


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 Sox2 and Sox19 appear to play major roles in neural development.
2  for MeCP2 regulation of gene expression and neural development.
3 dance and neurite outgrowth signaling during neural development.
4 ly 7 divisions before differentiating during neural development.
5 , and Pumilio2, which play critical roles in neural development.
6 nto the cellular and molecular regulation of neural development.
7 f up to 7 months, mimicking endogenous human neural development.
8 role of CFI in APA control during Drosophila neural development.
9 is an advantageous system for studying early neural development.
10 ays a critical role in tumor suppression and neural development.
11 ential participants in nearly all aspects of neural development.
12  epigenetic regulation of gene expression in neural development.
13  of genes involved in cellular signaling and neural development.
14 sts of the brain and CNS and is required for neural development.
15 on, and the role of endosomal trafficking in neural development.
16 a molecule with critical roles in vertebrate neural development.
17  transmembrane guidance cue signaling during neural development.
18 was controlled post-transcriptionally during neural development.
19 ; and cross-talk in metabolic regulation and neural development.
20  of neurodevelopmental disorders and typical neural development.
21 g the general importance of this cytokine in neural development.
22 at uses the Plexin A (PlexA) receptor during neural development.
23 roteins impart functionalities essential for neural development.
24 thway to control microtubule dynamics during neural development.
25 nalyzing transcriptional networks that guide neural development.
26 l death that is relatively specific to early neural development.
27 ell proliferation and differentiation during neural development.
28 d temporal requirement for Htt expression in neural development.
29  corepressor in the Notch pathway regulating neural development.
30 inked these behavioral changes to underlying neural development.
31 er gene (LHX9), which may have a role in the neural development.
32  transcription factors in a unique aspect of neural development.
33 eport here a critical role for Lsh in murine neural development.
34  recently emerged as important regulators of neural development.
35  that each protein has distinct functions in neural development.
36 s a trophic factor thought to play a role in neural development.
37 m the circulation and is required for normal neural development.
38 mportance of haemocyte migration for correct neural development.
39 colocalizing with SOX2, suggesting a role in neural development.
40 transventricular source of Shh in regulating neural development.
41  cellular processes that are used for normal neural development.
42  as well as its conserved basic functions in neural development.
43 odes a transcriptional regulator of wing and neural development.
44 ceptors (NMDARs) play important functions in neural development.
45 of synapse maturation during early postnatal neural development.
46 ed the role of Xenopus frizzled-10 (Fz10) in neural development.
47 ne the role of Dscam endodomain diversity in neural development.
48 crucial role in various aspects of postnatal neural development.
49 tical regulators of protein synthesis during neural development.
50 al role of obscurin A in striated muscle and neural development.
51 ellent that facilitates axon guidance during neural development.
52  protease(s) by HAI2 is required to complete neural development.
53 hese data are summarized in a model for synB neural development.
54 rients progenitor cell division and supports neural development.
55 n functions or predicted to be important for neural development.
56 , where they are hypothesized to function in neural development.
57  protein families have multiple functions in neural development.
58 ugh very little is known about their role in neural development.
59 ng an essential role for pcdh1alpha in early neural development.
60 ession during the early events of Drosophila neural development.
61 sents an important challenge in the field of neural development.
62 esterone and PR in fundamental mechanisms of neural development.
63 /TrxG transitions take over key roles during neural development.
64 enriched for biological pathways involved in neural development.
65  associates with diverse binding partners in neural development.
66 ing proteins involved in pathways related to neural development.
67 romatin remodelling occurs during Drosophila neural development.
68 early childhood depression on alterations in neural development.
69 ed expression and encode other regulators of neural development.
70 lusive patterns, suggesting a role in normal neural development.
71 uggesting a 'detrimental' maternal effect on neural development.
72  required to explain short-range guidance in neural development.
73 t-right patterning and in cardiovascular and neural development.
74 ell types coincides with critical aspects of neural development.
75 src in the specification of neurons early in neural development.
76  replication in cells at the early stages of neural development.
77 the p53 gene family, plays a crucial role in neural development.
78 the importance of the DNA damage response in neural development.
79 recluding in vivo study of Geminin's role in neural development.
80 tination is a core regulatory determinant of neural development.
