


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1  development, and induced MCT8 deficiency in neural progenitors.
2  highly diverse progeny through intermediate neural progenitors.
3  proliferation and differentiation of normal neural progenitors.
4  in the specification of lateral and ventral neural progenitors.
5 us differentiation decisions in iPSC-derived neural progenitors.
6 ronal differentiation and apoptotic death of neural progenitors.
7  glia that have been proposed to function as neural progenitors.
8 after asymmetric cell division in Drosophila neural progenitors.
9  while another fraction expressed markers of neural progenitors.
10 their putative target mRNAs in primary human neural progenitors.
11 oding exons, to remove REST prematurely from neural progenitors.
12 s neuronal specification within SLOS derived neural progenitors.
13 s a progenitor state for both mesodermal and neural progenitors.
14 rd, likely arising from mis-specification of neural progenitors.
15 orphogen input to the positional identity of neural progenitors.
16 s the asymmetric segregation of cell fate in neural progenitors.
17 ion and tumors caused by somatic mutation in neural progenitors.
18 a mutations (H1047R and E545K) in developing neural progenitors.
19 expression in Drosophila embryonic or larval neural progenitors.
20 h Pin1 activity promotes REST degradation in neural progenitors.
21 g cells, which represent enteric glia and/or neural progenitors.
22 ivo and on human embryonic stem cell-derived neural progenitors.
23 oma subtypes within differentially committed neural progenitors-a paradigm well established for leuke
24 n of polarized rosette architecture in human neural progenitors after physical or chemical disruption
25  Nestin-Cre-driven deletion of podoplanin on neural progenitors also caused widespread cerebral hemor
26                                              Neural progenitors alter their output over time to gener
27 regional organization of multiple classes of neural progenitor and post-mitotic neurons along the dif
28  (i) studying their biological role in human neural progenitors and (ii) incorporating TF conditional
29 eurogenesis of pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitors and accelerate their functional matur
30 ested, but is present in discrete subsets of neural progenitors and appears to be regulated independe
31 viral) further increased protection of human neural progenitors and astrocytes from ZIKV-induced cell
32 re using human pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitors and brain organoids, fetal tissues, a
33 ines, neural progenitors and diabetic iPSCs. neural progenitors and diabetic iPSCs.
34 ines: three human embryonic stem cell lines, neural progenitors and diabetic iPSCs. neural progenitor
35 l surface molecule, specifically marks mesDA neural progenitors and immature mesDA neurons.
36  cell types were identified as proliferating neural progenitors and immature neurons, both of which c
37                        ZIKV can infect human neural progenitors and impair brain growth.
38           Zika virus (ZIKV) directly infects neural progenitors and impairs their proliferation.
39 onomous and cell non-autonomous functions in neural progenitors and is specifically required in radia
40 he constitutively active PKM1 isoform, while neural progenitors and medulloblastomas exclusively expr
41 different levels, including proliferation of neural progenitors and neuronal differentiation, and sti
42 periments have demonstrated that these trunk neural progenitors and PMPs derive from a common multipo
43 +)T(+) multipotent NMPs and form the bulk of neural progenitors and PMPs of the posterior trunk regio
44  (also known as p53) rescues the survival of neural progenitors and reduces the growth restriction im
45 ine the need for MCT8-dependent TH uptake in neural progenitors and stress the importance of local TH
46                                              Neural progenitors and terminally differentiated neurons
47 ms, involving the generation and movement of neural progenitors and their progeny.
48  neuronal subtypes involves specification of neural progenitors and, subsequently, postmitotic neuron
49  control, reduced number of Ascl1-expressing neural progenitors, and a concomitant increase of Meis1-
50       Loss of ERK1/2 impaired maintenance of neural progenitors as they migrate from the dentate vent
51 e observe cell cycle arrest of proliferating neural progenitors at three distinct stages: during apic
52     Here we identify a brain-region-specific neural progenitor-based signaling pathway dedicated to r
53 rminus of Olig2 is phosphorylated in cycling neural progenitors but not in their differentiated proge
54 g reduction of self-renewal and expansion of neural progenitors by IE2.
55                                     FolR1(+) neural progenitors can be isolated by FACS or magnetic s
56 ogenesis and define the relationship between neural progenitor cell (NPC) behavior and vessel growth.
