (CD2AP) and nephrin, both essential for glomerular ultrafiltration.
81 ect expression of podocin, synaptopodin, and nephrin but reduced their expression as glomerular injur
82 expression of the podocyte-specific protein, nephrin, but not podocin, is reduced in preeclamptic com
83                    Furthermore, reduction of nephrin by transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) in
84 se exposure increases SHP-1 interaction with nephrin, causing decreased nephrin phosphorylation, whic
85                              Coexpression of nephrin-CD16 and SHP-1 reduced nephrin tyrosine phosphor
86                      We propose that a Neph1/nephrin-Cindr/ArfGAP complex accumulates to limit local
87                                            A nephrin clustering assay suggested that Cdc42 deficiency
88 sed podocalyxin and podocin proteins but not nephrin, compatible with detached podocytes' having an a
89 ms' tumor 1 and nephrin staining and urinary nephrin concentration, was found in diabetic WT but not
90 ne expression were increased and podocin and nephrin content were decreased by either the CB1R agonis
91   This interaction occurs through VEGFR2 and nephrin cytoplasmic domains.
92 n podocytes, and vitamin D analogs prevented nephrin decline in both type 1 and 2 diabetic mice.
93                                      MIN6-C3 Nephrin-deficient pancreatic beta cells and human islets
94 on at Tyr-1176/1193/1217 was associated with Nephrin degradation and impaired GSIR.
95 osphorylation following injury would prevent nephrin-dependent actin remodeling and foot process morp
96 glomeruli, podocyte survival is mediated via nephrin-dependent Akt signaling.
97 mediated through cAMP/protein kinase A (PKA)/nephrin-dependent pathways, we found that PKA inhibition
98                    Vanadate, which prevented Nephrin dephosphorylation after glucose stimulation, imp
99 indings demonstrate the relationship between nephrin dephosphorylation and the mTORC1 pathway, mediat
100 We further demonstrate that, coincident with nephrin dephosphorylation in a transient model of podocy
101 T-Nephrin or to single tyrosine mutants, 3YF-Nephrin did not positively affect GSIR and led to impair
102             Here, we show that suPAR induces nephrin down-modulation in human podocytes.
103      Podocyte VEGF164 overexpression induced nephrin down-regulation without podocyte loss.
104 oteinuria, podocyte foot process effacement, nephrin down-regulation, and nephrinuria.
105 RNA-transfected cells were utilized to study Nephrin-Dynamin interaction.
106 d transgenic (Tg) mice using the promoter of nephrin-encoding Nphs1 to express the APOL1 reference se
107 ng of GFP-nephrin-transfected cells revealed nephrin endocytosis upon glucose stimulation.
108 s a binding partner of nephrin that mediates nephrin endocytosis via ubiquitination in podocytes.
109 -nephrin-transfected cells was used to study nephrin endocytosis.
110 ape, actin rearrangement, cell motility, and nephrin endocytosis.
111 d with an elevated urinary podocin(+) EVs-to-nephrin(+) EVs ratio and may be mediated by prolonged ex
112 hrin-positive urinary EVs (podocin(+) EVs-to-nephrin(+) EVs ratio) and increased nephrinuria, both of
113  with proteinuria, urinary podocin(+) EVs-to-nephrin(+) EVs ratio, and nephrinuria.
114 evealed a loss of the slit diaphragm protein nephrin exclusively in podocytes expressing activated No
115 gnaling, nephrin ubiquitination, and urinary nephrin excretion associated with diabetes and restored
116 governed by the degree of phosphorylation of nephrin, explaining how this property of the system can
117 ression, resulted in a sustained increase in nephrin expression and a decrease in albuminuria.
118  vivo, immunoblot analysis demonstrated that nephrin expression and phosphorylation were decreased in
119         Here we demonstrate that the loss of nephrin expression and the onset of proteinuria in diabe
120  In vivo biotinylation assays confirmed that nephrin expression decreased at the cell surface and cor
121              In several glomerular diseases, nephrin expression decreases and podocyte survival corre
122                          RESEARCH DESIGN AND Nephrin expression in human pancreas and in MIN6 insulin
123 as to investigate whether diabetes modulates nephrin expression in human pancreatic islets and to exp
124 ated forms of the lhx1a gene product rescued nephrin expression in osr1-deficient podocytes.
