


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 l injury, and are associated with widespread neuroanatomical abnormalities and adverse early neurodev
2                                              Neuroanatomical abnormalities in gray matter volume in t
3 itive impairments in sustained attention and neuroanatomical abnormalities in the right inferior fron
4 , we were able to determine that the primary neuroanatomical abnormalities that precede dyslexia are
5             Despite increasing evidence that neuroanatomical abnormalities underlie pathological anxi
6 altered vocalization, anxiety-like behavior, neuroanatomical abnormalities, and growth impairment.
7 f the affected cognitive domains, as well as neuroanatomical abnormalities, resemble symptoms and sig
8 delian genotype ratios, and exhibit no gross neuroanatomical abnormalities.
9 d the association between imaging markers of neuroanatomical abnormality and poor cognitive and motor
10             The findings extend a functional neuroanatomical account of disorders characterized by cl
11              However, the specific effect of neuroanatomical aging on the efficiency of economic deci
12 ely define a 4-dimensional categorization of neuroanatomical alterations in mild cognitive impairment
13         Moreover, it remains unclear whether neuroanatomical alterations linked to ADHD are also pres
14 oimaging studies indicate disease-associated neuroanatomical alterations, the behavioural correlates
15                                              Neuroanatomical analysis and two-photon calcium imaging
16                                              Neuroanatomical analysis revealed a reduced density of d
17  The results are discussed with reference to neuroanatomical and behavioral studies of various specie
18                                      The key neuroanatomical and behavioural links bridging vocal lea
19                                 However, the neuroanatomical and biochemical substrates through which
20                 In this study, we tested for neuroanatomical and cognitive endophenotypes in a group
21 motional-affective/motivation) with specific neuroanatomical and cognitive substrates.
22 e context of other brain structures in which neuroanatomical and connectional modularity have functio
23 ent advances in mouse genetics combined with neuroanatomical and electrophysiological techniques have
24 entiviral re-expression, in combination with neuroanatomical and electrophysiological techniques, hav
25 isms that mediate these effects by employing neuroanatomical and electrophysiological techniques.
26 inherited transgenerationally at behavioral, neuroanatomical and epigenetic levels.
27 derstood why tauopathies vary greatly in the neuroanatomical and histopathological patterns of tau ag
28                       In this study, we used neuroanatomical and imaging approaches to delineate the
29                                Here, through neuroanatomical and immunohistochemical analysis, we ide
30 drawal symptom in abstinent smokers, yet the neuroanatomical and molecular bases underlying it are un
31  We report a profound disruption of cortical neuroanatomical and molecular features upon loss of Lhx2
32                      These results provide a neuroanatomical and molecular substrate for relapse beha
33                                     Although neuroanatomical and neurofunctional networks involved in
34 an increasing literature aiming to establish neuroanatomical and neuropathological (e.g. amyloid and
35                                  Functional, neuroanatomical and transcriptional consequences of comp
36 llular analyses coupled to mouse behavioral, neuroanatomical, and molecular phenotyping, we provide m
37 roject (HCP) and an objective semi-automated neuroanatomical approach, we delineated 180 areas per he
38                                        Using neuroanatomical approaches with tract tracing and electr
39 autoantibodies related to narcolepsy using a neuroanatomical array: rat brain sections were processed
40  between orexin and depression, few specific neuroanatomical associations have been made.
41                           In order to assess neuroanatomical associations of performance on auditory
42                                              Neuroanatomical associations were assessed using blinded
43 ere has been recent motivation to search for neuroanatomical asymmetries in nonhuman primates in orde
44 ic plasticity, it has remained unexplored if neuroanatomical asymmetries linked to human language dom
45 pirical existence of this scale, implicit in neuroanatomical atlases, combined with advances in compu
46 the findings suggest candidate cognitive and neuroanatomical bases for these salient but under-apprec
47 dependence in smokers, yet the mechanism and neuroanatomical bases for withdrawal symptoms are unclea
48                                          The neuroanatomical bases of autism spectrum disorder remain
49 hese results provide first glimpses into the neuroanatomical bases of early childhood stuttering, and
50                    We studied the structural neuroanatomical basis for impaired self-awareness among
51  how humans infer hierarchical identity, the neuroanatomical basis for perceiving key social dimensio
52                                  What is the neuroanatomical basis for the decline in brain function
53                   These findings provide the neuroanatomical basis for the interaction between distal
54 agnetic resonance imaging study assessed the neuroanatomical basis for these effects.
