


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 erties and are complementary to conventional nerve conduction studies.
2 commonly than motor axonal polyneuropathy on nerve conduction studies.
3  questionnaire, neurological examination and nerve conduction studies.
4 cale scores, greater reduction of upper limb nerve conduction study amplitudes, more frequent occurre
5 f peripheral nerve lesions routinely involve nerve conduction studies and electromyography.
6  and a global symptom assessment, as well as nerve conduction studies and occurrence of new plantar f
7 l examination, quantitative sensory testing, nerve conduction studies and skin biopsy for intraepider
8 exopathy was made after electromyography and nerve conduction studies and the etiology of radiculopat
9                    Among 46 patients in whom nerve-conduction studies and electromyography were perfo
10 urological function by clinical examination, nerve conduction studies, and autonomic function tests i
11 n, functional and walking disability scores, nerve conduction studies, and muscle biopsies are report
12       Physical examinations, questionnaires, nerve conduction studies, and NFTs, including the Jebsen
13 ength, tendon reflexes, vibration sense, and nerve conduction studies, and reduced intraepidermal ner
14 ile capacity and performed electromyography, nerve conduction studies, and vastus lateralis biopsies
15                       Clinical examinations, nerve conduction studies, and vibratory perception thres
16  a lesion site precisely, where fractionated nerve conduction studies are not applicable.
17 ited, however, by problems inherent in using nerve conduction studies as a criterion standard.
18  forms (7.7% vs. 5.3%; p=0.63) with a single nerve conduction study as compared with when serial elec
19                                              Nerve conduction studies assessing median nerve sensory
20 l syndrome should be investigated first with nerve conduction studies but consideration should be giv
21 rical irritability; 13 patients had abnormal nerve conduction studies but four of these had long-stan
22 s of peripheral nerve cannot proceed without nerve conduction studies but particular interest has bee
23  is also disagreement about whether pudendal nerve conduction studies can be used to predict outcome
24 sts for the evaluation of the motor unit are nerve conduction studies/electromyography (NCS/EMG) and
25 ropsychological testing remained stable, and nerve conduction studies have shown improvement.
26 ralysis in 10 percent; in all of the latter, nerve conduction studies indicated an axonal polyneuropa
27                                              Nerve conduction studies localised abnormalities to the
28               A subset of patients underwent nerve conduction studies (n = 13).
29 mination, needle electromyography (EMG), and nerve conduction studies (NCS) were performed before and
30 ertaken in 108 type 2 diabetic patients with nerve conduction studies (NCS), HbA(1c) levels, and tota
31         Neurophysiological measures included nerve conduction studies (NCS), quantitative sensory tes
32                                          The nerve conduction study (NCS) and electromyography (EMG)
33                 Toxicity assessment included nerve-conduction studies (NCS) and radionuclide assessme
34                                              Nerve conduction studies, needle electromyography, singl
35                                Neuroimaging, nerve conduction studies, neurological examinations, and
36 cal clinical presentations, demyelination on nerve conduction studies (p = 0.0005), and difficult ide
37 luded intraepidermal nerve fiber density and nerve conduction study parameters.
38 rs were studied, using clinical examination, nerve conduction studies, perimetry, optical coherence t
39                                              Nerve conduction studies, quantitative sensory testing,
40                                              Nerve conduction studies revealed no evidence of neuropa
41 y skin biopsy, quantitative sensory testing, nerve conduction studies, screening of genomic DNA for m
42                             Electromyography/nerve conduction studies showed evidence for a mild myop
43                                              Nerve conduction studies showed normal large fibre senso
44                                       Serial nerve conduction studies showed progressively reduced am
45                                              Nerve conduction studies showed severe axonal sensorimot
46 ropathy caused by an H10P MPZ mutation whose nerve conduction studies suggested severe axonal loss bu
47 h measurements may be comparable to those of nerve conduction studies, though their prognostic value
48                                              Nerve conduction studies were also performed, and neurop
49                                              Nerve conduction studies were normal, but increased jitt
50                    In all cases, large fibre nerve conduction studies were normal.
51                                   Results of nerve conduction studies were retrieved and assessed.
52                        Blood examination and nerve conduction studies were unremarkable.

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