


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ercellular spread of the biotinylated tracer Neurobiotin.
2 led extracellularly and juxtacellularly with neurobiotin.
3 h peroxidase, fluorescent dextran amines and neurobiotin.
4 d were labeled by intracellular injection of neurobiotin.
5 ularly filled with horseradish peroxidase or Neurobiotin.
6 nsport of the small molecular weight tracer, Neurobiotin.
7  received a local iontophoretic injection of Neurobiotin.
8 were injected with horseradish peroxidase or neurobiotin.
9 otoneurons were intracellularly stained with Neurobiotin.
10 0, identified by juxtacellular labeling with Neurobiotin.
11 euronal types by juxtacellular labeling with neurobiotin.
12 and label interneurons in laminae I-III with Neurobiotin.
13 iologically and labeled intracellularly with Neurobiotin.
14 als labelled by intracellular injection with neurobiotin.
15 s demonstrated by intracellular injection of Neurobiotin.
16  and stained by intracellular injection with Neurobiotin.
17 ons was studied in single cells labeled with Neurobiotin.
18 unction-permeable tracers Lucifer yellow and Neurobiotin.
19                   Iontophoretic injection of Neurobiotin, a low molecular weight compound that passes
20 82) were filled with the intracellular stain Neurobiotin allowing post-fixation morphological reconst
21 s were made by injecting recorded cells with Neurobiotin and analyzing them quantitatively with a com
22 or ciliary neurons were labeled en mass with neurobiotin and biocytin through nerve roots, dye transf
23 these axons in their target ganglia, we used Neurobiotin and dextran-Texas Red microelectrodes to fil
24 verify cell identity, cells were filled with Neurobiotin and examined using confocal microscopy.
25 s with inspiratory activity were filled with Neurobiotin and found to be closely apposed to substance
26 To investigate this possibility, we examined Neurobiotin and glycine diffusion from AIIs to bipolar c
27 , ON-center parasol cells were injected with Neurobiotin and Lucifer yellow in living macaque retinas
28 ic injection of the anterograde tracers BDA, neurobiotin and PHA-L in the host.
29 ntracellular recording before injection with neurobiotin and preparation for electron microscopy.
30 tracellular recording, before injection with neurobiotin and preparation for electron microscopy.
31  afferents were juxtacellularly labeled with Neurobiotin and sections were stained to show filled neu
32                      They were injected with neurobiotin and shown by light microscopic immunocytoche
33 upling following injection of alpha-GCs with Neurobiotin and the concerted spike activity of alpha-GC
34 ibution: intracellular filling of cells with neurobiotin and visualization of the cells by using eith
35 urons were then intracellularly labeled with Neurobiotin and visualized with 3,3'diaminobenzidine.
36 tarburst cells injected intracellularly with Neurobiotin, and these AMPA receptor subunits were local
37 umbens projection neurons, the advantages of Neurobiotin are utilised in order to reveal the detailed
38 er yellow (Molecular Probes, Eugene, OR) and neurobiotin at E15.5, Cx43(-/-)/Cx50(-/-) lenses retaine
39 he anatomy of fin motoneurons as revealed by neurobiotin backfills and differential staining using fl
40 abel immunocytochemistry in combination with neurobiotin backfills demonstrated that a single cell ex
41                                              Neurobiotin backfills of the vocal nerve in combination
42                                              Neurobiotin backfills were performed on the dorsal cauda
43 ls showed extensive intercellular passage of neurobiotin but little coupling with Lucifer yellow.
44 ional conductances and extensive transfer of neurobiotin, but those expressing CX50R23T did not show
45 ion cells were intracellularly injected with Neurobiotin, cone bipolar cells were immunolabeled, and
46     Intracellular recording and injection of Neurobiotin confirmed that FM1-43 labeled neurons that s
47                 Neurones were recorded using neurobiotin-containing whole cell patch electrodes in a
48 dly in some networks than others relative to Neurobiotin controls.
49                                              Neurobiotin coupling between rods and cones was consiste
50 upported extensive intercellular transfer of Neurobiotin, CX50fs gap junctions were rare, and their s
51 e hundred and one neurons were labelled with neurobiotin during whole-cell recording.
