


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1                        This investigation of neural activation during natural, connected speech produ
2 s of the phonetic and speaker information in neural activations revealed that different time interval
3                          Importantly, evoked neural activities were modeled by Bayesian inference, wh
4 ignalling systems ensure stable but flexible neural activity and animal behaviour.
5 f its most vital roles: the coupling between neural activity and blood flow.
6  for dual-task performance, and compared the neural activity and functional connectivity pattern in t
7 put-output curve, impaired spatial tuning of neural activity and impaired sparse coding of informatio
8 tion, and deficits in the temporal tuning of neural activity and its implication for neural codes.
9                                          How neural activity creates this motivation remains poorly u
10 participants, predict subsequent patterns of neural activity during fear learning.
11        To address this question, we recorded neural activity in a prefrontal sensorimotor area while
12 alternative computational framework in which neural activity in each brain area depends on a combinat
13 he strong link between motion perception and neural activity in the middle temporal (MT) area of the
14 To investigate these mechanisms, we recorded neural activity in the rat hippocampus and prefrontal co
15                                   Changes in neural activity occur in the motor cortex before movemen
16                      SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Neural activity plays a major role in the development of
17 t, derived from correlative measures such as neural activity recordings.
18                                  To identify neural activity specifically associated with contextual
19 se effects could be explained by patterns of neural activity that do not represent neural tuning to n
20 ge scale networks and an abnormal pattern of neural activity underlie cognitive dysfunction in PP-MS,
21                          Further, population neural activity was found to shift farther from a moveme
22 inistered oxytocin and vasopressin modulated neural activity when receiving negative feedback on task
23  task or overt stimulation are used to infer neural activity.
24 increasingly supports coordinated control of neural activity.
25                                        These neural alterations are associated with habit learning an
26 eration of hypotheses about the evolution of neural anatomy and function.
27 y, highlighting the importance of individual neural and autonomic differences in the response to natu
28 tocentral cortices during rest and follow-up neural and behavioral effects of cognitive dissonance.
29                        Here, we characterize neural and computational mechanisms underlying this form
30 Further, the two drugs effectively attenuate neural and vascular deficits in chronic and acute mouse
31 ly, we generate time-lapse movies of complex neural arborization through automated image registration
32                                 We propose a neural architecture for feature binding in visual workin
33 ique opportunity to investigate the critical neural architectures of musical processing in the brain.
34 gnition in part by disturbing the ability of neural assemblies to synchronize.
35 g neuroplasticity, especially in brains with neural atypicalities.
36 oximately 70,000 patients undergoing service neural autoantibody evaluation in 2015, was 0.024%, equa
37 sion [1, 2], and experience's impact on this neural balancing act continues into adulthood [3-5].
38 cative motion, enabling further inquiry into neural bases of communication.
39 hildren's well-being and sociality; yet, the neural basis of coparenting has not been studied in huma
40        These insights open new vistas on the neural basis of social behavior and social impairment.
41                            To understand the neural basis of such flexibility, we recorded from the m
42                 Our results suggest that the neural basis of the decoy effect could be the context-de
43                                          The neural basis of this phenotype was investigated through
44 ysialic acid is a glycan modification of the neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) produced by the pol
45 cid (PSA) and its major protein carrier, the neural cell adhesion molecule NCAM, play important roles
46 g (SHH) and consequently altering SHH-guided neural cell-fate decisions.
47 potent than natural flavonoids at protecting neural cells against oxidative stress and is capable of
48 l conditions and determine the fate of other neural cells.
49 modating the protracted development of human neural cells.
50  Although light is a strong modulator of the neural circadian clock, time of food intake is emerging
51                                       Proper neural circuit formation requires the precise regulation
52     GABAergic interneurons are essential for neural circuit function, and their loss or dysfunction i
53 plasticity-parameters that critically govern neural circuit information processing-suggesting that si
54                                 However, the neural circuit mechanisms underlying persistent neuronal
55 dling by NCLX of calcium exchange can map to neural circuit patterning and axon guidance decisions du
56 ctive drugs can derail the experience-driven neural circuit remodeling process important for executiv
57 t updating process appears to reorganize the neural circuit supporting the trace-trained memory, so t
58 that good-based decisions are generated in a neural circuit within the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC).
59    Despite its clear clinical relevance, the neural circuitry governing the maladaptive persistence o
60                                      Mapping neural circuits across defined synapses is essential for
61 n create a correspondence between biological neural circuits and optimization in structured architect
62 lly contribute to this process; however, the neural circuits and synaptic mechanisms by which distinc
63                                The uncovered neural circuits and their molecular and cellular targets
64 tic analysis of the plasticity of developing neural circuits by showing that sensory experience durin
65 ry interneurons are essential for functional neural circuits in the brain.