57                                              Neural progenitor cell (NPC) culture within three-dimens
58 tested the hypothesis whether disturbance of neural progenitor cell (NPC) differentiation into the ol
59      The mechanisms that determine whether a neural progenitor cell (NPC) reenters the cell cycle or
60  Science, Chavali et al. (2017) identified a neural progenitor cell (NPC)-specific RNA binding protei
61 RE5::Fzd8 mice showed marked acceleration of neural progenitor cell cycle and increased brain size.
62 estions regarding its role as a regulator of neural progenitor cell cycle progression in cerebellar d
63  occurs in Down syndrome, is known to affect neural progenitor cell differentiation, while haploinsuf
64 hat complement-derived peptide C3a regulates neural progenitor cell migration and differentiation in
65 s have been identified in the CNS, including neural progenitor cell physiology, astrocyte and microgl
66 critical function in regulation of postnatal neural progenitor cell production in response to Noggin.
67 diate effects of antidepressant treatment on neural progenitor cell proliferation and behavior.
68 es relevant to circuit assembly by affecting neural progenitor cell proliferation and differentiation
69 which in vitro organoid systems recapitulate neural progenitor cell proliferation and neuronal differ
70 l and epigenomic analysis of six consecutive neural progenitor cell stages derived from a HES5::eGFP
71 upporting the recent clinical translation of neural progenitor cell therapy for ALS.
72 knock-out mice in which Bcl-xL is deleted in neural progenitor cells (Bcl-xL(Emx1-Cre)), we show that
73 transcellular transmission in differentiated neural progenitor cells (dNPCs) and neuroblastoma SH-SY5
74 inin coated surface, while the fetal-derived neural progenitor cells (fNPCs) migrated toward the cath
75 human pluripotent stem cell-derived cortical neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) and found that hippeastr
76 and mosquito cells efficiently infects human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) derived from induced plu
77 the production of genetically modified human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs) with familial AD mutatio
78 al differentiation of ReNcell VM (ReN) human neural progenitor cells (hNPCs).
79                                              Neural progenitor cells (NeuPCs) possess a unique nuclea
80 ks the transition from aerobic glycolysis in neural progenitor cells (NPC) to neuronal oxidative phos
81  of FTY720 treatment on the biology of mouse neural progenitor cells (NPCs) after transplantation in
82     We determined that miR-19 is enriched in neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and downregulated during
83   It has been established that ZIKV disrupts neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and leads to embryonic mi
84 sed ZIKV infectivity in both human and mouse neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and led to more severe mi
85  to generate induced pluripotent stem cells, neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and neurons from ASD indi
86  in neural development, we analyzed purified neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and neurons from developi
87 er brain size due to increased cell death in neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and neurons.
88 ion of murine embryonic stem cells (ESCs) to neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and recruits the Mediator
89 of neurogenesis, the number of proliferating neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and the number of young,
90 opment, tight regulation of the expansion of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) and their differentiation
91 othesized that METH impacts HIV infection of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) by a mechanism encompassi
92                   Engulfment of synapses and neural progenitor cells (NPCs) by microglia is critical
93 evelopmental disorders using patient-derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs) can be facilitated by 3D
94  neural differentiation, the HD-iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs) demonstrated lower levels
95 d induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) and neural progenitor cells (NPCs) derived from individuals
96  between self-renewal and differentiation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) dictates neurogenesis and
97                                  The fate of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) during corticogenesis is
98 r-4) expressing central nervous system (CNS) neural progenitor cells (NPCs) from both BD patients com
99                                              Neural progenitor cells (NPCs) have distinct proliferati
100           We also show that MLV infection of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in culture did not affect
101 ted from nestin(+) subventricular zone (SVZ) neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in normal adult mice.
