


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 es of memories, each supported by a distinct neural circuit.
2 tion of the eye and wiring of the underlying neural circuit.
3 the input/output relations of their resident neural circuits.
4 mbles, which are emergent building blocks of neural circuits.
5 rain to generate the neurons that constitute neural circuits.
6 ed receptors shapes information flow through neural circuits.
7 space and time and may segregate to distinct neural circuits.
8 ng dysregulation and malfunction in specific neural circuits.
9 ly of excitatory and inhibitory neurons into neural circuits.
10 the refinement of connectivity in developing neural circuits.
11 is a key determinant of communication within neural circuits.
12 sects by adding new cell types and modifying neural circuits.
13 overns the timing of information transfer in neural circuits.
14 erization of identified cell types in intact neural circuits.
15 ment and manipulation of neural activity and neural circuits.
16 otential to reveal fundamental principles of neural circuits.
17 ence beyond a description of the activity of neural circuits.
18 btypes of neurons, organized into fine-tuned neural circuits.
19 o millions of overlapping and interdigitated neural circuits.
20 tions versus stimuli may depend on separable neural circuits.
21 ts is critical for the proper functioning of neural circuits.
22 tion of LRRK2 may lead to destabilization of neural circuits.
23 ral and can be applied to the study of other neural circuits.
24 ptic homeostasis and functional stability in neural circuits.
25 heterogeneity may be an important feature of neural circuits.
26 unctions mediated by a number of interacting neural circuits.
27 s is critical to the formation of functional neural circuits.
28 mals' circumstances and serve to reconfigure neural circuits.
29 ipulate gene expression temporally in intact neural circuits.
30 f connectivity and correlated variability in neural circuits.
31  multidimensional computational functions of neural circuits.
32 complex signaling regulating the activity of neural circuits.
33  facilitates the anatomical investigation of neural circuits.
34 cellular and molecular reorganization of its neural circuits.
35  of the functional properties of neurons and neural circuits.
36 al and functional plasticity of synapses and neural circuits.
37  key role for pre-synaptic LPS in assembling neural circuits.
38                               However, which neural circuits accurately track body motion and how the
39                                      Mapping neural circuits across defined synapses is essential for
40 es a broad spectrum of structural changes in neural circuits across the brain.
41 avioral decisions by shifting the balance in neural circuit activation between two competing networks
42                              We investigated neural circuits active during locomotion and immobility
43 which specific motifs within inter-connected neural circuits affect auditory processing and, ultimate
44 ens new avenues for mapping and manipulating neural circuits, allowing a real-time, cellular resoluti
45 relay information from the CSF to underlying neural circuits along the ventral midline.
46 model is rich enough to capture the multiple neural circuit alterations underlying brain disorders.
47 Abeta levels, whether it also can ameliorate neural circuit and memory impairments remains unclear.
48        Astrocytes are abundant within mature neural circuits and are involved in brain disorders.
49 he nervous system and are proposed to affect neural circuits and behavior.
50 critical for understanding the properties of neural circuits and how they generate behaviors.
51      Connectivity determines the function of neural circuits and it is the gateway to behavioral outp
52 ependent long-term potentiation (LTP) shapes neural circuits and mediates learning and memory.
53 al modulation, little is known regarding the neural circuits and networks affected by NAc-DBS.
54                                       As the neural circuits and neurobiological mechanisms underlyin
55 avior and task rules are represented in real neural circuits and open new avenues for the analyses of
56 n create a correspondence between biological neural circuits and optimization in structured architect
57  for the study of the emergent properties of neural circuits and permit experimental tests of the rol
58 lly contribute to this process; however, the neural circuits and synaptic mechanisms by which distinc
59 lutionary constraints in the organization of neural circuits and synaptic plasticity result in simila
60                                              Neural circuits and the cells that comprise them undergo
61                                The uncovered neural circuits and their molecular and cellular targets
62 al how choice-related spiking emerges across neural circuits and within single neurons.
63 ed information can rapidly cascade through a neural circuit, and show a correspondence between this t
64  functions of myelin in nerve conduction and neural circuits, and consider its potential evolutionary
65 avior mediated by multiple brain regions and neural circuits, and is crucial for the survival and dev
66 naptic plasticity is a critical regulator of neural circuits, and largely determines how information
67 network activity is a hallmark of developing neural circuits, and plays an important role in the form
68 l evidence for specialized astrocytes within neural circuits, and provide new, integrated database re
69                                   However, a neural-circuit architecture for computing heading has no
70 curs and how it tunes the properties of this neural circuit are not well understood.
