


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 e, and connective tissue is derived from the neural crest.
2  and effector of Endothelin signaling in the neural crest.
3  and are direct descendants of the embryonic neural crest.
4 the embryonic sympathoadrenal lineage of the neural crest.
5 re derived solely from mesoderm and not from neural crest.
6 or and target of Endothelin signaling in the neural crest.
7  promotes adhesion to fibronectin in Xenopus neural crest, a highly migratory embryonic cell populati
8 nchyme originates from both mesoderm and the neural crest, an ectodermal cell population, via an epit
9 n corneal endothelial cells are derived from neural crest and because of postmitotic arrest lack comp
10 shared molecular underpinnings of potency in neural crest and blastula cells.
11 nary novelty resulting from the emergence of neural crest and cranial placodes.
12 ntribute not only to neural tube but also to neural crest and epidermis.
13 neural system tumor that originates from the neural crest and is the most common and deadly tumor of
14 ized at the invasive tumor edges, and in the neural crest and limb buds of mouse embryos.
15                                      Cranial neural crest and metastatic melanoma cells avoid DAN pro
16 as a novel factor that inhibits uncontrolled neural crest and metastatic melanoma invasion and promot
17 y simple aetiology, differentiating from the neural crest and migrating through the developing embryo
18                 The sudden appearance of the neural crest and neurogenic placodes in early branching
19 al development, including markers of cranial neural crest and of placodes.
20 of vertebrate embryos contains precursors of neural crest and placode cells, both defining vertebrate
21 he critical cells are the ectodermal cranial neural crest and placode lineages.
22 ctive mTORC1 signaling, presence of specific neural crest and SMC markers, expression of VEGF-D and f
23 r a complex spectrum of abnormalities in the neural crest and the crest-derived cell types.
24 potential and fate, so that only the cranial neural crest can contribute to the craniofacial skeleton
25 gehog (Shh)-induced proliferation of cranial neural crest cell (cNCC) mesenchyme is required for uppe
26 raniofacial abnormalities to deficiencies in neural crest cell (NCC) craniofacial precursors early in
27 e found to be enriched for genes involved in neural crest cell (NCC) development and vasculogenesis.
28  mouse models, to demonstrate that defective neural crest cell (NCC) development explains RCPS cranio
29 of growth factors, and its functions include neural crest cell (NCC) maintenance, specifically NCC mi
30 hymal transition, acquisition of avian trunk neural crest cell (NCC) polarity is prerequisite for dir
31  These defects were associated with aberrant neural crest cell behavior.
32         Among the genes that are involved in neural crest cell development, some genes are more sensi
33 rders are typically attributed to defects in neural crest cell development.
34  severe cranial facial defects, arising from neural crest cell differentiation and migration problems
35              Our analysis shows that, before neural crest cell exit from the hindbrain, DAN is expres
36 gs expand the repertoire of vertebrate trunk neural crest cell fates during normal development, highl
37 ansformation than it does to modulate normal neural crest cell growth.
38 ingle-cell transcriptome analysis of cranial neural crest cell migration at three progressive stages
39  loss of function of DAN results in enhanced neural crest cell migration by increasing speed and dire
40 ring palate morphogenesis, defective cranial neural crest cell migration in capzb(-/-) mutants result
41           However, the signals that regulate neural crest cell migration remain unclear.
42 eoglycans that are known to be inhibitory to neural crest cell migration.
43 L1/K1 hetero-oligomer, which impacts cardiac neural crest cell migration.
44 promoter of CXCR4, a gene involved in embryo neural crest cell migration.
45 form of tumor plasticity with reversion to a neural crest cell migratory phenotype.
46 he molecular diversity and dynamics within a neural crest cell migratory stream that underlie complex
47 tion may also be involved in the survival of neural crest cell population during development.
48 Loss of Ift88 also resulted in a decrease in neural crest cell proliferation during early stages of p
49 se embryonic development, a subpopulation of neural crest cell-derived melanocytes migrates and incor
50 of the ENS is controlled by the interplay of neural crest cell-intrinsic factors and instructive cues
51 lucose levels, which is derived from cranial neural crest cells (CNCC).