102       Newborn granule neurons generated from neural progenitor cells (NPCs) in the adult hippocampus
103                              Loss of Flna in neural progenitor cells (NPCs) led RGs to undergo change
104 ogical conditions, such as a stroke, trigger neural progenitor cells (NPCs) proliferation and migrati
105  does not significantly alter the pattern of neural progenitor cells (NPCs) specified as neurons at t
106 ons of mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) and neural progenitor cells (NPCs) to comprehensively identi
107 nduced pluripotent stem cells and derivative neural progenitor cells (NPCs) to demonstrate that NF1 g
108  induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cell-derived neural progenitor cells (NPCs) to repair the FTD-associa
109 mediated by the embryonic expansion of basal neural progenitor cells (NPCs) via deregulation of a bet
110 e expression in embryonic stem cells (ESCs), neural progenitor cells (NPCs), and NPC-derived induced
111                                              Neural progenitor cells (NPCs), key players in fetal bra
112 s suggested that ZIKV preferentially targets neural progenitor cells (NPCs), providing an explanation
113 evealed that, in a subset of mouse embryonic neural progenitor cells (NPCs), the cell cycle slows bet
114 n the collective dynamics of cultured murine neural progenitor cells (NPCs), which are multipotent st
115 gestation, the number of 2 types of cortical neural progenitor cells (NPCs)-radial glial cells and in
116 d the role of proteasomes in self-renewal of neural progenitor cells (NPCs).
117 Cs) can originate upon the transformation of neural progenitor cells (NPCs).
118 luripotent stem cell (iPSC) derived cortical neural progenitor cells (NPCs).
119 e/primed pluripotency to multipotent primary neural progenitor cells (NPCs).
120 PSC-derived neurons is conserved in SZ hiPSC neural progenitor cells (NPCs).
121 cell-fate specification of neural stem cells/neural progenitor cells (NSCs/NPCs).
122  injured brain and are critical for altering neural progenitor cells and brain repair.
123  markers in young neurons derived from human neural progenitor cells and human induced pluripotent st
124 tes that an increase in the proliferation of neural progenitor cells and hyper-expansion of cortical
125 l schizophrenia (SZ) hiPSC-derived cohort of neural progenitor cells and neurons.
126 re required to maintain normal production of neural progenitor cells and new mature cholinergic neuro
127 ed pluripotent stem cell-derived NF1 patient neural progenitor cells and Nf1 genetically engineered m
128 ifically, we focus on the use of spinal cord neural progenitor cells and the pipeline starting from p
129  clones and further differentiated them into neural progenitor cells and then astrocytes.
130 ed LncND (neurodevelopment), is expressed in neural progenitor cells and then declines in neurons.
131                          In the spinal cord, neural progenitor cells are directed to differentiate in
132  proper, resulting in premature depletion of neural progenitor cells beginning at E16.5, which preven
133      The conditional knockout (KO) of TFR in neural progenitor cells causes mice to develop progressi
134 ficantly greater number of nestin-expressing neural progenitor cells compared with control cells.
135 d depression-like behaviors, suggesting that neural progenitor cells contribute to the effects of BMP
136 an counteract DISC1 deficiencies observed in neural progenitor cells derived from induced pluripotent
137  a result of defects in the proliferation of neural progenitor cells during development.
138    Nestin, an intermediate filament found in neural progenitor cells during early development and adu
139 tematically profiled transcriptomes of human neural progenitor cells exposed to Asian ZIKV(C), Africa
140  found prominent in the ventricular zone and neural progenitor cells from embryonic day 9.5 to postna
141                               IE2-transduced neural progenitor cells gave rise to neurospheres with a
142                   Allele-specific RNA-seq of neural progenitor cells generated from the female ESCs i
143  maturation of pluripotent stem cell-derived neural progenitor cells generates neurons which are char
144       Human RTT-patient-derived MECP2(R306C) neural progenitor cells had deficits in HDAC3 and FOXO r
145                                 We choose V2 neural progenitor cells in developing zebrafish embryo a
146 ay critical for the onset and maintenance of neural progenitor cells in the embryonic and adult nervo
147 he placenta, and endothelial, microglial and neural progenitor cells in the fetal brain.
148  regulates differentiation and maturation of neural progenitor cells in vitro by orchestrating both c
149 ll markers and Notch target genes in primary neural progenitor cells in vitro Consistent with this, i
150                                 ZIKV infects neural progenitor cells in vitro, though its effects on
151 ta was sufficient to rescue the phenotype of neural progenitor cells in vitro.
152 aR1 on the apical surface of mouse embryonic neural progenitor cells in vivo and on human embryonic s
153 mising strategy to induce differentiation of neural progenitor cells into functional neurons.
154 forelimb function after grafting multipotent neural progenitor cells into sites of SCI.
