


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ecently been affected by lethal blindness in nestlings.
2 affected families that did not produce blind nestlings.
3 ensus infections could rarely be detected in nestlings.
4  not correlate with higher genetic damage in nestlings.
5 d lipid composition of the SC than did mesic nestlings, a finding consistent with the idea that organ
6 consists of four beta-strands with beta20/21 nestling against the inner/outer domains and beta2/3 fac
7  within broods, and another in which we held nestling age constant but manipulated brood size.
8 dual telomere loss over the entire period of nestling and juvenile life.
9                           We measured CWL of nestlings and analyzed the lipid composition of the SC u
10 ns and the larvae of the fly suck blood from nestlings and incubating females.
11 mount of food delivered to European starling nestlings and the begging Effort required to obtain food
12  low reproductive rates, slow development as nestlings, and long lifespans.
13 veal clear negative effects of parasitism on nestlings, and that maternally derived carotenoids compe
14 ong integrative evidence that urban blue tit nestlings are not receiving a suitable diet, and this ma
15                                   Indigobird nestlings are reared along with host young, and mimic th
16 ability of the costly signaling framework to nestling begging.
17 d in nests in trees to simulate scenarios of nestling bird carrion availability.
18                                              Nestling birds solicit food from adults by using begging
19 ping calls decreased both within and between nestling birds, the discrimination of these calls was ea
20 early all of which are obligate parasites of nestling birds.
21 nked to both improved health and immunity in nestling birds.
22 hat begging is energetically inexpensive for nestling birds; this finding led some researchers to que
23            We show that genetic variance for nestling body mass is spatially variable, that this gene
24  ages 9-11 days posthatch were assessed in 5 nestling budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) to determ
25      Here we show that the tolerance of host nestlings by the parasitic brown-headed cowbird Molothru
26 rood parasitism even when parasitic eggs and nestlings differ dramatically in appearance from their o
27 with previous research showing that deafened nestlings do not develop normal contact calls and also i
28                      Thus, genetic damage to nestlings does not explain the decline of barn swallows
29                                Lake Superior nestlings fell between these two extremes.
30 clinical signs and survival probabilities of nestling frigatebirds, and (ii) that high glutathione le
31 a suggest SigmaPBDEs increased in bald eagle nestlings from 1995 through the mid-2000s and then decli
32            This increase was the greatest in nestlings from the St.
33 une function in relation to adult condition, nestling growth and other life history challenges.
34  my results may account for the evolution of nestling growth rates, as well as the observation that b
35                 In mite-infested nests, male nestlings hatched at larger sizes, completed growth earl
36 ent frigatebirds (Fregata magnificens) whose nestlings have experienced high mortality rates in recen
37 thonotary Warblers varied by age class, with nestlings having the highest levels.
38  offset the cost of parasitism in developing nestling hihi (Notiomystis cincta) from the bloodsucking
39            Compared with age-matched cowbird nestlings, hosts begged less frequently to acoustic stim
40                               We showed that nestling house sparrows from both localities had higher
41 id composition of the SC in desert and mesic nestling house sparrows reared in low and high humidity
42          Although Philornis parasitism kills nestlings in several native host species, nowhere do the
43 e collected blood plasma from 261 bald eagle nestlings in six study areas from the upper Midwestern U
44  that differences in the oxidative status of nestlings might underlie individual health and survival.
45  to enforce acceptance by destroying eggs or nestlings of hosts that eject parasitic eggs and thereby
46 s over 16 years, and a loss of 20.0% mass in nestlings over 8 years.
47 ) whether the disease is associated with the nestlings' oxidative status, (iii) whether the associati
48 associated protein, in zebra finch adult and nestling (P9-11) brains.
49  nutritional input and begging effort in the nestling period affect cellular ageing and adult inflamm
50 spring growth, two proximate determinants of nestling period, should enable rapid adjustment of devel
51 se calls from provisioning adults during the nestling period.
52                                  SigmaDDT in nestling plasma, for example, decreased with lake elevat
53 ns flew up to 1,889 meters above ground, and nestling provisioning trips ranged up to 922 meters.
54                            At the site where nestlings received a higher proportion of aquatic prey (
55 hers (PBDEs) in the plasma of 284 bald eagle nestlings sampled between 1995 and 2011 at six study are
56                     In theory, all parasitic nestlings should be ruthlessly self-interested and shoul
57                                       Desert nestlings showed a greater degree of plasticity in CWL a
58 at low frequency (affecting 1.6% of observed nestlings since 1981).
59 re length in zebra finches (n = 99) from the nestling stage and at various points thereafter, and rec
60 l hand-rearing paradigm in European starling nestlings (Sturnus vulgaris), in which we separately man
61 om their parents, their siblings, exposed as nestlings to experimentally elevated stress hormone leve
62 r exposure of barn swallow (Hirundo rustica) nestlings to low dose ionizing radiation increased genet
63  feedback is necessary for the production of nestling vocalizations.
64 across affected families that produced blind nestlings was exactly 0.25, matching that expected given
65 rtins and collecting prey delivered to their nestlings, we determined the flight altitudes of ants an
66 ease possibly due to herpesvirus (i) whether nestlings with either low levels of oxidative damage or
67 thermore, the observed distribution of blind nestlings within affected families did not differ from t
68 n which we manipulated age differences among nestlings within broods, and another in which we held ne

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