


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 the strength of cognitive dissonance-related neural activity.
2 s successes and its limitations in measuring neural activity.
3  result in profound and sustained effects on neural activity.
4 asures cerebral perfusion related to ongoing neural activity.
5 re of the collective structure of population neural activity.
6 hift to excitatory-inhibitory balance in PFC neural activity.
7 conditions characterized by hypersynchronous neural activity.
8 nctional expression of orientation selective neural activity.
9 arise between adult speakers' and listeners' neural activity.
10  in arteriole diameter caused by theta burst neural activity.
11 increasingly supports coordinated control of neural activity.
12 ports calcium influx induced by synaptic and neural activity.
13 le learn to self-regulate their own recorded neural activity.
14 y can be made solely using early odor-evoked neural activity.
15 transmission can be dynamically regulated by neural activity.
16 4dpf larvae, provided additional measures of neural activity.
17 and powerful tools to control and manipulate neural activity.
18  perception and interacts with other ongoing neural activity.
19 their relationship to alternative sensors of neural activity.
20 ium video data into estimates of single-cell neural activity.
21 res and where E2 is known to acutely promote neural activity.
22 nche of data on both neural connectivity and neural activity.
23  periods of rest were weakly correlated with neural activity.
24 machine interfaces that also use ipsilateral neural activity.
25 tic scaling in response to global changes in neural activity.
26 y input, thus entirely reflecting endogenous neural activity.
27 res resulting from aberrant hypersynchronous neural activity.
28  task or overt stimulation are used to infer neural activity.
29 is usually not dependent on sensory-elicited neural activity.
30 (LTP), which relies on the precise timing of neural activity [2].
31 ry changes can rapidly alter coordination of neural activity across brain-wide neural systems or larg
32 may underpin similarities and differences in neural activity across people.
33     These correlated changes in behavior and neural activity after amygdala lesions strongly suggest
34  (time code) and the spatial distribution of neural activity along the length of the cochlear partiti
35 ials, suggesting that they reflect different neural activities and play different roles during memory
36 ignalling systems ensure stable but flexible neural activity and animal behaviour.
37 tform for continuous long-term recordings of neural activity and behavior in freely moving rodents.
38 rent circuitry that endogenously drives this neural activity and behavior, the downstream receptors a
39 mporal onsets and functional consequences on neural activity and behavior.
40 f its most vital roles: the coupling between neural activity and blood flow.
41 ed this coupling by simultaneously measuring neural activity and changes in cerebral blood volume (CB
42 e for capillary endothelial cells in sensing neural activity and communicating it to upstream arterio
43  imaging to investigate micrographia-related neural activity and connectivity modulations.
44 al adaptive cognitive training (Lumosity) on neural activity and decision-making in young adults (N =
45  for dual-task performance, and compared the neural activity and functional connectivity pattern in t
46 raparietal sulcus (IPS), shows both elevated neural activity and global brain connectivity during thr
47 Neurovascular coupling between resting-state neural activity and hemodynamics was robust and fast in
48 put-output curve, impaired spatial tuning of neural activity and impaired sparse coding of informatio
49                                     Rhythmic neural activity and increases in acetylcholine release i
50 tion, and deficits in the temporal tuning of neural activity and its implication for neural codes.
51 , sensory input in another region) balancing neural activity and leading to more stable behavior (tra
52 ct motor capabilities.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neural activity and movement kinematics are remarkably v
53  that enable measurement and manipulation of neural activity and neural circuits.
54  estimation, exploiting correlations between neural activity and observed experimental variables to t
55 mosensory reflex as indicated by elevated CB neural activity and plasma catecholamine levels, and ele
56  internal models of the relationship between neural activity and the body's movement.
57 accurately and differentially predicted from neural activity and to what extent their neural substrat
58 nse variability as results of decoding noisy neural activity, and can account for the behavioral resu
59 als reflect a combination of behavior, local neural activity, and putatively non-neural processes.