71                                              Neural circuits are endowed with several forms of intrin
72 hanisms by which they affect the function of neural circuits are incompletely understood.
73 enges include the relative subtlety by which neural circuits are perturbed, and the limited understan
74                                              Neural circuits are shaped by experience during critical
75 eins into prions and their propagation along neural circuits are thought to result in neurodegenerati
76 his small mammal is now allowing us to crack neural circuits as well.
77 opportunity that ensure the proper wiring of neural circuits, as well as windows of vulnerability whe
78  branch morphogenesis and positioning during neural circuit assembly remain largely unknown.
79 by neural stem cells (NSCs) is essential for neural circuit assembly.
80                                  Visualizing neural-circuit assembly in vivo requires tracking growth
81  visual neuroscientists is to understand how neural circuits at each stage of the visual system extra
82 itate the functional organization of complex neural circuits at multiple levels of the neuraxis.
83 that stimulate the "gut-brain axis" to alter neural circuits, autonomic function, and higher-order br
84 terizing visually identified cells in intact neural circuits, but it requires skill to perform.
85 etermined by their integration into specific neural circuits, but the mechanisms controlling the wiri
86  phenomena appear to be robust properties of neural circuits, but their relevance for perceptual judg
87 ding cells (engram cells) by a common set of neural circuits, but this hypothesis has not been establ
88 yelin provides electrical insulation for the neural circuit by forming a highly organized, multilayer
89  Regulation of the formation and rewiring of neural circuits by neuropeptides may require coordinated
90 uggest side-specific regulation of selective neural circuits by opioid neurohormones.-
91 ium integrator that facilitates the study of neural circuits by permanently marking cells active duri
92 tic analysis of the plasticity of developing neural circuits by showing that sensory experience durin
93       These results demonstrate how the same neural circuit can underlie economic decisions involving
94  in anaesthetized preparations and for which neural circuits can be defined, are discussed.
95             ABSTRACT: Convergent activity in neural circuits can generate changes at their intersecti
96                            Identification of neural circuit changes that contribute to behavioural pl
97  has unraveled previously unknown downstream neural circuit components for nociceptive (pain-like) be
98 ergrowth and disruption of the refinement of neural circuit connections and is associated with the em
99                      Determining how complex neural circuits control behavior is a major challenge th
100                                    While the neural circuits controlling energy homeostasis are well-
101 nancy hormones, such as prolactin, sensitize neural circuits controlling parental interactions to ind
102 induced degeneration and reconstruction of a neural circuit critical for producing a learned behavior
103 solving patterns of synaptic connectivity in neural circuits currently requires serial section electr
104 otein called NPTX2 may be a useful marker of neural circuit defects in patients with Alzheimer's dise
105                            Activity in these neural circuits determines the speed, gait pattern, and
106                                         When neural circuits develop abnormally due to different gene
107                                              Neural circuit development requires that synapses be for
108 ronal migration and neurite outgrowth during neural circuit development.
109 portance of proper microtubule regulation in neural circuit development.
110                                              Neural circuit diagnostics-by which we mean identifying
111 tes an important and enabling capability for neural circuit dissection.
112  sensory information is important in shaping neural circuits during development.
113 f neuromodulation is that it can configure a neural circuit dynamically, enabling one circuit to gene
114  of synaptic transmission and disruptions in neural circuit dynamics in a spatially and temporally sp
115 Does the Hoxb8 mutation in microglia lead to neural circuit dysfunctions?
116 odology enables direct targeting of specific neural circuit elements for inhibition or excitation whi
117                                 However, how neural circuits encode experiences to affect the additio
118 nfluence future decisions in humans, and how neural circuits encode present and past information.
119  provide important new information about how neural circuits establishing the hedonic value of sensor
120 ns, we compared the cortical topology of the neural circuit for face processing in participants with
121 ion and NMBR neurons are an integral part of neural circuits for itch in the spinal cord.
122 ne, even with only brief exposure, may prime neural circuits for subsequent experience-dependent remo
123 el role for NRG1-IV in learning, memory, and neural circuit formation and a potential neurobiological
124 the role of multitissue interactions such as neural circuit formation and cell metastasis.
125 el-binding regulator, with critical roles in neural circuit formation and function.
126 , but the developmental timing of the social neural circuit formation and the cellular and molecular
127                                       Proper neural circuit formation requires the precise regulation
128 abditis elegans NCLX-type protein, NCX-9, in neural circuit formation.
