


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 lation in GAD arise from a shared underlying neural mechanism.
2 morphisms in cognitive functions and related neural mechanism.
3 mplications for the underlying cognitive and neural mechanisms.
4  tasks that require planning through unknown neural mechanisms.
5 ether they result from common or dissociable neural mechanisms.
6 n could offer insights into evolutionary and neural mechanisms.
7  forms of vocal plasticity may use different neural mechanisms.
8  attention likely reflect varying underlying neural mechanisms.
9 e and to link them more directly to specific neural mechanisms.
10 the recruitment of excitatory and inhibitory neural mechanisms.
11 ysis and provide insight into the underlying neural mechanisms.
12 ], which facilitates the study of underlying neural mechanisms.
13 c laws of psychophysics and their underlying neural mechanisms.
14 nsider white matter as one of the underlying neural mechanisms.
15 ed, including with respect to the underlying neural mechanisms.
16 on of organismal lifespan or due to specific neural mechanisms.
17 te crucially to feeding behaviour by unknown neural mechanisms.
18 igation abilities share common cognitive and neural mechanisms?
19 S can counter-intuitively influence specific neural mechanisms active for as little as 100 ms during
20                                         What neural mechanisms allow people to comprehend language ac
21 mistakes (post-error slowing [PES]), but the neural mechanism and adaptive role of PES remain controv
22 the methodology in enabling us to define the neural mechanisms and circuitry underlying conditioned r
23 ow pumping is fine-tuned by context-specific neural mechanisms and highlight a key role for inhibitor
24  of this trait to identify specific relevant neural mechanisms and new molecular pathways for working
25 these contextual interactions and underlying neural mechanisms are debated.
26 stem in early infancy suggest that the basic neural mechanisms are in place even before birth.
27  open question whether the same or different neural mechanisms are involved in learning and processin
28   The function of emotion and its underlying neural mechanisms are often left underspecified.
29 e and other escape responses, the underlying neural mechanisms are still not fully understood.
30 ing reward under uncertainty, the underlying neural mechanisms are still unknown.
31 onment, it has remained largely unknown what neural mechanisms are used by the primate auditory corte
32 b impedance during force regulation, and the neural mechanisms associated with that ability.
33                         Hypotheses about the neural mechanism behind WM are currently under revision.
34                                          The neural mechanisms behind such rules are poorly understoo
35 partner-directed response, showing conserved neural mechanisms between prairie vole and human.
36             Collectively, our data uncover a neural mechanism by which olivocerebellar dysfunction pr
37 aging in humans to investigate the mediating neural mechanisms by relating quantitative estimates of
38                    These findings reveal the neural mechanisms by which basic negative Pavlovian infl
39 ese findings provide novel evidence that the neural mechanisms by which LDX acts to improve self-repo
40  brain's reward system, although the precise neural mechanisms by which partners become rewarding dur
41 scuss contemporary results pertaining to the neural mechanisms by which stress alters motivation, ide
42                    However, to elucidate the neural mechanisms by which the brain extracts 3D motion
43     In this study, we examined the potential neural mechanisms by which these effects occur.
44  received some attention in this regard, the neural mechanisms by which this endocrine system may imp
45  from multiple cues [4], and shape-selective neural mechanisms can display cue invariance by respondi
46  is the case, the olfactory system must have neural mechanisms capable of encoding time at intervals
47                              We explored the neural mechanisms contributing to changes in corticospin
48        These findings indicate that distinct neural mechanisms determine whether a decision will be m
49  of brain ongoing activity, which one of the neural mechanisms enabling multisensory integration.
50 and indicate that the genetically hard-wired neural mechanisms enforcing behavioral reproductive isol
51 ns at the level of psychological process and neural mechanism, examining both the limitations to ment
52 ly in temporal brain structures, serves as a neural mechanism for coordinated working memory storage.
53               Here we present evidence for a neural mechanism for feature binding in working memory,
54 sumption phenotype, representing a potential neural mechanism for genetic predilection for alcohol ab
55         Together, our results reveal a novel neural mechanism for innate defensive behavior through m
56 he delivery of reward, providing a potential neural mechanism for maintaining predictions and updatin
57 pects of the behavior, providing a plausible neural mechanism for the implementation of hierarchical
58 nt consolidation of memory, but the specific neural mechanism for this process remains unclear.
59 ing TRPM8, providing a general molecular and neural mechanism for this sensory alteration.SIGNIFICANC
60 g that objects and words share cognitive and neural mechanisms for accessing motor codes.