81 rigeminal neurons--have served as models for neural development [3-6], but little is known about how
82 osed rats, suggesting a sexual dimorphism in neural development after SSRI exposure.
83 f maternal arachidonic acid and DHA on fetal neural development, although the effects on child IQ by
84 ing evidence for plasticity in cognitive and neural development among children raised in deprived env
85 vestigation, owing to their crucial roles in neural development and adult brain function and because
86  of microglia in utero can profoundly affect neural development and affect behavioral outcomes.
87 ncer), serves as an axon guidance cue during neural development and also contributes to vascular morp
88 RC-like 1/SPARCL-1/SC1/Mast9) contributes to neural development and alters tumor progression in a ran
89  potential chromatin regulator implicated in neural development and autism spectrum disorder (ASD) wi
90  finger proteins with essential functions in neural development and axial skeletal patterning in the
91 alyzed the molecular mechanisms of posterior neural development and axis formation regulated by eve1.
92 tanding and interpreting the role of GAGs in neural development and axonal regeneration after CNS inj
93 (dFMR1) have differential roles in mediating neural development and behavior functions conferred by t
94 y long-standing assumptions in the fields of neural development and cancer biology.
95 ave other off-target actions that can impact neural development and contribute to therapeutic efficac
96 utionarily conserved program of post-mitotic neural development and dendritic morphogenesis.
97 at this approach will be useful for studying neural development and disease, and for deriving spheroi
98 portance of these results for modeling human neural development and disease.
99 implications for mechanisms of APP action in neural development and disease.
100 hPSCs) are powerful tools for studying human neural development and diseases.
101 els has provided unprecedented insights into neural development and evolution.
102  knockout (BERKO) mESCs at defined stages of neural development and examined the effects of an ERbeta
103 o and adult, have important implications for neural development and for learning and memory in the ma
104 lls is a powerful approach both for studying neural development and for modeling human disease.
105 ion of electrically active axons to regulate neural development and function according to environment
106 easurements of gene expression indicate that neural development and function have adapted mainly thro
107 the CSF-1R and its ligands in microglial and neural development and function, and their relevance to
108 ings indicate an essential role for SNX14 in neural development and function, particularly in develop
109 g the importance of GSL expression in normal neural development and function.
110  of poorly understood proteins with roles in neural development and function.
111 phila have identified many genes involved in neural development and function.
112  roles in cardiovascular, immunological, and neural development and function.
113 d play essential roles in various aspects of neural development and function.
114  that such extensions might be important for neural development and function.
115 e an important and novel role for JAKMIP1 in neural development and further highlight pathways regula
116 riched microRNA that plays a crucial role in neural development and has been shown to be down-regulat
117              Due to their well-characterized neural development and high genetic homology to mammals,
118 ontribution of decreased mTORC2 signaling to neural development and homeostasis has not been well stu
119 ight into chromatin regulatory mechanisms in neural development and how alterations to these mechanis
120 es in the regulation of vertebrate embryonic neural development and human cancer cell proliferation.
121 ctor receptor signaling pathways involved in neural development and immune function.
122 and its several members are known to mediate neural development and immune system functioning through
123 oad roles of Rest-mediated repression during neural development and in disease states.
124 articular type V), suggesting roles in early neural development and in the neonatal critical period.
125 ellular interactions that occur during early neural development and is an important system to study p
126      The WNT pathway plays multiple roles in neural development and is crucial for establishment of t
127 ating oligodendrocyte precursor cells during neural development and is expressed by myelinating oligo
128 that down-regulation of KLF4 is critical for neural development and its dysregulation may lead to hyd
129        Both proteins play important roles in neural development and may have potential as therapeutic
130 oles of Yes-associated protein in vertebrate neural development and medullablastoma.
131              SOX1 plays an important role in neural development and neural progenitor pool maintenanc
132 ay that may also exert critical functions in neural development and neurodegeneration, we asked wheth
133 ific effects on phospholipids linked to both neural development and neurodegeneration.
134         Apoptosis plays an important role in neural development and neurological disorders.
135 lls, and suggest a basis for its function in neural development and neuroprotection.
136 hondrial trafficking, which is essential for neural development and neurotransmission.