155                             The attrition of neural progenitor cells involves p53-dependent cell deat
156 ctors (SOX10, OLIG2, NKX6.2) in iPSC-derived neural progenitor cells is sufficient to rapidly generat
157 al that in the embryo, disc1 is expressed in neural progenitor cells of the hypothalamus, a conserved
158 settings, such as in vitro HCMV infection of neural progenitor cells or in vivo murine CMV infection
159 ta from GBM stem-like cells, astrocytes, and neural progenitor cells that are sensitive or resistant
160      During spinal cord development, ventral neural progenitor cells that express the transcription f
161                             RAMA elements in neural progenitor cells were biallelically accessible in
162  model of spinal cord injury, in which human neural progenitor cells were transplanted at the site of
163  mouse embryogenesis drives proliferation of neural progenitor cells within the ventricular zone and
164 nt in zebrafish; knockdown of FURIN in human neural progenitor cells yielded abnormal migration.
165 vival, proliferation, and differentiation of neural progenitor cells, and suggest a basis for its fun
166 eted protein that controls the patterning of neural progenitor cells, and their neuronal and glial pr
167 caused widespread gene expression changes in neural progenitor cells, and together with BAZ1B ChIP-se
168 Here, human embryonic stem (ES) cell-derived neural progenitor cells, endothelial cells, mesenchymal
169 n was examined in neurons derived from human neural progenitor cells, human induced pluripotent stem
170 n (H3K4me2) in EPO treated and control fetal neural progenitor cells, identifying 1,150 differentiall
171                               In gliomagenic neural progenitor cells, IDH1(R132H) expression increase
172 limbic and cortical areas, which also harbor neural progenitor cells, in comparison with the trigemin
173                             Thus, it targets neural progenitor cells, leading to a more severe spectr
174 add to recent evidence in embryonic stem and neural progenitor cells, suggesting a model whereby deve
175 ion and differentiation of adult hippocampal neural progenitor cells, with in vivo expression of acti
176 s that influence the cell fates of embryonic neural progenitor cells.
177 for the early activation of the Sox2 gene in neural progenitor cells.
178 s, and is now found to protect the genome of neural progenitor cells.
179 ma-Secretase regulates fate determination of neural progenitor cells.
180  self-renewal and differentiation of diverse neural progenitor cells.
181 n-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived JNCL neural progenitor cells.
182 ted primarily of neurons with some glial and neural progenitor cells.
183 ts in spindle orientation defects in mitotic neural progenitor cells.
184 nic regions, where SOX9 is also expressed by neural progenitor cells.
185 so with differentiation and proliferation of neural progenitor cells.
186 H1 human embryonic stem cells and H1-derived neural progenitor cells.
187 ines of preclinical studies demonstrate that neural progenitors committed to dopaminergic fate surviv
188 e subjected to neonatal stroke and postnatal neural progenitor cultures, and we analyzed Olig1 expres
189  death and drive aberrant differentiation of neural progenitor cultures.
190 iR-199 or miR-214 expression in iPSC-derived neural progenitors deficient in MeCP2 restored AKT and E
191 ic eminence (LGE) characteristics in nascent neural progenitors derived from hESCs and hiPSCs in a so
192  Furthermore, in SCID mice transplanted with neural progenitors derived from induced PSCs from patien
193                                        Human neural progenitors derived from pluripotent stem cells d
194 of mouse cortical development, in particular neural progenitor development, neuronal migration, neuro
195 es an important role for Wdfy3 in regulating neural progenitor divisions and neural migration in the
196 hromatin bridge formation observed in apical neural progenitors during neurogenesis.
197 d neocortex, which reflects the expansion of neural progenitors, especially basal progenitors includi
198             In the absence of FGF and Nodal, neural progenitors exhibit a default behavior of sequent
199                                AOA2 iPSC and neural progenitors exhibit increased levels of oxidative
200 2 and Olig2 direct repression of alternative neural progenitor fate determinants, an action augmented
201 ecific transcriptional outcomes in mammalian neural progenitor fate specification.
202 the entire transcriptional programs of other neural progenitor fates.
203                       GFP+ cells were mainly neural progenitors for interneurons and not for motoneur
204 mediated chromatin remodeling is required in neural progenitors for proper S-phase dynamics, as part
205  study neurodegeneration in AOA2, we derived neural progenitors from a patient with AOA2 and a contro
206 een in vitro models, including hiPSC-derived neural progenitors from multiple laboratories.