61              Our findings identify candidate neural mechanisms for economic saving in amygdala and pr
62 tly, the results also indicate an overlap in neural mechanisms for native and new language constructi
63 repetition suppression points to overlapping neural mechanisms for native and new language constructi
64 ing evidence for conservation of lower-order neural mechanisms for processing of ancestral threats ac
65 ates concerning the biological generality of neural mechanisms for processing of complex, emotionally
66 immune system activation, and the underlying neural mechanisms for this detection.
67                                 However, the neural mechanisms for tracking such contextual informati
68 strate the existence of efficient regulatory neural mechanisms governing how complex memory networks
69 ng to behavioral demands, but the underlying neural mechanism has been rarely examined by neurophysio
70           Although several brain regions and neural mechanisms have been proposed to support perceptu
71                    We sought to characterize neural mechanisms in prefrontal cortex associated with c
72        gamma activity can arise from several neural mechanisms in the cortex and hippocampus and can
73 me) and may provide substrates of underlying neural mechanisms in the development of NP.
74 ain activity have demonstrated corresponding neural mechanisms, including norm-based responses reflec
75 has broad implications for understanding the neural mechanisms involved in generating temporal predic
76 findings provide important insights into the neural mechanisms involved in motivating effortful behav
77 close relationship between the cognitive and neural mechanisms involved in parsing the physical conte
78                               To examine the neural mechanisms involved in processing two languages,
79 s outline a disease-avoidance model in which neural mechanisms involved in the detection of disease c
80 g precision and power grip in humans but the neural mechanisms involved remain poorly understood.
81 ition, and motor function but the underlying neural mechanism is poorly understood.
82 , there is a critical need to understand the neural mechanisms mediating anxiety symptoms.
83 her, these findings help to characterize the neural mechanisms mediating cisplatin-induced anorexia,
84              The authors examine whether the neural mechanisms mediating irritability differ between
85 tients undergo chemotherapies each year, the neural mechanisms mediating their side effects are unkno
86 val is driven by attractor dynamics and what neural mechanisms might underpin them.
87 estion of whether schema-related integration neural mechanisms occur during online encoding has yet t
88 yet clear whether schema-related integration neural mechanisms occur during online encoding.
89 e of a diagnosis, we sought to delineate the neural mechanisms of ASD symptoms based on the functiona
90 ssing furthers our understanding of both the neural mechanisms of attention and of cross-modal effect
91                            To understand the neural mechanisms of attention, we must discern how atte
92                  Here we examined underlying neural mechanisms of auditory plasticity deficits using
93 stablish the CeA as a crucial element in the neural mechanisms of cataplexy.
94 nt points to the fundamental function of the neural mechanisms of consciousness in perception.
95                      These results elucidate neural mechanisms of context-dependent pain modulation a
96 f empirical evidence supports this view, the neural mechanisms of cross-modal integration in primary
97                    We studied changes in the neural mechanisms of decision making after errors in hum
98 te, most behavioral neuroscience research on neural mechanisms of decision making has used techniques
99 gnificantly advance the understanding of the neural mechanisms of development of face perception and
100 t proposal with other leading models for the neural mechanisms of economic decisions.
101 of ERP would be useful for understanding the neural mechanisms of extinction in obsessive-compulsive
102 have given us unprecedented insight into the neural mechanisms of false memory, showing that artifici
103                                              Neural mechanisms of figure-ground detection have been a
104 udy evaluates antidepressant-like effect and neural mechanisms of four oleanolic acid derivatives i.e
105 e review emerging evidence on behavioral and neural mechanisms of generalization of emotional learnin
106 ing breakthrough in our ability to study the neural mechanisms of keeping cool when it's hot.
107  linking longevity and metabolic pathways to neural mechanisms of learning.
108               This finding may contribute to neural mechanisms of local enhancement.
109 ce imaging (MRI) assessments, the underlying neural mechanisms of Mn detection remain unclear.
110 ay prove to be a useful tool for probing the neural mechanisms of movement generation in executive fu
111 n cognitive and neural processes, the proper neural mechanisms of negation have not yet been explored
112 re comprehensive framework for understanding neural mechanisms of normal cognition and disease.
113                                          Yet neural mechanisms of performance evaluation remain poorl
114  new and more detailed investigations of the neural mechanisms of planning in the hippocampus and thr
115                            Understanding the neural mechanisms of psychiatric disorders requires the
116 ciations between genotype (5-HTTLPR) and the neural mechanisms of selective attention in preschool ch
117 We review recent progress in identifying the neural mechanisms of selective visual attention.
118                              Deciphering the neural mechanisms of social behavior has propelled the g
119 humans and offer additional insight into the neural mechanisms of spatial navigation.