137 , these results are consistent with in vitro neural development and physiological progression occurri
138 ich suffer neonatal lethality with defective neural development and pleiotropic phenotypes in multipl
139 us genomic alterations have consequences for neural development and possibly other brain functions.
140 nase in nervous system function, controlling neural development and postsynaptic signal integration.
141 ng how DNA damage signaling pathways promote neural development and preserve homeostasis is essential
142 he central nervous system that contribute to neural development and regeneration.
143  papers address the contribution of DISC1 to neural development and schizophrenia risk in this issue
144 s to assemble protein complexes that promote neural development and signaling, hence tight control of
145 ted proteins that regulate multiple steps of neural development and stem cell differentiation.
146 al an essential role for n1-src in amphibian neural development and suggest that alternative splicing
147 suggest the participation of EphB2(+) EVs in neural development and synapse physiology.
148 aptic structural modification is crucial for neural development and synaptic plasticity, but the mole
149 scriptional mechanisms by which HuD promotes neural development and synaptic plasticity.
150 mbrane protein that plays a critical role in neural development and synaptic plasticity.
151 cific influences of maternal care in shaping neural development and synaptic plasticity.
152 aids in functional specialization throughout neural development and that the loss of this mechanism c
153      CDK5, an important signal transducer in neural development and the closest known functional homo
154 ric, but also neurobiological and can impact neural development and the maintenance of neuronal cell
155 hered at this meeting to share insights into neural development and to admire the opening of the cher
156 ched for genes in these two modules included neural development and transcriptional regulation.
157 lucidate the role of calcium fluxes in early neural development and uncover a new factor in the modul
158 unctions influenced by imprinted genes, from neural development and wiring to synaptic function and p
159 uring critical periods of activity-dependent neural development, and accumulating evidence has establ
160   Double-strand break repair is required for neural development, and brain cells contain somatic geno
161 y non-homologous end joining is critical for neural development, and brain cells frequently contain s
162 n silenced target gene expression, disrupted neural development, and highly significant larval mortal
163  cell divisions are a fundamental feature of neural development, and misregulation can lead to brain
164 leiotropic signaling molecule that regulates neural development, and mutation of Nrg1 is a risk facto
165 eft-right specification, skeletal formation, neural development, and organogenesis.
166 ish empirical connections among environment, neural development, and perception.
167 r results indicate a novel role for OCRL1 in neural development, and support a model whereby dysregul
168 well as in the cell morphological formation, neural development, and transforming growth factor (TGF)
169 ds and mammals, and although many aspects of neural development are activity-dependent, it has been u
170             Chd expression and synB-positive neural development are both downstream from p38 MAPK and
171 in the nervous system, although its roles in neural development are only beginning to be understood.
172  roles and mechanisms of action during early neural development are still unclear.
173                         Different aspects of neural development are tightly regulated and the underly
174 athways and cellular processes that regulate neural development are used post-developmentally for pro
175 ertebrate senseless homolog is essential for neural development as well as hematopoiesis, we propose
176 lar proliferation and differentiation during neural development as well as in cognition and memory fo
177   These profiles are underpinned by atypical neural development at the systems level.
178 osophila melanogaster has led to insights in neural development, axon guidance, ion channel function,
179                                       During neural development, axonal growth cones depend on rapid
180 tractive system for studying the genetics of neural development because analysis is focused on a sing
181 ke 1 (GRHL1), a gene critical for Drosophila neural development, belonged to the genes most strongly
182 re is a remarkable degree of conservation in neural development both between individual segments in a
183 cific functional relevance of these genes in neural development, brain function, and disease.
184 molecular mechanism for sexual dimorphism in neural development, brain functions, and initiation/prog
185 s revealed that the Slit3 is dispensable for neural development but required for non-neuron-related d
186 gans embryo is a powerful model for studying neural development, but conventional imaging methods are
187 tial role in neuronal differentiation during neural development, but it remained unclear whether PS1
188 h in neurodegenerative disease and in normal neural development, but the molecular pathways regulatin
189 n miRNAs has highlighted their importance in neural development, but the specific functions of neural
190  suppresses p53-independent apoptosis during neural development, but triggers p53-dependent apoptosis
191              Autism is clearly a disorder of neural development, but when, where, and how brain patho
192         We have examined the role of ERK2 in neural development by conditional inactivation of the mu
193 et3 plays an essential role in early eye and neural development by directly regulating a set of key d
194 cal role for SAG in controlling vascular and neural development by modulating RAS activity via promot
195 e signaling system is a crucial regulator of neural development, cell survival, and plasticity.
