


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 alad neurons responded to stimulation of any nerve trunk.
2 s had multifocal fusiform hypertrophy in the nerve trunks.
3 ve sprouting from transected corneal stromal nerve trunks.
4  from transected distal ends of intrastromal nerve trunks.
5 pinal afferent neurons, via axons in colonic nerve trunks.
6 as also evident in intramuscular and mucosal nerve trunks.
7 s (5.4+/-2.8 vs. 13.1+/-3.8), number of main nerve trunks (2.3+/-1.1 vs. 4.7+/-1.2), and number of ne
8 total number of nerves (8.3+/-2.9), and main nerve trunks (3.1+/-1.0) also were decreased significant
9  deficits lead to mis-routing of sympathetic nerve trunks and accelerated cell death of sympathetic n
10 ells, their organization around regenerating nerve trunks, and the hypothetical effect of these organ
11 defective K(+) homeostasis, and excluded the nerve trunk as the original site for PNH.
12  extend their axons aberrantly in the dorsal nerve trunk at the level of the crural plexus, in the pr
13 tromal nerves was calculated by counting the nerve trunks at the corneoscleral limbus of the entire c
14                     PACAP-LI was detected in nerve trunks attached to the IMG and in varicosities sur
15 no difference in the numbers of main stromal nerve trunks between corneas from diabetic and normal do
16 eral (LR) and medial rectus (MR) EOMs, motor nerve trunks bifurcated into approximately equal-sized b
17          Total nerve number and length, main nerve trunks, branching, and corneal sensation were asse
18 neal nerve density, total nerve number, main nerve trunks, branching, and tortuosity were evaluated a
19 d not display demyelination events along the nerve trunk but developed dysmyelination of the pretermi
20 operatively and time-dependent values of the nerve trunk diameter along the tubulated length were rec
21                                          The nerve trunk diameter that formed inside collagen tubes w
22 arranged around the perimeter of regenerated nerve trunks, forming a capsule which was about 10 times
23              Remak's nerve is a ganglionated nerve trunk found only in birds that runs parallel to th
24 ore the hypothetical forces constricting the nerve trunk in silicone tubes became sufficiently large.
25 removal caused defasciculation of the limbal nerve trunk in vivo from E7 to E10.
26 tor axons project into dorsal versus ventral nerve trunks in the limb.
27 gical changes from the cervical roots to the nerve trunks in the proximal arm.
28                    Operative interruption of nerve trunks in the uterosacral ligaments by laparoscopi
29 investigations point to poor prognosis, then nerve trunk injures are grafted, while spinal cord root
30 s well as intraspinal lesions and peripheral nerve trunk injuries are described.
31                              An extracardiac nerve trunk innervated the bulbus arteriosus and entered
32 asal hairpin nerve layer and an intrastromal nerve trunk layer.
33  length (12.13+/-1.97 mm/mm2; P=0.005), main nerve trunk length (5.80+/-1.00 mm/mm2; P=0.01), and ner
34 s investigated by stimulating the peripheral nerve trunk of Atlantic stingrays and collecting cerebro
35                 In ex vivo motor and sensory nerve trunk preparations, antibody deposits are only obs
36 fibrous layer that contains the main sensory nerve trunks that give rise to numerous branches that ex
37  nervous system to the mutant phenotype: the nerve trunk, the myelinated segment preceding the termin
38 ery, nor do they project an axon via lateral nerve trunks until pupariation, both of which are believ
39 llowing a focal vascular insult to the sixth nerve trunk with axonal degeneration, allowing for subst

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