


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 reatment is surgery, requiring an autologous nerve graft.
2 ction, regardless of the BDNF content of the nerve graft.
3 o the permissive environment of a peripheral nerve graft.
4 ding to the development of the bioartificial nerve graft.
5 to the clinical standard of care, autologous nerve grafts.
6 rve conduits as an alternative to autologous nerve grafts.
7 -promoting properties of freeze-killed donor nerve grafts.
8  can extend for long distances in peripheral nerve grafts.
9  reported poor permeability of freeze-thawed nerve grafts.
10 ficantly reduced in the 12-month degenerated nerve grafts.
11 nerative potential of normal and degenerated nerve grafts.
12 ned with their low immunogenicity, acellular nerve grafts activated by in vitro predegeneration may b
13 d to grow across a predegenerated peripheral nerve graft and back into the thoracic spinal cord.
14 nsity of ascending axons growing through the nerve graft and scar tissue present at the rostral spina
15 unctional recovery depends on the age of the nerve graft, and not the age of the host.
16  long, nonhealing nerve gaps, the autologous nerve graft (autograft), has several drawbacks.
17 r grafts and, compared with normal acellular nerve grafts, axonal ingress in vivo was approximately d
18  essentially no fibers had extended from the nerve graft back into the spinal cord.
19            Enthusiasm has declined for sural nerve grafting because of the associated complexity of t
20 ve spinal cord injury, we built a peripheral nerve graft bridge (PNG) through the cystic cavity and t
21 XTas near the rostral border of a peripheral nerve graft bridging the transected dorsal columns in th
22 process and whether effective predegenerated nerve grafts could be produced in vitro.
23  nerve extracellular matrix is the extracted nerve graft (eNG).
24  into the dorsal column, 3 mm rostral to the nerve graft, essentially no fibers had extended from the
25                          However, autologous nerve graft harvesting is not without risks, with associ
26 nd extent of regeneration, the bioartificial nerve graft holds great promise for improving recovery i
27 ation of Purkinje cell axons into peripheral nerve grafts implanted into the cerebellum was examined.
28 nal axon outgrowth into implanted peripheral nerve grafts in a rat model of brachial plexus avulsion,
29  transplanted a growth supporting peripheral nerve graft into the lesion cavity, and enzymatically mo
30 red regeneration through OPN(-/-) peripheral nerves grafted into OPN(+/+) mice indicated that loss of
31                      Repair using peripheral nerve grafts is a promising restorative surgical treatme
32 orogold tracing in an optic nerve-peripheral nerve graft model.
33  factor expression between sensory and motor nerve, grafts of cutaneous nerve or ventral root were de
34    Nerve gaps were bridged by either a sural nerve graft or a biodegradable collagen nerve guide tube
35 ), alone or in conjunction with a peripheral nerve graft (PNG), to alter the molecular program of inj
36 ration out of a growth-supportive peripheral nerve grafted (PNG) into the SCI cavity.
37 regenerate into growth-permissive peripheral nerve grafts (PNGs) reenter host tissue to mediate funct
38 axons into apposed predegenerated peripheral nerve grafts (PNGs).
39 injected into the eNG to form recellularized nerve grafts (rNG).
40 ur studies provide evidence that an enhanced nerve grafting strategy represents a potential regenerat
41 sent study, we modified a classic peripheral nerve grafting technique with the use of chondroitinase
42 onths after nerve sprouting was induced by a nerve graft, the same NMJs were restained and reexamined
43 al anesthesia underwent nerve transfers with nerve grafting to restore corneal sensation.
44  mammals or regenerate axons into peripheral nerve grafts to test the importance of these molecules f
45 d regeneration nerve fibers through CLU(-/-) nerve grafts transplanted into CLU(+/+) mice indicated t
46 ated their axons through a 1.5 cm peripheral nerve graft twofold relative to uninjected controls and
47 e developed a method for preparing cell-free nerve grafts using lysophosphatidylcholine to remove cel
48                        When a predegenerated nerve graft was implanted into double-transgenic mice, p
49  cut flush to the spinal cord and a peroneal nerve graft was inserted into the lateral spinal cord at
50  of sensory fibers in the rostral end of the nerve graft was not significantly different between cont
51      Surgeons have typically used autologous nerve grafts, which have several drawbacks including the
52  achieved with minimal morbidity using sural nerve grafts, which surgeons commonly use to reconstruct
53 ected optic nerve after intravitreal sciatic nerve grafting without inhibitory ligand neutralization.

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