125  demonstrate that 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) stimulates nephrin expression in podocytes by acting on a VDRE in t
126 wk postnatally, which coincided with loss of nephrin expression in the glomeruli.
127 tured human podocytes, Ang II down-regulated nephrin expression via Notch1 activation and nuclear tra
128                                              Nephrin expression was decreased in islets from diabetic
129 itazone enhanced glomerular synaptopodin and nephrin expression, and reduced COX-2 expression, after
130  podocytes also demonstrated altered AE1 and nephrin expression, further supporting the functional in
131 he transcription factor Snail and suppressed nephrin expression, leading to podocyte dysfunction.
132 , eventually resulting in down-regulation of nephrin expression, the integrity of which is crucial fo
133 inuria and adriamycin-induced suppression of nephrin expression, whereas blockade of Wnt signaling wi
134 r podocytes, as determined by wt1b, hey1 and nephrin expression, while embryos deficient in any two o
135 e phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic tail of nephrin facilitates recruitment of Nck SH2/SH3 adaptor p
136  proteinuria and podocyte mRNAs (podocin and nephrin) followed 8 d later by a second peak of proteinu
137  present studies extend our understanding of nephrin function by showing that nephrin activation in c
138          Whether altered sialylation impairs nephrin function in human disease requires further study
139  MIN-6 cells/human islets were used to study nephrin function in vitro and in vivo after transplantat
140  of the 6-kb 5' upstream region of the mouse nephrin gene identified several putative vitamin D respo
141                                              Nephrin gene silencing abolished stimulated insulin rele
142                                              Nephrin gene silencing abolished the positive effects of
143     Drosophila Hibris (Hbs), a member of the Nephrin Immunoglobulin Super Family, has been implicated
144 nt and attenuated the expression of podocyte nephrin in APA-KO mice but not in wild-type controls.
145 pancreatic islets and to explore the role of nephrin in beta-cell function.
146 cated increased colocalization of SHP-1 with nephrin in diabetic mice compared with control littermat
147 nd further, the interaction of septin 7 with nephrin in glomeruli suggests that septin 7 may particip
148   We have previously demonstrated a role for Nephrin in glucose stimulated insulin release (GSIR).
149 us, CIN85/RukL is involved in endocytosis of nephrin in podocytes under diabetic conditions, causing
150  previous study has established any role for nephrin in skeletal muscle.
151 adducts, maintained a normal distribution of nephrin in the glomeruli, and provided significant prote
152 ll surface nephrin and increased cytoplasmic nephrin in transfected HEK293T cells; pharmacologic inhi
153 transfected with WT-Nephrin or with a mutant Nephrin in which the tyrosine residues responsible for S
154                                         This Nephrin-induced cofilin activation required a direct int
155 phosphorylation of the intracellular tail of nephrin initiates signaling events, including recruitmen
156 eature in diabetic nephropathy, with loss of nephrin integrity contributing to diabetic podocytopathy
157                         Here, we report that nephrin interacts with the bicarbonate/chloride transpor
158 ut heterologous re-introduction of wild-type nephrin into these podocytes rescued kAE1 expression.
159 llular and in vitro assays, we show that the Nephrin intracellular domain (NICD), a disordered protei
160                    The transmembrane protein nephrin is a key component of the kidney slit diaphragm
161                                              Nephrin is a key structural component of the podocyte sl
162                                              Nephrin is a protein expressed in kidney that is part of
163                        Our data suggest that nephrin is an active component of insulin vesicle machin
164                    The transmembrane protein nephrin is an essential component of slit diaphragms, th
165  phosphorylation of the Nck binding sites on nephrin is decreased during podocyte injury.
166                                      Because nephrin is important to glomerular permselectivity, we n
167                    The cell adhesion protein nephrin is necessary for establishing the morphology of
168                                      Loss of nephrin is observed in human and rodent models of diabet
169 ins including synaptopodin, alpha-actinin-4, nephrin, JAM4, and beta-catenin.
