


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ttle is known about how this is accomplished neurally.
2 ssed nonneurally, whereas dTdc2 is expressed neurally.
3 g mechanisms were separable behaviorally and neurally.
4 n about how this computation is accomplished neurally.
5 uence reward learning: both behaviorally and neurally, A homozygotes showed stress-induced reward lea
6 coded by the nervous system and the roles of neurally active hormones in both processes.
7                                              Neurally, activity in the anterior insula, a region know
8                         Pressure support and neurally adjusted ventilator assist delivered, each, at
9 as titrated to a target Vt of 6 ml/kg during neurally adjusted ventilatory assist (NAVA).
10                                         Both neurally adjusted ventilatory assist and a noninvasive m
11          Tidal variability was higher during neurally adjusted ventilatory assist and ineffective eff
12    Inspiratory time in excess was shorter in neurally adjusted ventilatory assist and PSV-NIV+ than i
13 x influenced by leaks was insignificant with neurally adjusted ventilatory assist and significantly l
14 ovel modes of mechanical ventilation such as neurally adjusted ventilatory assist are feasible and im
15 ng from acute respiratory failure, levels of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist between 0.5 and 2.5
16 plying both pressure support ventilation and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist during wakefulness
17  to assess the potential clinical benefit of neurally adjusted ventilatory assist in patients receivi
18 imilar levels of unloading were observed for neurally adjusted ventilatory assist levels from 0.5 cm
19 ere consecutively applied in a random order: neurally adjusted ventilatory assist levels: 0.5, 1, 1.5
20                                              Neurally adjusted ventilatory assist provides better pat
21 cal ventilation algorithm but was shorter in neurally adjusted ventilatory assist than in pressure su
22 ion algorithm but was significantly lower in neurally adjusted ventilatory assist than in pressure su
23 nical ventilation algorithm (NAVA-NIV-), and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist with a noninvasive
24 mechanical ventilation algorithm (PSV-NIV+), neurally adjusted ventilatory assist without a noninvasi
25                                           In neurally adjusted ventilatory assist, double triggering
26                                         With neurally adjusted ventilatory assist, ineffective trigge
27    For both pressure support ventilation and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist, the noninvasive me
28 rony during pressure support ventilation and neurally adjusted ventilatory assist.
29        There was more double triggering with neurally adjusted ventilatory assist.
30                               The Drosophila neurally altered carbohydrate (nac) mutant is deficient
31 esented together in a contrasting pair, were neurally amplified more than two-fold.
32 ion of LPS into the lacrimal gland inhibited neurally and adrenergic agonist-induced protein secretio
33 aqueous tear production by 52% and inhibited neurally and adrenergic agonist-induced protein secretio
34             Cephalopod molluscs are the most neurally and behaviorally complex invertebrates, with br
35 valuations of risky options that we measured neurally and the fluctuations in behavioral risk aversio
36         This behavioral effect was reflected neurally, and we show differential sensitivity to learne
37 ) encoding the rat cluster recapitulated the neurally- and endocrine-restricted expression patterns o
38                                              Neurally, APTD attenuated timing-specific activity in th
39 sk shrews require testosterone (T), which is neurally aromatized to estrogen, to induce sexual behavi
40 ficant phenotypic expression of a variety of neurally-associated genes.
41 hat is suitable for human use, indicate that neurally based control of movement may eventually be fea
42                           We present a novel neurally based model for estimating angular velocity (AV
43                                  Autism is a neurally based psychiatric disorder, but there is no con
44          The model provides a computational, neurally based synthesis of prior learning theories that
45 e that leptin is at least in part controlled neurally because anesthesia decreased plasma leptin and
46 h asks how intent information is represented neurally, but little asks how even unintended harms infl
47 es a storage component, which is implemented neurally by areas in the left-hemisphere posterior parie
48 ascular tone during sleep onset are mediated neurally, by regulatory mechanisms linked to the changes
49 and scute (sc) expression defines a group of neurally-competent cells called the proneural cluster (P
50                                We explored a neurally constrained model based on the hypothesis that
51         Earliest movements are myogenic, and neurally controlled muscle contractions first appear wit
52 chnique holds promise for the development of neurally controlled prosthetic devices and provides insi
53                          The need for such a neurally demanding and time-critical strategy for routin
54 ted enhancement of MC number is indirect and neurally dependent.
55                                              Neurally derived Agrin is dispensable for this early pha
56                               In males, this neurally derived estrogen might masculinize a connection
57 ses to estimates of prediction error given a neurally derived expected value for each trial.
