


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ata in order to obtain a complete picture of neural function.
2 t regulation of this pathway is critical for neural function.
3 isruption, which can have adverse effects on neural function.
4  are different from those involved in normal neural function.
5  signaling systems have evolved to stabilize neural function.
6 lecular and neuroimaging levels in exploring neural function.
7  to studying how gender enculturation shapes neural function.
8 n nearly every aspect of normal and abnormal neural function.
9 ogy is a powerful way to analyze C. elegans' neural function.
10 oviding a homeostatic environment for proper neural function.
11 -making and the methodologies used to assess neural function.
12 tribute to the complexity of neurogenesis or neural function.
13 s involved in steroid hormone signalling and neural function.
14 annels are critical regulators of muscle and neural function.
15 proteins, particularly those associated with neural function.
16 s an important role in brain development and neural function.
17 iting the inferences that can be drawn about neural function.
18 ation can be coordinated to achieve constant neural function.
19 ith sensory, motor, or other disabilities of neural function.
20 e large ion fluxes is essential for powering neural function.
21 importance of desensitization for regulating neural function.
22 ted in tumorigenesis, heart development, and neural function.
23 ctively target cancer cells while preserving neural function.
24 in cellular membranes is critical for normal neural function.
25  in an in vivo murine model while preserving neural function.
26 anced both tumor control and preservation of neural function.
27 ial to experience-dependent modifications of neural function.
28 cal synapses and are critically important to neural function.
29 cently been used as cellular-level probes of neural function.
30 maintenance of cardiovascular, skeletal, and neural function.
31  local SWA changes, and these should benefit neural function.
32 r space (ECS) is an important determinant of neural function.
33 e of elucidating how other glycans influence neural function.
34 suggests its unique and nonredundant role in neural function.
35 at particular magnitudes of activity support neural function.
36  promise for investigating genes involved in neural function.
37 ain environment that is essential for proper neural function.
38 c rats with antioxidants has on vascular and neural function.
39 These proteins also regulate many aspects of neural function.
40  the spontaneous onset of labour alter fetal neural function.
41 d under these conditions to maintain optimal neural function.
42 may have a possible modulatory role on renal neural function.
43 ned whether E and/or E+P increased serotonin neural function.
44 tory mechanism for synaptic transmission and neural function.
45 e of rapid and spatially resolved mapping of neural function.
46 s is the first evidence of a role for Wiz in neural function.
47 nal proteome is key to generate and maintain neural function.
48 o microcircuitry is crucial to understanding neural function.
49 al myelination during development influences neural function.
50 cillations across brain networks may play in neural function.
51 e method for quantifying disorders of higher neural function.
52 d flow to adequately couple energy supply to neural function.
53 ve disease can cause devastating deficits in neural function.
54 ninflammatory functions that maintain normal neural function.
55 ally as components of higher-level models of neural function.
56 distinct and important roles, for example in neural function.
57  provide the proper chemical composition for neural function.
58 e and repeated engagement with sound changes neural function.
59 able, reproducible, and predictable baseline neural function.
60 C1-PDE4 modulated and likely to regulate its neural functions.
61 MDAR) is known to mediate many physiological neural functions.
62 hetic devices, but also to shed new light on neural functions.
63 ty of E(2) to impact such a diverse array of neural functions.
64 g, which may contribute to androgen-mediated neural functions.
65 he role of these kinases in a broad range of neural functions.
66 trogenic effects affecting smooth muscle and neural functions.
67 silencing of genes involved in many kinds of neural functions.
68  infected neurones might be a failure of key neural functions.
69  hippocampal formation, indicating a role in neural functions.
70 mpacts of DNA breaks on neurodevelopment and neural functions.
71 he gonads including stem cell-associated and neural functions.
72 ral tissues, suggesting that they might have neural functions.
73 sphingolipids impair protein homeostasis and neural functions.
74 h distinct connectivity, gene expression and neural functions.
75 h alterations in subjective, behavioral, and neural functions.
76 estigate further the impact of deployment on neural functioning.
77           Thus WAVE-1 is required for normal neural functioning.
78 portant functions for normal development and neural functioning.
79 uild biologically grounded models of complex neural function?
80             To investigate the role of Ng in neural function, a strain of Ng knockout mouse (KO) was
81 le homeostasis is believed to be crucial for neural function, a systematic analysis of homeostatic co
82 pment of forebrain structures and associated neural functions after puberty.