120 ta represent the first identification of the neural mechanisms of stimulus-specific control associati
121 etter understanding of the psychological and neural mechanisms of the sunk cost effect.
122 crucial for various cognitive functions, the neural mechanisms of these inference processes remain to
123                     To better understand the neural mechanisms of this interplay between sensory proc
124 luation and suggest a major role for gaze in neural mechanisms of valuation and decision-making under
125 nsory pathways, the underlying molecular and neural mechanisms of which now await discovery.
126 actors controlling DLPFC GABA content in the neural mechanisms of WM and its impairments.
127                             The discovery of neural mechanisms of working memory (WM) would significa
128 teasing apart its underlying motivations and neural mechanisms poses a serious challenge.
129 verage optogenetic technologies to elucidate neural mechanisms possibly related to depression, anxiet
130                             The existence of neural mechanisms processing spatiotopic information is
131                          We investigated the neural mechanisms reflecting how the active integration
132  of how social status affects the underlying neural mechanisms regulating decision-making circuits th
133  sex differences were also identified in the neural mechanisms regulating dominance.
134 zophrenia, it has been difficult to identify neural mechanisms related to the genetic risk for this h
135 critically involved in this process, but the neural mechanisms remain obscure, in part due to limitat
136 pends on the hippocampus, but the underlying neural mechanisms remain poorly understood.
137                                          Its neural mechanisms remain poorly understood.
138 y is a common phenomenon, but the underlying neural mechanisms remain unclear.
139 ht changes in musical rhythm, the underlying neural mechanism remains elusive.
140 cataplexy was identified >130 years ago, its neural mechanism remains unclear.
141 a serious lifelong condition, its underlying neural mechanism remains unclear.
142 ival, but an understanding of the underlying neural mechanisms remains elusive.
143                                      Yet the neural mechanism responsible for such adaptive learning
144  schizophrenia posit that dysfunction of the neural mechanisms subserving predictive coding contribut
145 o evidence regarding the time course and the neural mechanisms subserving this modulation.
146 ontextual processing, mediated by ubiquitous neural mechanisms such as adaptation, may be crucial to
147 a-band effects are in line with compensatory neural mechanisms such as increased cognitive control an
148 sks used to understand its psychological and neural mechanisms (such as change detection and continuo
149 tion of self-serving dishonesty and reveal a neural mechanism supporting it.
150 ll body-based cues may help to elucidate the neural mechanisms supporting spatial navigation.
151 erges in infancy, but the development of the neural mechanisms supporting this behaviour is largely u
152 tics can trigger an accelerated onset of the neural mechanisms, supporting the integration of semanti
153  unknown whether the human brain possesses a neural mechanism that attracts people to others whose me
154 est the existence of an efficient regulatory neural mechanism that avoids the formation of cluttered
155 s suggest that exploration is triggered by a neural mechanism that is sensitive to prior less-than-ex
156 ristics of behaviors driven by a lower-order neural mechanism that is specialized for the processing
157                          Here, we examined a neural mechanism that may contribute to such stability,
158                         They also identify a neural mechanism that resets the phase of low-frequency
159                                 Therefore, a neural mechanism that served to reduce response variabil
160 motion processing, and seemingly represent a neural mechanism that serves to implement the distinctiv
161                                   A putative neural mechanism that strongly influences how input elem
162 tic resonance imaging (fMRI) to identify the neural mechanisms that accompany motor performance enhan
163                         Our findings suggest neural mechanisms that analyze global patterns of visual
164 al predictive cues possibly rely on the same neural mechanisms that are involved in multisensory inte
165 cit variable, partial clinical responses via neural mechanisms that are not entirely understood.
166                             Furthermore, the neural mechanisms that compute object approach are large
167 d helped to advance our understanding of the neural mechanisms that control feeding.
168 nificance statement: This work addresses the neural mechanisms that control the speed-accuracy trade-
169                                        Among neural mechanisms that could facilitate it, reduction of
170 gression; however, little is known about the neural mechanisms that directly modulate the motivationa
171                      What are the underlying neural mechanisms that explain age-related sleep disrupt
172                                 However, the neural mechanisms that explain these characteristic feat
173                                          The neural mechanisms that give rise to CE are, however, poo
174  sheds light on the nature and timing of the neural mechanisms that give rise to false detections.
175 key questions that remain in identifying the neural mechanisms that give rise to the selective proces
176 l an evolutionarily ancient strategy for the neural mechanisms that govern daily sleep and wake.