58  choroidal circulation, the specific role of neurally derived NO in choroidal vasodilation has not be
59              This study examined the role of neurally derived NO in the control of the choroidal bloo
60                                              Neurally derived NO is responsible for a major component
61 th factor (NGF) and sodium butyrate (NaB) in neurally derived PC12 cells.
62                            However, although neurally derived Shh is in part responsible for the depe
63 ephalic ganglia and the ventral nerve cords, neurally derived signals promote the differentiation of
64 e (PLP) biosynthesis, is absent in liver and neurally-derived tumors.
65 en treatable only with cranially invasive or neurally destructive methods.
66 eory of economic choice and exchange that is neurally detailed, mathematically accurate, and behavior
67 onal induction in NGF-treated PC12 cells and neurally differentiated ES cells.
68 h in spinal cords of transgenic ALS mice and neurally differentiated neuroblastoma (line N2a) cells w
69 ierarchical consequences of performance were neurally dissociable and of comparable salience to monet
70 that these effects are both behaviorally and neurally dissociable at the level of the mPFC.
71 pports formation of motor memory is not only neurally distinct from the slow process, but it shares c
72  body motion processing are functionally and neurally distinct.
73 d the attentional blink paradigm and fMRI to neurally distinguish these two stages of vision.
74 g functions, a functional mushroom body, and neurally driven apoptosis of oocytes through effector ca
75        These data indicate that a circadian, neurally driven release of HSC during the animal's resti
76 ttention to irrelevant stimuli was reflected neurally during the WM maintenance period as an increase
77 ot resolvable at the auditory periphery, are neurally encoded individually in auditory cortex and eme
78 been shown that the tonal rules of music are neurally encoded, but not consciously available in amusi
79 o address how speech sequence statistics are neurally encoded, we used high-resolution direct cortica
80 ated the in vivo modulation by bradykinin of neurally enhanced early angiogenesis in rat models of kn
81                             The new protein (neurally enriched homolog of PTB [nPTB]) is highly homol
82             M-SemF is a membrane-associated, neurally enriched member of the semaphorin family of axo
83 l development, but the specific functions of neurally enriched miRNAs remain poorly understood.
84 uscle synergies, are hypothesized to reflect neurally-established functional muscle groupings that si
85 microM) significantly decreased (50-80%) the neurally evoked contractions of the bladder strips.
86 -activated K(+) (BK) channels prevented both neurally evoked vasodilation (control) and vasoconstrict
87 obulin superfamily proteins and contain many neurally expressed and homeotic genes.
88                                          The neurally expressed genes Brn-3.1 and Brn-3.2 are mammali
89 on were observed for CNTNAP2 and RBFOX1, key neurally expressed genes that have been consistently ide
90 ic changes across development in >97% of the neurally expressed genes.
91                 However, increased levels of neurally expressed P210 or P185 Bcr-Abl but not Drosophi
92 y expressed, neutrally charged isozyme and a neurally expressed, negatively charged isozyme; more pri
93 overed that the region contains a cluster of neurally expressing genes.
94 was achieved by the constant repetition of a neurally generated ballistic-like biphasic pattern of to
95 e constraints have been attributed either to neurally generated commands or to the physical mechanics
96  extraordinary power of a remarkably simple, neurally grounded circuit motif in producing flexible ca
97                                              Neurally, high-anxious marmosets showed reduced amygdala
98                                              Neurally, higher tic severity was associated with enhanc
99 rehearsal of phonological information and is neurally implemented by left-hemisphere speech areas, in
100 chanism for how predictive perception can be neurally implemented.
101   However, it is unclear how this process is neurally implemented.
102 etween different word candidates is resolved neurally in real time.
103 s with the highest BOLD signals may indicate neurally inactive domains rather than active columns whe
104 al secretion via a histamine-independent and neurally independent pathway while they inhibit prostagl
105 (4) transient ventricular ischaemia, and (5) neurally induced AF.
106 her than an anterior sector of the initially neurally induced area, is lost following operation.
107 ptic space after periods of neural activity; neurally induced astrocyte hyperpolarization during Kir
108 achykinin receptors and neurokinin (NK) A in neurally induced contraction of human sigmoid colon circ
109 spectrum (MPS [4, 5]), a recently developed, neurally informed characterization of sounds, we demonst
110 , we propose a set of "first principles" for neurally inspired cognitive modeling of memory retrieval
111 h in rodents suggest that cognitive maps are neurally instantiated by place, grid, border and head di
112 ects rapid flicker and motion, summating the neurally integrated L' and M' 'contrast' signals from th
113  that emotion, motivation, and cognition are neurally intertwined.