66 aracterization of the effects of oxytocin on neural circuits in the hypothalamus is needed to establi
67 vide insight into defects in the function of neural circuits in vivo and provide an approach for expl
68 fect of disease pathology on the function of neural circuits in vivo This work describes early postna
69                      The mechanisms by which neural circuits perform the computations prescribed by m
70                                While central neural circuits regulating thirst have been well studied
71 he formation of complex but highly organized neural circuits requires interactions between neurons an
72 ver, multiple lines of evidence suggest that neural circuits supporting model-based behavior are stru
73 vidual neurons or on the connectivity within neural circuits to maintain the persistent activity.
74                               Addressing how neural circuits underlie behavior is routinely done by m
75  (SCZ) is proposed to involve alterations of neural circuits via synaptic dysfunction, the underlying
76 opportunity that ensure the proper wiring of neural circuits, as well as windows of vulnerability whe
77 terizing visually identified cells in intact neural circuits, but it requires skill to perform.
78 ding cells (engram cells) by a common set of neural circuits, but this hypothesis has not been establ
79 ral and can be applied to the study of other neural circuits.
80 cellular and molecular reorganization of its neural circuits.
81 its low temporal and spatial resolution, the neural code must be smooth at the voxel and functional l
82 g of neural activity and its implication for neural codes.
83      Here, we demonstrate sexually dimorphic neural coding of odorants by olfactory sensory neurons (
84  of identity in propagated calls relies on a neural coding that is robust to intensity changes, signa
85 ech sentences on both speech recognition and neural coding.
86                                      Using a neural community detection strategy and graph theoretica
87 ng place over milliseconds, are the basis of neural computation.
88 y critically, and more broadly, underlie the neural computational dysfunction prototypical of schizop
89 f interhemispheric functional and structural neural connection were derived with analyses of voxel mi
90 al experiments were conducted to examine the neural connections and cellular mechanisms of GLP-1R sig
91                      SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Neural control of the dynamic body patterning of cephalo
92 unctional organization of the optic lobe and neural control of the various body patterns by the optic
93 to that of oscine vocal learning and complex neural control.
94 osterior cingulate cortex in depression is a neural correlate of the disturbed self-appraisal that is
95 ed versus model-free decision making and its neural correlates as well as alcohol expectancies in alc
96                   Here, we investigated what neural correlates in DLS are affected by previous cocain
97 MRI) methods uniquely powered to compare the neural correlates of attention variability in these thre
98      Here we demonstrate both behavioral and neural correlates of looming bias without manipulating o
99 approach provides sensitive and quantitative neural correlates of the underlying chronic disease.
100 M) training (WMT) program, the corresponding neural correlates, and LMX1A-rs4657412 polymorphism on t
101 gs of neurons in singing finches reveal that neural correlations increase across the circuit driving
102 aphy to assess whether direct gaze increases neural coupling between adults and infants during screen
103                                          The neural coupling in patients was significantly associated
104 arapacial pigmentation as both the migratory neural crest cells and pigment localized only to PNA-fre
105                               However, trunk neural crest cells are generally regarded as nonskeletog
106                                              Neural crest cells give rise to a diverse array of deriv
107                         In the head, cranial neural crest cells give rise to the dentine-producing ce
108 s, a role that was largely subsumed by vagal neural crest cells in early gnathostomes.
109 caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) disrupts neural crest gene expression, migration, and melanocytic
110 DF6-induced BMP signaling maintained a trunk neural crest gene signature in melanomas.
111           Similarly, NA transiently inhibits neural crest migration in Xenopus embryos in a Snail1-de
112 ng embryo, melanoblasts originating from the neural crest must traverse the dermis to reach the epide
113  from the anterior mandibular-stream cranial neural crest or from multiple embryonic cell populations
114        Neuroblastoma, an embryonal cancer of neural crest origin, shows metastases frequently at diag
115  combinatorial labeling of zebrafish cranial neural crest-derived cells (CNCCs) to define global gene
116                     Our results suggest that neural-crest-derived Schwann cell precursors made an imp
117 raumatic brain injury (TBI) causes extensive neural damage, often resulting in long-term cognitive im
118              SOX1 plays an important role in neural development and neural progenitor pool maintenanc
119 al an essential role for n1-src in amphibian neural development and suggest that alternative splicing
