


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 tly studied words produced activity in three neuroanatomically and functionally dissociable neural po
2 n choice that can be doubly dissociated both neuroanatomically and neurochemically at the level of th
3 g" and eating are systematically mapped in a neuroanatomically and neurochemically interactive manner
4 aracterized by a lower fractional anisotropy neuroanatomically associated with localized reduced grey
5 ures relate to cognition and augment classic neuroanatomically based predictions about cognitive and
6  of tau pathology from the injection site to neuroanatomically connected brain regions, and these tau
7 se, the development of tau pathology follows neuroanatomically connected pathways, suggesting that ab
8  anterior cingulate gyrus, which are regions neuroanatomically connected with limbic structures, are
9                                      Here we neuroanatomically defined a key area in the network of b
10                     Previously, we created a neuroanatomically detailed, biophysically realistic comp
11 nt induces CRE-mediated gene expression in a neuroanatomically differentiated pattern and further elu
12 eas transmit leptin-encoded information in a neuroanatomically directional manner.
13 ns of the dopamine system are carried out by neuroanatomically discrete subgroups of dopamine neurons
14 ordinated interaction of computationally and neuroanatomically dissociable processes.
15 be decomposed into three computationally and neuroanatomically distinct factors that were evident in
16 show that heat allodynia is functionally and neuroanatomically distinct from normal heat pain.
17 ndbrain, boundaries separate molecularly and neuroanatomically distinct segments called rhombomeres.
18 the existence of two longitudinally defined, neuroanatomically distinct, and clinically relevant phen
19                  In this paper, we develop a neuroanatomically-grounded model of salt klinotaxis, a f
20 ter the anesthetic dose of ketamine that was neuroanatomically identical to that produced by the suba
21 ower-law scaling behavior is a pervasive but neuroanatomically inhomogeneous property of neuronal dyn
22  first report of a hypothalamic brain region neuroanatomically integrated with song control circuitry
23 njection and functional mapping procedure to neuroanatomically localize and neurochemically character
24  The present study was conducted in order to neuroanatomically localize the effects of (+)-HA966 upon
25                     Most CNS lesions involve neuroanatomically non-eloquent zones that often do not r
26                                              Neuroanatomically, our predictions focused on the orbito
27 ve microarray profiling of approximately 900 neuroanatomically precise subdivisions in two individual
28                                              Neuroanatomically precise, genome-wide maps of transcrip
29         This approach succeeds in uncovering neuroanatomically realistic subregions, with potential a
30                                    Thus, the neuroanatomically selective role that D(1A) receptors pl
31 knowledge of the name of the emotion draw on neuroanatomically separable systems.
32 olic activation in response to ketamine in a neuroanatomically specific manner.
33 onal and glial tau-immunoreactive lesions in neuroanatomically specific nuclei in the basal ganglia,
34                                       We use neuroanatomically structured computational models to inv
35 , by using neurocomputational simulations in neuroanatomically structured models of the perisylvian l
36 meta-analytic results support an elegant and neuroanatomically viable model of the salience of negati
37                                      Using a neuroanatomically well-defined behavior, the acoustic st
38                                              Neuroanatomically, when contemplating beauty, curvilinea

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