


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 or status and by a differentiation signal in nephrogenesis.
2 with paxillin plays an important role during nephrogenesis.
3 nt, and required for BaP-induced deficits in nephrogenesis.
4 4 integrin receptors, in UB branching during nephrogenesis.
5 er progenitor self-renewal from the onset of nephrogenesis.
6 patterns or groups of gene expression during nephrogenesis.
7 branching and inhibited glomerulogenesis and nephrogenesis.
8 II cadherin expressed during early stages of nephrogenesis.
9 they complete both early and late aspects of nephrogenesis.
10 ic proteins (BMPs) play an important role in nephrogenesis.
11    Here, we present a novel role of Notch in nephrogenesis.
12  the collecting duct system and also induces nephrogenesis.
13 nephric duct formation and the initiation of nephrogenesis.
14 tem cell to activated progenitor cell during nephrogenesis.
15 dney, and its expression is synchronous with nephrogenesis.
16  they are expressed and during all stages of nephrogenesis.
17 ssion, and that Sp1 may have a wider role in nephrogenesis.
18 of DNA synthesis during the latter stages of nephrogenesis.
19 very after acute renal injury, as well as in nephrogenesis.
20 inued SIX1 and SIX2 expression during active nephrogenesis.
21 ity prefigures, and is essential for, active nephrogenesis.
22  classic tubule induction model for studying nephrogenesis.
23 genitor interactions that drive cessation of nephrogenesis.
24 aling plays important roles during mammalian nephrogenesis.
25 enance of the multipotent progenitors during nephrogenesis.
26 ential role for the progenitor cell niche in nephrogenesis.
27 ulates sim1a, directly or indirectly, during nephrogenesis.
28 undifferentiated progenitor cells for future nephrogenesis.
29 ling-directed commitment regulates mammalian nephrogenesis.
30  Gdnf in the metanephric mesenchyme to drive nephrogenesis.
31 y of beta-catenin into this complex promotes nephrogenesis.
32 nes involved in neurogenesis, myogenesis and nephrogenesis.
33  critical regulator of beta-catenin-mediated nephrogenesis.
34 nical Calcium/NFAT Wnt signalling pathway in nephrogenesis.
35 ne WID and further suggest a role for WID in nephrogenesis.
36 eteric duct that occur prior to the onset of nephrogenesis.
37 replenishment of progenitor cells throughout nephrogenesis.
38  to characterize branching morphogenesis and nephrogenesis.
39 ctors as well as the CX3CL1 chemokine during nephrogenesis.
40 on of the domains that control branching and nephrogenesis.
41 ation and cell survival at distinct steps in nephrogenesis.
42 atiotemporal expression and functions during nephrogenesis.
43 e of the secreted signaling molecule FGF8 in nephrogenesis.
44 teric tree, while delaying and disorganizing nephrogenesis.
45  to epithelial transformation that underpins nephrogenesis adding another level of complexity in the
46        WT1 and BASP1 are co-expressed during nephrogenesis and both proteins ultimately become restri
47     This interaction triggers the process of nephrogenesis and culminates in the formation of the mat
48                                       During nephrogenesis and early kidney growth, single proximal t
49 aling is important during the late stages of nephrogenesis and for the lineage specification of parie
50  on important genetic factors that influence nephrogenesis and highlight important human disorders th
51     Given the importance of BMP signaling in nephrogenesis and its putative role in the response to i
52 ecular examinations of the mechanisms behind nephrogenesis and kidney organogenesis in an ex vivo org
53  a role for this kinase in the regulation of nephrogenesis and of collecting system development in th
54 cell division in the proximal tubules during nephrogenesis and that perturbations in Notch signaling
55  progenitor programs such as the duration of nephrogenesis and the final nephron count.
56 orphologically characterize the processes of nephrogenesis and ureteric branching during kidney devel
57 oundation for further analysis of MET during nephrogenesis, and have implications for understanding t
58 rogenitor cells and the decision to initiate nephrogenesis are crucial events directing kidney develo
59 thways along which hypoxia exerts effects on nephrogenesis are not well understood.
60 e normally, but subsequent bud branching and nephrogenesis are retarded, resulting in severe renal hy
61  controls nephron progenitor survival during nephrogenesis, as one potential means of regulating neph
62 progression of gene expression states during nephrogenesis, as well as discovery of potential growth
63 de key insights into normal and dysregulated nephrogenesis, as well as into regenerative processes th
64  of the cycle of branching morphogenesis and nephrogenesis began with the loss of mesenchyme that res
65                                       During nephrogenesis, Bmp7 is required for renewal of the mesen
66 thus describing a role for HNF1B not only in nephrogenesis but also in the maintenance of tubular fun
67 gested that the notochord is dispensable for nephrogenesis but required for the correct positioning o
68 (DTA)-mediated cell ablation did not disrupt nephrogenesis, but resulted in kidney fusions, resemblin
69  Wnt4 and beta-catenin are both required for nephrogenesis, but studies using TCF-reporter mice sugge
70                A model for the regulation of nephrogenesis by FGF and BMP signaling is presented.
71 -1 regulates cell proliferation during early nephrogenesis by inhibiting expression of p27.
72 ly plays a critical role in ciliogenesis and nephrogenesis by regulating Cdc42 activity.