120          Using light-sheet microscopy, early neural development is here followed in vivo in real time
121 Sox2 and Sox19 appear to play major roles in neural development.
122 i knockdown of either Cbx3 or Med26 inhibits neural differentiation while up-regulating genes involve
123 eads to down regulation of genes involved in neural differentiation, and that the transcription facto
124 le of sensory input in the generation of the neural drive to muscles and provide the basis for design
125      We also found a link between individual neural dynamics (long-range temporal correlations) of th
126 RS provided an estimate of the participants' neural efficiency, and this efficiency was consistent ac
127 ted to anisotropic growth of the somatic and neural elements following early development of the centr
128 vasive GBM cells intermixed with functioning neural elements is a major goal of advanced therapeutic
129 t events can trigger an accelerated onset of neural encoding mechanisms supporting the integration of
130                       Elucidating such novel neural endophenotypes can facilitate new approaches to B
131            Here we show that this measure of neural engagement predicted the duration of time that vi
132 lutionary adaptation' to generate a reliable neural estimate of the variable world.
133 re characterized by altered or inappropriate neural function and behaviour.
134 undant, antipsychotic medications may affect neural function in studies of animals, healthy volunteer
135 ermittent ethanol (AIE) exposure compromises neural function into adulthood.
136 etuses in utero and found that systems-level neural functional connectivity was diminished in fetuses
137 nergic responsivity in line with compromised neural gain.
138 omputational modeling can aid in identifying neural generators of field potentials.
139 specification by enhancing the expression of neural genes and down-regulating genes specific to alter
140          In sum, this review will argue that neural-glial interactions represent an important avenue
141 s as a potential drug by which modulation of neural glycan biosynthesis and thus function can be achi
142       The plethora of methods for functional neural imaging can be daunting to the nonexpert to navig
143 ffects on neurodevelopment and plasticity in neural, immune, and endocrine networks.
144 nt mice were resistant to leukocyte-mediated neural inflammation.
145 ing world or to recover basic movement after neural injuries.
146 ally characterize the common and independent neural input, originated from different levels of the ce
147 he central nervous system provides extrinsic neural inputs that modulate, regulate, and integrate the
148 ive-imaging tools for the study of molecular-neural interactions important for the operation of the c
149 avioral work provides understanding, whereas neural interventions test causality.
150 ptors CXCR4/CXCR7 on SC in the initiation of neural invasion in the cancer precursor stage and the re
151 ne reward sensitivity at both behavioral and neural levels in humans.
152                               To examine the neural locus of this effect, we then combined the adapta
153 ogical data from the literature to show that neural maps appear as the number of neurons in visual co
154 sory processing requires proper alignment of neural maps throughout the brain.
155  as the primary reason for the appearance of neural maps, which we link to a known phase transition i
156 ads and beyond laboratory walls, to identify neural markers of group engagement during dynamic real-w
157 ns at the level of psychological process and neural mechanism, examining both the limitations to ment
158 onment, it has remained largely unknown what neural mechanisms are used by the primate auditory corte
159 a-band effects are in line with compensatory neural mechanisms such as increased cognitive control an
160              Early visual experience sculpts neural mechanisms that regulate the balance of influence
161 hat extensive behavioral training alters the neural mechanisms that support selective attention.
162 (MT) area of the macaque monkey to study the neural mechanisms that underlie the behavioral consequen
163  properties of the moving object, though the neural mechanisms underlying this process remain poorly
164                            We then propose a neural model of the self as an emerging property of inte
165          This assay includes a convolutional neural net pipeline and allows us to discriminate betwee
166  which FMRP mediates protein translation and neural network activity, we demonstrated that a ubiquiti
167 quired for Gp1 mGluR-induced translation and neural network activity.
168                                         Deep neural network approaches, which have been forwarded as
169                                         This neural network improves the strength of the tree search,
170 elp interpret and improve existing ideas for neural network mechanisms underlying behaviorally observ
171 These predictions are validated in a spiking neural network model of the OB-PC pathway that satisfies
172                           According to prior neural network simulations, this sequence of events-misp
173 n of speech, and reveal a widely distributed neural network supporting perceptual grouping of speech
174                     Our findings delineate a neural network that integrates distinct behavioral modul
175                            We present a deep neural network that prospectively predicts lineage choic
176 d with other architectures of CNN, Recurrent Neural Network, and Random Forest, the simple CNN archit
177 ooted dendrogram, which was based on the SOM neural network, shows the same results as the cluster an
178 eters in the approach are the weights of the neural network, which are automatically optimized based
179 re sophisticated methods, such as Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), form an attractive platform to bu
180 wo powerful technologies: deep convolutional neural networks (DCNNs) and panoramic videos of natural
181 complex brain consists of multiple intricate neural networks assembled from distinct sets of input an
182                                              Neural networks can efficiently encode the probability d
183 ry networks (GRNs) for brain development and neural networks for brain function.
