


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 projection from the cell body to the ventral nerve cord.
2 ns from motor neurons located in the ventral nerve cord.
3 s clustered throughout the brain and ventral nerve cord.
4 nts driving expression in the eye, brain and nerve cord.
5 bl-1, in both the hypodermis and the ventral nerve cord.
6 Mint-1 also regulates GLR-1 abundance in the nerve cord.
7 ient length to achieve proper sealing of the nerve cord.
8 andful of 5-HT(1crust)ir cells in the entire nerve cord.
9 ressed in lateral regions of the presumptive nerve cord.
10 urons projected caudally through the ventral nerve cord.
11 ion of POU genes in the Drosophila embryonic nerve cord.
12 reased the abundance of GLR-1 in the ventral nerve cord.
13 ntally iterated sets of cells in the ventral nerve cord.
14 e discs and causes invasion into the ventral nerve cord.
15 auses axon patterning defects in the ventral nerve cord.
16  of neuronal differentiation in the metazoan nerve cord.
17 y linking the olfactory lobe and the ventral nerve cord.
18 llows for direct application of drugs to the nerve cord.
19 m the brain to motor circuits in the ventral nerve cord.
20 e, corresponding with the developing ventral nerve cord.
21 nding of axons that extend along the ventral nerve cord.
22  indication of segmentation in the amphioxus nerve cord.
23 rborize throughout the brain and the ventral nerve cord.
24 e for fictive swimming in the isolated leech nerve cord.
25 es from abnormal positions along the ventral nerve cord.
26 d in only 168 cells in the brain and ventral nerve cord.
27 cicle and resume migration toward the dorsal nerve cord.
28  intersegmental interactions conveyed by the nerve cord.
29 mulate in punctate structures in the ventral nerve cord.
30 ates including a notochord and hollow dorsal nerve cord.
31 lex, and in a subset of cells of the ventral nerve cord.
32  used for direct application of drugs to the nerve cord.
33 siently in the embryonic ectoderm and dorsal nerve cord.
34 nergic and serotonergic cells of the ventral nerve cord.
35  for the 33 CNS ganglia comprising the leech nerve cord.
36 r in the subesophageal region of the ventral nerve cord.
37 s stalling and failing to extend through the nerve cord.
38 ng Yki activity in the central brain/ventral nerve cord.
39 neurons at specific locations in the ventral nerve cord.
40 DDs receive cholinergic inputs in the dorsal nerve cord.
41 te of motor programs executed in the ventral nerve cord.
42 ion in the late larval central brain/ventral nerve cord.
43 targeting of neurons in the brain or ventral nerve cord.
44 ther Zn nor Pb was detectable in the ventral nerve cord.
45 ind), a gene essential for patterning of the nerve cord.
46 aros/Hunchback proteins do in the Drosophila nerve cord.
47 ges (notopodia) and project into the ventral nerve cord.
48 d corpus allatum and travel down the ventral nerve cord.
49 I) through hugin+ SEZ neurons to the ventral nerve cord.
50 n that resides at the midline of the ventral nerve cord.
51 rks for the neuromeres of the larval ventral nerve cord.
52 ory systems and sends outputs to the ventral nerve cord.
53 itation of descending neurons in the ventral nerve cord.
54  corazonin (Crz) neuropeptide in the ventral nerve cord.
55 cells have axons descending into the ventral nerve cord.
56 ns project across the midline of the ventral nerve cord.
57 n an adjacent tissue: the floor plate of the nerve cord.
58 pression during metamorphosis of the ventral nerve cord.
59 at a different phase angle, also in isolated nerve cords.
60 at various stages to isolated larval ventral nerve cords.
61 ms, either swimming or crawling, in isolated nerve cords.
62 rrested cell movement, as measured in living nerve cords.
63 urons in three adjacent segments of isolated nerve cords.
64 tend axons along both the dorsal and ventral nerve cords.
65  system, including the nerve ring and dorsal nerve cords.
66 in the head, pharynx, and dorsal and ventral nerve cords.
67 are present along the midline of the ventral nerve cord (2 to 3 dorsal and 1 to 2 ventral cells per n
68 mbles vertebrates in having a dorsal, hollow nerve cord, a notochord and somites.
69                    In the Drosophila ventral nerve cord, a small number of neurons express the LIM-ho
70                            In the Drosophila nerve cord, a subset of neurons expresses the neuropepti
71 ventral nerve cord and ventral to the dorsal nerve cord, above the regions where synapses form.