170 dent pathways, we found that PKA inhibition, nephrin knockdown, or targeted mutation of phosphorylate
171                                     Although nephrin-knockout (nephrin(KO)) myoblasts exhibit prolong
172 sive proteinuria, recapitulating features of nephrin-knockout mice and of patients with Finnish-type
173 ature myotubes; however, the contribution of nephrin(KO) myoblasts is minimal.
174 res of unaffected human fetal myoblasts with nephrin(KO) myoblasts or myotubes restore the formation
175                   Although nephrin-knockout (nephrin(KO)) myoblasts exhibit prolonged activation of M
176 hosphotyrosine sites in the adhesion protein nephrin, leading to phase separation.
177 and accompanied by increased urinary soluble nephrin levels (nephrinuria) in preeclampsia.
178  Diabetic miR-29a transgenic mice had better nephrin levels, podocyte viability, and renal function a
179 logs of the human genes encoding nephrin and nephrin-like protein 1, colocalize within a fingerprint-
180 n the Sema3a signaling receptor plexinA1 and nephrin, linking extracellular Sema3a signals to the sli
181 ense oligonucleotides promoted HDAC4 action, nephrin loss, podocyte apoptosis, and proteinuria in non
182 tor 2 (VEGFR2) signaling and compensates for nephrin loss.
183 ally, excess Sema3a induces dysregulation of nephrin, matrix metalloproteinase 9, and alphavbeta3 int
184                                  In summary, nephrin may normally limit NF-kappaB activity in the pod
185               Development of drugs targeting nephrin may represent a novel approach to treat diabetes
186  in response to glucose and is necessary for Nephrin-mediated augmentation of GSIR.
187 odocytes 1,25(OH)(2)D(3) markedly stimulated nephrin mRNA and protein expression.
188 ment of mice with a vitamin D analog induced nephrin mRNA and protein in the kidney, accompanied by i
189 dingly, EP1 deletion in OVE26 mice prevented nephrin mRNA expression down-regulation and ameliorated
190 es were stressed (increased urine podocin-to-nephrin mRNA ratio).
191 n glomeruli homozygous for the NPHS1(FinMaj) nephrin mutation, whereas kAE1 expression remained uncha
192 ethod to the analysis of interactions in the nephrin-Nck-N-Wasp signaling system, demonstrating how m
193  and recovery, which correlated with loss of nephrin-Nck1/2 association during foot process effacemen
194 anism distinct from the previously described nephrin-Nck1/2 pathway necessary for assembly and polyme
195 odocyte mRNAs that were podocin positive but nephrin negative.
196 for months correlated with podocin-positive, nephrin-negative mRNAs in urine.
197 ted in NF-kappaB activation, suggesting that nephrin negatively regulates the NF-kappaB pathway.
198 docyte proteins, including those of podocin, nephrin, neph1, alpha-actinin-4, and vimentin.
199 Finnish type, that is caused by mutations in nephrin (NPHS1).
200         K44A-Dynamin prevented the effect of Nephrin on GSIR in the absence of protein-protein intera
201 yte slit diaphragm, and proper expression of nephrin on the cell surface is critical to ensure integr
202 ely lost in flies lacking the orthologues of nephrin or NEPH1-a phenotype resembling loss of the slit
203                            In contrast to WT-Nephrin or to single tyrosine mutants, 3YF-Nephrin did n
204 ls and human islets were transfected with WT-Nephrin or with a mutant Nephrin in which the tyrosine r
205 min mutant (K44A-Dynamin) in WT-Nephrin, 3YF-Nephrin, or Nephrin siRNA-transfected cells were utilize
206              The podocyte proteins Neph1 and nephrin organize a signaling complex at the podocyte cel
207 p protein in mice with chronic disruption of nephrin phospho-signaling.
208                                           WT-Nephrin phosphorylation after glucose occurred at Tyr-11
209 knockout mice with selexipag augmented renal nephrin phosphorylation and attenuated albuminuria devel
210 d LPS-induced NF-kappaB and MAPK activation, nephrin phosphorylation and attenuated endoplasmic retic
211 equired for GSIR and that Dynamin influences Nephrin phosphorylation and function.