83 pendent of drug effects, this study assessed neural function among drug-naive youth with a behavioral
84            For comprehensive descriptions of neural function, analysis must extend from examination o
85 , it is remarkable that robust, reproducible neural function and animal behavior can be achieved.
86 dendrocytes, which are vitally important for neural function and axonal integrity, remains unclear.
87 tion of vascular tone is tailored to support neural function and behavior, in this case the drive to
88 rent serotonin (5-HT) receptors that control neural function and behavior.
89 ine (DA) is known to play essential roles in neural function and behavior.
90 d glucose act via K-ATP channels to modulate neural function and behavior.
91 re characterized by altered or inappropriate neural function and behaviour.
92 tical role for CRMP2 in neuronal plasticity, neural function and behavioural modulation in mice.
93 ous stem cell populations, in the context of neural function and cardiovascular biology, in metabolis
94 2+) dyshomeostasis to age-related changes in neural function and cognition.
95 ntal questions about how noise can influence neural function and computation.
96 ically important protein required for normal neural function and for the transport of calcium in epit
97      Extrasynaptic glutamate can also affect neural function and may be neurotoxic, but whether and h
98 ment for Gene Ontology terms associated with neural function and plasticity.
99 ing a new look at RNA-mediated modulation of neural function and raises the possibility that RNAi mig
100 ling preferences correlate with behavior and neural function and remain stable over multiple days.
101 ding how CAEPs change and elaborate on their neural function and representation.
102 ond-scale timing of sensory input in shaping neural function and strongly suggest STDP as a relevant
103  uncover potential strategies for modulating neural function and treating neurological diseases.
104 d (Abeta) deposition leads to alterations in neural function and ultimately to cognitive decline in A
105 tes, whose associated genes are enriched for neural functions and are functionally repressed by Insv.
106  these lipid messengers can regulate several neural functions and behaviors.
107 kephalin signaling pathway regulates various neural functions and can be altered by neurodegenerative
108 ith conserved REST binding are enriched with neural functions and more likely to be upregulated upon
109 orphic brain nuclei underlie gender-specific neural functions and susceptibility to disease, but the
110 le receptors to regulate gene transcription, neural function, and behavior.
111 errelationships between synaptic morphology, neural function, and behavior; and the evolution of nerv
112 onships among these two aggregated proteins, neural function, and brain structure are poorly understo
113 lopmental activation of Shank3 expression on neural function, and demonstrate a certain degree of con
114 tudies to test the effects of aging, injury, neural function, and dentinal repair on its influx into
115 s in neurobiology is how experience modifies neural function, and how changes in the nervous system p
116 atial processing are intrinsic properties of neural function, and specialized timing mechanisms such
117 ay important roles in epidermal development, neural function, and transcriptional regulation, consist
118 imate relation between vascular activity and neural function, and we will emphasize the various roles
119  complex overlearned maladaptive patterns of neural functioning, and must find a way to ally with dev
120  physical activity (PA), cognitive vitality, neural functioning, and the moderation of these associat
121 translating mRNAs that contribute to altered neural function are not known.
122           Resulting measures of cochlear and neural function are quantitatively similar to those seen
123  within PTSD and describe how differences in neural function are related to treatment outcome.
124 l consequences of age-related alterations in neural function are well documented, but less is known a
125 ing neural activations imply that equivalent neural functions are engaged by empathy and direct emoti
126                                 However, its neural functions are largely unknown.
127                        Thus, A(2A)R-mediated neural functions are partially independent of D(2)Rs.
128              GABA regulates most of the same neural functions as E(2), and GABAergic neurons througho
129 ions imply that pain empathy engages similar neural functions as first-hand pain experiences.
130  appropriate environment to allow for proper neural function, as well as protect the CNS from injury
131 , GPC4, CDKL5, and other genes implicated in neural function, ASD, or both.
132 o face and gaze stimuli to better understand neural functioning associated with social perception in
133  revealed dysregulated expression of several neural function-associated genes, and PC4 was consistent
134 this test may also result from inhibition of neural functions because of brain hypothermia due to bod
135 ater, may result from dramatic inhibition of neural functions because of severe brain hypothermia.
136 in depression; despite such acute effects on neural function, behavioral modification may require mor
137                        Although parallels in neural functioning between obesity and substance depende
138 n solubility, which in turn might compromise neural function by damaging the neuronal cytoskeleton.
