


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 closure, axial turning and patterning of the neural tube.
2 movements underlying the organization of the neural tube.
3 resolution during morphogenesis of the mouse neural tube.
4 for dorsoventral patterning of the overlying neural tube.
5 es, often manifested in the palate, heart or neural tube.
6 icular zone and floor plate of the embryonic neural tube.
7 rom later-differentiating neurons toward the neural tube.
8 planin, which is expressed on the developing neural tube.
9 tinct subpopulations within the chick dorsal neural tube.
10 al folds, which meet and adhere to close the neural tube.
11 ssed throughout the neural plate and closing neural tube.
12  of Sonic hedgehog in the floor plate of the neural tube.
13 sity at both dorsal and ventral poles of the neural tube.
14 aling-dependent tissues such as the limb and neural tube.
15 of neural progenitors in the mouse and chick neural tube.
16 dentity of major neuronal classes within the neural tube.
17 ogenitors while still residing in the dorsal neural tube.
18 l cell types are not specified in the mutant neural tube.
19 r excitatory neuronal lineages in the dorsal neural tube.
20 istinct progenitor domains in the developing neural tube.
21 ar behaviors underlying morphogenesis of the neural tube.
22  the level from which cells emerge along the neural tube.
23 enitors of both the junctional and secondary neural tubes.
24                            In the vertebrate neural tube, a morphogen-induced transcriptional network
25 ication of neural progenitors in the ventral neural tube, a process known to require a gradient of Sh
26 an alternate strategy-cells of the zebrafish neural tube actively sort to their correct positions fol
27 es a neural plate that, after rolling into a neural tube, acts as the main source of neural progenito
28 is when gene regulatory networks pattern the neural tube along its anteroposterior and dorsoventral a
29  neural crest cells remained adjacent to the neural tube and aberrantly expressed E-cadherin while la
30 -migrating cells, originating from the trunk neural tube and associated with nerve fibres, differenti
31       Given known protective effects against neural tube and cardiac defects, there is no reason to a
32  results in severe patterning defects in the neural tube and defective Hedgehog signaling.
33 R-BI(-/-) embryos fail to close the anterior neural tube and develop exencephaly, a perinatal lethal
34 CEP120 morphants, cilia are shortened in the neural tube and disorganized in the pronephros.
35 ), which is known to guide axons outside the neural tube and interneurons in the cortex, is expressed
36 he generation of motor neurons in both chick neural tube and mouse embryonic stem cells, suggesting t
37 developing embryo and promote closing of the neural tube and other morphologic processes during devel
38  Ssdp2 (Ssdp1/2) are highly expressed in the neural tube and promote motor neuron differentiation in
39 l canonical WNT signaling mechanisms mediate neural tube and retinal vascularization and maintain the
40 ify the Shh gradient in the developing mouse neural tube and show that while the amplitude of the gra
41 11 are required for proper patterning of the neural tube and somites by regulating notochord formatio
42  epithelial cells, as seen in the vertebrate neural tube and the Drosophila ventral furrow.
43 h temporal and spatial precision in both the neural tube and the embryo's enveloping layer epithelium
44  environmental barrier dorsal and lateral to neural tube and the somites that is normally formed by P
45  signals acting along orthogonal axes of the neural tube and this is used to define spatial and tempo
46 gical progression of MMC involves failure in neural tube and vertebral arch closure at early gestatio
47 est cells undergo EMT, migrate away from the neural tube, and differentiate into diverse cell types d
48 ced the contribution of their progeny to the neural tube, and dramatically expanded the unsegmented m
49 long the dorsoventral axis of the vertebrate neural tube, and each progenitor domain generates partic
50 deletion of Dlgh-1 caused open eyelids, open neural tube, and misorientation of cochlear hair cell st
51  cells as they evaginate from the developing neural tube, and null Mitf mutations result in microphth
52 o an important role for Sulf1 in the ventral neural tube, and suggests a mechanism whereby Sulf1 acti
53 how that GPC5 orthologs are expressed in the neural tube, and that inhibiting their expression in fro
54 asts differentiate in close contact with the neural tube, and they never loose contact with the neura
55  developing tissues in mice such as somites, neural tubes, and limb buds.