207 f transcription factors (tTFs) in Drosophila neural progenitors generate neuronal diversity.
208                                   Vertebrate neural progenitors have long been known to use both prog
209 rs are bridged with the spinal cord by human neural progenitor (hNP) transplants.
210 gene co-expression network analysis in these neural progenitors identified both previously reported a
211 sses bmp4 expression and maintains eye field neural progenitors in a multipotent state; then, in comb
212 pase-3 activity and protected human cortical neural progenitors in both monolayer and three-dimension
213 oliferation and symmetric division of apical neural progenitors in human and mouse models.
214                         Knockdown of REST in neural progenitors in mice led to precocious maturation
215 rol the proliferation and differentiation of neural progenitors in the adult hippocampal dentate gyru
216   PlexinC1 is selectively expressed in early neural progenitors in the adult mouse DG and mediates th
217   Depletion of Zfp609 or Nipbl from cortical neural progenitors in vivo is detrimental to neuronal mi
218       CitK is phosphorylated on tyrosines in neural progenitors in vivo, and Src kinase directly phos
219   The Blbp-Cre driver that targets embryonic neural progenitors induced tumors exhibiting a large-cel
220 multiple transiently amplifying intermediate neural progenitors (INPs) from a single neural stem cell
221  the developmental potential of intermediate neural progenitors (INPs) generated by asymmetrically di
222                                 Intermediate neural progenitors (INPs) need to avoid both dedifferent
223 euroblasts generate a series of intermediate neural progenitors (INPs) that each produce 4-6 GMCs and
224 eir transit amplifying progeny, intermediate neural progenitors (INPs).
225 loring the factors and mechanisms that drive neural progenitors into a differentiated cell fate in th
226 n of doublecortin-positive adult hippocampal neural progenitors into functionally mature neurons.
227 ndicate that MCT8-dependent TH uptake in the neural progenitors is essential for early events in cort
228 e proliferative defect in Flna and Fmn2 null neural progenitors is rescued by inhibiting Gsk3beta act
229 sults were seen in adult hippocampal-derived neural progenitors isolated from the BACHD model mouse.
230                                              Neural progenitors lacking Lgl1 had decreased N-cadherin
231               Mice with PNKP inactivation in neural progenitors manifest neurodevelopmental abnormali
232 xpressed higher levels of key ectodermal and neural progenitor markers and lower levels of markers fo
233                      Besides expression with neural progenitor markers and midbrain genes including C
234  pluripotent stem cell-derived (PSC-derived) neural progenitors migrate a long distance and different
235 tterning mechanisms discovered in Drosophila neural progenitors (neuroblasts) involve progenitor-intr
236                                 In postnatal neural progenitors, Noggin governs production of OLs ver
237 n increase in the proliferative potential of neural progenitors (NPs) underlies the expansion of the
238 up of transcriptional repressors in distinct neural progenitors of somatic motor neuron and interneur
239  vivo RNAi vector-based knockdown of MCT8 in neural progenitors of the chicken optic tectum, a layere
240 ilar to HARE5 activity, FZD8 is expressed in neural progenitors of the developing neocortex [17-19].
241 urther show that MSI1 is highly expressed in neural progenitors of the human embryonic brain and is m
242 rly, 5hmC is enriched in neurons compared to neural progenitors of the ventricular zone in the mouse
243  non-cell-autonomously inhibits HH-dependent neural progenitor patterning and proliferation.
244  compared to controls, as well as a depleted neural progenitor pool and rapid neuronal maturation.
245 g to increased cell death, which reduces the neural progenitor pool and severely disrupts brain devel
246 ted regulation of Notch signaling within the neural progenitor pool in primates that may have contrib
247  an important role in neural development and neural progenitor pool maintenance.
248 r granule cells and near complete absence of neural progenitor pools in the postnatal dentate gyrus.
249 , we evaluated adult neurogenesis, including neural progenitor proliferation and dendrite development
250 sion of mutant DISC1 in astrocytes decreased neural progenitor proliferation and dendrite growth of n
251 ng cortical development results in defective neural progenitor proliferation and differentiation that
252 ment help negotiate the fine balance between neural progenitor proliferation and differentiation.