52 g intracellular recording and Lucifer yellow/neurobiotin dye injection methods in the flatmount tiger
53    Micropipette recording with juxtacellular Neurobiotin ejection, linked micropipette-microwire reco
54                        Recorded neurons were Neurobiotin filled and identified as RCs or non-RCs usin
55    However, this provides a method to obtain Neurobiotin-filled cone bipolar cells without the necess
56                                              Neurobiotin-filled dendrites containing GABA received as
57 ogy, we performed whole-cell recordings with Neurobiotin-filled-pipettes in horizontal slices from ad
58 jected with either horseradish peroxidase or Neurobiotin for characterization of its dendrites.
59 erents to be iontophoretically injected with Neurobiotin for subsequent histological analyses.
60 us, when possible, neurons were labeled with neurobiotin for subsequent neurochemical classification
61 ns were confirmed by retrograde transport of neurobiotin from DMN to NSTc.
62                                   The tracer Neurobiotin has revealed many different networks interco
63 stematically compared the transfer of LY and neurobiotin in embryos containing 16-128 cells.
64  connections, we injected parasol cells with Neurobiotin in lightly fixed baboon retinas.
65 d N-(2-aminoethyl)biotinamide hydrochloride (neurobiotin); in contrast, HeLa-Cx45 and HeLa-Cx43(His)(
66                                 Furthermore, neurobiotin injected into individual pacemaker or relay
67 drites of type 2 CA cells and examination of neurobiotin-injected DA cells proved that their vitreal
68                                            A Neurobiotin-injected OFF parasol cell from midperipheral
69                                Intracellular neurobiotin injection revealed that AII amacrine cells a
70                      This has been used with neurobiotin injection to define the passive and firing p
71                                We made focal neurobiotin injections into the midshipman PAG to both m
72     We found that intracellular injection of Neurobiotin into a specific ganglion cell type targeted
73 abeled ganglion cells following injection of Neurobiotin into an amacrine cell.
74 uated by introduction of the tracer molecule Neurobiotin into both neurons (n = 98) and astrocytes (n
75                    In contrast, injection of Neurobiotin into ganglion cells almost always resulted i
76                                 Injection of neurobiotin into the LM and CM confirmed that simultaneo
77                                 Injection of Neurobiotin into the spinal cord revealed that retrograd
78                  Of 57 active, recorded, and neurobiotin-labeled neurons in the lateral hypothalamus,
79                                     Axons of neurobiotin-labeled subicular pyramidal neurons were vis
80 natal mice to allow intrasomal recording and neurobiotin labeling of individual sensory neurons chara
81                                              Neurobiotin labeling of the main auditory end organ, the
82     Cellular morphology was identified using Neurobiotin labeling.
83                              In contrast, no Neurobiotin-labelled VLM respiratory neurones (n = 19) w
84                                              Neurobiotin labelling and rapid Golgi techniques were us
85 d by using focal extracellular injections of Neurobiotin (NB) into the spiral ganglion of the basal c
86 Histology was assessed with a combination of neurobiotin (NB) retrograde labeling of retinal ganglion
87 c connections are detected by trans-synaptic Neurobiotin (NB) transfer and by colocalization of Bruch
88 entral projections of CGRP(+) SP(-) neurons, Neurobiotin (NB) was applied to the C7 ventral ramus and
89 ye Lucifer yellow (LY) and the permeable dye neurobiotin (NB) was applied to the optic nerve stump fo
90                          Focal injections of Neurobiotin (NB) were made into Rosenthal's canal, label
91 ograde labeling of ganglion cells (GCs) with Neurobiotin (NB, a gap junction permeable dye) and Lucif
92 ed by coinjection of Lucifer yellow (LY) and Neurobiotin (NBN) during whole-cell recordings in cochle
93 oaded with the gap junction-permeable tracer Neurobiotin, only superior coding DSGCs exhibited homolo
94 logically, were stained intracellularly with neurobiotin or biocytin.