60                        Repeated sequences of neural activity are a pervasive feature of neural networ
61 Although dopamine function and reward system neural activity are impaired in most psychiatric disorde
62 hat the dynamics of internally generated HVC neural activity are predictive of the learned temporal-s
63 rk that links them, revealing how collective neural activity arises from the structure of neural conn
64 ch has identified late-latency, long-lasting neural activity as a robust correlate of conscious perce
65                     That is, we are modeling neural activity as driven by multiple simultaneous stimu
66                    We measured participants' neural activity as they attempted to predict the emotion
67 f marmoset frontal cortex observed modulated neural activities associated with self-initiated vocal p
68               Rewards are known to influence neural activity associated with both motor preparation a
69 the present study, we have found patterns of neural activity associated with specific architectural s
70                    Here, we investigated the neural activity associated with these individual differe
71        We found that removal of sodium taste neural activity at adulthood resulted in significant reo
72  studies using calcium imaging have measured neural activity at high spatial and temporal resolution
73              These findings demonstrate that neural activity at the pulse frequency in the auditory c
74 (30-100 Hz) and slow theta (3-8 Hz) spectral neural activity, based on data from 294 neurosurgical pa
75     To investigate how changes in population neural activity, beta oscillations, and behavior are lin
76 t outcomes fits choices and decision-related neural activity better than a canonical incremental lear
77 tials) provide an accessible view of in vivo neural activity, but proper interpretation of field pote
78 k beta oscillations to changes in underlying neural activity, but the specific behavioral manifestati
79 mogeneity, consistent with a local spread of neural activity by astrocyte activation.
80                  This indicates dominance of neural activity by local environmental cues even when th
81  growth programs can be reactivated in RGCs, neural activity can enhance RGC regeneration, and functi
82                       Phase patterns of slow neural activity consistently followed the syllabic rate
83                              To test whether neural activity could forecast market-level crowdfunding
84 ls provide a comprehensive framework for how neural activity could produce behavior.
85                                          How neural activity creates this motivation remains poorly u
86 al diseases require the in-depth analysis of neural activity data from ECoG.
87 n addition, we find that ON and OFF ensemble neural activities differ in their ability to recruit rec
88 te neural activity in real time, and measure neural activity during behavior.
89 opens a path towards recording of brain-wide neural activity during behaviour.
90                                              Neural activity during cognitive tasks exhibits complex
91  evidence that cognitive training influences neural activity during decision-making; nor did we find
92 participants, predict subsequent patterns of neural activity during fear learning.
93  meta-analytic tool Neurosynth, we find that neural activity during frame-biased decisions was more s
94 avioral data and accounts for the changes in neural activity during learning in wild type mice.
95                      One possibility is that neural activity during memory retrieval, like replay of
96                                              Neural activity during repeated presentations of a senso
97 e relationship between dopamine function and neural activity during reward anticipation in 27 partici
98                 Between-group differences in neural activity during task performance were assessed us
99 ions over voxels, the continuous dynamics of neural activity during tasks, the statistical benefits o
100 thus enabling real-time online estimation of neural activity during the imaging session.
101 t with this hypothesis, changing patterns of neural activity dynamically in a number of brain areas-i
102 olinergic signaling during cue detection and neural activity dynamics in prefrontal networks remains
103 the influence of oxytocin and vasopressin on neural activity elicited during negative social evaluati
104 The brain exhibits organized fluctuations of neural activity, even in the absence of tasks or sensory
105 y to determine definitively whether specific neural activity features are involved in a task.
106 M), has been implicated in the modulation of neural activity following fear conditioning and extincti
107                                  We recorded neural activity from dPAG and vPAG in rats during the ex
108 methods and white noise stimuli, we recorded neural activity from ensembles of LGN neurons in cats ac
109 volution approach that extracts estimates of neural activity from fluorescence traces, to create a sp
110 behavior are linked, we recorded multi-scale neural activity from motor cortex while three macaques p
111 actions.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Recordings of neural activity from nonhuman primate frontal and pariet
112                   Furthermore, recordings of neural activity from the guinea pig inferior colliculus
113  (CNT) yarn electrodes to chronically record neural activity from two separate autonomic nerves: the
114                             CBF responses to neural activity (functional hyperemia), topical applicat
115                                              Neural activity further predicted population-level outco
116 ontrol is mediated by internal models of how neural activity generates movement.
117 een no direct test of whether taste-elicited neural activity has a role in shaping central gustatory
118               Sparse, sequential patterns of neural activity have been observed in numerous brain are
119  control system, the dynamics of preparatory neural activity have been well described by stochastic a
120                 Are the temporally patterned neural activities important for controlling the behavior
121                               Interestingly, neural activities in the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC)
122 ch behavioral data, whereas the evolution of neural activities in the network closely mimics neural r
123        To address this question, we recorded neural activity in a prefrontal sensorimotor area while
124 s forms of appetite suppression and decrease neural activity in a separate population of appetite-sup
125                                              Neural activity in anticipation of the animate target si
126                                  We recorded neural activity in auditory cortex (AC) and hippocampus
127 es with modified TFS were then used to evoke neural activity in auditory neurons of the inferior coll
128 wn that, during selective listening, ongoing neural activity in auditory sensory areas is dominated b
129 ile food value is represented in patterns of neural activity in both medial and lateral parts of the
130 ed EEGs in human participants and found that neural activity in both theta and gamma ranges was sensi
131 alternative computational framework in which neural activity in each brain area depends on a combinat
132 atter integrity, and functional task-related neural activity in former U.S. football athletes.