196  research and has been central to studies of neural development, circuit computation, and behavior.
197 ota and mechanisms by which it can influence neural development, complex behaviours and nociception.
198 idence in mouse and Drosophila suggests that neural development depends on proper chromatin remodelin
199 hibitory neurons, and other later aspects of neural development distinct from those regulated by Ascl
200 e that IKAP is crucial for both vascular and neural development during embryogenesis and that protein
201 x8), Wnt signaling (Wnt3, Wnt8a, Wnt7b), and neural development (e.g., Efnb3, Mid1, Nlgn1, Nrxn2).
202 ific markers and for better understanding of neural development, function, and disease.
203  synthesis, GTP/ATP-dependent signaling, and neural development genes.
204 on of cannabinoids during critical stages of neural development has been shown to disrupt the brain's
205 iginally discovered as axon guidance cues in neural development, have been shown to regulate cell mig
206             Microglia have critical roles in neural development, homeostasis and neuroinflammation an
207 naling plays an important regulatory role in neural development, however, post-developmental function
208        achaete-scute homologs (ash) regulate neural development in all bilaterian model animals indic
209 , Brg1 and Brm, plays essential roles during neural development in both vertebrates and invertebrates
210                      As much of the aberrant neural development in Down syndrome (DS) occurs postnata
211 ehavior and Alters Serotonin and Vasopressin Neural Development in Hamsters".
212 o screen for effects of genetic mutations on neural development in mice.
213 ation of Purkinje cells, are models to study neural development in part because they establish a reco
214  data support a central role for REST during neural development in promoting NS/P cell self-renewal w
215 nd that Ascl1 can rescue the early arrest of neural development in the absence of Neurog2.
216  revealed that MCT8 is strictly required for neural development in the brain and spinal cord.
217 dder, directly implicating both molecules in neural development in the lower urinary tract.
218 into the mechanisms involved in asymmetrical neural development in these two species.
219 y is prominent among those known to regulate neural development in vertebrates.
220 is an excellent model for the study of early neural development in vertebrates.
221 tent stem cells that accurately recapitulate neural development in vitro and allow for the generation
222 catalytic activity is not required for early neural development in vivo but its overactivation during
223 findings support a novel, two-stage model of neural development, in which networks stabilize prior to
224 miR181a are several known to be required for neural development, including Engrailed1 (En1), Engraile
225 mplicated as ligands in different aspects of neural development, including neural crest cell migratio
226 ignaling is required for numerous aspects of neural development, including neural induction, CNS patt
227 oping brain and regulate multiple aspects of neural development, including neurogenesis, dendritogene
228 nervous system (CNS) have essential roles in neural development, inflammation and homeostasis.
229 impacted neurogenesis relatively late during neural development involving only certain progenitor pop
230      Thus, expression of PSD-95 during early neural development is controlled at the RNA level by two
231                           A general model of neural development is derived to fit 18 mammalian specie
232           An essential feature of vertebrate neural development is ensheathment of axons with myelin,
233 blishment of precise topographic maps during neural development is facilitated by the presorting of a
234          Using light-sheet microscopy, early neural development is here followed in vivo in real time
235 e site of axon emergence is specified during neural development is not understood.
236 ncipal function of PKA in the Shh pathway in neural development is to restrain activation of Gli2.
237 development, but their mode of action during neural development is unknown.
238               The crucial role of NEDD4-1 in neural development is well appreciated; however, its rol
239                               Although early neural development is well studied, detailed cellular or
240  to the role of p73 in tumor suppression and neural development, its expression and activity are tigh
241 T) is a neuromodulator that is important for neural development, learning and memory, mood, and perce
242  how can neural circuitry be modified during neural development, learning, and memory?
243 cells (hPSCs) provide a model to study early neural development, model pathological processes, and de
244                              Near the end of neural development, most asymmetric division ends and pr
245 n important model organism for investigating neural development, neural morphology, neurophysiology,
246 nprecedented insights into the mechanisms of neural development, neurological disease and aging.