56 The Drosophila blastoderm and the vertebrate neural tube are archetypal examples of morphogen-pattern
57 nic hedgehog (Shh) patterning of the ventral neural tube as an example, we show that the framework ca
58 red in the carapacial staging area above the neural tube at G16, and differentiated into pigment-form
59 etween the different posterior tissues (e.g. neural tube, axial and paraxial mesoderm, lateral plate,
60 sis at gastrulation, closure of the anterior neural tube, axial elongation and somitogenesis.
61 ed with a morphological change in the dorsal neural tube between stages mature G15 and G16.
62 ifferentiated peripheral sensory neurons and neural tube border cells with the cooperation of neural
63 d observed expression in the developing eye, neural tube, brain and kidney.
64 ially Sox2+ cells can contribute not only to neural tube but also to neural crest and epidermis.
65 ulation, initially resides within the dorsal neural tube but subsequently undergoes an epithelial-to-
66 er of neural crest cells arise from the head neural tube by epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT
67 onsible for the loss of competence of dorsal neural tube cells to generate emigrating neural crest ce
68 DNA methylation in regulating the ability of neural tube cells to produce neural crest cells and the
69 athway mediated by folate compromises normal neural tube closure (NTC) and ciliogenesis.
70 to regulate neural progenitor proliferation, neural tube closure and apical constriction.
71 ZIP12 antisense morpholino knockdown impairs neural tube closure and arrests development during neuru
72 role in the convergent extension that drives neural tube closure and body axis elongation.
73 ts were embryonic lethal and showed impaired neural tube closure and CNCC delamination.
74 K-AKT signaling and AJ biology, required for neural tube closure and CNCC delamination.
75 eta-catenin signaling is required for caudal neural tube closure and elongation, acting through the t
76                        Mechanisms underlying neural tube closure and NTDs may be informed by experime
77 e of canonical Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in neural tube closure and NTDs remains poorly understood.
78 he organization of the neural epithelium and neural tube closure are affected when actin dynamics are
79 ocked, we examined the cellular basis of the neural tube closure defect in mouse mutants that lack th
80 n the organizer and along the axial midline, neural tube closure defects (NTDs) arose and dorsal exte
81                          Folic acid prevents neural tube closure defects (NTDs), but the causal metab
82 w that a decrease in ephrinB2 protein causes neural tube closure defects during Xenopus laevis embryo
83 n lead to human congenital disorders such as neural tube closure defects.
84 lly results in early embryonic lethality and neural tube closure defects.
85     Loss of XTRPM6 produced gastrulation and neural tube closure defects.
86 fects (NTDs), which result from a failure of neural tube closure during embryogenesis.
87  imaging system by following the dynamics of neural tube closure during mouse embryogenesis and revea
88                        The sequence of human neural tube closure events remains controversial, but st
89                                              Neural tube closure has been studied for many decades, a
90 erior across the epidermis, is important for neural tube closure in the invertebrate chordate Ciona i
91                               The process of neural tube closure is complex and involves cellular eve
92                                              Neural tube closure is sensitive to environmental influe
93    Unidirectional zippering is a key step in neural tube closure that remains poorly understood.
94 1 in mouse embryos causes defects in cranial neural tube closure, accompanied by an increase in the p
95                                        After neural tube closure, amniotic fluid (AF) captured inside
96 in pure AF and nascent CSF, before and after neural tube closure, and to define how the AF and CSF pr
97 mplete key developmental processes including neural tube closure, axial turning and patterning of the
98 lar and biomechanical mechanisms involved in neural tube closure, based on studies of various vertebr
99  Apical F-actin is known to be important for neural tube closure, but the precise roles of actin dyna
100 ny morphogenetic events including vertebrate neural tube closure, however, its spatial regulation is
101 ine the mechanisms by which TRPM6 influences neural tube closure, we functionally characterized the r
102 ivator with ED-rich tail 2) is essential for neural tube closure.