95 munication was assessed by microinjection of neurobiotin or by double whole-cell patch-clamp recordin
96 ord of the cat by intracellular injection of Neurobiotin or horseradish peroxidase.
97 sting conductance and are highly coupled via neurobiotin-permeant gap junctions, while midline cells
98              Filling AII amacrine cells with Neurobiotin produces labeling of cone bipolar cells by m
99                                              Neurobiotin retrograde transport from the spinal cord co
100 previously established LY-NB (Lucifer yellow-Neurobiotin) retrograde double-labeling technique, in co
101                              The neurotracer neurobiotin showed that extrinsic axons from the left an
102     In retinal microvessels of control rats, Neurobiotin spread hundreds of micrometers from the trac
103                      Under these conditions, Neurobiotin spreads from ON cone bipolar cells into neig
104     Branching patterns and collaterals of 78 Neurobiotin-stained afferents were compared in rats.
105                                              Neurobiotin that was injected into single rods diffused
106 llow intercellular transfer of microinjected neurobiotin; the alanine mutant allowed transfer, but le
107  neurones were identified after injection of neurobiotin through the recording microelectrode: (i) lo
108 r recording methods followed by filling with Neurobiotin to characterize the morphology and physiolog
109 dy, we used the gap junction-permeant tracer Neurobiotin to compare the coupling pattern of different
110 ere, we use the gap junction-permeant tracer Neurobiotin to determine the architecture and coupling p
111 s then injected with the biotinylated tracer Neurobiotin to determine which of the cells were coupled
112 bulin as well as intracellular injections of Neurobiotin to examine varicosities belonging to heart e
113 tment also rescued intercellular transfer of Neurobiotin to levels similar to those in cells expressi
114 ere intracellularly recorded and filled with neurobiotin to map the distribution of VGLUT1 synapses a
115  transfer of the low molecular weight tracer Neurobiotin to neighbouring motoneurones.
116  them with the gap junction-permanent tracer Neurobiotin to provide, for the first time, a comprehens
117 ollowed by dye-filling these same cells with Neurobiotin, to define their morphology by high-resoluti
118                 Photoreceptors showed strong Neurobiotin tracer coupling at night, extensively labeli
119 variability in responses to dim flashes, (2) Neurobiotin tracer coupling, and (3) junctional conducta
120                                          Our neurobiotin tracing results verified earlier studies sho
121 itive charge substitution (CX50R23K) allowed neurobiotin transfer at levels similar to those of wild-
122 both connexins, but it reduced the extent of neurobiotin transfer only in HeLa-Cx43(His)(6) and HeLa-
123 ap junctions were rare, and their support of Neurobiotin transfer was reduced by >90%.
124 ng a 20-fold lower diffusion coefficient for Neurobiotin transfer.
125          When single rods were injected with Neurobiotin, up to 10 rods were labeled.
126 e study population; these were labelled with Neurobiotin using the juxtacellular method, and visualis
127 Two kinds of amacrine cells were filled with Neurobiotin via gap junctions: a large, polyaxonal cell
128      Whereas LY transfer was never observed, neurobiotin was consistently transferred in both ventral
129 re compartments The retrogradely transported Neurobiotin was found in somata, proximal and distal den
130 icantly fewer Muller cells were labeled when Neurobiotin was injected into astrocytes associated with
131 strocytes associated with arteries than when Neurobiotin was injected into astrocytes that were dista
132 extran amine was injected extracellularly or neurobiotin was injected into physiologically identified
133                                              Neurobiotin was injected iontophoretically into saccular
134 l coupling the gap junction-permeant tracer, Neurobiotin, was delivered via patch pipettes into peric
135             Neurons labeled with biocytin or neurobiotin were classified on the basis of their dendri
136 ally silent AH-cells that were injected with neurobiotin were found to be multipolar Dogiel type II n
137 anatomical tracer (horseradish peroxidase or neurobiotin) were made in either the caudal medial acces
138 this study, we made restricted injections of Neurobiotin, which labeled small sectors (300-500 microm
139 intracellularly with the biotinylated tracer Neurobiotin, which was then allowed to diffuse across ga

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