139          Although autophagy maintains normal neural function by degrading misfolded proteins, little
140 n of approximately 1,000 genes important for neural functions by in situ hybridization at a cellular
141 n of both synaptic transmission and auditory neural function can be associated with abnormal loudness
142                    A deeper understanding of neural function can be gained by bringing control to end
143                       Homeostatic control of neural function can be mediated by the regulation of ion
144                         These differences in neural function correlated significantly with hoarding s
145 injury (including to gray and white matter), neural function (cortical function and cortical connecti
146 srupted lead to specific neuroanatomical and neural function defects.
147 ceptor has in the modulation of a particular neural function differs depending on brain region.
148  microarray analysis on animals with altered neural function due to mutation in npr-1 shows an enrich
149 amined how aging and Abeta deposition affect neural function during memory encoding of visual scenes
150   The ability of sequence variants to affect neural function either alone or in concert may reveal ef
151 minish redundancy and increase efficiency of neural function, fine-tuning of excitatory and inhibitor
152 f MeCP2 in regulation of BDNF expression and neural function, focusing on NG neurons and respiratory
153 aken together, these results suggest a novel neural function for Cdx proteins within the gene regulat
154 ferase; EC [EC])] are revealing key neural functions for the complex gangliosides of brain.
155  possible to dissociate the roles of FMRP in neural function from developmental dysregulation, and th
156 anscription factors, signaling proteins, and neural function genes was analyzed using multi-label con
157                                  Analysis of neural function genes, including those encoding peptide
158 p between the integrity of neural tissue and neural function has not been previously investigated.
159 ecular basis for this age-related decline in neural function has yet to be defined clearly.
160 n synaptic transmission, and their impact on neural function, has not been resolved.
161    As limitations in energy supply constrain neural function, high-probability release sites might am
162 elination of the CNS is necessary to restore neural function in a number of demyelinating conditions.
163  reports ERK activity during development and neural function in diverse cell contexts in Caenorhabdit
164      Here we show, using temporal control of neural function in Drosophila, that only short-term appe
165  can favorably influence cardinal aspects of neural function in G1D.
166 tribution of different cells and circuits to neural function in health and disease.
167 oral estrogen selectively affects memory and neural function in middle-aged female mice.
168 and white matter structural abnormalities on neural function in mild cognitive impairment.
169 g of cell signal transduction in general and neural function in particular.
170 undant, antipsychotic medications may affect neural function in studies of animals, healthy volunteer
171 function during the day-to-day regulation of neural function in the absence of pathogens and irrespec
172 ological advances permit temporal control of neural function in the behaving fly.
173  this study were to investigate vascular and neural function in the cutaneous microcirculation of AL
174 -24 degrees C) and must maintain appropriate neural function in the face of this perturbation.
175 tigators who have been interested in mapping neural function in the intact CNS.
176 aptic protein composition, spine density and neural function in the striatum.
177 The results provide evidence for compromised neural function in these patients and provide a promisin
178 istic dichotomy between loss and recovery of neural function in visual cortex; CREB function is essen
179 of NMDA receptor trafficking is critical for neural functions in the brain.
180 s in the modulation of various behaviors and neural functions in the Syrian hamster.
181 y expressed in the nervous system, but their neural functions in vivo remain largely unknown.
182 brain, yet relatively little is known of its neural functions in vivo.
183  is critical for establishing all aspects of neural function including learning, memory, and locomoti
184  methylation, have been associated with many neural functions including synaptic plasticity, learning
185 ich is believed to control some of essential neural functions, including information processing, work
186 e, acting via NMDA receptors, regulates many neural functions, including neuronal plasticity.
187 of alcohol and the progression of changes in neural function induced by chronic ethanol consumption t
188                                Understanding neural functions inevitably involves arguments traversin
189 ermittent ethanol (AIE) exposure compromises neural function into adulthood.
190 tions provides a better understanding of the neural function involved in information processing.
191 to determine the effects of marijuana use on neural function involved in reward response.
192 (2)R is required for the A(2A)R to exert its neural function is an open question.
193           Awareness of estrogen's effects on neural function is broadening rapidly.
194 rious noxious stimuli on sensory and enteric neural function is examined.
195 ems, it is poorly understood how lateralized neural function is linked to lateralized gene activity.
196          How single-copy loss of PTEN alters neural function is not understood.
197 nd chemistry ensure that the environment for neural function is optimal.
198                     To better understand how neural function is stabilized during development and thr
199  are expressed in the CNS, but their in vivo neural function is unknown.