52                                  The cardiac neural crest cells (cNCCs) and the second heart field (S
53                                      Cranial neural crest cells (CNCCs) delaminate from embryonic neu
54 ant stem cell populations, including cranial neural crest cells (CNCCs), have not been assessed.
55                                      Cranial neural crest cells (crNCCs) migrate from the neural tube
56 rung disease is caused by failure of enteric neural crest cells (ENCCs) to fully colonize the bowel,
57 omplete colonization of the bowel by enteric neural crest cells (eNCCs), the ENS precursors.
58 enomic regions that are active in both human neural crest cells (hNCC) and mouse embryonic craniofaci
59                                              Neural crest cells (NCC) are multi-potent cells of ectod
60                                              Neural crest cells (NCC) are stem cells that generate di
61 S development by combining human-PSC-derived neural crest cells (NCCs) and developing human intestina
62                            Here we show that neural crest cells (NCCs) and their derivatives provide
63                                              Neural crest cells (NCCs) are highly patterned embryonic
64 how that the in vivo collective migration of neural crest cells (NCCs) depends on such confinement.
65 endocardial cushions and repositions cardiac neural crest cells (NCCs) within the OFT, 2 processes th
66 of vertebrate traits, including emergence of neural crest cells (NCCs), in which neofunctionalization
67  studying NBL based on the transformation of neural crest cells (NCCs), the progenitor cells of the S
68 t in enteric neurons, which are derived from neural crest cells (NCCs).
69 nts Eed, Ezh2 and Suz12 are expressed in the neural crest cells and are required for neural crest mar
70    Chd7 morphants have impaired migration of neural crest cells and deregulation of sox10 expression
71 essing markers of human sensory neurons from neural crest cells and established a critical role for t
72 e craniofacial skeleton is derived from both neural crest cells and mesodermal cells; however, the ma
73 productively infects stem-cell-derived human neural crest cells and peripheral neurons in vitro, lead
74 arapacial pigmentation as both the migratory neural crest cells and pigment localized only to PNA-fre
75                          CAX is expressed in neural crest cells and required for their migration in v
76 as Hertwig's epithelial root sheath, cranial neural crest cells and stem cells residing in developing
77                                              Neural crest cells are both highly migratory and signifi
78                               However, trunk neural crest cells are generally regarded as nonskeletog
79                                              Neural crest cells are induced at the neural plate borde
80    During embryonic development, multipotent neural crest cells are specified at the lateral borders
81                                              Neural crest cells arise from the border of the neural p
82  During the hypoxic stage, a large number of neural crest cells arise from the head neural tube by ep
83 the BMP type IA receptor (BMPR1A) in cranial neural crest cells causes craniosynostosis during postna
84 e tracing, we further demonstrate that trunk neural crest cells do, in fact, give rise to odontoblast
85  for proper migration and differentiation of neural crest cells during neuritogenesis.
86                    During development, vagal neural crest cells fated to contribute to the enteric ne
87                                              Neural crest cells give rise to a diverse array of deriv
88                         In the head, cranial neural crest cells give rise to the dentine-producing ce
89   Because collagenous cellular cartilage and neural crest cells have not been described in invertebra
90 s, a role that was largely subsumed by vagal neural crest cells in early gnathostomes.
91 nt the specification and emigration of trunk neural crest cells in embryos of a cartilaginous fish, t
92 he oxygen supply helps to stop emigration of neural crest cells in the head.
93 ebrafish, our experiments suggest that trunk neural crest cells in the last common ancestor of tetrap
94 cy, cell number, and the mitotic activity of neural crest cells in the vicinity of the gut but has no
95 ional, the embryonic head no longer produces neural crest cells in vivo, despite the capability to do
96  human pluripotent stem cell-derived enteric neural crest cells into developing human intestinal orga
97 ppearance of cellular cartilage derived from neural crest cells is considered a turning point in vert
98          We propose that these trunk-derived neural crest cells may be homologous to Schwann cell pre
99                              We suggest that neural crest cells may have evolved as a consequence of
100                                              Neural crest cells migrate throughout the embryo, but ho
101  Introducing components of this circuit into neural crest cells of the trunk alters their identity an
102 ver cranial vessels, MCs derived from either neural crest cells or mesoderm emerged around the prefor
103 strate Rdh10 is specifically required in non-neural crest cells prior to E10.5 for proper choanae for
104                   Chick premigratory cranial neural crest cells reduce Cadherin-6B (Cad6B) levels thr
105 ferentiation of both myogenic stem cells and neural crest cells requires capzb.