72 et of the doomed CCAP neurons in the ventral nerve cord also expressed the neuropeptide bursicon and
73          These data indicate that Drosophila nerve cord amine receptors are coupled to reflexive beha
74 idgut, dorsal vessel, midline of the ventral nerve cord, amnioserosa and the amnioproctodeal invagina
75                            In the developing nerve cord, AmphiNotch is first expressed in the posteri
76 level of somite 7 to the anterior end of the nerve cord (amphioxus) or (2) discontinuous expression w
77 t axon guidance along the C. elegans ventral nerve cord and cause distinct functional defects in sens
78 g usp-46 have decreased GLR-1 in the ventral nerve cord and corresponding defects in GLR-1-dependent
79 rthropods is the opposite orientation of the nerve cord and heart.
80 s resemble those from the Drosophila ventral nerve cord and indicate that in vertebrates a low level
81 ablished by surface glia, which ensheath the nerve cord and insulate it against the potassium-rich he
82 ylcholine (ACh) and GABA are released in the nerve cord and mediate fast neuromuscular excitation and
83                            In the Drosophila nerve cord and mouse spinal cord, commissural axons are
84 NID-1 is concentrated laterally, between the nerve cord and muscles, whereas CLE-1 is concentrated do
85 eceptor, 5-HT1crust, throughout the crayfish nerve cord and on abdominal superficial flexor muscles.
86  system comprises the central brain, ventral nerve cord and optic lobe.
87 d by oppositely directed condensation of the nerve cord and relocation of the heart in the two lines.
88 tion of these motoneurons within the ventral nerve cord and targeting to specific muscles.
89 rconnect different neuromeres of the ventral nerve cord and the brain.
90 cific molecular markers, position within the nerve cord and the effect of eagle loss-of-function muta
91 nt with the evolution of the chordate dorsal nerve cord and the insect ventral nerve cord from a long
92  CLE-1 is concentrated dorsal to the ventral nerve cord and ventral to the dorsal nerve cord, above t
93 is concentrated along the dorsal and ventral nerve cords and in the synapse-rich nerve ring.
94 o be expressed in the anterior brain, caudal nerve cord, and in parts of the brain associated with th
95 ed by the position of ganglia in the ventral nerve cord, and is involved in the morphogenesis of segm
96          F10 mRNA was detected in the brain, nerve cord, and midgut, and the mRNA levels in the nervo
97 sed in the neurons of the developing ventral nerve cord, and nrx IV mutants show crossing and circlin
98 , visceral, and somatic muscles, the ventral nerve cord, and the larval photoreceptor system.
99 reases the abundance of GLR-1 in the ventral nerve cord, and this effect is further enhanced by coexp
100 tive excitatory motor neurons in the ventral nerve cord appear to be cholinergic: the DA and DB neuro
101 ead to defects in the maintenance of ventral nerve cord architecture.
102 euron types and fasciculation of the ventral nerve cord are defective.
103 ition, at least 5 of 51 fru+ lineages in the nerve cord are dimorphic.
104 Most neurons of the adult Drosophila ventral nerve cord arise from a burst of neurogenesis during the
105 raxial mesoderm is formed bilaterally to the nerve cord as a result of primitive streak and tail-bud
106 onal series of photoreceptors in the ventral nerve cord as well as photoreceptors that are located in
107 nd may use an existing network of peripheral nerve cords as guideposts for key branching decisions.
108 d its specific electrical synapse within the nerve cord, as shown by restored conduction of impulses
109 gnaling to drive the CE required for ventral nerve cord assembly in C. elegans.
110  nuclei of Drosophila melanogaster's ventral nerve cord at the late embryonic stage.
111 xtended supernumerary branches to the dorsal nerve cord at the same time the previously formed axons
112 , the fiber that took over as largest in the nerve cord became the most heavily myelinated and was id
113 bryonic period of cell death and the ventral nerve cord becomes massively hypertrophic.
114 e locked to the swimming rhythm expressed in nerve cord-body wall preparations and, at a different ph
115 growth cone follows cues in the left ventral nerve cord bundle provided by the PVPR and PVQL axons.
116 of the PVPR neuron pioneers the left ventral nerve cord bundle, providing a path for the embryonic ex
117 nding of growth cones along the left ventral nerve cord bundle.
118 ynaptic to cholinergic neurons in the dorsal nerve cord but do not remodel.
119  found in the normal vnd/NK-2 pattern in the nerve cord but not in part of the cephalic region.