212 effects of protamine sulfate and vanadate on Nephrin phosphorylation and GSIR were studied in MIN6 ce
213 ditions, but the molecular mechanism linking nephrin phosphorylation and pathology is unclear so far.
214           We hypothesized that abrogation of nephrin phosphorylation following injury would prevent n
215 hether IP receptor agonism similarly affects nephrin phosphorylation in podocytes.
216                                              Nephrin phosphorylation is a proximal event that occurs
217                The ability of Nck to enhance nephrin phosphorylation is compromised in the presence o
218                      We now hypothesize that Nephrin phosphorylation is required for GSIR and that Dy
219                Pharmacological modulation of Nephrin phosphorylation may thus facilitate pancreatic b
220             In conclusion, Dynamin-dependent Nephrin phosphorylation occurs in response to glucose an
221  whether its elevated expression affects the nephrin phosphorylation state in diabetes.
222  now demonstrate that Nck directly modulates nephrin phosphorylation through formation of a signaling
223                             Diabetes-induced nephrin phosphorylation was also reduced in mice with an
224  interaction with nephrin, causing decreased nephrin phosphorylation, which may, in turn, contribute
225              Studies in cell culture suggest nephrin phosphorylation-dependent signaling events are p
226  prevented high glucose-induced reduction of nephrin phosphorylation.
227 sults suggest that increases in ShcA perturb nephrin phosphosignaling dynamics, leading to aberrant n
228 protein tyrosine phosphatase (PTPase) at the nephrin-PI3K binding site and renders PI3K for IRS-1, th
229                                              Nephrin plays a key role in maintaining the structure of
230 use podocyte intercellular junction receptor Nephrin plays a role in regulating actin dynamics, and g
231                   These studies suggest that nephrin plays a role in secondary fusion of myoblasts in
232 hragm constituting molecules (SDCM), such as nephrin, podocin, and CD2-associated protein (CD2AP), we
233 contain both unique membrane proteins (e.g., nephrin, podocin, and Neph1) and typical adherens juncti
234  the podocyte markers Wilms tumor protein 1, nephrin, podocin, and synaptopodin.
235 ntrols, paricalcitol preserved expression of nephrin, podocin, and WT1; prevented proteinuria; and re
236 se proteins in the same protein complexes as nephrin, podocin, CD2AP, ZO-1, and Neph1 by cosedimentat
237                                Expression of nephrin, podocin, desmin, and transient receptor potenti
238 ion prevented nephrin trafficking as well as nephrin-positive effect on insulin release.
239 ontained a high ratio of podocin-positive to nephrin-positive urinary EVs (podocin(+) EVs-to-nephrin(
240 t KLF4 expression reduced methylation at the nephrin promoter and the promoters of other epithelial m
241   Luciferase reporter assays of the proximal nephrin promoter fragment (-427 to +173) showed strong i
242 odocytes by acting on a VDRE in the proximal nephrin promoter.
243 phosphorylation of the transmembrane protein nephrin promotes recruitment of the Nck1/2 cytoskeletal
244 ,25(OH)(2)D(3) reversed high glucose-induced nephrin reduction in podocytes, and vitamin D analogs pr
245              Absence of the podocyte protein nephrin resulted in NF-kappaB activation, suggesting tha
246  its binding partner Lats1 to phosphorylated nephrin, resulting in decreased phospho-activation of La
247 els, zebrafish and mice, that the absence of nephrin results in poorly developed muscles and incomple
248 nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation and reduced nephrin signaling and cell surface expression in vitro I
249 xistence of a dynamic molecular link between nephrin signaling and the canonical Hippo pathway in pod
250                                              Nephrin signaling complex transduces extracellular cues
251                                              Nephrin signaling is important to reduce cell death indu
252 s demonstrate a crosstalk between Sema3a and nephrin signaling pathways that is functionally relevant
253 nce suggests a cross-talk between VEGF-A and nephrin signaling pathways.