106 e enteric nervous system (ENS) develops from neural crest cells that migrate along the intestine, dif
107 awed vertebrates arises primarily from vagal neural crest cells that migrate to the foregut and subse
108  is initiated by migrating Delta1-expressing neural crest cells that trigger NOTCH signaling and myog
109 an forms a physical boundary that constrains neural crest cells to discrete streams, in turn facilita
110  profiling from human and chimpanzee cranial neural crest cells to systematically and quantitatively
111 ail-chick chimeras involving fate mapping of neural crest cells to the ultimobranchial glands that re
112 ermines this differential behavior, we study neural crest cells, a migratory stem cell population who
113 he migration of the lateral line primordium, neural crest cells, or head mesendoderm.
114 ollision outcomes observed experimentally in neural crest cells, we must either carefully tune our pa
115     By comparing pre-migratory and migratory neural crest cells, we show that the switch from E- to N
116 afish embryo, chromatophores derive from the neural crest cells.
117 s required to produce a sufficient number of neural crest cells.
118 d cellular dynamics that affects the NNE and neural crest cells.
119 ted with aberrant differentiation of cranial neural crest cells.
120 (GN) is a rare benign tumor arising from the neural crest cells.
121 onent and are believed to differentiate from neural crest cells.
122 eved to originate from either mesenchymal or neural crest cells.
123 ically in endothelial, but not myocardial or neural crest, cells.
124 surface metalloprotease critical for cranial neural crest (CNC) cell migration.
125                        Dlx5-positive cranial neural crest (CNC) cells are in direct contact with myob
126 e to eliminate Ift88 specifically in cranial neural crest (CNC) cells.
127 le of the Hippo signaling pathway in cranial neural crest (CNC) development is poorly understood.
128 ratory progenitor cell population called the neural crest, craniofacial disorders are typically attri
129        Knockdown of HEXIM1 rescues zebrafish neural crest defects and human melanoma proliferation de
130 ibits FGF-stimulated PI3K/Akt signaling, and neural crest defects in CAPE-treated embryos are suppres
131            Using genetic lineage-tracing and neural crest-deficient mutants in zebrafish, and physica
132 its that support the formation of particular neural crest derivatives may be used to reprogram specif
133  study demonstrates that mutation of Erk2 in neural crest derivatives phenocopies the human Pierre Ro
134 ontribute to metastasis, but melanocytes are neural crest derivatives that have undergone EMT during
135 self-renewal capacity and differentiate into neural crest derivatives, including epidermal pigment-pr
136 t been shown to generate homologues of other neural crest derivatives.
137                                              Neural crest derived bone harbors HSCs that function sim
138                 Finally, we identify similar neural-crest derived cells in both the avian and non-hum
139                                       We use neural crest-derived adult pigmentation of zebrafish and
140 0 deregulation is an important driver of the neural crest-derived aspects of Chd7 dependent CHARGE sy
141                                              Neural crest-derived bones differ from appendicular bone
142                                      Whether neural crest-derived bones harbor HSCs is elusive.
143  carotid body evolved via the aggregation of neural crest-derived catecholaminergic (chromaffin) cell
144                                  We discover neural crest-derived catecholaminergic cells associated
145                   Shh also inhibited enteric neural crest-derived cell (ENCC) proliferation, promoted
146    In support of this role of ES to regulate neural crest-derived cell fate and differentiation in vi
147 le-tandem Tomato reporter strain to identify neural crest-derived cell lineages including the periphe
148 FP mice showing stable YFP expression in all neural crest-derived cell populations despite loss of Wn
149 erivatives may be used to reprogram specific neural crest-derived cell types.