133 sue of Neuron, Murakami et al. (2017) relate neural activity in frontal cortex to stochastic and dete
134                     This is striking because neural activity in frontoparietal cortex is believed to
135 guish between the roles played by NMDARs and neural activity in general.
136 antics to decode conceptual information from neural activity in heteromodal cortical areas.
137    Here we addressed this issue by recording neural activity in hippocampal region CA1 while rats per
138    Here we read out the contents of vWM from neural activity in human subjects as they manipulated st
139 stimuli that either correlate or decorrelate neural activity in human visual cortex.
140 arch applications, yet its effect on ongoing neural activity in humans is not well established.
141 ed remembering from forgetting, then decoded neural activity in later sessions in which we applied st
142 tal task induced a significant modulation of neural activity in left postcentral gyrus (PostCG), righ
143                              Manipulation of neural activity in Leucokinin neurons revealed these neu
144 er, these results demonstrate that pretarget neural activity in motor cortex reflects the monkey's in
145     We explicitly tested whether preparatory neural activity in premotor neurons of the primate super
146 map connectivity between neurons, manipulate neural activity in real time, and measure neural activit
147                                              Neural activity in response to 80 New York Times article
148 scents at age 14 and 16 to determine whether neural activity in response to anticipated rewards predi
149    This technique relies on local storage of neural activity in strands of DNA, followed by offline a
150 in the class of latent state space models of neural activity in that it assumes that firing rates of
151                                     Rhythmic neural activity in the alpha band (8-13 Hz) is thought t
152                  Further, we discovered that neural activity in the bat SC changes with dynamic adapt
153 in visual cortex, indexed by a modulation of neural activity in the beta-frequency range.
154 ovide new insights into the function of GCG+ neural activity in the brain and raise questions that wi
155                        Whether, when and how neural activity in the brain encodes these components re
156          Previous work has demonstrated that neural activity in the caudate nucleus is modulated by t
157 ngs, we expected this polymorphism to affect neural activity in the cingulo-opercular (CO) network in
158 fore provide a link between reinstatement of neural activity in the cortex and spontaneous replay of
159  protocol optimized to enable measurement of neural activity in the dopaminergic midbrain as well as
160 T We provide evidence for a novel pattern of neural activity in the frontal cortex of freely moving,
161                   The present study examined neural activity in the higher-order auditory cortex Te2
162                   During spatial navigation, neural activity in the hippocampus and the medial entorh
163  contextual fear memory requires coordinated neural activity in the hippocampus, medial prefrontal co
164 nt study aimed to examine whether modulating neural activity in the IFC using high frequency transcra
165 ) signaling and its corresponding effects on neural activity in the lateral septum (LS) are both nece
166 d technologies for large-scale recordings of neural activity in the live brain is a crucial goal in n
167 uggest that these incremental differences in neural activity in the maternal brain reflect the buildi
168 or feedback control by analyzing patterns of neural activity in the midbrain superior colliculus (SC)
169 he strong link between motion perception and neural activity in the middle temporal (MT) area of the
170 cting vCA1 neurons could induce synchronized neural activity in the mPFC and amygdala and convey cont
171 c resonance imaging (efMRI) revealed altered neural activity in the mTBI patients in the cerebellum-t
172                            Here, we recorded neural activity in the NAc core and shell during trainin
173 sured in visual cortex are tightly linked to neural activity in the narrow band gamma (NBG) range, ot
174 ing chemogenetics to simultaneously decrease neural activity in the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) and in
175                     Given the aim of reading neural activity in the peripheral nervous system, this w
176                                              Neural activity in the PFC must thus be specialized to s
177 To investigate these mechanisms, we recorded neural activity in the rat hippocampus and prefrontal co
178 voxel pattern analysis (MVPA), we found that neural activity in the reward system of the observer's b
179                                  We recorded neural activity in the SC of freely echolocating bats (t
180                                              Neural activity in the ventral pallidum (VP) has been sh
181                                              Neural activity in vivo is primarily measured using extr
182  imaging method for large-scale recording of neural activity in vivo.
