


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd the role of inhibition, based on our deep neural network model.
2  cognitive task activations in a large-scale neural network model.
3 control task and compared the results with a neural network model.
4 patially extended, conductance-based spiking neural network model.
5 isually guided learning in a self-organizing neural network model.
6 across areas and reproduced by a 'reservoir' neural network model.
7 ation should be abandoned for an integrative neural network model.
8 rn new tasks more efficiently than some deep neural network models.
9 a framework to develop complex and realistic neural network models.
10 true positives for the linear regression and neural network models.
11  gradient training and yields more sensitive neural network models.
12 obabilities, or by a popular class of simple neural network models.
13 nsory biology, phylogenetics, and artificial neural network models.
14 mputer simulations of a recurrent inhibitory neural network model account not only for enhanced respi
15                      We consider a two-layer neural network model and investigate which STDP rules ca
16                                   Using both neural network modeling and concepts from the study of d
17 evelop supervised, multi-task, convolutional neural network models and apply them to a large number o
18          We used a combination of artificial neural network models and behavioral experiments to inve
19 sion, support vector machines and artificial neural network models and demonstrate the ability of our
20 lated the evolutionary history of artificial neural network models and observed an emergent bias towa
21 lasticity research-theoretical (the field of neural network modeling) and neurobiological (long-term
22 ks by changing conductances in a biophysical neural network model, and we investigate how it affects
23 network model response function, and because neural network models are nonlinear, the gradient depend
24 ptic plasticity, embedded in decision-making neural network models, are shown to yield matching behav
25 ist scanning (PAS), a strategy that trains a neural network model based on measurements of cellular r
26                               A hierarchical neural network model based on simple computational princ
27 version of the algorithm, closely related to neural network models based on topographic representatio
28 act (n = 20) were used to successfully train neural-network models based on either presence/absence o
29 veloped a novel probability-based Artificial Neural Network model, called NORF model, using 21 years
30     Conclusion A deep-learning convolutional neural network model can estimate skeletal maturity with
31                                    A Hebbian neural network model captures some aspects of listener p
32             A simple, hedonically structured neural network model captures this computation.
33                            Using a realistic neural network model describing ion mechanisms, we show
34                               A conventional neural network model (e.g., integrate-and-fire) would re
35 d functional clustering in trained recurrent neural network models embedded with a columnar topology.
36 logical network-based regularized artificial neural network model for prediction of phenotype from tr
37                                              Neural network models have also been used to study the l
38 EM dataset and to compare many convolutional neural network models (Inception-v3, Inception-v4, ResNe
39                                              Neural-network models indicate that this form of spontan
40 ary linear threshold circuits (an artificial neural network model) into DNA strand displacement casca
41 and (in press) showed that an extension of a neural network model introduced by N. A. Schmajuk and J.
42                   The C++ source code of our neural network model is available at http://mathbio.nimr
43 he silicon photonic circuit and a continuous neural network model is demonstrated through dynamical b
44                                          The neural network model is derived from a larger model that
45 he training set, the generalizability of the neural network model is limited.
46                                An artificial neural network model is trained to predict compatibility
47                                              Neural network modeling is often concerned with stimulus
48              A common criticism against such neural network models is that it is difficult to interpr
49 thin the broader framework of a mathematical neural network model of associative learning.
50                                            A neural network model of biophysical neurons in the midbr
51                The present article applies a neural network model of classical conditioning to invest
52    The reported data are well described by a neural network model of classical conditioning.
53              Our simulations using a spiking neural network model of cortex reproduce a range of cogn
54           In this work, we extend a previous neural network model of countermanding to account for th
55                                     A recent neural network model of single-neuron integration derive
56 ith attractor network theory, we developed a neural network model of the CA3 with attractors for both
57 These predictions are validated in a spiking neural network model of the OB-PC pathway that satisfies
58            In a Hodgkin-Huxley-based spiking neural network model of visual cortex, we show that modu
59                         Previously described neural network models of cognitive tasks suggest that se
60 s in the medial temporal lobe inform current neural network models of memory, and may lead to a more
61                                              Neural network models of persecutory delusions highlight
62 ne hand and CMR(glc(ox)) on the other allows neural network models of such activity to probe for poss
63                                    Recently, neural network models of visual object recognition, incl
64 lls in the genus Conus can be generated by a neural-network model of the mantle.
65                                 However, the neural network model outperformed even the maximum opera
66 fic at the level of individual synapses, but neural network models predict interactions between plast
67                                          The neural network models predict substructures and toxicity
68 size, grade of vascular invasion, artificial neural network models predicting the likelihood of HCC r
69  by PyMS at dates from 4 to 20 months apart, neural network models produced at earlier times could no
70       The sensitivity is the gradient of the neural network model response function, and because neur
71  from the array data employing an artificial neural network model (root mean square error for testing
72                        In standard attractor neural network models, specific patterns of activity are
73  such plastic synapses are incorporated into neural network models, stability problems may develop be
74                               We developed a neural network model that accounts for this finding as w
75 e favorably with the predictions of a recent neural network model that uses a recurrent architecture
76 or transmission, and can be implemented in a neural-network model that makes testable predictions abo
77                              In keeping with neural-network models that incorporate bidirectional lea
78 class of biologically plausible hierarchical neural network models, there is a strong correlation bet
79                                      We used neural network models to study how context-specific visu
80                           Deep convolutional neural network model trained on natural image sets and a
81                                    Recurrent neural network models trained to perform the task reveal
82            Moreover, current decision-making neural network models typically aim at explaining behavi
83  baseline BNT performance was explained by a neural network model using left and right (1)H-MRS ratio
84 ee approaches applied: (i) CODESSA PRO, (ii) Neural Network modeling using large pools of theoretical
85 ion model, support vector machine model, and neural network model, using a large dataset of verified
86                                An artificial neural network model was developed for the correlation o
87                            A fully recurrent neural network model was optimized to perform a spatial
88 eceiver Operating Characteristic curve for a neural network model was significantly larger than that
89 assessments, a cross-validated probabilistic neural network model was superior and could discriminate
90                                            A neural network model was trained on each donor's pairwis
91                  Using a purely feed forward neural network model, we show that following repeated di
92                                      Through neural network modeling, we further show that a purely g
93  the predictions of the maximum operator and neural network model were not significantly different fr
94                                          The neural network models were built using temperature-const
95  of a strong linear component, a feedforward neural network model with entirely random connectivity c
96                           We also compared a neural network model with multiple regression analysis t
97       The present work describes a recurrent neural network model with probabilistic spiking mechanis
98 n cortex, we test whether a cortical spiking neural network model with such a mechanism can learn a m

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