150  combinatorial labeling of zebrafish cranial neural crest-derived cells (CNCCs) to define global gene
151            Mice lacking Jagged1 or Notch2 in neural crest-derived cells (NCCs) of the pharyngeal arch
152 xt to induce iridophore differentiation from neural crest-derived cells and pigment progenitor cells.
153 ggesting that alpha5 and alphav cooperate on neural crest-derived cells to control the remodelling of
154             Indeed, Tbx1 is expressed in the neural crest-derived hyoid bone primordium, in addition
155 lls formed during embryogenesis, such as the neural crest-derived melanocyte.
156  favor the assumption of a major fraction of neural crest-derived neuroendocrine cells in both the hu
157 veal that Tbx1 is required for mesoderm- and neural crest-derived osteoblast differentiation and norm
158 on in optic vesicle neuroectoderm, lens, and neural crest-derived periocular mesenchyme induced sever
159 l and FECD donors that exhibited features of neural crest-derived progenitor (NCDP) cells by showing
160 apping clonal units founded by postmigratory neural crest-derived progenitors.
161 majority of the Nav1.8 expression pattern in neural crest-derived sensory neurons.
162  with multiple myocardial-, epicardial-, and neural crest-derived signals.
163   We investigate the fate restriction in the neural crest-derived stem cells and intermediate progeni
164 ormation, cardiac defects, and overgrowth of neural crest-derived structures seen in Nf1-/-embryos.
165 nd valve development and in the formation of neural crest-derived structures, including aortic arch,
166 ntial of the heart and restricting growth of neural crest-derived tissues.
167 een proposed between glomus cells, which are neural crest-derived, and the hypoxia-sensitive 'neuroep
168  frog and lamprey, we find that NECs are not neural crest-derived, but endoderm-derived, like PNECs,
169                     Our results suggest that neural-crest-derived Schwann cell precursors made an imp
170 r tail neuron, shares a set of features with neural-crest-derived spinal ganglia neurons in vertebrat
171  3, and mouse Matr3 is strongly expressed in neural crest, developing heart and great vessels, wherea
172 despite the crucial roles of this pathway in neural crest development and disease, the transcriptiona
173 ssential and non-redundant role for CHC22 in neural crest development and in the genesis of pain and
174 y maternal diabetes could lead to defects in neural crest development during embryogenesis, but the c
175                             Here, we examine neural crest development from a gene regulatory perspect
176 transcription factor Snail2/Slug to modulate neural crest development in Xenopus.
177                                              Neural crest development is thought to be controlled by
178 tly activated by Endothelin signaling during neural crest development remain incompletely elucidated.
179 hed, but the signals required for subsequent neural crest development remain poorly characterized.
180 ulatory roles for Chd7 at multiple points of neural crest development viz., migration, fate choice an
181        Endothelin signaling is essential for neural crest development, and dysregulated Endothelin si
182 h embryo cultures for chemicals that disrupt neural crest development, as read out by crestin:EGFP ex
183 s and gene regulatory networks that regulate neural crest development, limited information is availab
184 ically relevant groups (e.g., Wnt signaling, neural crest development, sensory placode specification,
185 ulated pathways, including those involved in neural crest development.
186 rements for specific genes in early steps of neural crest development.
187 enes are dysregulated at the time of cardiac neural crest development.
188 ral crest specification and migration during neural crest development.
189  investigated the role of CHC22 in two human neural crest differentiation systems; human induced plur
190 s a novel intracellular pathway required for neural crest differentiation.
191 e of endoderm and redefine the boundaries of neural crest diversification.
192  with Snail2, and Snail2 fails to expand the neural crest domains in the absence of Ezh2.
193 ent, during the second phase of turtle trunk neural crest emigration.
194 B repressor Snail2, to ensure proper cranial neural crest EMT.
195 coding mutation, disrupted the activity of a neural crest enhancer downstream of FGFR2 both in vitro
196  that CRISPR-mediated deletion of this Mef2c neural crest enhancer from the mouse genome abolishes En
197                         They derive from the neural crest, express numerous neurogenic markers, and m
198 ters the apportionment of neural tube versus neural crest fates.