183             We found that ex vivo or in vivo neural activity induced a long-lasting reduction in rest
184 ing motor learning, movements and underlying neural activity initially exhibit large trial-to-trial v
185 ith tetraplegia and anarthria by translating neural activity into control signals for assistive commu
186 eople with neurological deficits by decoding neural activity into control signals for guiding prosthe
187 tal cortex as a target site for transforming neural activity into control signals to command prosthes
188                                   Persistent neural activity is a putative mechanism for the maintena
189  awake animals show that a large fraction of neural activity is not predictable from the stimulus.
190                    New research reveals that neural activity is required for post-natal maturation of
191 ity of physiological processes that underlie neural activity is the greatest hurdle to faster advance
192                            Ensemble-specific neural activity is thought to function as a memory engra
193             When the functions through which neural activity is tuned fail to develop or break down,
194 ons (the neurons that transduce chemicals to neural activity), it must figure out which odors are pre
195 ion were associated with greater evidence of neural activity linked to contextual memory encoding.
196 imodal, data-driven, whole-brain measures of neural activity (magnetoencephalography) and connectivit
197                                   Persistent neural activity maintains information that connects past
198   Recordings in deafened mice, together with neural activity manipulations, indicate that self-genera
199   Our results suggest that understanding the neural activity may require not only knowledge of the ex
200 e, primary components of choice reflected in neural activity may support even more generalizable fore
201         In order to maintain brain function, neural activity needs to be tightly coordinated within t
202 pulations, and recording and manipulation of neural activity noninvasively and at single-neuron resol
203  direction was significantly reduced by PNE, neural activity observed on general STOP trials was larg
204      When tested against the real pattern of neural activity obtained from a different group of subje
205                                   Changes in neural activity occur in the motor cortex before movemen
206 n LTM consolidation model in which transient neural activities of early labile memory in the MB are c
207 denoised fluorescence traces and deconvolved neural activity of each individual neuron from coarse sc
208 e show that cued memory retrieval reinstates neural activity on a faster timescale than was present d
209 suggest that electrically evoked patterns of neural activity or natural experience can adjust steady-
210 are supported by the dynamic coordination of neural activity over large-scale networks.
211 e show, using two-photon microscopy to track neural activity over multiple days of cerebellum-depende
212 nd how activity-dependent plasticity affects neural activity over time.
213 ranslate DNA-based signals to an estimate of neural activity over time.
214  may underlie general features of sequential neural activity pattern generation in the brain.
215 l findings on sleep-associated memory (i.e., neural activity patterns in sleep that reflect memory pr
216 ive state in the neural population, in which neural activity patterns naturally form clusters, provid
217 tion of discrete episodes from the stream of neural activity patterns representing ongoing experience
218 l is thought to involve the reinstatement of neural activity patterns that occurred previously during
219              The fly circuit assigns similar neural activity patterns to similar odors, so that behav
220 educed inhibitory control results in altered neural activity patterns, enhanced phasic dopamine relea
221 orm a fundamental computational operation on neural activity patterns.
222                              Oscillations in neural activity play a critical role in neural computati
223                                              Neural activity plays a critical role in the development
224                                              Neural activity plays a key role in pruning aberrant syn
225                      SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT: Neural activity plays a major role in the development of
226 ered taste experience.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Neural activity plays a major role in the development of
227 so to gain insights into how disturbances in neural activity produce movement disorders.
228 sensory neocortex, we found that theta burst neural activity produced an unexpected long-lasting redu
229 using calcium-associated optical signals for neural activity read-out in peripheral nerve axons.
230 ework leads to a new statistical analysis of neural activity recorded during behavior that can identi
231 t, derived from correlative measures such as neural activity recordings.
232                                Moreover, how neural activity regulates the spatiotemporal properties
233                                              Neural activity relies on molecular diffusion within nan
234 icle motion during recycling is regulated by neural activity remains largely unknown.
235 levels were correlated, first, with stronger neural activity representing information to be learnt ab
236 s in wild-type animals, whereas reduction in neural activity rescued the behavioural abnormalities in
237 eving associations should also reinstate the neural activity responsible for semantic processing.
238                     We found that changes in neural activity scaled with the length of the conversati
239 ipation to the moment of shock confrontation neural activity shifted from a region anatomically consi
240       Despite recording different aspects of neural activity, similar RSNs were detected by both imag
241 ry midbrain in mouse suppresses sound evoked neural activity, similar to a well-characterized pore bl
242                                  To identify neural activity specifically associated with contextual
243 reveal specific and important facets of this neural activity that constrain its possible roles in act
244 se effects could be explained by patterns of neural activity that do not represent neural tuning to n
245 ects of memory encoding, leading to aberrant neural activity that is behaviorally detrimental.