114 -specific computations both behaviorally and neurally is crucial for developing complete theoretical
115  proximal segments of feed arteries, thereby neurally "isolating" the muscle from the hamster.
116 s-sectional area x the number of PDBs) among neurally located (tall) hair cells.
117                                              Neurally, looming bias was reflected in an asymmetry of
118                                              Neurally, many components of the mentalizing network-med
119 at allocate costs based on both reported and neurally measured values.
120 etic baroreflex function is not the cause of neurally mediated (pre)syncope in this population.
121 c output and sympathetic vasoconstriction in neurally mediated (pre)syncope.
122  in assessing the mechanism(s) that underlie neurally mediated cardiac syncope (NMCS) in children.
123 ride and mineralocortoid in the treatment of neurally mediated cardiac syncope is attributed to intra
124 posure to nicotine inhibits both the initial neurally mediated component and the later sustained comp
125                                  To evaluate neurally mediated contractile responses, frequency-respo
126              SScIgG significantly attenuated neurally mediated contraction and acetylcholine release
127 al efficiency that might retard the lifelong neurally mediated deposition of Abeta.
128           This modification in the timing of neurally mediated events is amplified by its mechanical
129  more likely than healthy persons to develop neurally mediated hypotension (NMH) in response to prolo
130 interstitial cystitis has been explored, and neurally mediated hypotension has been documented in bot
131 range from transient, occasional episodes of neurally mediated hypotension to progressive neurodegene
132            Proinflammatory cytokines inhibit neurally mediated lacrimal gland secretion.
133     We investigated effects of luminal CT on neurally mediated motor activity in ex vivo male and fem
134 r complex (CMMC) is a rhythmically occurring neurally mediated motor pattern.
135 e is the chronic absence of the spontaneous, neurally mediated movements (motility) that are characte
136 rs to be responsible for atropine-resistant, neurally mediated pancreatic ductal bicarbonate secretio
137 oidance tendencies, either through direct or neurally mediated paths.
138 on of ZD6169, a potassium channel opener, on neurally mediated plasma extravasation in the urinary bl
139 nilloid receptor subtype 1 (VR1), inducing a neurally mediated pressor response, and (2) activation o
140 ggest that the HO pathway may have a role in neurally mediated relaxation of the IAS.
141 d challenges with BK led to tachyphylaxis of neurally mediated responses in subjects with perennial a
142 nges led to tachyphylaxis of sneezing and of neurally mediated serous glandular secretion in subjects
143 Syncope while driving was commonly caused by neurally mediated syncope (37.3%) and cardiac arrhythmia
144 urrence of syncope in patients with presumed neurally mediated syncope (NMS) and documented asystole
145          We hypothesized that Paxil prevents neurally mediated syncope (NMS) by attenuating the sympa
146 essential requirement for the development of neurally mediated syncope (NMS) by manipulating overall
147                                              Neurally mediated syncope has been associated with incre
148              It is increasingly evident that neurally mediated syncope is a heterogeneous group of co
149 ion of syncopal recurrences in patients with neurally mediated syncope is controversial.
150                       The pathophysiology of neurally mediated syncope is poorly understood.
151                                              Neurally mediated syncope is the most frequent cause of
152 l if pharmacological prevention of recurrent neurally mediated syncope is to be placed on a firm foun
153 as only 17% (2/12) of the subjects developed neurally mediated syncope on the midodrine day (p < 0.02
154 olamines evoked by upright tilt in recurrent neurally mediated syncope patients (SYN, 5+/-1 episodes/
155              Cardiac pacing was effective in neurally mediated syncope patients with documented asyst
156  patients (26 TT+ and 26 TT-) with asystolic neurally mediated syncope received a pacemaker.
157  alters autonomic responses that may trigger neurally mediated syncope reflexes.
158 l on the autonomic reflexes in patients with neurally mediated syncope remains unclear.
159  adenosine could facilitate the induction of neurally mediated syncope through its sympathomimetic ef
160  decreases venous capacitance, in preventing neurally mediated syncope triggered by passive head-up t
161                                              Neurally mediated syncope was diagnosed in 279 (43.5%) o
162                                In our study, neurally mediated syncope was the most common type of sy
163 would be effective for the majority who have neurally mediated syncope without significant bradycardi
164 mpathetic activation precedes development of neurally mediated syncope, and if this correlates with a
165 e currently used for prevention of recurrent neurally mediated syncope, especially the vasovagal fain
166 autonomic dysregulation predisposing them to neurally mediated syncope, even in the absence of any bl
167  LV mechanoreceptors has a role in mediating neurally mediated syncope, it is not triggered by LV hyp
168  increased contractility in the mediation of neurally mediated syncope, we compared echocardiographic
169 ebo day, 67% (8/12) of the subjects suffered neurally mediated syncope, whereas only 17% (2/12) of th
170    Twelve patients with history of recurrent neurally mediated syncope, which was reproduced during h
171  Adenosine is effective for the induction of neurally mediated syncope, with a diagnostic yield compa
172 ring head-up tilt in patients with recurrent neurally mediated syncope.