103 activation of apical actomyosin required for neural tube closure.
104  sac, and embryo proper, as well as abnormal neural tube closure.
105 ion of de novo thymidylate synthesis impairs neural tube closure.
106 lling and undergo almost complete failure of neural tube closure.
107 ng of the neural plate midline and defective neural tube closure.
108 mbryonic neuroepithelium and is required for neural tube closure.
109  crucial in posterior axis elongation and in neural tube closure.
110 ammals, in contrast to its essential role in neural tube closure.
111 ight genetic and epigenetic contributions to neural tube closure.
112 expansion as a result of uncompleted cranial neural tube closure.
113 ate metabolism, has the potential to support neural tube closure.
114 multiple ectodermal lineages until or beyond neural tube closure.
115 but have distinct and essential roles during neural tube closure.
116 ation of septins governs ciliogenesis during neural tube closure.
117 s exhibiting exencephaly, a severe defect in neural tube closure.
118 bryonic vitamin E to the mouse embryo during neural tube closure.
119  in embryonic vitamin E uptake during murine neural tube closure.
120 sensitive metabolic processes at the time of neural tube closure.
121 ace ectoderm, are required for completion of neural tube closure.
122  namely an increase from two to four ectopic neural tubes, corresponding to the switch in NMP niche,
123             Using rat-chick coelomic grafts, neural tube cultures, and gut explants, we show that ENC
124 ms produced offspring at a rate of 11.3% for neural tube defect (NTD) formation, whereas no embryos i
125  SWV mice strain, susceptible to VPA-induced neural tube defect (NTD).
126 ay be risk factors for having a child with a neural tube defect (NTD); however, the data are inconsis
127 aternal periconceptional NSD use between 334 neural tube defect cases and 7,619 nonmalformed controls
128        Caudal regression syndrome is a rare, neural tube defect characterized by an abnormal developm
129 yos, consistent with a proposed mechanism of neural tube defect prevention through stimulation of cel
130  without the potential for childbearing, and neural tube defect recurrence; and studies conducted in
131                                              Neural tube defect risk was associated with maternal per
132 lted in a high prevalence of severe anterior neural tube defect-associated congenital malformations.
133  nitrogen oxide exposure was associated with neural tube defects (adjusted odds ratio = 1.8, 95% conf
134 udied the association of these patterns with neural tube defects (NTDs) and congenital heart defects
135                                              Neural tube defects (NTDs) are common birth defects of c
136                                              Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the most severe congenita
137                                              Neural tube defects (NTDs) are the second most common bi
138 abetes mellitus in early pregnancy can cause neural tube defects (NTDs) in embryos by perturbing prot
139 rhl2 loss results in fully penetrant cranial neural tube defects (NTDs) in mice.
140  ART has been reported to be associated with neural tube defects (NTDs) in offspring.
141            Mouse models of folate-responsive neural tube defects (NTDs) indicate that impaired de nov
142 ess is susceptible to disruption, leading to neural tube defects (NTDs), a common birth defect.
143 supplementation can reduce the prevalence of neural tube defects (NTDs), although just how folates be
144                                              Neural tube defects (NTDs), including spina bifida and a
145 he risk in infants of birth defects, such as neural tube defects (NTDs), known as diabetic embryopath
146 letion-induced autophagy deficiency leads to neural tube defects (NTDs), similar to those in diabetic
147 vere anomalies of the nervous system, called neural tube defects (NTDs), which are among the most com
148 Folate supplementation prevents up to 70% of neural tube defects (NTDs), which result from a failure
149 ly pregnancy causes birth defects, including neural tube defects (NTDs).