129      The goal is to infer the structure of a neural circuit from sparse neural recordings, using part
130 synapses work together to dynamically define neural circuit function [1].
131 e offers a powerful approach to the study of neural circuit function and the investigation of how neu
132 ed neural firing rates and correlations; (2) Neural circuit function is vastly more sensitive to chan
133     GABAergic interneurons are essential for neural circuit function, and their loss or dysfunction i
134  of evidence that astrocytes are integral to neural circuit function, it seems as though astrocytic a
135 ly devastating impact of Disc1 deficiency on neural circuit function, partly due to Kv1.1 dysregulati
136 her means, are likely to change cellular and neural circuit function.
137 nstrate its role in branch morphogenesis and neural circuit function.
138 amental coincidence-detection mechanism in a neural circuit functions to decode temporally organized
139 ing to altered developmental trajectories of neural circuits governing emotional behaviors.
140         How motor modules are underpinned by neural circuits has remained obscured.
141                               Efforts to map neural circuits have been galvanized by the development
142                                  Specialized neural circuits have been identified in the vertebrate r
143 at the level of cell types and even discrete neural circuits have been proposed, but many questions o
144 operations across taxa reveals how different neural circuits have evolved to solve the same problem,
145 chondrial transport in axons is critical for neural circuit health and function.
146 is neurodevelopmental disease state exhibits neural circuit hyperconnectivity and hyperexcitability.
147 ptional regulation by antidepressants in key neural circuits implicated in depression and understandi
148 , powerful capabilities in the dissection of neural circuits implicated in neuropsychiatric disorders
149 ific manner and highlight the versatility of neural circuits in adapting to new demands by using cell
150 e the entire CNS, but their functions within neural circuits in health and disease remain incompletel
151 tic sequencing of actions can share the same neural circuits in local brain areas.
152 describe a new approach to investigate these neural circuits in mouse.
153        These data reveal genetically defined neural circuits in the amygdala that promote and suppres
154 ry interneurons are essential for functional neural circuits in the brain.
155 aracterization of the effects of oxytocin on neural circuits in the hypothalamus is needed to establi
156 ility to genetically identify and manipulate neural circuits in the mouse is rapidly advancing our un
157 as a general method to image the activity of neural circuits in three dimensions across multiple area
158 vide insight into defects in the function of neural circuits in vivo and provide an approach for expl
159 fect of disease pathology on the function of neural circuits in vivo This work describes early postna
160 r the genetic and functional manipulation of neural circuits in vivo without adverse effects on neuro
161 investigated the brain regions and potential neural circuits in which alpha7 nAChRs regulate aggressi
162 new tools for functional studies of specific neural circuits in zebrafish.
163 -like brain functions can emerge from simple neural circuits, in this case the honeybee mushroom body
164 s previous investigations postulating social neural circuits, including prefrontal brain regions, as
165  the nexus of a complex prolactin-responsive neural circuit, indicating that changing prolactin level
166 plasticity-parameters that critically govern neural circuit information processing-suggesting that si
167                              We propose that neural circuits instantly compensate for neuron loss, th
168 help coordinate the activity of an extensive neural circuit involved in sensory and motor processing
169 ay be due to stress-induced dysregulation of neural circuits involved in extinction learning.
170 mportant advance in our understanding of the neural circuits involved in the regulation of fluid/elec
171 ur labeling approaches identified segregated neural circuits involving SCm, Cg, secondary visual cort
172                            The function of a neural circuit is determined by the details of its synap
173 lity to measure minute structural changes in neural circuits is essential for long-term in vivo imagi
174 ing stable function in highly interconnected neural circuits is essential for preventing circuit diso
175 LX in developmental cell patterning (e.g. in neural circuits) is largely unknown.
176     To understand the emergent properties of neural circuits, it would be ideal to record the activit
177 her sensory modalities are integrated at the neural circuit level.
178                                              Neural circuits located in the spinal cord have been sho
179                                              Neural circuit mapping is generating datasets of tens of
180                   A major proposal about how neural circuits may switch dynamically between convergen
181                                          The neural circuit mechanism underlying this selectivity is
182 king, sharing a common recurrent (attractor) neural circuit mechanism with discrimination in percepti
183                                 However, the neural circuit mechanisms for these processes remain unr
184 ol drinking behaviors in the population, the neural circuit mechanisms of which remain elusive.