173 s with severe cardioinhibitory tilt-positive neurally mediated syncope.
174 esting is used to establish the diagnosis of neurally mediated syncope.
175 hemodynamic abnormality underlying recurrent neurally mediated syncope.
176 invasive treatment for the relatively benign neurally mediated syncope.
177 ecurrences in patients with severe asystolic neurally mediated syncope.
178 n patients >/=40 years with severe asystolic neurally mediated syncope.
179 peremia and CFR in humans are constrained by neurally mediated vasoconstriction, which can be relieve
180 severe bronchoconstriction, which is in part neurally mediated via the vagus nerve.
181 e potency of WIN in the two organs suggest a neurally mediated viscero-visceral interaction in which
182 t lower esophageal sphincter relaxations are neurally mediated, another school of thought is that tra
183 olonic migrating motor complexes (CMMCs) are neurally mediated, cyclical contractile and electrical e
184 sure or is mediated by a non-adrenergic, but neurally mediated, local mechanism.
185  was to determine whether this dilatation is neurally mediated.
186 cle vascular beds of the forearm that may be neurally mediated.
187                                              Neurally, only relevant reward associations invoked a ty
188                     Expression of ctMLCK pan-neurally or in primarily pCC/MP2 neurons causes these ax
189 acaques simultaneously and applied a simple, neurally plausible decoder to read out the population co
190 D framework, we suggest that it represents a neurally plausible family of mechanisms for model-based
191  single sparse coding model implemented in a neurally plausible network structure (requiring no param
192                         However, to date, no neurally-plausible theory has been proposed that address
193 r Wnt/beta-catenin signaling activity of the neurally predominant DIXDC1 isoform; a subset that hyper
194                                    Levels of neurally produced kynurenic acid are depleted by fasting
195                                              Neurally, re-exposure to objects in the test phase led t
196 ng, we show here that this capacity limit is neurally reflected in one node of this network: activity
197 in enumeration and two to three in vSTM) are neurally reflected in the activity of the posterior pari
198  this response, indicating downregulation of neurally regulated CA secretion.
199                     This stiffness cannot be neurally regulated in quiet standing.
200                                 Responses to neurally released ACh were revealed in Sl/Sl(d) mice by
201  acetylcholine receptor (AChR) clustering by neurally released agrin is a critical, early step in the
202 aptogenesis at the neuromuscular junction, a neurally released factor, agrin, causes the clustering o
203  resulted from stimulation of receptors with neurally released neurokinins.
204 n in vitro and suggest the effect depends on neurally released neuropeptide Y (NPY).
205                                              Neurally released peptides can diffuse long distances to
206 le is known, however, about how we track and neurally represent others' popularity.
207 onal correlates of how intent information is neurally represented for moral judgments, but few studie
208 ttle evidence of how mnemonic competition is neurally represented.
209 acZ gene construct with the NRSE generated a neurally restricted expression pattern consistent with t
210 tors (AChR) at synaptic sites in response to neurally secreted agrin.
211 f mammalian punctin-1 and punctin-2, encodes neurally secreted isoforms that specify the excitatory o
212 rvous system, but the Ca2+ transients during neurally stimulated contraction of intact small arteries
213 tion) or atropine (muscarinic inhibition) on neurally stimulated elevation of [Ca2+]i, MLCK activatio
214 tion in urinary bladder smooth muscle strips neurally stimulated for 3 s.
215 dness were dissociable both behaviorally and neurally: successful versus unsuccessful retrieval was a
216 y colliding with each other or with adjacent neurally suppressed regions.
217             Released signals are transmitted neurally through vagal afferents or humorally as circula
218  drug use to compulsive drug-seeking habits, neurally underpinned by a transition from prefrontal cor
219                                              Neurally, valid compared to neutral retrocues elicited a
220                                              Neurally, viewing social threat resulted in greater emot
221                                              Neurally, we observed an adolescent peak in risk-related
222                                              Neurally, while photographs versus silhouettes elicited
223 photoreceptors, and ever larger eyes [2], or neurally, with summation strategies, which sacrifice acu
224 ar as the cortex, where they are represented neurally without conscious awareness.

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