177           However, little is known about the neural mechanisms that govern this behavior.
178                                 However, the neural mechanisms that govern this selectivity have rema
179                                 However, the neural mechanisms that help to optimize how we integrate
180                                          The neural mechanisms that lead to the formation of discrete
181                          We speculate on the neural mechanisms that link sampling of evidence from me
182        This is indicative of the presence of neural mechanisms that may promote resilience, or at lea
183 in) signaling, but little is known about the neural mechanisms that mediate cataplexy.
184 ghts from mouse models can shed light on the neural mechanisms that mediate cognitive functions in hi
185 iques to extend the current understanding of neural mechanisms that mediate pair bond maintenance.
186 esults provide a basis for understanding the neural mechanisms that mediate risky choice and a glimps
187 for the first time in humans, elucidates the neural mechanisms that mediate the effects of real-world
188 sumption of moderate amounts of alcohol, the neural mechanisms that mediate the transition from use t
189 al challenges, but little is known about the neural mechanisms that predict the outcome of such decis
190          Current results shed light onto the neural mechanisms that promote episodic encoding not onl
191  to social threat, little is known about the neural mechanisms that promote self-initiated or 'volunt
192              Early visual experience sculpts neural mechanisms that regulate the balance of influence
193 t versus implicit learning engages different neural mechanisms that rely on different patterns of osc
194                  Understanding the normative neural mechanisms that support early language acquisitio
195 hat extensive behavioral training alters the neural mechanisms that support selective attention.
196                                          The neural mechanisms that support the robust processing of
197                         Here, we studied the neural mechanisms that support the spontaneous change to
198 r and provide guidance for understanding the neural mechanisms that underlie age-dependent reductions
199  work is a potential route to unraveling the neural mechanisms that underlie awareness itself.
200      The comparable results indicate similar neural mechanisms that underlie both the ETS and EAS eff
201 ell-recognized risk factor for dementia, the neural mechanisms that underlie cognitive impairment in
202 pite the perceptual importance of pitch, the neural mechanisms that underlie it remain poorly underst
203  evoked behaviors to facilitate the study of neural mechanisms that underlie naturalistic behaviors.
204   The findings raise new questions about the neural mechanisms that underlie such dynamic representat
205 (MT) area of the macaque monkey to study the neural mechanisms that underlie the behavioral consequen
206 may provide insights into distinguishing the neural mechanisms that underlie the predisposition to dr
207 sults provide novel insight into the dynamic neural mechanisms that underlie the processing of somato
208                    Little is known about the neural mechanisms that underlie these memory processes.
209 little is known about sex differences in the neural mechanisms that underlie these phenomena.
210                                          The neural mechanisms that underlie these processes are not
211 report the first study that investigates the neural mechanisms that underpin RL signals in the brain
212            Therefore, the findings provide a neural mechanism through which the brain may translate i
213 ostulate that bORNs represent an unsuspected neural mechanism through which time can be accurately me
214 mulation and circuit modelling to reveal the neural mechanisms through which a zebrafish performs pho
215 ic architecture of neural phenotypes and the neural mechanisms through which genetic risk for psychop
216 ng to contribute to our understanding of the neural mechanisms through which genetic variation and st
217                            Nevertheless, the neural mechanisms through which inflammation constrains
218                                 However, the neural mechanism to construct such versatile receptive f
219                     These findings provide a neural mechanism to explain longstanding behavioural obs
220     Our results suggest that distinguishable neural mechanisms underlie individual differences in cog
221 e results invite the inference that the same neural mechanism underlies individuation of multiple dis
222                            To understand the neural mechanism underlying early changes in cognitive c
223    Together, these results highlight a novel neural mechanism underlying heightened risk-taking behav
224 ate, with implications for understanding the neural mechanism underlying sleep disruption in response
225      Taken together, these findings detail a neural mechanism underlying the formation of taste memor
226 the subitizing phenomenon to investigate the neural mechanism underlying the individuation of object
227                                     Yet, the neural mechanisms underlying adaptation still remain unc
228                         In recent years, the neural mechanisms underlying affective and cognitive emp
229 from those with major depressive disorder in neural mechanisms underlying anticipation processes.
230  during drinking and feeding suggest diverse neural mechanisms underlying anticipatory regulation of
231  will facilitate deeper understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying ASD.
232 , theories have been proposed to explain the neural mechanisms underlying AV integration.
233           In this study, we investigated the neural mechanisms underlying Bayesian integration using
234          These observations demonstrate that neural mechanisms underlying body protection in TN are a
235 f astrocytes in the nucleus accumbens in the neural mechanisms underlying cocaine seeking.