247 d have important implications for studies of neural development, neurological disease modelling and r
248 a trophic factor that has been implicated in neural development, neurotransmission, and synaptic plas
249                                    Amphibian neural development occurs as a two-step process: (1) ind
250 enues for using fMRI adaptation to study the neural development of high-level visual and cognitive fu
251                 Parenting in turn shapes the neural development of the infant social brain.
252                   However, it is unknown how neural development of these regions relates to the devel
253 d their physiological roles in germ cell and neural development, oncogenic functions in cancer, and p
254 non-conserved, role in regulating aspects of neural development or function in humans.
255 ion of the anteroposterior axis and anterior neural development, or endoderm specification and axial
256 le expression of Dkk1 is required for proper neural development, overexpression of Dkk1 is characteri
257 habitat in both species: cell proliferation, neural development, oxygen responses and muscle capacity
258 ate genes within the GABAergic signaling and neural development pathways.
259 t human microRNA cluster, activating a fetal neural development program.
260 d early environments influence cognitive and neural development provides a complementary perspective
261 e SETDB1 solo peaks, particularly those near neural development-related genes, was found to be associ
262 herens junctions, its physiological roles in neural development remain uncertain due to the lack of s
263 s system, but the role of Nedd4 in mammalian neural development remains poorly understood.
264 ervous system (CNS), the function of FGF9 in neural development remains undefined.
265                                  Its role in neural development remains unknown.
266                                              Neural development requires both synapse elaboration and
267                                              Neural development requires N-glycosylation regulation o
268 idic protein (hGFAP); E13.5] stages of mouse neural development resulted in no apparent developmental
269 lanogaster embryonic mesoderm development or neural development scored by the Lever motif analysis al
270                                       During neural development, semaphorin-plexin signalling instruc
271          According to the prevailing view of neural development, sensory pathways develop sequentiall
272 nsposon to facilitate analysis of late-stage neural development such as axon targeting and synaptic c
273 rofiles included many genes/terms related to neural development, such as cell proliferation, neuronal
274 ach can be used to assess various aspects of neural development, such as developmental waves of diffe
275 conserved transcription factors in mammalian neural development suggest that a similar cascade may al
276 s dedicated functions at different stages of neural development that appear to arise by combinatorial
277 tled 'Relationships between Craniofacial and Neural Development', the meeting brought together resear
278 rs are known to control important aspects of neural development, the genome-wide programs that are di
279 n understanding the significance of DISC1 at neural development, the mechanisms underlying DISC1 regu
280 uncovers a new role of mechanical tension in neural development: the regulation of axon fasciculation
281 stone acetylation and gene expression during neural development, thereby providing a likely explanati
282 in, are essential for processes ranging from neural development through potassium homeostasis to syna
283     Here we show that when initiated late in neural development, transgenic expression of one OR in a
284 c2, and Brca2, or combined Lig4/Xrcc2 during neural development using Nestin-cre.
285         The timing of notochord, somite, and neural development was analyzed in the embryos of six di
286 e functional role of alternative splicing in neural development, we analyzed purified neural progenit
287 l the functional significance of RBPs during neural development, we carried out an in vivo RNAi scree
288 o investigate the role of these Pax genes in neural development, we have generated an allelic series
289 understand the genes involved in controlling neural development, we have performed a forward genetic
290          Exploiting this sensitive period of neural development, we modified existing behavioural int
291 ore the relationship between impulsivity and neural development, we studied functional connectivity i
292 pon recent advances in activity-driven early neural development, we suggest a sequence of three devel
293 and how the identified genes are involved in neural development, we used gene set enrichment algorith
294                To study the role of Copb2 in neural development, we utilized genome-editing technolog
295 n factors that are typically associated with neural development were modulated across all three speci
296  signaling elicits repulsion of axons during neural development, whereas in endothelial cells this pa
297 l block-face scanning electron microscopy to neural development with fine temporal resolution and the
298 nal FA status in pregnancy may improve fetal neural development with lasting consequences for child d
299 r of the SHH pathway in normal and oncogenic neural development, with direct diagnostic and/or therap
300 se included semaphorin 3a, a guidance cue in neural development without known functions in the pancre

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