120 linergic motor neuron classes of the ventral nerve cord can be subdivided into subclasses along the a
121 ls transmitted from rostral segments via the nerve cord can initiate peristalsis in "empty" caudal se
122 a or neurons, including those located in the nerve cord, causes a similar phenotype.
123 cells and/or processes present in the radial nerve cords, circumoral nerve ring, digestive system (e.
124 distribution, including expression in radial nerve cords, circumoral nerve ring, digestive system, tu
125 illing, whereas DHR3 is required for ventral nerve cord condensation and betaFTZ-F1 is required for p
126                                 dRCC1 mutant nerve cords contain abnormally large cells with compartm
127 zed dorsally in the anteriormost part of the nerve cord corresponding to the diencephalon.
128              We image both brain and ventral nerve cord, covering the entire CNS at 2 or 5 Hz with tw
129                       In many isolated whole nerve cords, DE-3 bursting progressed in an anterior to
130 ral nerve cord defective (vnd), intermediate nerve cord defective (ind), muscle segment homeodomain (
131 is of the developing CNS and include ventral nerve cord defective (vnd), intermediate nerve cord defe
132  Dichaete functions in parallel with ventral nerve cord defective and intermediate neuroblasts defect
133 rily conserved transcription factors ventral nerve cord defective and intermediate neuroblasts defect
134 e that Dichaete acts in concert with ventral nerve cord defective and intermediate neuroblasts defect
135          The Drosophila melanogaster ventral nerve cord derives from neural progenitor cells called n
136 pected, but is also expressed during ventral nerve cord development in the embryo and in larval imagi
137 n haemocytes and the VNC and that defects in nerve cord development prevent haemocyte migration along
138 a localized source of FGF3 in the developing nerve cord directs notochord intercalation through non-M
139 eurosecretory neurons of the lobster ventral nerve cord display a period of suppressed spike generati
140 ion: the newly regenerated brain and ventral nerve cords do not re-establish proper connections.
141 blished that the giant axons of the crayfish nerve cord drive tail-flip escape responses.
142  addition to the H-cells, within the ventral nerve cord during development.
143 rons extend axons from the ventral to dorsal nerve cord during the L2 stage.
144 hat excretory organs, coelomic cavities, and nerve cords evolved after xenacoelomorphs separated from
145                                  In cultured nerve cord explants from the crayfish (Procambarus clark
146                                              Nerve cord expression occurs in a few cells approximatel
147 mLhx2 and ap are expressed in the respective nerve cords, eyes, olfactory organs, brain, and limbs.
148 eurodegeneration, seen as bulges and gaps in nerve cords followed by loss of neurons, occurs after in
149 ate dorsal nerve cord and the insect ventral nerve cord from a longitudinal nerve cord in a common bi
150 penetrated large axons in the nerve roots of nerve cords from adult leeches with dye-filled (Alexa Fl
151 specific neurons, fusion of adjacent ventral nerve cord ganglia and aberrant axon scaffold organizati
152 to their spatial organization in the ventral nerve cord, glial cells of the brain populate the brain
153                       The Drosophila ventral nerve cord has been a central model system for studying
154                     In normal amphioxus, the nerve cord has only a slight anterior swelling, the cere
155 nsect ventral nerve cord from a longitudinal nerve cord in a common bilaterian ancestor.
156 rtant role in the development of the ventral nerve cord in the anterior- and posterior-most part of t
157 t pairs of bi-lateral neurons in the ventral nerve cord in the larvae.
158 e discovery of fossilized brains and ventral nerve cords in lower and mid-Cambrian arthropods has led
159 ht pairs of bilateral neurons in the ventral nerve cord; in adult, the number of Crz-producing neuron
160 n with toluidine blue studies of the ventral nerve cord indicated a high likelihood that cells in the
161 ed that NO was generated within 30 min after nerve cord injury.
162 e and a process longitudinally along ventral nerve cord interneurons.
163               These genes divide the ventral nerve cord into three columns along the dorsal-ventral a
164 homologous to mouse Hoxb-1) in the amphioxus nerve cord is also extended anteriorly.
165 rgic/tyraminergic neurons within the ventral nerve cord is sufficient to trigger proper larval locomo
166 ene expression in neuroblasts of the ventral nerve cord is the sum of partial patterns.
167 hanges in extracellular dopamine in a single nerve cord isolated from a Drosophila larva.