236 very engaging and can be used to investigate neural mechanisms underlying cognitive functions in more
237  creativity are tightly linked, and that the neural mechanisms underlying creativity may depend on em
238 brain damage on conventional imaging and the neural mechanisms underlying DTD are currently unknown.
239                               We studied the neural mechanisms underlying dyslexia using a simple fre
240                    A better understanding of neural mechanisms underlying effective motor rehabilitat
241 hese data provide evidence for the potential neural mechanisms underlying emotional interference on c
242 son, narratives are ideally suited to engage neural mechanisms underlying episodic memory formation.
243 iGxE research is poised to help identify the neural mechanisms underlying genetic and environmental a
244                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying human motivation are far fr
245                                          The neural mechanisms underlying hunger are poorly understoo
246                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying identity-specific value sig
247               The present study investigates neural mechanisms underlying impaired AER using a combin
248 aming of group membership to investigate the neural mechanisms underlying ingroup altruistic behaviou
249 factor for subsequent alcohol abuse, but the neural mechanisms underlying interactions between stress
250 ith prior neuroimaging work showing distinct neural mechanisms underlying literacy and numeracy, and
251 itechnique approach aimed at elucidating the neural mechanisms underlying memory impairments in aging
252 uestion will expand our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying motivated behaviors.
253                  This research addresses the neural mechanisms underlying multilingual individuals' a
254                  This research addresses the neural mechanisms underlying multilingual individuals' a
255 iarea recording and stimulation to probe the neural mechanisms underlying neuronal computations.
256                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying PA aftereffects are poorly
257 g, and thus allow for a new consideration of neural mechanisms underlying primate social cognition an
258                                          The neural mechanisms underlying recovery of language after
259  and could provide further insights into the neural mechanisms underlying response to antipsychotic t
260                              We investigated neural mechanisms underlying such performance variabilit
261 is a popular experimental model for studying neural mechanisms underlying the acquisition of motor sk
262                                          The neural mechanisms underlying the development and mainten
263 s significantly advance understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying the development of face per
264                                          The neural mechanisms underlying the entrainment of neutral
265                            Understanding the neural mechanisms underlying the overgeneralization of f
266                         Here, we studied the neural mechanisms underlying the prioritized access of d
267                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying the sunk cost effect have n
268                                          The neural mechanisms underlying these associations remain u
269                       Although molecular and neural mechanisms underlying these drives are currently
270                             To determine the neural mechanisms underlying these paradoxical findings,
271                            The molecular and neural mechanisms underlying these sensory functions rem
272 vent or delay dementia in later life but the neural mechanisms underlying these therapeutic benefits
273                                          The neural mechanisms underlying these transitions are poorl
274 ative motion against the ground, and yet the neural mechanisms underlying these visual discrimination
275 ighly negative or aversive outcomes, but the neural mechanisms underlying this aberrant decision maki
276                     To gain insight into the neural mechanisms underlying this ability, we imaged res
277                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying this coordination remain to
278 enhance emotion-regulatory capacity, but the neural mechanisms underlying this effect are unknown.
279                                          The neural mechanisms underlying this functional transition
280                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying this modulation remain poor
281                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, known as i
282                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying this process are still poor
283       Some of the clearest insights into the neural mechanisms underlying this process have come from
284  properties of the moving object, though the neural mechanisms underlying this process remain poorly
285 o provide links for our understanding of the neural mechanisms underlying this type of impulse regula
286                                 However, the neural mechanisms underlying this type of stimulus-contr
287                                      Yet the neural mechanisms underlying timing remain elusive.
288                                 Although the neural mechanisms underlying timing remain unknown, comp
289                                  The precise neural mechanisms underlying transitions between conscio
290                 Understanding the individual neural mechanisms underlying TSP within individuals has
291         These results help us understand the neural mechanisms underlying walking adaptation, and hav
292                                          The neural mechanisms underlying word reading are not well u
293 s not only advances our understanding of the neural mechanisms underpinning normal visuospatial atten
294               However, the computational and neural mechanisms underpinning such learning biases rema
295 sm spectrum disorder; however, the perturbed neural mechanisms underpinning these deficits remain unc
296 date (MPH) enhances sustained attention, the neural mechanisms underpinning this improvement remain u
297 nced by deprivation through the learning and neural mechanisms we propose.
298          To better understand the underlying neural mechanism, we investigated how neurons in the mid
299                                 However, the neural mechanisms whereby impulsivity facilitates the de
300  explored whether sentential negation shares neural mechanisms with action monitoring or inhibition.

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