184     Creating and running realistic models of neural networks has hitherto been a task for computing p
185 y and functional integrity of these impacted neural networks in primary progressive aphasia are lacki
186 hat activate these stabilizing mechanisms in neural networks of mature animals remain elusive.
187                                              Neural networks that control reproduction must integrate
188 symbolic logic and automated reasoning, with neural networks to generate embeddings of nodes that enc
189 esses that might be implemented by divergent neural networks.
190 ardware technology with up-scaled memristive neural networks.
191 he complex algorithms involving hierarchical neural networks.High-density information storage calls f
192 tead, we identify Insensible (Insb), another neural nuclear Notch pathway inhibitor, as a critical di
193    Insects and mammals share similarities of neural organization underlying the perception of odors,
194                                          The neural origins underpinning these changes remain unclear
195 odels of memory have argued that large-scale neural oscillations are reinstated to support successful
196 of speech/nonspeech stimuli or lack thereof, neural oscillatory activities at the single trial level
197         Our results define the molecular and neural pathways through which parallel biogenic amine si
198                                          The neural pathways underlying these abilities are unknown.
199                                Moreover, the neural pattern in right LPFC successfully predicted idio
200 rdinated variance to explore and consolidate neural patterns.
201 C3a receptor signalling in ischaemia-induced neural plasticity, we subjected C3a receptor-deficient m
202 direct cells to form central nervous system (neural plate) or sensory placodes.
203 he gastrointestinal tract contains intrinsic neural plexuses that allow a significant degree of indep
204 proach augments the decoder by incorporating neural population dynamics remembered from an earlier po
205  the production of an aberrant proliferative neural population in surviving animals.
206 nable from an unadapted facial identity at a neural population level.
207 ed dynamic stimulus reconstructions based on neural population responses for auditory nerve (ANF) inp
208  view of functional diversity within a local neural population.
209 n, sounds that activate the same or separate neural populations in primary auditory cortex (A1) are p
210 t govern differentiation of individual human neural precursor cells (NPC) into mature neurons are cur
211 one-specific marker and nestin, a marker for neural precursor cells.
212                        Zika targets cerebral neural precursors, a cell population essential for corti
213 will increase access to wireless optofluidic neural probes for advanced in vivo pharmacology and opto
214 rily an endogenous, not yet well understood, neural process.
215 l entrainment to language does not depend on neural processes that are specific to auditory speech pe
216  brain, even general purpose and fundamental neural processing mechanisms are shaped by the physical
217 y little is known about how stress response, neural processing of reward, and depression are related
218         To further understand the underlying neural processing of TFS, experiments in humans and anim
219 s indicate that prior expectations influence neural processing right from the earliest stage of the c
220 ticity, where language experience can change neural processing.
221                                              Neural progenitor cell (NPC) culture within three-dimens
222      The mechanisms that determine whether a neural progenitor cell (NPC) reenters the cell cycle or
223 n (H3K4me2) in EPO treated and control fetal neural progenitor cells, identifying 1,150 differentiall
224  an important role in neural development and neural progenitor pool maintenance.
225     Here we identify a brain-region-specific neural progenitor-based signaling pathway dedicated to r
226  the developmental potential of intermediate neural progenitors (INPs) generated by asymmetrically di
227                                              Neural progenitors lacking Lgl1 had decreased N-cadherin
228                                              Neural progenitors were organized in niches in the subep
229 g cells, which represent enteric glia and/or neural progenitors.
230 t data characterize the excitatory nature of neural projections activated by cisplatin in rats and re
231 al model before movement could improve motor neural prostheses being developed for people with paraly
232 rently being made towards the development of neural prostheses.
233  need for the development of new sensory and neural prosthetic devices which are capable of more prec
234 ssed, leading to a deep dynamic reshaping of neural receptive fields going far beyond simple surround
235 ussion history on white matter structure and neural recruitment.
236 IRS), we examined hemodynamic responses over neural regions integral to fluent speech production incl
237 , which are previously implicated in various neural related phenotypes.
238                                          The neural reliability, as quantified by ISC, has been linke
239 should lead to differentiation of the item's neural representation from the previous context (on whic
240 of different nature, we identify distributed neural representation of value, saliency, and category d
241 trinsic temporal context dependence into the neural representation of value.
