


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 everal additional RGD-binding integrins bind nephronectin.
2                       Our results thus place nephronectin and alpha8beta1 integrin in a pathway that
3 eta-catenin activation upregulates epidermal nephronectin and dermal alpha8 integrin expression.
4  expression was dramatically reduced in both nephronectin- and alpha8 integrin-null mutants specifica
5 t, and its resumption presumably enables the nephronectin-deficient ureteric buds to invade the metan
6                  Thus, bulge stem cells, via nephronectin expression, create a smooth muscle cell nic
7 re there is compensatory upregulation of the nephronectin family member EGFL6.
8    We show that embryos lacking a functional nephronectin gene frequently display kidney agenesis or
9                  A novel alpha8beta1 ligand, nephronectin, has now been identified.
10                                              Nephronectin induces alpha8 integrin-positive mesenchyma
11 We show that stem cells in the bulge deposit nephronectin into the underlying basement membrane, thus
12                                              Nephronectin is a new extracellular matrix protein assoc
13    Thus, these results strongly suggest that nephronectin is a relevant ligand mediating alpha8beta1
14                                              Nephronectin is a Wnt target; epidermal beta-catenin act
15 idence that the extracellular matrix protein nephronectin is an essential ligand that engages alpha8b
16                                              Nephronectin is expressed at numerous sites outside the
17                                              Nephronectin is localized in the extracellular matrix in
18                          This protein, named nephronectin, is an extracellular matrix protein with fi
19                                           In nephronectin knockout mice, fewer arrector pili muscles
20                                              Nephronectin mRNA is expressed in the ureteric bud epith
21 x organization in the nascent kidneys of the nephronectin mutants.
22           The small secreted integrin ligand nephronectin (npnt) is necessary for development of the
23                         Here, we report that Nephronectin (NPNT), a member of the epidermal growth fa
24 adhesion of mesenchymal cells expressing the nephronectin receptor, alpha8beta1 integrin, to the bulg

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