150    High glucose in vivo and in vitro induces neural tube defects (NTDs).
151    PCP signaling gene mutations cause severe neural tube defects (NTDs).
152 suboptimal RBC folate for protection against neural tube defects (NTDs); among nonconsumers of folic
153 s have also been identified in patients with neural tube defects (NTDs); however, the relationship be
154                  The adjusted odds ratio for neural tube defects among those with the highest carbon
155 tural pesticide use has been associated with neural tube defects and autism, but more subtle outcomes
156  similar to the testing/screening method for neural tube defects and common chromosomal anomalies dur
157        Association of folate deficiency with neural tube defects and impact of fortification programs
158  an essential nutrient, increase the risk of neural tube defects and lead to low performance on cogni
159  abnormalities with or without microcephaly, neural tube defects and other early brain malformations,
160 ously reported positive associations between neural tube defects and periconceptional exposure to NSD
161 lly lethal and recapitulates JBTS, including neural tube defects and polydactyly; however, the underl
162  during the periconception period to prevent neural tube defects and to ensure normal brain developme
163                                              Neural tube defects are among the most common congenital
164                                              Neural tube defects are among the most common major cong
165                 Few genetic risk factors for neural tube defects are known in humans, highlighting th
166                                              Neural tube defects are severe congenital malformations
167 lation defects, axial patterning defects and neural tube defects complicating an assessment of the ro
168 from Hungary initiated in 1984, incidence of neural tube defects for folic acid supplementation compa
169 al folic acid supplements reduce the risk of neural tube defects in children, but it has not been det
170 en of childbearing age for the prevention of neural tube defects in infants.
171 ant dam's drinking water on the incidence of neural tube defects in some genetic models.
172 sufficiency on the basis of elevated risk of neural tube defects in women 12-49 y old (e.g., RBC fola
173 fold fusion during neurulation leads to open neural tube defects including spina bifida.
174 ontroversial, but studies of mouse models of neural tube defects show that anencephaly, open spina bi
175 ans to prevent a greater proportion of human neural tube defects than can be achieved by folic acid a
176 on folic acid supplementation for preventing neural tube defects to inform the US Preventive Services
177 ew of the severe congenital malformations - 'neural tube defects' - that result when closure fails.
178 a spectrum of birth malformations, including neural tube defects, a shortened and/or curly tail, no g
179 disposition accounts for most of the risk of neural tube defects, and genes that regulate folate one-
180 ngl2 loss is embryonically lethal because of neural tube defects, and mutations in Vangl2 are associa
181 2, which had been previously associated with neural tube defects, and vitamin B-12 status, as well as
182  during the periconceptional period prevents neural tube defects, animal data suggest that higher sup
183                                              Neural tube defects, harms of treatment (twinning, respi
184           Failure of this process results in neural tube defects, including spina bifida and anenceph
185      Some relate to birth defects other than neural tube defects, neurological functions or varied as
186  death, pneumonia, congenital heart disease, neural tube defects, preterm birth and low birth weight,
187 e 20 individual malformation categories, eg, neural tube defects, transposition of great vessels, ven
188 use model that exhibits folic acid-resistant neural tube defects, we tested the effect of specific co
189 ood fortification are recommended to prevent neural tube defects.
190 s in lamin B1 are susceptibility factors for neural tube defects.
191 genetic basis underlying the pathogenesis of neural tube defects.
192  implications for a population-level risk of neural tube defects.
193 utations in Vangl2 are associated with human neural tube defects.
194 FR) 677C>T polymorphism is a risk factor for neural tube defects.
195  Ozone was associated with decreased odds of neural tube defects.
196 n in the periconceptional period can prevent neural tube defects.
197 sociation of folic acid supplementation with neural tube defects.
198  supplementation provided protection against neural tube defects.
199 in the prevention of many diseases including neural tube defects.
200                                Prevention of neural-tube defects can be achieved with preconceptional
201 e we show that the development of the dorsal neural tube-derived melanoblasts in turtle Trachemys scr
202 lized regions of higher expression along the neural tube, developing brain, craniofacial structures,
203 cluding probes annotated to SKI (involved in neural tube development), ZNF544 (previously implicated
204                             During zebrafish neural tube development, both knockdown and overexpressi
205   Hhip overexpression has a severe effect on neural tube development, raising the question why normal
206  kinase A activation to Shh signaling during neural tube development.
207 l chemical environments found in vivo during neural tube development.