168 on of AmphiHox-1 expression in the amphioxus nerve cord, it does not alter the expression of AmphiHox
169 pentamerous symmetry and lack a longitudinal nerve cord, it has not been clear how the roles of the c
170 through the segmental ganglia comprising the nerve cord; its terminal arbors invade each hemi-ganglio
171 essed in a single interneuron in the ventral nerve cord, known as PVT.
172  regeneration of the AVM axon to the ventral nerve cord lacks the deterministic precision of initial
173          In the Drosophila embryonic ventral nerve cord, many axons still cross the midline in the ab
174  as an evolutionarily conserved mechanism of nerve cord morphogenesis and reveal a role for SAX-3/Rob
175                               In the ventral nerve cord, most glial cells are formed by a relatively
176 l distinct neuron classes, including ventral nerve cord motor neurons, head motor neurons, and mechan
177 between the cephalic ganglia and the ventral nerve cords, neurally derived signals promote the differ
178         During development of the Drosophila nerve cord, neuroblast 7-3 gives rise to a pair of mitot
179 ts that require Notch signaling, rather than nerve cord neuroblasts, the formation of which is inhibi
180 utant animals, the axons of specific ventral nerve cord neurons do not respect the ventral midline bo
181 e development of apterous-expressing ventral nerve cord neurons to rescue the SP response.
182 CapI-Wnt1, as well as in a subset of ventral nerve cord neurons, anterior gut tissue, and mesoderm.
183                          Cholinergic ventral nerve cord neurons, which innervate the same muscles as
184         We also find that the larval ventral nerve cord neuropil is rich in glutamatergic synapses, w
185 well-studied neuronal lineage in the ventral nerve cord, Notch signaling specifies sib fate to one of
186           Analysis in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord of a slit allele (slit-UC) that cannot be cle
187  the glutamate receptor GLR-1 in the ventral nerve cord of C. elegans.
188 on position postembryonically in the ventral nerve cord of C. elegans.
189  the glutamate receptor GLR-1 in the ventral nerve cord of Caenorhabditis elegans.
190 inal tracts along the midline in the ventral nerve cord of Drosophila embryo.
191  We have studied astrogenesis in the ventral nerve cord of Drosophila larvae, where astrocytes exhibi
192                                  The ventral nerve cord of holometabolous insects is reorganized duri
193 line is a source of signals that pattern the nerve cord of insect embryos.
194                       We severed the ventral nerve cord of leeches in midbody and then made video and
195 ricted expression profile is observed in the nerve cord of other vertebrates as well as of the cephal
196                                  The ventral nerve cord of Tetraconata contains a comparably low numb
197           During neurogenesis in the ventral nerve cord of the Drosophila embryo, Notch signaling par
198                               In the ventral nerve cord of the Drosophila embryo, Wg is non-autonomou
199 axonal connections between brain and ventral nerve cord of the first-instar Drosophila larva.
200 opeptide Corazonin (Crz) gene in the ventral nerve cord of the larval CNS undergo programmed death wi
201  been previously demonstrated in the ventral nerve cord of the leech Hirudo medicinalis Specifically,
202 rated in the ancestral chordate and that the nerve cord of the proximate invertebrate ancestor of the
203 otonin-immunoreactive neurons in the ventral nerve cord of Zygentoma (Thermobia domestica, Lepisma sa
204                       The ventral and dorsal nerve cords of a single nematode were reconstructed half
205 sicon was purified from homogenates of 2,850 nerve cords of the cockroach Periplaneta americana by us
206         Development of the segmented central nerve cords of vertebrates and invertebrates requires co
207 dominal hemisegment of the embryonic ventral nerve cord, only three survive into larval life, and the
208 evious studies have focused on the embryonic nerve cord or adult-specific compartments to establish t
209                       In the entire isolated nerve cord or in the single ganglion, DA induced slow an
210 ide of the cascade identified in the ventral nerve cord or that redundancy exists at the level of fat
211 in proteins required for maintaining ventral nerve cord organization in Caenorhabditis elegans.
212 holog hbl-1 as a let-7 target in the ventral nerve cord, our findings show that let-7 acts in at leas
213 (Robo) receptors are conserved regulators of nerve cord patterning.