199   Importantly, Axud1 is sufficient to rescue neural crest formation after disruption of Wnt signaling
200 ignaling and transcriptional cues to mediate neural crest formation.
201 caffeic acid phenethyl ester (CAPE) disrupts neural crest gene expression, migration, and melanocytic
202 DF6-induced BMP signaling maintained a trunk neural crest gene signature in melanomas.
203 d the dorsal midline with high expression of neural crest genes, pluripotency factors, and lineage ma
204 logical advances, direct linkages within the neural crest GRN are being uncovered.
205 e-wide profiling of the cranial versus trunk neural crest in chick embryos, we identified and charact
206 among jawed vertebrates, is expressed in the neural crest in the mandibular process but not in the ma
207                                          The neural crest is a dynamic progenitor cell population tha
208 issues, it remains controversial whether the neural crest is a heterogeneous or homogeneous populatio
209                                          The neural crest is a transient, multipotent embryonic cell
210                                          The neural crest is a transient, multipotent population of c
211                                          The neural crest is an embryonic population of multipotent s
212                                          The neural crest is an evolutionary novelty that fostered th
213 n with the endogenous Snail2 promoter in the neural crest is beta-catenin dependent.
214  report that Meis1 inactivation in the mouse neural crest leads to an altered sympatho-vagal regulati
215                  Multipotent stem cells with neural crest-like properties have been identified in the
216                      These results show that neural crest-like reprogramming achieved by a single fac
217 he proliferation or differentiation of these neural crest-like stem cells.
218 e embryos and that ablation of Pdgfrb in the neural crest lineage results in increased nasal septum w
219  the neural crest cells and are required for neural crest marker expression.
220 nes SOX2, OCT4, LGR5, TP63 (p63), as well as neural crest marker genes PSIP1 (p75(NTR)), PAX3, SOX9,
221 grammed normal human melanocytes express the neural crest marker p75 and become multipotent.
222 migratory capabilities and expression of the neural crest markers.
223 we show that inhibition of eIF2B also drives neural crest migration and yeast invasiveness, our resul
224                       By coupling studies of neural crest migration in vivo and in vitro with mathema
225           Similarly, NA transiently inhibits neural crest migration in Xenopus embryos in a Snail1-de
226             capzb is also required for trunk neural crest migration, as evident from melanophores dis
227 affects cell morphology, differentiation and neural crest migration.
228 9 expression demonstrated the enhancement of neural crest migration.
229     This optimum coincides with the width of neural crest migratory streams analyzed across different
230 ng embryo, melanoblasts originating from the neural crest must traverse the dermis to reach the epide
231                                              Neural crest (NC) cell migration is crucial to the forma
232                                              Neural crest (NC) cells arise early in vertebrate develo
233                              Delamination of neural crest (NC) cells is a bona fide physiological mod
234 inical features are modeled in mice carrying neural crest (NC) deletion of UTX, including craniofacia
235 n both dorsal pouch endoderm and neighboring neural crest (NC) mesenchyme.
236                    A fundamental property of neural crest (NC) migration is contact inhibition of loc
237 n and deep sequencing in mouse, we find that neural crest (NC) only differentiates into vascular smoo
238                                          The neural crest (NC) represents multipotent cells that aris
239  test this hypothesis, we ablated Fn1 in the neural crest (NC), a population of multi-potent progenit
240 nd reproducible derivation of neuroectoderm, neural crest (NC), cranial placode (CP), and non-neural
241 ing disorder that affects derivatives of the neural crest (NC).
242 g characteristics, resembling neuroectoderm, neural crest, ocular-surface ectoderm, or surface ectode
243 l organisms, and strengthens a framework for neural crest ontogeny that is separable from neural and
244  from the anterior mandibular-stream cranial neural crest or from multiple embryonic cell populations
245 the vicinity of the gut but has no effect on neural crest or gut specification.
246                  PD/CMM-targeted cells share neural crest origin and melanogenesis capability.
247 tial of this cell population, and point to a neural crest origin of dentine throughout the ancestral
248                                          The neural crest origin of DPSC makes them a useful source o
249               Current understanding infers a neural crest origin of thyroid C cells, the major source
250   Neuroblastoma (NB) is a pediatric tumor of neural crest origin with heterogeneous phenotypes.
251        Neuroblastoma, an embryonal cancer of neural crest origin, shows metastases frequently at diag
252 nd collagen-rich stroma of the cornea have a neural crest origin.