200                Calcium signaling critical to neural functions is mediated through Ca(2+) channels loc
201 uitin signaling at synapses is essential for neural function, it has been assumed that synaptic prote
202 re is a factor capable of affecting numerous neural functions, it may be an important variable in the
203  The electrochemical processes that underlie neural function manifest themselves in ceaseless spatiot
204   Estradiol (E(2)) regulates a wide range of neural functions, many of which require activation of es
205          Dioxin exposure alters a variety of neural functions, most likely through activation of the
206             Preclinical studies suggest that neural function, neural injury, and clinical status each
207 brane potential promise to reveal aspects of neural function not detectable by other means.
208 ibular system has access to a broad array of neural functions not typically associated with visuomoto
209       Accordingly, the beneficial effects on neural function of caloric restriction and exercise, whi
210                     To better appreciate the neural function of chemokines in vivo, the role of signa
211 , we used a genetic approach to identify the neural function of DNA-PKcs and the interplay between AT
212 the importance of DNA damage signalling, the neural function of many critical DNA repair factors is u
213                Here, we demonstrate the anti-neural function of phosphatase SCP1 (small C-terminal do
214                                          The neural function of snail is masked by two closely linked
215  The authors examined sex differences in the neural functioning of adults with ADHD during performanc
216        This neuristor exhibits the important neural functions of all-or-nothing spiking with signal g
217                    Thus, we investigated the neural functions of ARID1B during brain development.
218 activity informs theoretical accounts of the neural functions of sleep.
219 xistence of potent mechanisms that stabilize neural function, our capacity to learn and remember woul
220 lasticity and contribute to the stability of neural function over time.
221 ning attention may normalize emotion-related neural function possibly by engagement of the medial pre
222 broaden our understanding of lateralities in neural function, provide insights into how this laterali
223            Accordingly, eCBs are involved in neural functions ranging from feeding homeostasis to cog
224 he impact of astrocytic CN/NFAT signaling on neural function/recovery after acute injury has not been
225                          The degree to which neural functioning reflects individual-level behavioral
226 We find that DMob4 plays a prominent role in neural function, regulating axonal transport, membrane e
227 ms that achieve homeostatic stabilization of neural function remain largely unknown.
228                     Age-related decreases in neural function result in part from alterations in synap
229  could underlie aspects of FXS disruption of neural function.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT FXS is a leading
230 ehavior must arise because of differences in neural function, status-dependent differences in the und
231  populations, which are involved in numerous neural functions such as sleep, fatigue, anxiety, and co
232 erins are likely to play a role in 'generic' neural functions, such as neurite fasciculation, branchi
233 within the nervous system to maintain normal neural functions, such as neurotransmission, within pred
234      Despite the importance of PI(3,5)P2 for neural function, surprisingly little is known about this
235   We discuss the physiologic role of PNNs in neural function, synaptic assembly, and plasticity as we
236 focuses on molecular and cellular changes in neural function that are produced as adaptations to chro
237 est that UPR signaling is a critical step in neural function that is needed for glutamate receptor as
238 n primates have highlighted abnormalities in neural functioning that might underlie the generation of
239 lar matrix, regulate developmental and adult neural functions that are highly relevant to the pathoge
240        Sex steroid hormones regulate various neural functions that control vertebrate sociosexual beh
241 ronmental influences can interact to perturb neural functions that regulate behavior.
242 , immune responses, breast cancer, and other neural functions, these studies add to the basic biology
243 ndogenous brain activity can causally affect neural function through field effects under physiologica
244      Homeostatic signaling systems stabilize neural function through the modulation of neurotransmitt
245 rve neuronal integrity and facilitate proper neural function throughout life.
246 l mechanism through which experience changes neural function to impact future behavior.
247 ion of protein synthesis might disrupt other neural functions to interfere with memory formation.
248     To investigate this, we disrupted normal neural function via repetitive transcranial magnetic sti
249                                              Neural function was assessed with electroretinography.
250 o this proinflammatory cytokine might affect neural function, we examined its effects on cultures of
251                   Among the newly discovered neural functions, we investigated in detail the role of
252 3 PUFAs were as follows: 1) their role is in neural function, which is measured only with difficulty
253  drive stable changes in gene expression and neural function, which may cause several symptoms, inclu
254 ion of proteins, show promise in elucidating neural function with greater precision and flexibility.
255  contributing to estrogen neuroprotection, a neural function with potential therapeutic relevance to
256 =5 is correct) to assess the relationship of neural functioning with performance, participants in thi
257 ersity and connectivities fundamental to our neural functions, yet difficulties in interrogating indi

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