253 entified interactions among genes central to neural progenitor proliferation and neuronal differentia
254 e, we describe a novel role for ankyrin-G in neural progenitor proliferation in the developing cortex
255 ure to rats during the most active period of neural progenitor proliferation induces cytoarchitectura
256 he complement activation peptide C5a and the neural progenitor proliferation underpinning formation o
257 nct pathways at apical junctions to regulate neural progenitor proliferation, neural tube closure and
258 nin levels in the nucleus, thereby promoting neural progenitor proliferation.
259 ability to self-renew and exist as quiescent neural progenitors (QNPs) before differentiating into tr
260 minergic SH-SY5Y cells, differentiated human neural progenitor ReNcell VM cells, and primary mouse ne
261 opaminergic SH-SY5Y and differentiated human neural progenitor ReNcell VM cells, as evidenced by incr
262 d a direct cytotoxic effect on human A2B5(+) neural progenitors, resulting in decreased O4(+) and Gal
263  underlying mechanism, demonstrating that LV-neural progenitors secrete a pleiotrophin (PTN)-containi
264  of 5hmC, whereas quiescent or proliferative neural progenitors show low to undetectable levels of th
265                          Mutation-expressing neural progenitors showed misexpression of reelin, which
266  also partially colocalizes with a marker of neural progenitors, SOX2, implying that relaxed or incom
267 eleted BRCA1 in the developing brain using a neural progenitor-specific driver.
268       Together, the data suggest a model for neural progenitor specification downstream of Shh signal
269 ious studies, HCMV was shown to downregulate neural progenitor/stem cell (NPC) markers and induce abn
270                       Here, we show that, in neural progenitor/stem cells (NPCs), which can act as HG
271  HCMV infection reduces miR-21 expression in neural progenitor/stem cells (NPCs).
272 cellular miRNA miR-21 on HCMV replication in neural progenitor/stem cells and U-251MG glioblastoma/as
273                      Genome editing in human neural progenitors suggests that one of these distal sch
274                                     In human neural progenitors, TAF15 and FUS affect turnover of the
275 s newly discovered extrinsic cues regulating neural progenitor temporal identity in Drosophila, highl
276 involve in part a population of 'persistent' neural progenitors that are selectively vulnerable to BD
277                                              Neural progenitors that were differentiated from induced
278 fferentiation and the proliferative state of neural progenitors through regulation of the cytoskeleto
279 es of spinal cord development, Shh specifies neural progenitors through the canonical signaling.
280     This entire process - from pre-patterned neural progenitor to active neuron - takes 3 weeks or le
281                   The timely transition from neural progenitor to post-mitotic neuron requires down-r
282  an essential role in this process, enabling neural progenitors to attain sufficiently high levels of
283 ects in mitosis, but rather the inability of neural progenitors to ever reach this stage.
284 ecent data suggest specific vulnerability of neural progenitors to infection, leading to cell death a
285 intrinsic determinants are thought to act in neural progenitors to specify their identity and the ide
286 ors, to gliogenic radial glia and adult-like neural progenitors, together recapitulating hallmarks of
287                                              Neural progenitors (transit amplifying cells and neurobl
288 tion, and cell cycle parameters of different neural progenitor types, defined by their differential e
289        In the developing retina, multipotent neural progenitors undergo unidirectional differentiatio
290 organization of PcG target genes in ESCs and neural progenitors using 5C and super-resolution microsc
291                           C5aR1 signaling in neural progenitors was dependent on atypical protein kin
292  acute hyperglycemia, later proliferation of neural progenitors was significantly decreased by chroni
293                                              Neural progenitors were organized in niches in the subep
294  neurogenesis to direct apoptosis in cycling neural progenitors, whereas ATM regulated apoptosis in b
295 ontrols the intercalary movements of ventral neural progenitors, whereas Nodal is essential for the c
296  from the spiral ganglion were identified as neural progenitors, which gave rise to neurons, astrocyt
297 ity through gene expression studies in human neural progenitors with altered FOXP1 levels.
298 vealed preferential, productive infection of neural progenitors with either African or Asian ZIKV str
299 stem to track the development of neocortical neural progenitors with targeted mutations in genes link
300 netrin1 mRNA and protein are also present in neural progenitors within the ventricular zone (VZ), rai

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