254 K44A-Dynamin) in WT-Nephrin, 3YF-Nephrin, or Nephrin siRNA-transfected cells were utilized to study N
255 of podocytes, assessed by Wilms' tumor 1 and nephrin staining and urinary nephrin concentration, was
256 ion of cholesterol, blocked these effects on nephrin, suggesting that Notch promotes dynamin-dependen
257              CIN85/RukL deficiency preserved nephrin surface expression on the slit diaphragm and red
258 s were associated with altered expression of nephrin, synaptopodin, WT-1, and desmin, indicating that
259 ocyte injury and proteinuria, phosphorylated nephrin temporally colocalized with endocytic structures
260 d on podocytes results in down-modulation of nephrin that may affect kidney functionality in differen
261 form of CIN85 (RukL) is a binding partner of nephrin that mediates nephrin endocytosis via ubiquitina
262 d biological partners NCK and phosphorylated nephrin, the phase transition corresponds to a sharp inc
263  that Notch signaling induces endocytosis of nephrin, thereby triggering the onset of proteinuria.
264                Actin stabilization prevented nephrin trafficking as well as nephrin-positive effect o
265 g an association between Notch signaling and nephrin trafficking, electron microscopy revealed shorte
266 zation, slit diaphragm formation, and proper nephrin trafficking.
267                      Confocal imaging of GFP-nephrin-transfected cells revealed nephrin endocytosis u
268 e imaging of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-nephrin-transfected cells was used to study nephrin endo
269                                              Nephrin transfection in MIN-6 cells/pseudoislets resulte
270 osphosignaling dynamics, leading to aberrant nephrin turnover and slit diaphragm disassembly.
271 ibutes to podocyte development by regulating nephrin turnover during junctional remodeling as the cel
272 osphotyrosine adaptor protein ShcA regulates nephrin turnover.
273 -to-phenylalanine mutation revealed that rat nephrin Tyr(1127) and Tyr(1152) are required to allow SH
274 zed knockin mice with mutations that disrupt nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation and Nck1/2 binding (nep
275              Overexpression of ShcA promoted nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation and reduced nephrin sig
276                                 Profiling of nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation dynamics in wild-type m
277                            Moreover, reduced nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation has been observed in po
278  results define an essential requirement for nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation in stabilizing podocyte
279                   We observed an increase in nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation in the presence of Shp2
280 expression of nephrin-CD16 and SHP-1 reduced nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation in transfected human em
281                                              Nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation is altered in human and
282 vivo is associated with a rapid reduction in nephrin tyrosine phosphorylation.
283 down, or targeted mutation of phosphorylated nephrin tyrosine residues 1176 and 1193 abrogated the ac
284 attenuated the promotion of HDAC4 signaling, nephrin ubiquitination, and urinary nephrin excretion as
285                                              Nephrin up-regulation likely accounts for part of the re
286                          We propose that the nephrin-VEGFR2 complex acts as a key mediator to transdu
287                             Furthermore, the nephrin-VEGFR2 complex involves Nck and actin.
288                          We demonstrate that nephrin-VEGFR2 interaction is direct using mass spectrom
289                                              Nephrin-VEGFR2 interaction is modulated by tyrosine phos
290 ocytosis of the core slit diaphragm protein, nephrin, via a clathrin/beta-arrestin-dependent endocyti
291                                              Nephrin was found at the plasma membrane and on insulin
292                                Expression of nephrin was reduced in CTGF +/+ animals; this reduction
293                                This requires nephrin, which interacts with vesicle-associated membran
294 y promoting Fyn-dependent phosphorylation of nephrin, which may be important in the regulation of foo
295            We now reveal that Nck integrates nephrin with the Hippo kinase cascade through associatio
296  central role of the multifunctional protein nephrin within the macromolecular complex forming the gl
297                               Maintenance of nephrin within this unique cell junction has been propos
298                                              Nephrin, WT1 and VEGFR2 were downregulated in Sema3a-ove
299                                   Homozygous nephrin(Y3F/Y3F) mice developed progressive proteinuria
300   Furthermore, compared with wild-type mice, nephrin(Y3F/Y3F) mice displayed delayed recovery in podo
301 tyrosine phosphorylation and Nck1/2 binding (nephrin(Y3F/Y3F) mice).

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