185                                   We discuss neural circuit mechanisms that underlie the generation a
186                       We present a model for neural circuit mechanisms underlying hippocampal memory.
187                                 However, the neural circuit mechanisms underlying history-dependent d
188                                 However, the neural circuit mechanisms underlying persistent neuronal
189                                          The neural circuit mechanisms underlying the integration and
190 o study either single-neuron biophysical, or neural circuit, mechanisms that can generate the persist
191        Oxytocin receptor (Oxtr) signaling in neural circuits mediating discrimination of social stimu
192  orientation-selective neurons; we present a neural circuit model that pools such neurons in an imbal
193                                              Neural circuits must transform new inputs into outputs w
194                      Studies have identified neural circuits, neuromodulators and genetic factors inv
195                            Discretization in neural circuits occurs on many levels, from the generati
196 ssion between neurons in the escape response neural circuit of adult flies.
197 demonstrating how such a code can be read by neural circuits of the olfactory system.
198                                  The central neural circuits of thermoregulatory cold defense have be
199                    Analysing computations in neural circuits often uses simplified models because the
200 ry would enable powerful explorations of how neural circuits operate.
201  during the developmental critical period of neural circuit optimization for sensory input.
202                                      How are neural circuits organized and tuned to maintain stable f
203 dling by NCLX of calcium exchange can map to neural circuit patterning and axon guidance decisions du
204                      The mechanisms by which neural circuits perform the computations prescribed by m
205 ver, it is not clear how this action affects neural circuits performing cognitive and sensorimotor fu
206                            Understanding how neural circuits process information requires rapid measu
207 ynaptic inputs is a fundamental principle of neural circuit processing.
208 on by chemosensory receptors, through to the neural circuits processing the signals.
209 ent developments in our understanding of how neural circuits, pubertal hormones, and environmental fa
210                                While central neural circuits regulating thirst have been well studied
211 odally modulated and what are the underlying neural circuits remain poorly understood.
212 wever, the effects of CBs on the dynamics of neural circuits remains poorly understood.
213 ctive drugs can derail the experience-driven neural circuit remodeling process important for executiv
214 ubiquitin, is a key mechanism in synapse and neural circuit remodeling.
215 mic motor behaviors, both single neurons and neural circuits require a balance between excitatory inp
216 ut may be especially important in organizing neural circuits required for developmental acquisition o
217    Understanding the organizational logic of neural circuits requires deciphering the biological basi
218 he formation of complex but highly organized neural circuits requires interactions between neurons an
219 te this through analysis of the behavior and neural circuit responses that drive escape and swim beha
220 ets, but crucially also revealed system-wide neural circuit responses to stimulation or suppression.
221              Together, these data identify a neural circuit responsible for individual alcohol drinki
222 afferent neurons provide essential inputs to neural circuits responsible for representation of self-p
223 ies are generally believed to benefit from a neural circuit's ability to reliably integrate informati
224 n elements can be integrated within the same neural circuits.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Many animal behav
225 ted, and the possibility that astrocytes are neural circuit specialized remains largely unexplored.
226                                  Three major neural circuits strongly and acutely influence appetite
227 transcription and disrupts socially relevant neural circuits structurally and functionally.
228  other basal metazoans as a model system for neural circuit studies.
229                             Here, we ask how neural circuits support persistent activity by examining
230 n whether reconsolidation can reorganize the neural circuit supporting an existing memory after that
231 information can fundamentally reorganize the neural circuit supporting an existing memory.
232 t updating process appears to reorganize the neural circuit supporting the trace-trained memory, so t
233 ver, multiple lines of evidence suggest that neural circuits supporting model-based behavior are stru
234          Presently, we know little about the neural circuits supporting such reward expectation.
235 um and their modulation by dopamine, but the neural circuits supporting this form of learning in infa
236 rleukin-17-like signaling system modulates a neural circuit that controls the aggregation behavior of
237 bitofrontal cortex is a critical node in the neural circuit that generates these estimates.
238 ding assay in Drosophila flies to identify a neural circuit that integrates gustatory input and hunge
239 tical (TC) projections recently emerged as a neural circuit that is specifically disrupted in mouse m
240 d memory circuit to rely on a better-defined neural circuit that may be more amenable to behavioral o
241  We conclude oxytocin signals within a novel neural circuit that regulates parental-offspring social
242 lobe (ATL) serves as a hub for a distributed neural circuit that represents person knowledge.