55 s of advanced Parkinson's disease, but their neuroanatomical basis is incompletely understood.
56 ly common disorder after stroke, its precise neuroanatomical basis is still unknown.
57  and contribute preliminary evidence for the neuroanatomical basis of individual differences in moral
58 ies addressed this question by examining the neuroanatomical, behavioral, and pharmacological mechani
59 y with predictive probabilities for the male neuroanatomical brain phenotype.
60                               The pattern of neuroanatomical change observed in our alcohol-dependent
61 y has specifically investigated whether such neuroanatomical changes also occur at this level in huma
62 e brain and suggests caution in interpreting neuroanatomical changes as being related to a potentiall
63 ntal illness enables a clearer definition of neuroanatomical changes associated with subsets of human
64                                        These neuroanatomical changes help explain functional phenotyp
65                    Here, we investigated the neuroanatomical changes in a transgenic rat model for a
66                We conclude that fairly small neuroanatomical changes in specific regions of the LFPN
67                                We identified neuroanatomical changes in the brains of mice deficient
68 This conclusion is reinforced by evidence of neuroanatomical changes in the same set of patients with
69                                        These neuroanatomical changes may be critical for the generati
70 use model recapitulates most of the hallmark neuroanatomical changes observed in 22q11.2 deletion car
71 f this transition are unknown, including the neuroanatomical changes that made flight possible [1].
72 dy examined the neurochemical mechanisms and neuroanatomical changes underlying coexisting behavioral
73                                 However, the neuroanatomical changes were not associated with changes
74 r, offspring neuroendocrine, epigenetic, and neuroanatomical changes, in an attempt to determine the
75       Here, our goal is to provide the first neuroanatomical characterization of GFP expression in th
76  effects on energy intake, elucidating a key neuroanatomical circuit driving pathological anorexia an
77 neurons that project to the CeA, outlining a neuroanatomical circuit that is activated by cisplatin.
78 logy, induced by pharmacologic modulation of neuroanatomical circuits using designer receptors exclus
79 dividuals with classical Alzheimer's disease neuroanatomical, cognitive, cerebrospinal fluid biomarke
80   Passive frame theory begins to isolate the neuroanatomical, cognitive-mechanistic, and representati
81                                  The complex neuroanatomical connections of the inferior colliculus (
82                         It also makes strong neuroanatomical connections with areas of the mesolimbic
83 region to region in the brain through direct neuroanatomical connections.
84 at examined white matter measures reflecting neuroanatomical connectivity (fractional anisotropy) in
85 sor imaging/diffusion spectrum imaging-based neuroanatomical connectivity into the brain model, the r
86                    The afferent and efferent neuroanatomical connectivity of the subregions of the hi
87  not reducible to specific brain regions and neuroanatomical connectivity.
88 in network that is inherently present in the neuroanatomical connectivity.
89     The hypothesis is based on a fundamental neuroanatomical constraint: an axon must pass close to t
90 om within sub-cellular, cellular, tissue and neuroanatomical contexts.
91                Our results provide potential neuroanatomical correlates for impaired familiarity perc
92                                          The neuroanatomical correlates mediating vestibular sensatio
93 tricity can provide novel insights about the neuroanatomical correlates of a diverse set of traits, r
94                                              Neuroanatomical correlates of auditory spatial processin
95  Our findings extend previous studies of the neuroanatomical correlates of cognitive and affective em
96            In this study, we investigate the neuroanatomical correlates of dysglycemia in very young
97                     Our study highlights key neuroanatomical correlates of schizophrenia genetic risk
98                        Here, we explored the neuroanatomical correlates of sensation seeking and impu
99  common in children born prematurely, robust neuroanatomical correlates of these impairments remain t
100                              We examined the neuroanatomical correlates of this specific error type i
101 her, these results provide insights into the neuroanatomical correlates supporting the development of
102 sible neurodevelopmental origins but unknown neuroanatomical correlates.