208 ristic hyperpolarization of cells lining the neural tube; disruption of this spatial gradient of the
209 e similar to those present in the developing neural tube, do not support viral replication but instea
210                             In the embryonic neural tube, dorsoventral signaling has emerged as a fun
211                               Closure of the neural tube during embryogenesis is a crucial step in de
212 erior boundary of Hox gene expression in the neural tube during embryogenesis.
213 ersist in the notochord, which underlies the neural tube during neurogenesis but not gliogenesis.
214  the paraxial mesoderm on either side of the neural tube, eventually differentiating into afferent ne
215 he time and distance to first division after neural tube exit were stochastic.
216                      In vitro, Vangl2(Lp/Lp) neural tube explants generated emigrating NC cells, as i
217  isolated from mouse embryonic day 9.5 trunk neural tube explants.
218 he development of many tissues including the neural tube, eye, intestines, and vasculature.
219 ginate during embryonic development when the neural tube fails to close completely.
220 tor 1 (Folr1; also known as FRalpha) impairs neural tube formation and leads to NTDs.
221 ture of the NNE during the dynamic events of neural tube formation by both activating key epithelial
222 including gastrulation in many organisms and neural tube formation in vertebrates.
223                     Here we show that during neural tube formation Rab11-positive recycling endosomes
224 ient mouse embryos exhibit severe defects in neural tube formation, somitogenesis and cardiac develop
225  mechanisms involved in folate action during neural tube formation.
226 phogenetic events including gastrulation and neural tube formation.
227 ure, amniotic fluid (AF) captured inside the neural tube forms the nascent cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).
228     Dorsoventral patterning of the embryonic neural tube gives rise to multiple progenitor cell domai
229 egative Ptch1 mutant in the developing chick neural tube had no effect on Shh-mediated patterning, bu
230 lay, and congenital malformations, including neural tube, heart, and placental defects.
231 bryonic mouse tissues (forebrain, hindbrain, neural tube, heart, limb, and face) at mid-gestation (E1
232            In the developing mouse and chick neural tube, hindbrain serotonergic neurons and spinal g
233 the context of the patterning of the ventral neural tube in response to a gradient of the morphogen S
234 in the p1 progenitor domain of the zebrafish neural tube in response to Sonic Hedgehog signaling.
235                The loss of Tsc1 in the mouse neural tube increases the number of the wild-type neuron
236 otor and interneuron types in the vertebrate neural tube indicates conserved combinations, for exampl
237  and found that its expression in the caudal neural tube is dependent on retinoic acid and Pax6, and
238  a model, we show that, at the junction, the neural tube is elaborated by a unique developmental prog
239 Like many developing tissues, the vertebrate neural tube is patterned by antiparallel morphogen gradi
240  model revealed that the amphioxus incipient neural tube is unexpectedly complex, consisting of sever
241 s, the primordium of the nervous system, the neural tube, is shaped along the rostrocaudal axis throu
242             Global transcriptome analyses on neural tubes isolated from E9.0 EpoR-null and littermate
243 ses affecting multiple organs, including the neural tube, kidney, and brain.
244  example of abnormal patterning of the early neural tube leading to underdevelopment of the cerebellu
245 n6B and FoxD3 expression in the neural folds/neural tube, leading to premature neural crest emigratio
246   The initial rostrocaudal patterning of the neural tube leads to differential expression of Hox gene
247 etry-breaking events that ultimately lead to neural tube-like patterning along the dorsal-ventral (DV
248 elf-organize into primitive patterns such as neural tube-like rosettes in vitro.
249     More recently, biomechanical inputs into neural tube morphogenesis have also been identified.
250 ough ADAM10, and is required for appropriate neural tube morphogenesis in the Xenopus embryo.
251                                     In mouse neural tube, newly specified oligodendrocyte progenitors
252       Whereas SR-BI(-/-) embryos with closed neural tubes (nSR-BI(-/-)) had high levels of reactive o
253  essential role for Geminin during mammalian neural tube (NT) formation and patterning.