243 ystem contains a simple example, a hindbrain neural circuit that takes velocity signals as inputs and
244 LC16 and MDNs are critical components of the neural circuit that transduces threatening visual stimul
245                     Here, we investigate the neural circuit that underlies the ipRGC-driven light res
246  from axons are key components of functional neural circuits that allow neurons to connect with multi
247    Adolescence is a period of development in neural circuits that are critical for adult functioning.
248 y roles in the development and plasticity of neural circuits that are known to be altered in depressi
249                                              Neural circuits that are most plastic during ELS exposur
250                        However, the specific neural circuits that begin in the retina and mediate thi
251 underlying mechanisms given the diversity of neural circuits that can generate the same computation,
252  REM sleep (e.g., memory consolidation), the neural circuits that control REM sleep, and how dysfunct
253 y have implications for our understanding of neural circuits that control socially contagious behavio
254       Central patterns generators (CPGs) are neural circuits that drive rhythmic motor output without
255          Little is known about the genes and neural circuits that integrate social information into f
256 ion has emerged as a source of plasticity in neural circuits that is crucial for proper timing and fu
257 linical relevance, little is known about the neural circuits that mediate active avoidance.
258 ess situations in anxiety disorders, but the neural circuits that mediate avoidance are poorly unders
259 x in the control of social behavior, but the neural circuits that mediate these effects remain unknow
260 TEMENT Central pattern generators (CPGs) are neural circuits that produce rhythmic behaviors.
261 lsewhere.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Defining the neural circuits that support decision making bridges a g
262 ry experience evokes long-lasting changes in neural circuits through activity-dependent gene expressi
263 undworm Caenorhabditis elegans We identified neural circuits through which these signals work to gove
264 nd fasting hermaphrodites, and we define the neural circuits through which this modulation occurs.
265 chemogenetic exploitation of this extinction neural circuit to reduce cocaine seeking and was particu
266 emporal switch in the coding mechanisms of a neural circuit to support proper behavioral dynamics.
267 stimulation uses feedback about the state of neural circuits to control stimulation rather than deliv
268 w hunger triggers changes in the activity of neural circuits to elicit these adaptive behavioural out
269 will successfully integrate into appropriate neural circuits to generate defined motor outputs, or be
270 tion is gradually processed within dedicated neural circuits to generate specific behaviors.
271 tions, animals use well-defined hypothalamic neural circuits to help maintain stable body weight, by
272 strocytes form an intricate partnership with neural circuits to influence numerous cellular and synap
273 vidual neurons or on the connectivity within neural circuits to maintain the persistent activity.
274 ggest that anatomical specialization permits neural circuits to represent relevant features of the en
275 nhibitory neurons regulate the adaptation of neural circuits to sensory experience, but the molecular
276 er, whether aversion encoding requires these neural circuits to ultimately prompt escape behaviors re
277 interrogating neural synapses, or a specific neural circuit, typically employ thick, ex vivo tissue s
278                               Addressing how neural circuits underlie behavior is routinely done by m
279                                          The neural circuit underlying the C-start, a startle behavio
280                                  To decipher neural circuits underlying brain functions, viral tracer
281        Thus, Cal-Light enables dissection of neural circuits underlying complex mammalian behaviors w
282  physiological signals interact to influence neural circuits underlying developmentally programmed so
283 red for post-natal maturation of hippocampal neural circuits underlying memory and navigation; this a
284 t diverse behavioral responses; however, the neural circuits underlying such flexibility are unclear.
285 re to stressors may differentially alter the neural circuits underlying the responses to intra-BNST P
286 a fundamental step towards understanding the neural circuits underpinning emotion in humans and treat
287          We studied the Drosophila circadian neural circuit using whole-brain imaging in vivo.
288  (SCZ) is proposed to involve alterations of neural circuits via synaptic dysfunction, the underlying
289 advantage of a well characterized Drosophila neural circuit, we discovered that neurons lacking FMRP
290     This is particularly true for studies of neural circuits where neurons form submicron synapses bu
291 h as masking by invisible noise may occur in neural circuits wherever a nonlinearity is followed by a
292 d a new analytical approach to understanding neural circuits which has revealed previously hidden neu
293 cise balance of excitation and inhibition in neural circuits, which often requires exquisite fine-tun
294 ions reflect the interplay between competing neural circuits whose activation thresholds shift in acc
295                                              Neural circuit wiring relies on selective synapse format
296           Computational theories that relate neural circuits with specific quantifiable behavioral an
297 that good-based decisions are generated in a neural circuit within the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC).
298 uggest that D2 MSNs and a specific subset of neural circuits within the dorsal striatum are preferent
299 teric nervous system (ENS) is organized into neural circuits within the gastrointestinal wall where i
300 tina allows the interrogation of the complex neural circuits within this tissue.

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