103 d Herculano-Houzel assign power functions to neuroanatomical data and present a model to account for
104                                Building upon neuroanatomical data and studies investigating direct ne
105 lbs of the brain in vertebrates, but no such neuroanatomical data exists for vultures.
106 these considerable advances in connectomics, neuroanatomical data must be integrated with neurophysio
107 he scaling law obtained from the comparative neuroanatomical data, which strengthens the case for the
108 to high-throughput analysis of many forms of neuroanatomical data.
109 s indirect, there is close correspondence to neuroanatomical data.
110 riety of behavioral, neurophysiological, and neuroanatomical data.We argue that these models hold the
111                                              Neuroanatomical defects and abnormal neocortical RZRbeta
112             As a result, the severity of the neuroanatomical defects and learning and memory deficits
113 Overexpression of BBS7 rescues head size and neuroanatomical defects of kctd13 morphants, whereas sup
114                           We first provide a neuroanatomical description of the motoneurons and muscl
115 rmore, disease stage significantly moderated neuroanatomical diagnosis as recurrently-ill patients ha
116                                              Neuroanatomical diagnosis was correct in 80% and 72% of
117 nd current IQ, but little is known about the neuroanatomical differences among these cognitive subgro
118          The challenge was based on supposed neuroanatomical differences between humans and other pri
119 including the psychological, behavioural and neuroanatomical differences between male and female case
120 ort (ADNI) to elucidate the heterogeneity of neuroanatomical differences between subjects with mild c
121                                     Yet, the neuroanatomical differences engendered by population his
122                                 The reported neuroanatomical differences in dyslexia may be causal to
123 (ODD) (comorbidity rates up to 60%) on these neuroanatomical differences is scarcely studied, while O
124 in type 1 diabetes (T1D) describe widespread neuroanatomical differences related to exposure to glyce
125                       Despite these striking neuroanatomical disparities, we observed reliable space-
126 ional genetic techniques has facilitated the neuroanatomical dissection of the melanocortinergic netw
127 us-specific information, questioning assumed neuroanatomical distinctions between storage and control
128            The HF and LF male rats exhibited neuroanatomical distinctions that were not observed in H
129 use of the Mchr1-cre mouse for outlining the neuroanatomical distribution and neurochemical phenotype
130                                 Although the neuroanatomical distribution of catecholaminergic (CA) n
131                  Furthermore, we provide the neuroanatomical distribution of JH receptors in both the
132 BM)-chimeric mice were used to determine the neuroanatomical distribution of peripheral myeloid cells
133 ociation tracts had an anterior and superior neuroanatomical distribution.
134                         The genetic bases of neuroanatomical diversity appear to be relatively indepe
135 tect genetic variants with a large effect on neuroanatomical diversity, but those currently identifie
136 markers within the context of the wide human neuroanatomical diversity.
137 ches that are being creatively combined with neuroanatomical, electrophysiological and behavioral tec
138  Second, our study is the first to integrate neuroanatomical, electrophysiological, and behavioral ev
139                              However, little neuroanatomical evidence consistent with this account ha
140                     Electrophysiological and neuroanatomical evidence for reciprocal connections with
141 and nucleus accumbens (NAc); however, direct neuroanatomical evidence of OT regulation of DA neurons
142                   This study provides strong neuroanatomical evidence that catecholamines are importa
143 ization and integration of results from many neuroanatomical experiments.
144                                          The neuroanatomical extent of the 1953 operation could not b
145 ronic pain is predetermined by corticolimbic neuroanatomical factors.
146                   Recently, a uniquely human neuroanatomical feature has been demonstrated in the str
147                      We describe an atypical neuroanatomical feature present in several primate speci
148 ar cortex is an example of a relatively rare neuroanatomical feature that has become more common in e
149                                              Neuroanatomical features derived from voxel-based morpho
150                         To date, unequivocal neuroanatomical features have been demonstrated neither
151                       We first introduce the neuroanatomical features of AIC and existing findings on
152 tion have been linked to divergence in gross neuroanatomical features of sensory pathways.