254                                              Neural tube (NT) formation in the spinal region of the m
255                   When transplanted into the neural tube of developing chick embryos, iPSCMNs selecti
256 tioned both in cell lines and in vivo in the neural tube of the chick embryo including developing mot
257 l morphogens can be maintained, resulting in neural tube patterning analogous to that observed in viv
258 2 protein expression is downregulated during neural tube patterning and adaptation continues when the
259 . (2016) tackle this issue in the context of neural tube patterning, discovering that differential se
260 in), similar to that operating in vertebrate neural tube patterning, functions to distinguish cell fa
261 ecies that differ in size during the time of neural tube patterning.
262  three key ventral determinants in mammalian neural tube patterning: Nkx2.2, Nkx6.1 and Olig2.
263 ; it is clearly distinct from the restricted neural tube phenotype of Sec24b null embryos and the mil
264 r, Wnt1(Cre2SOR) mutants had an open cranial neural tube phenotype that was not evident in Wnt1(Cre)
265 s per multiciliated cell, and the numbers of neural tube primary cilia; it also led to abnormal devel
266  inactivated Smo, the common Hh receptor, in neural tube progenitors.
267 ication of ventral cell fates throughout the neural tube, reflecting constitutive HH pathway activati
268 echanisms that position motor neurons in the neural tube remain poorly understood.
269                  Formation of the vertebrate neural tube represents one of the premier examples of mo
270 erning the ventral and dorsal regions of the neural tube, respectively.
271 iched in Ptf1a-bound regions in pancreas and neural tube, respectively.
272                         Failure to close the neural tube results in birth defects, with severity rang
273 -of-function studies in mouse NPCs and chick neural tube show that Prox1 is sufficient and necessary
274 in immunoprecipitation analysis in the mouse neural tube showed that endogenous Prox1 directly binds
275                               In the ventral neural tube, sonic hedgehog (Shh) signaling, together wi
276 ly, PRDM13 also ensures a battery of ventral neural tube specification genes such as Olig1, Olig2 and
277 ory along the anterior-posterior axis of the neural tube, the mechanisms establishing the cerebellar
278                            In the vertebrate neural tube, the morphogen Sonic Hedgehog (Shh) establis
279 cts are those affecting the formation of the neural tube, the precursor to the central nervous system
280  embryos, these cells emerge from the dorsal neural tube then migrate long distances to different reg
281 crest (NC) arise at the dorsal aspect of the neural tube, then migrate throughout the developing embr
282                         After closure of the neural tube, these cells undergo an epithelial-to-mesenc
283 ry showed strong expression of hFOXA2 in the neural tube, third ventricle, diencephalon and pancreas.
284 wo mechanisms are combined in the vertebrate neural tube to increase the range of cell types and deli
285 NC) cells, which migrate from the developing neural tube to populate vertebrate craniofacial structur
286 ral crest cells (NCCs) that migrate from the neural tube to target tissue destinations.
287 neural crest cells (crNCCs) migrate from the neural tube to the pharyngeal arches (PAs) of the develo
288 rvous system migrate ventrally away from the neural tube toward and along the primitive gut.
289 l targets genome-wide in the embryonic mouse neural tube using ChIP-Seq and RNA-Seq.
290  abnormal bulbous cilia associated with mild neural tube ventralization.
291  of Sox2 or Pax7 alters the apportionment of neural tube versus neural crest fates.
292       Using in toto imaging of the zebrafish neural tube, we analyzed specification patterns and move
293            By measuring cell polarity in the neural tube, we find that bbs7 activity is not required
294 g high-resolution live-cell imaging in chick neural tube, we uncover a form of cell subdivision that
295  sonic hedgehog, and Notch) that pattern the neural tube were sequentially perturbed to identify an o
296 to anteriorize 5 Hoxa gene expression in the neural tube when inserted into a HoxA BAC reporter.
297  is localized to the embryonic ventrolateral neural tube where motor neurons arise.
298            Cardiac NCs derive from the vagal neural tube, which also gives rise to enteric NCs that c
299  of the neural plate invaginates to form the neural tube, which expands to form the brain and spinal
300 continuity between the primary and secondary neural tubes while supplying all neural progenitors of b

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