214  these include the cephalic ganglia, ventral nerve cords, photoreceptors, and the posterior digestive
215 te that unc-3 and unc-30 function in ventral nerve cord pioneering and that enu-1, fax-1, unc-42 and
216      Finally, repeated drug stimulation of a nerve cord preparation that is postsynaptic to the brain
217 ontrast, dopaminergic neurons of the ventral nerve cord promote copulation persistence and extend cop
218  coordination occurs in leeches with severed nerve cords, refuting earlier conclusions that sensory f
219  transcripts mark the lateral regions of the nerve cord, remarkably similar to Pax6 expression in the
220 lecules is an essential component of ventral nerve cord reorganization, we used antibodies selective
221 ly found in the anterior part of the ventral nerve cord, represented by the gnathal and thoracic neur
222 ses to the head along the dorsal and ventral nerve cords, respectively.
223 nd affect formation of the gonad and ventral nerve cord-resulting in sterile, uncoordinated animals-w
224 ost studied neuronal pairs in the Drosophila nerve cord, RP2/sib, has a complicated migratory route.
225 ons with dendrites in matching layers of the nerve cord send axons that converge to respective brain
226 y in 5-HT(1crust)ir is great, but individual nerve cords show a consistent level of labeling between
227 tes expression of the endogenous gene in the nerve cord, somites, and notochord.
228 g larval development, the density of ventral nerve cord synapses containing the GLR-1 glutamate recep
229 tes, has a later embryo with a dorsal hollow nerve cord that elongates posteriorly from a tail bud.
230        These additional cells in the ventral nerve cord that express Mas-AT during the pupal and phar
231 entify a pair of interneurons in the ventral nerve cord that is activated by stimulation of mechanose
232 UNC-6-expressing interneurons in the ventral nerve cord, the circumferential processes extend only fr
233 ell-studied neuronal lineages in the ventral nerve cord, the Notch (N) signaling interacts with the a
234  middle pair of midline glias of the ventral nerve cord, the oenocyte clusters, and all tracheal cell
235                    In the Drosophila ventral nerve cord, the six Tv neurons express the neuropeptide
236 vate a novel class of neurons in the ventral nerve cord to cause activation of P1 neurons, male-speci
237 longitudinal track reaching from the ventral nerve cord to the "tip" of the brain.
238 s in both the ellipsoid body and the ventral nerve cord, two regions involved in motor control, resul
239 ter of DSX-expressing neurons in the ventral nerve cord undergoes female-specific cell death that is
240 e induced fictive crawling in isolated whole nerve cords using dopamine (DA) and blocked descending i
241  Here we show that CE is involved in ventral nerve cord (VNC) assembly in Caenorhabditis elegans.
242 he anteroposterior (A/P) axis in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) in Caenorhabditis elegans.
243 R-1 are decreased at synapses in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of animals with mutations in the AP2 su
244 and target recognition, axons in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of Caenorhabditis elegans require the p
245 utamate receptors at synapses in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of Caenorhabditis elegans.
246 essing cells (Ap-let neurons) in the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of Drosophila larvae co-express numerou
247 standard average shape atlas for the ventral nerve cord (VNC) of Drosophila melanogaster.
248 nergic varicosities in the brain and ventral nerve cord (VNC) of the larval Drosophila CNS.
249 ithin each segment of the Drosophila ventral nerve cord (VNC), each of two serotonergic neurons tiles
250 died neuronal pair in the Drosophila ventral nerve cord (VNC), has a complex migration route.
251 meobox gene targets in the posterior ventral nerve cord (VNC), including BX-C genes and their TALE co
252 ld a 3D digital map of the adult fly ventral nerve cord (VNC), we are confronted with a similar probl
253 e major migratory route is along the ventral nerve cord (VNC), where haemocytes are required for the
254 ts widespread glial responses in the ventral nerve cord (VNC).
255 ensation in the embryonic Drosophila ventral nerve cord (VNC).
256 itudinally projecting axons into the ventral nerve cord (VNC).
257  Corazonin [Crz] neuropeptide in the ventral nerve cord [VNC])-where only neurites are pruned or enti
258 at-4), the abundance of GLR-1 in the ventral nerve cord was increased.
259 rns of programmed cell deaths in the ventral nerve cord, we identified mutations in the gene pag-3, w
260  neurons within each ganglion of the ventral nerve cord, we identified several other immunoreactive c
261 h brain lobe, whereas neurons in the ventral nerve cord were no longer detectable.
262 r, expression extends to dorsal cells in the nerve cord, which may include precursors of sensory neur
263 he neural tube extends in the tail to form a nerve cord, while the endodermal strand fails to enter t
264 of injured AVM neurons regrow to the ventral nerve cord with over 60% reliability in adult animals.
265 e developing Drosophila melanogaster ventral nerve cord, with the Olig2(+) cells behaving as ganglion

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