153 his neuroblast affects molecular properties, neuroanatomical features, and functional inputs of proge
154 om that of its primate relatives by specific neuroanatomical features, especially the strong linkage
155 hing statistics to be linked to larger scale neuroanatomical features.
156  provides a brief historical review of these neuroanatomical findings, which were relevant to the stu
157           To test the species generality and neuroanatomical foundations of this hypothesis, we asked
158           Adolescence is a time of extensive neuroanatomical, functional, and chemical reorganisation
159                       Because the pulvinar's neuroanatomical geometry makes it unlikely to be a direc
160 ss phyla, mushroom body-like centers share a neuroanatomical ground pattern and proteins required for
161 resses the GLP-1R and represents a potential neuroanatomical hub connecting the nucleus tractus solit
162          The prefrontal cortex is a critical neuroanatomical hub for controlling motivated behaviours
163 strates that the habenula acts as a critical neuroanatomical hub that connects and regulates brain re
164 imensions of our conscious experience, their neuroanatomical implementations were clearly dissociable
165                                      We used neuroanatomical,in vitroandin vivoelectrophysiological,
166                    Our findings suggest that neuroanatomical information may provide generalizable di
167 ology enables the synthesis of molecular and neuroanatomical information through the use of transgeni
168  gene expression data, connectivity data and neuroanatomical information with powerful search and vie
169                                    Preserved neuroanatomical integrity in these networks is associate
170 ences in neurocognitive function and altered neuroanatomical integrity.
171 des the first systematic immunohistochemical neuroanatomical investigation of the systems involved in
172 sis, this study integrates over 5 decades of neuroanatomical investigations into a multiscale, multil
173 prise depends on the integration of previous neuroanatomical knowledge, partly through the developmen
174 led out for special attention in the earlier neuroanatomical literature, we undertook to examine them
175                                          The neuroanatomical localization most likely relates to insu
176                              Elucidating the neuroanatomical localization of LRRK2 will further defin
177 s fNIRS studies have suffered from imprecise neuroanatomical localization, we rely on the most rigoro
178 Mendelian disorders according to the primary neuroanatomical location affected: skeletal muscle, card
179 trodes, and it has been used to identify the neuroanatomical loci and to compute the distance to the
180  such, the mPOA is a logical candidate for a neuroanatomical locus modulating activity in the mesolim
181                      These results provide a neuroanatomical map of NLGN and NRXN expression patterns
182 echanisms of mouse MCH neurons, we performed neuroanatomical mapping and characterization followed by
183                                   Functional neuroanatomical mapping revealed that vagal preganglioni
184 ng genetic neuronal targeting and functional neuroanatomical mapping we tested the hypothesis that pa
185                                  Advances in neuroanatomical mapping, genetically specific neuronal m
186  characterize neurobehavioural correlates of neuroanatomical measures implicated in the pathophysiolo
187    To elucidate the neuropharmacological and neuroanatomical mechanisms underlying this phenomenon, w
188  and instrumental settings involves distinct neuroanatomical mechanisms.
189                                        While neuroanatomical methods enable high-resolution mapping o
190                                       Modern neuroanatomical methods have allowed the identification
191 e used behavioral, electrophysiological, and neuroanatomical methods to demonstrate the feasibility o
192 nt study, physiological, pharmacological and neuroanatomical methods were used to explore the autonom
193 hnical difficulties with currently available neuroanatomical methods.
194 L-R reversals do not necessarily represent a neuroanatomical mirror image.
195                                              Neuroanatomical models hypothesize a role for the dorsal
196 oaches ranging from in vivo imaging to novel neuroanatomical, molecular, epigenomic, and computationa
197                                Here, we used neuroanatomical, neuropharmacological, and chemogenetic
198 rous genomic loci that are associated with a neuroanatomical or neurobehavioral phenotype.
199 ed an experiment to inquire whether specific neuroanatomical or socioecological measures predict succ
200 nt from the motor system, although the exact neuroanatomical origin is unknown.
201 on, Rudebeck et al. provide insight into the neuroanatomical origins of a subset of these signals.