73 ance of nephron progenitors during mammalian nephrogenesis by stabilizing TCF-Groucho transcriptional
74                               Many stages of nephrogenesis can be studied using cultured embryonic ki
75 ing RTK signalling may overcome the abnormal nephrogenesis characteristic of Fraser syndrome, we intr
76 nilin deficiency in the kidney led to severe nephrogenesis defects and virtually no comma- or S-shape
77              Tracing of Troy(+) cells during nephrogenesis demonstrates that Troy(+) cells clonally g
78          Early inductive events in mammalian nephrogenesis depend on an interaction between the urete
79                                    Mammalian nephrogenesis depends on the interaction between the ure
80 nt nephrons do not express Wnt4 or Lim1, and nephrogenesis does not progress to the S-shaped body sta
81                                       During nephrogenesis, dynamic changes in the expression of cell
82                       During the period when nephrogenesis ends in mice, we examined the morphology,
83           Lineage analysis shows that during nephrogenesis, FoxD1-positive((+)) mesenchymal cells giv
84                                 Mutations of nephrogenesis genes have been defined in multiorgan dysm
85 with diverse cellular functions critical for nephrogenesis, genitourinary development, haematopoiesis
86 ic epithelium arising at different stages of nephrogenesis has distinct spatial distribution in the a
87         Profiling of miRNA expression during nephrogenesis identified several highly expressed miRNAs
88                  PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Although nephrogenesis in a term infant is complete, there are a
89 ival of metanephric mesenchyme and to induce nephrogenesis in culture.
90            Inhibition of glycolysis enhanced nephrogenesis in cultured embryonic kidneys, without inc
91 rogenitor pool is essential to understanding nephrogenesis in developmental and regenerative contexts
92 /HIF-2beta is required at high levels during nephrogenesis in distal tubules and later exclusively in
93                                      Tracing nephrogenesis in embryonic conditional beta-catenin knoc
94 organ culture, a model known to recapitulate nephrogenesis in the absence of vessels.
95 organ culture, a model known to recapitulate nephrogenesis in the absence of vessels.
96 genital system and show many similarities to nephrogenesis in the definitive kidney.
97                                              Nephrogenesis in the mouse kidney begins at embryonic da
98  ligand activation of Ahr signaling disrupts nephrogenesis in vitro, and that this response involves
99 to evaluate the role of the Ahr signaling in nephrogenesis in vitro.
100 rate a continuous requirement for WT1 during nephrogenesis, in particular, in the formation of mature
101 ved previously unrecognized abnormalities in nephrogenesis, including a gradual increase in volume an
102  during early to mid-gestation impairs renal nephrogenesis, increases MAP, and alters expression of A
103 eterm neonates born before the completion of nephrogenesis is a noninvasive source of highly potent s
104                                   In humans, nephrogenesis is completed prenatally, with nephrons for
105                                     In vivo, nephrogenesis is coordinated with renal vascularization.
106 les in this simple in vitro system for early nephrogenesis is highly sensitive to the matrix environm
107 erentiation of stem cells, but their role in nephrogenesis is incompletely understood.
108 ation capacity, indicating that cessation of nephrogenesis is related to factors other than an intrin
109 n that a critical role for WT1 during normal nephrogenesis is to suppress transcription of the Polyco
110  and Lim1 expression, which is essential for nephrogenesis, is absent in MM.
111 yme to epithelium during the early stages of nephrogenesis, it was found that the Smad4-interacting t
112  a technological platform for studying human nephrogenesis, modeling and diagnosing renal diseases, a
113  ureteric bud/collecting duct lineage during nephrogenesis, modulates collecting duct growth/differen
114                                       During nephrogenesis, multipotent mesenchymal nephron progenito
115 d but did not entirely block the increase in nephrogenesis observed after glycolysis inhibition.
116  pericytes and fibroblasts had no bearing on nephrogenesis or kidney homeostasis but exacerbated infl
117  cell fates such that at the onset of active nephrogenesis, Osr1 activity is restricted to the Six2(+
118  identifying loci that potentially influence nephrogenesis, podocyte function, angiogenesis, solute t
119 gral to other developmental processes during nephrogenesis, possibly involving the MM.
120 ment and is required for complete MET during nephrogenesis, potentially acting downstream of Wnt4.
121 fective ureteric branching morphogenesis and nephrogenesis, ranks as one of the major causes of renal
122 lopment when mature nephrons are present yet nephrogenesis remains extremely active.
123        They are also required for the normal nephrogenesis response of the metanephric mesenchyme to
124                                       During nephrogenesis, sidekick expression was observed first in
125                                              Nephrogenesis starts with the reciprocal induction of tw
126               Morphological perturbations of nephrogenesis, such as those seen in inherited renal dis
127                                              Nephrogenesis, systolic blood pressure, renal hyperfiltr
128 ibuting to knowledge regarding events during nephrogenesis, the demonstrated rescue of renal agenesis
129 nt WNT signaling in renal progenitors during nephrogenesis, this mutation caused significant loss of
130 or cells give rise to mesangial cells during nephrogenesis, this study tested the hypothesis that the
131 IF and TGF beta 2/FGF2 cooperate to regulate nephrogenesis through a common Wnt-dependent mechanism.
132                             During postnatal nephrogenesis, Troy(+) cells are present in the cortex a
133 leotide exchange factor, in ciliogenesis and nephrogenesis using Tuba knockdown Madin-Darby canine ki
134 s characterized, and its relevance in murine nephrogenesis was investigated.
135 pression profiling to gain new insights into nephrogenesis, we discovered that the gene single minded
136     In order to identify factors involved in nephrogenesis, we performed a high-resolution, spatial p
137 ron progenitors of mice led to disruption of nephrogenesis, with an accumulation of spindle-shaped ce

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