242  for faces and to quantify the allocation of neural resources to threat-related distracters in 81 you
243              Moreover, the similarity of the neural response to different clusters in the PPA could b
244 ation to one individual face, the suppressed neural response to this identity becomes discriminable f
245 f the algorithm, we also apply it to cluster neural responses and demonstrate successful recovery of
246 dinal numerosities in the IPS and that their neural responses are accounted for by a model of numeros
247                             Stimulus-related neural responses are increased for the attended stimulus
248 extends previous findings of gender-specific neural responses in monosexual men, and provides initial
249 erosity coding that has been used to explain neural responses in the adult IPS.
250  results provide evidence for differences in neural responses to linguistic competition between versu
251 NT We characterized the properties of evoked neural responses to phoneme instances in continuous spee
252 uth with IGD exhibited significantly blunted neural responses within distributed subcortical and cort
253 is used to target the Nrl gene, encoding for Neural retina-specific leucine zipper protein, a rod fat
254 ated level of consciousness - as measured by neural signal diversity.
255 iscovery of a transient, spatially selective neural signal in humans that encodes the relative value
256  of neural synchronization on propagation of neural signals.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT By comparing brain
257                                    We find a neural signature of the unique hues 230 ms after stimulu
258                            Findings point to neural signatures of risk for maintaining PTSD symptoms
259 ally strengthen connections between separate neural sites in motor cortex (MC).
260               Here, we show that modeling of neural sound representations in terms of frequency-speci
261                           BACKGROUND & AIMS: Neural stem and progenitor cells from the enteric nervou
262 (+) cells and increased apoptosis in Sox2(+) neural stem and progenitor cells, and in DCX(+) and Tuj1
263 e we demonstrate that Prdm16 is required for neural stem cell maintenance and neurogenesis in the adu
264 ctions in inflammation/gliosis and increased neural stem cell numbers in areas of tissue injury.
265  and colleagues asked whether the results of neural stem cell transplantation might be improved by ac
266  (INPs) generated by asymmetrically dividing neural stem cells (neuroblasts).
267                                              Neural stem cells (NSCs) are a heterogeneous population
268 al for the normal cycling and maintenance of neural stem cells (NSCs) in the brain subependymal zone
269                                              Neural stem cells have been envisioned as a source of do
270  We previously showed that MCPH1 deletion in neural stem cells results in early mitotic entry that di
271  NF-kappaB-mediated signaling that activates neural stem cells to reconstitute the olfactory epitheli
272             This enabled us to discover that neural stem cells, derived from the murine spinal cord a
273 we found that intrathecal transplantation of neural stem/precursor cells (NPCs) in mice with experime
274  us a uniquely differentiated picture of the neural substrate for the first 500 ms of word recognitio
275 h they are deemed most relevant; and (2) the neural substrates that support such dynamic prioritizati
276 inking cognition with WM via the reliance of neural synchronization on propagation of neural signals.
277 e microstructure of the optic radiations and neural synchrony during visual attention predict reactio
278 ectedness among interacting partners, ground neural synchrony in key nonverbal social behaviors, and
279                               Among couples, neural synchrony was anchored in moments of social gaze
280  and positive affect correlated with greater neural synchrony.
281          This information relies on the same neural system, but it is not known whether the organisat
282                                 We propose a neural systems mechanism for this finding where the node
283                                              Neural systems use homeostatic plasticity to maintain no
284                                      How can neural tissue exhibit both type I and type II excitabili
285 t by specifically formulating the bioink for neural tissues, and by spatially patterning cell types a
286 immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence and neural tracing with subunit B of cholera toxin (CTB), we
287 hese findings provide evidence for a dynamic neural transformation of low-level speech features as th
288 the controls whose IQ is correlated with the neural transition frequency, IQ scores of individuals wi
289  epithelial cells, as seen in the vertebrate neural tube and the Drosophila ventral furrow.
290 sensitive metabolic processes at the time of neural tube closure.
291 abetes mellitus in early pregnancy can cause neural tube defects (NTDs) in embryos by perturbing prot
292  similar to the testing/screening method for neural tube defects and common chromosomal anomalies dur
293 lly lethal and recapitulates JBTS, including neural tube defects and polydactyly; however, the underl
294                                              Neural tube defects, harms of treatment (twinning, respi
295 tor 1 (Folr1; also known as FRalpha) impairs neural tube formation and leads to NTDs.
296 ly, PRDM13 also ensures a battery of ventral neural tube specification genes such as Olig1, Olig2 and
297 t children as young as 3-4 years old exhibit neural tuning to cardinal numerosities in the IPS and th
298 rns of neural activity that do not represent neural tuning to numerosity.
299 biological studies, however, have shown that neural value coding dynamically adapts to the statistics
300 hanism for the introduction or modulation of neural variability in this circuit.

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