202 f 5HT neurons in the dorsal raphe, a defined neuroanatomical pathway, and a behavioral phenotype that
203 c information is plausibly relayed along the neuroanatomical pathways alluded to above.
204        The presence in primates of dedicated neuroanatomical pathways for specific sensorimotor integ
205                             Furthermore, the neuroanatomical pathways that express NMUR2 and its ultr
206 etely understood but plausibly could include neuroanatomical pathways to and from central vestibular
207 Cre driver lines with expression in specific neuroanatomical pathways within the cerebral cortex and
208                                         This neuroanatomical pattern is consistent with an existing,
209 ted diversity in brain structure, as well as neuroanatomical patterns associated with low or high ASD
210                                Together, our neuroanatomical, pharmacologic, and neuronal activity da
211 between KCTD13, a key driver of the mirrored neuroanatomical phenotypes of the 16p11.2 CNV, and cilio
212 using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-based neuroanatomical phenotyping.
213  an RCT in vivo evidence for the presence of neuroanatomical plasticity in humans.
214            In the present study, spontaneous neuroanatomical plasticity of severed bulbospinal system
215 lt humans provides an opportunity to examine neuroanatomical plasticity resulting from altered sensor
216 lassifier will enable substantially improved neuroanatomical precision for studies of the structural
217 es, rather than dyslexia per se, whereas the neuroanatomical precursors are predominantly in primary
218 ions in the brain, we have characterized its neuroanatomical profile from embryonic stages to adultho
219 atterns: (i) individuals with largely normal neuroanatomical profiles, who also turned out to have th
220 -imaging studies show a relationship between neuroanatomical properties and learning for adults expos
221                                          The neuroanatomical reality of the SNS-SS feedback loops sug
222           The lateral hypothalamus (LH) is a neuroanatomical region essential for appetitive and cons
223 ata highlight the cerebellum as an important neuroanatomical region in alcohol consumption phenotype
224  increased neuroinflammation in at least one neuroanatomical region in dementia patients, most usuall
225 t these call types are processed in distinct neuroanatomical regions and establish a functional link
226 localized, in the absence of Lewy bodies, to neuroanatomical regions mildly affected in Parkinson's d
227 ray matter into ventral, lateral, and dorsal neuroanatomical regions was observed.
228 acetophenone was complemented by an enhanced neuroanatomical representation of the Olfr151 pathway.
229 tion in major depression due to an increased neuroanatomical schizophrenia likeness of these patients
230  brain maturation may strongly impact on the neuroanatomical separability of major depression and sch
231                 Our results demonstrate that neuroanatomical shape can be significantly heritable, ab
232                                              Neuroanatomical shape descriptors, however, can represen
233 omprehensive analysis of the heritability of neuroanatomical shape measurements across an ensemble of
234 be made, are critical in view of their close neuroanatomical similarity to humans in brain regions im
235                    It is encoded in specific neuroanatomical sites that activate a specific repertoir
236                          To examine possible neuroanatomical sources of cognitive deficits, we used a
237                                  To test for neuroanatomical specificity, 16 specific tracts were add
238 patterns specific to developmental stage and neuroanatomical structure.
239 ovel technique to study shape asymmetries of neuroanatomical structures across subcortical and cortic
240 ative dose effect of sex chromosome genes on neuroanatomical structures and cognitive abilities.
241 ourse of Lithium therapy and have identified neuroanatomical structures influenced by norepinephrine.
242 , here we analyse 134 specimens from various neuroanatomical structures of whole autopsy brains from
243 our species coupled with a growing number of neuroanatomical studies across primates provide an unpre
244                                              Neuroanatomical studies and experimental diffusion-anato
245                                              Neuroanatomical studies are rarely frontline news, but t
246 whole-brain data sets has opened the door to neuroanatomical studies at an unprecedented scale.
247                             Nonhuman primate neuroanatomical studies have identified a cortical pathw
248                                              Neuroanatomical studies have long indicated that cortico
249 ly related to functional questions raised by neuroanatomical studies of Ramon y Cajal over a century
250 PHC function in humans have been informed by neuroanatomical studies of these regions obtained in ani
251 he mammalian cerebral cortex in experimental neuroanatomical studies.