246 pproximately 1 Hz), but reliable, changes in neural activity that occurred before marmosets even hear
247            Visual stimuli can evoke waves of neural activity that propagate across the surface of vis
248 mmon change in the excitatory and inhibitory neural activity that regulates alpha oscillations and vi
249 mory retrieval involves the reinstatement of neural activity that was present when we first experienc
250 e spanned by specific patterns of correlated neural activity, the "neural modes." We discuss a model
251 gests that Abeta is associated with aberrant neural activity, the relationships among these two aggre
252 in optical neuroimaging techniques now allow neural activity to be recorded with cellular resolution
253 rther demonstrate the ability to process the neural activity to detect hypoxic and gastric extension
254 is of neural recordings with intervention on neural activity to determine definitively whether specif
255  on correlation-based tuning curves relating neural activity to task or movement parameters, but the
256 surement platform, termed DANA (Dopamine And Neural Activity), to measure action potentials (high fre
257 othesis that emotion states function to push neural activity toward rapid and efficient action.
258  mechanisms for the generation of persistent neural activity under pathophysiological conditions, ope
259 ings connecting changes in pupil diameter to neural activity under varying cognitive demand and have
260 ge scale networks and an abnormal pattern of neural activity underlie cognitive dysfunction in PP-MS,
261                    The idea that synchronous neural activity underlies cognition has driven an extens
262 ging evidence suggests that reinstatement of neural activity underlies our ability to successfully re
263        It is widely believed that persistent neural activity underlies short-term memory.
264 n and vasopressin in the modulation of human neural activity underlying social cognition, including n
265                           This transition in neural activity upon familiarization requires odor-evoke
266  executive function by directly manipulating neural activity using a stimulation technology called hi
267 fect in participants and then recorded their neural activity using magnetoencephalography while they
268 ts of concurrent Meth and sexual behavior on neural activity, using ERK phosphorylation (pERK).
269 ing either "I" or their name while measuring neural activity via ERPs (Study 1) and fMRI (Study 2).
270 non-invasive technique purported to modulate neural activity via weak, externally applied electric fi
271                                 Differential neural activity was examined between choices classified
272                                   Population neural activity was extracted at various time intervals
273                          Further, population neural activity was found to shift farther from a moveme
274                            This pathological neural activity was in turn associated with worse memory
275                               Both ML and AL neural activity was modulated by the frequency content o
276 ests, we could assess whether stimulus-bound neural activity was predictive of state or trait variabi
277 cause translational interference can disrupt neural activity, we assessed network activity after a un
278                          Importantly, evoked neural activities were modeled by Bayesian inference, wh
279 tion, but it did not delineate whether these neural activities were specifically attributed to vocal
280                     Behaviorally, changes in neural activity were accompanied by slower stimulus-rewa
281        Drug concentration-response curves of neural activity were identified in a number of anatomica
282 inistered oxytocin and vasopressin modulated neural activity when receiving negative feedback on task
283 cy with which the stimulus is represented in neural activity, whereas linear encoding model performs
284 o functional circuits to generate persistent neural activity, which interacts with both the graded ex
285 icant (Granger) causal influence on infants' neural activity, which was stronger during direct and di
286 tiated by extracellular K(+) -a byproduct of neural activity-which activates capillary endothelial ce
287    We used magnetoencephalography to measure neural activity while human participants discriminated t
288 he interplay between sensory and vocal-motor neural activity while humans perform this task.
289              We analyzed the spectrum of the neural activity while listening and compared it to the m
290                            Here, we measured neural activity while subjects formed simple economic sa
291      Optical methods capable of manipulating neural activity with cellular resolution and millisecond
292 for developing quantitative models that link neural activity with decision making.
293                            Here, we recorded neural activity with EEG as subjects performed a two-int
294         Existing extracellular probes record neural activity with excellent spatial and temporal (sub
295 graphy to measure spatiotemporal patterns of neural activity with high temporal resolution during vis
296                  Here we measured population neural activity with microelectrode arrays in turtle vis
297 connectivity between two regions affects the neural activity within a participating region.
298          Early methods focused on estimating neural activity within individual voxels or regions, ave
299                                              Neural activity within the cortical premotor nucleus HVC
300                                              Neural activity within the frontal eye fields (FEFs) and

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