253  is a childhood cancer derived from cells of neural crest origin.
254 and the mutant PDGFRA transgenes in cells of neural crest origin.
255 iption factor meis3 is expressed along vagal neural crest pathways.
256  mouse often do not exhibit comparable early neural crest phenotypes.
257 d into lineage progenitors for neural plate, neural crest, placodes and epidermis.
258 unction of ERK2 (MAPK1) in the postmigratory neural crest populating the craniofacial region, we stud
259 r the existence of a vagally derived enteric neural crest population in the lamprey.
260                                              Neural crest populations along the embryonic body axis o
261 rams melanocytes and melanoma cells toward a neural crest precursor-like state.
262 vivo lineage tracing to show that individual neural crest precursors are multipotent.
263                                              Neural crest precursors generate diverse cell lineages d
264 cription factors regulating multipotency and neural crest progenitor characteristics.
265  lines, we show that cKit delineates cardiac neural crest progenitors (CNC(kit)).
266 h crestin gene is expressed embryonically in neural crest progenitors (NCPs) and specifically reexpre
267 density, through reprogramming of HCECs into neural crest progenitors by activating p120-Kaiso-RhoA-R
268 Axud1 is a transcription factor expressed in neural crest progenitors in a Wnt1/beta-catenin-dependen
269 ointestinal tract are derived from dedicated neural crest progenitors that colonize the gut during em
270 rons and glial cells that differentiate from neural crest progenitors.
271 on of stem cell factor FoxD3, initiating the neural crest program.
272 pport a model in which Meis3 is required for neural crest proliferation, migration into, and coloniza
273           Although CARM1 is expressed in the neural crest region in early development, coinciding wit
274 antitative expression differences of crucial neural crest regulators.
275 othelin signaling is associated with several neural crest-related disorders, including Waardenburg an
276 ng activin-betaA ( Inhba(-/-)) and mice with neural crest-specific inactivation of Bmp4 ( Bmp4(ncko/n
277 r receptor-alpha) under control of the sox10 neural crest-specific promoter.
278 ontrol expression of the genes important for neural crest specification and migration during neural c
279 tin ligase CUL3 is an essential regulator of neural crest specification whose aberrant activation has
280 one H3K27 methylation, results in defects in neural crest specification, migration and craniofacial c
281 downregulation of multiple genes involved in neural crest specification, similar to the effects of Wn
282 rogram of differentiating cells in favour of neural crest specification.
283 al regulator of human and Xenopus tropicalis neural crest specification.
284                                        These neural crest stem cell (NCSC)-like cells display self-re
285                           Here we identify a neural crest stem cell niche that centers around the dor
286                                              Neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) and Schwann cells (NCSC-
287 r genetic manipulation, from human epidermal neural crest stem cells [hEPI-NCSC(s)] present in the bu
288                    Interestingly, neural and neural crest stem cells express distinct pluripotency si
289  cells share many biological properties with neural crest stem cells.
290 leted embryos exhibit a specific loss of the neural crest stream adjacent to r5, and have inner ear d
291  signaling activates Mef2c expression in the neural crest through a conserved enhancer in the Mef2c l
292                               The ability of neural crest to contribute mesodermal derivatives to the
293 e contributions of mesodermal mesenchyme and neural crest to particular structures.
294 anscriptional signature of the most invasive neural crest Trailblazer cells that is consistent during
295              Altered Hand2 expression in the neural crest transformed the maxillae into mandibles wit
296                        Smarcb1 loss in early neural crest was necessary to initiate tumorigenesis in
297  from a migratory cell population called the neural crest, which arises from the edges of the central
298 f receptors, that govern the behavior of the neural crest, which gives rise to neuroblastoma.
299 ing with transcriptional inputs to endow the neural crest with its unique molecular signature.
300  derivation of neuroendocrine cells from the neural crest, with the secretory and basal cells being o

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