252                                  In sum, our neuroanatomical study demonstrates that a small group of
253 ells of the prefrontal cortex, providing the neuroanatomical substrate for a potential interaction.
254                           Here we describe a neuroanatomical substrate for familiarity signaling, the
255 t the goldfish heart possesses the necessary neuroanatomical substrate for fine, region-by-region aut
256 portant for mood disorders and constitutes a neuroanatomical substrate for investigating the underlyi
257 amic area (LHA) was identified as a critical neuroanatomical substrate for motivated behavior.
258    The present study is aimed at providing a neuroanatomical substrate for the function of the lagena
259                          Seeking to define a neuroanatomical substrate for these findings, we showed
260 lucinations in Parkinson's disease and whose neuroanatomical substrates may involve mesial temporal l
261 es and limited sample sizes, findings on the neuroanatomical substrates of ADHD have shown considerab
262 iousness achieves this function, and (c) the neuroanatomical substrates of conscious processes.
263  potentials and structural MRI to reveal the neuroanatomical substrates of early status recognition.
264 se three systems appear to map onto distinct neuroanatomical substrates, and depend on unique computa
265 d nouns and scrutinized their timecourse and neuroanatomical substrates.
266 rability causes developmental alterations in neuroanatomical systems and behaviors that are relevant
267  review summarizes both the efficacy and the neuroanatomical targets for DBS in four common neuropsyc
268  a combination of multichannel recording and neuroanatomical techniques to elucidate the laminar basi
269                          Initial studies use neuroanatomical techniques to reveal that angiotensin ty
270 rain has been assessed previously by several neuroanatomical techniques.
271   The enormous potential of modern molecular neuroanatomical tools lies in their ability to determine
272 these projections, we used new computational neuroanatomical tools to identify 29 distinct functional
273 ues, we made small, single injections of the neuroanatomical tracer biotinylated dextran amine (BDA)
274 ng and electrophysiological mapping to guide neuroanatomical tracer injections into distal digit tip
275                                  We injected neuroanatomical tracers into the primary somatosensory a
276                             Here we employed neuroanatomical tracers to map projections from the clau
277 trode recordings and injected with different neuroanatomical tracers to reveal patterns of thalamic p
278                             Small amounts of neuroanatomical tracers were injected in these represent
279 comparing it against published results using neuroanatomical tracers.
280                Here we used a combination of neuroanatomical tracing and chemogenetic approaches to m
281 ddressed these issues using a combination of neuroanatomical tracing and chemogenetic approaches.
282  vivo and in vitro electrophysiological, and neuroanatomical tracing methods to define midbrain peria
283 ue cortical connectome derived from complete neuroanatomical tracing studies, a recent study in PLOS
284 ct (HC) and low-contact (LC) offspring using neuroanatomical tracing techniques.
285  this system in rats along with conventional neuroanatomical tracing with cholera toxin B to identify
286                                Here, we used neuroanatomical tracing, immunofluorescence, and confoca
287                                        Here, neuroanatomical tracing, immunohistochemical, and behavi
288 ound that 139H is transported along the same neuroanatomical tracks as HY TME, adding to the growing
289 from the peripheral nervous system and along neuroanatomical tracts within the central nervous system
290                       Findings indicate that neuroanatomical traits potentially impacted by bipolar d
291 tative MRI technique to better elucidate the neuroanatomical underpinnings of individual differences
292  and to identify the patterns of sex-related neuroanatomical variability associated with low or high
293                    Moreover, the patterns of neuroanatomical variability carrying low or high ASD pro
294 n about how genetic variation contributes to neuroanatomical variability, and whether particular geno
295 sistent, stereotyped procedure may be due to neuroanatomical variation in the patients.
296        We found five independent patterns of neuroanatomical variation that related to clinical facto
297 ssed with the FreeSurfer software to compare neuroanatomical volumes and cerebral cortical thickness
298 and brain morphometry, including subcortical neuroanatomical volumes and regional cortical thickness.
299               In this cross-sectional study, neuroanatomical volumes associated with extinction in ma
300 widespread regions and significantly smaller neuroanatomical volumes, including total gray matter, ce

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