


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bpopulation of Drosophila neural stem cells (neuroblasts).
2 y asymmetrically dividing neural stem cells (neuroblasts).
3 eurons born post-embryonically from the same neuroblast.
4 ation, we used cultures of chick sympathetic neuroblasts.
5 maintained proliferation of MYCN/ALK(F1174L) neuroblasts.
6 1) is required to generate INPs from type II neuroblasts.
7 selectively enriched or repressed in certain neuroblasts.
8 c mechanism controlling delamination of otic neuroblasts.
9 ducts were present in adjacent late IPCs and neuroblasts.
10 n-canonical Wnt signaling in differentiating neuroblasts.
11 f lagging acentric chromosomes in Drosophila neuroblasts.
12 rolled progenitor supply and maturation into neuroblasts.
13 ype, which is typical of immature, migrating neuroblasts.
14 , is observed in proliferating noradrenergic neuroblasts.
15  morphological maturation of differentiating neuroblasts.
16 Discs Large apical localization in metaphase neuroblasts.
17 tence to generate INPs in trx mutant type II neuroblasts.
18 agments generated in Drosophila melanogaster neuroblasts.
19 to suppress the formation of ectopic type II neuroblasts.
20  dedifferentiation of INPs back into type II neuroblasts.
21 cells including transit-amplifying cells and neuroblasts.
22 ntrioles in cultured S2 cells and Drosophila neuroblasts.
23 rom these lips was performed with markers of neuroblasts.
24 ression of fzy suppresses the death of these neuroblasts.
25 that prevents dedifferentiation of INPs into neuroblasts.
26 p/Lin-28+ neuroblasts transition to Syncrip+ neuroblasts.
27 spindle orientation in delaminated embryonic neuroblasts.
28  enhancer in an inactive but poised state in neuroblasts.
29 sibling neurons of single progenitors called neuroblasts.
30 uring asymmetric cell division of Drosophila neuroblasts.
31 Pax-6 orthologue, expressed in mushroom body neuroblasts.
32  rodents, it is mainly composed of chains of neuroblasts.
33 om constitutive Notch activity in Drosophila neuroblasts.
34  gene castor sub-divides its large window in neuroblast 5-6 by simultaneously activating two cell fat
35 entricle had the morphology of very immature neuroblasts, a round shape with no processes, whereas th
36  apoptosis occurred in differentiating (Dcx) neuroblasts, accompanied by reduced newborn neuron survi
37              Loss of orthodenticle from this neuroblast affects molecular properties, neuroanatomical
38 dense plexus of capillaries, with which only neuroblasts, among the entire population of progenitors,
39 inates from the excretory system to become a neuroblast and is replaced by the G2 cell.
40 o the accumulation of actively proliferating neuroblasts and a lethal brain tumor phenotype.
41 red for compact, directional organization of neuroblasts and astrocytes within the pathway and effici
42  partners are expressed by subpopulations of neuroblasts and astrocytes within the SVZ/RMS/OB system
43 ed by ephrins expressed by subpopulations of neuroblasts and astrocytes, is required for compact, dir
44 EphA4 kinase activity resulted in misaligned neuroblasts and disorganized astrocytes in the RMS/SVZ,
45 aRIII, GPC1, GPC3, SDC3, and SDC4, is low in neuroblasts and high in the Schwannian stroma.
46 is ablated in both KIF1Bbeta-deficient mouse neuroblasts and human neuroblastomas that lack KIF1Bbeta
47                            Embryonic type II neuroblasts and INPs undergo quiescence, and produce emb
48 lastoma is characterized by undifferentiated neuroblasts and low schwannian stroma content.
49 ting in dramatic neoplastic proliferation of neuroblasts and massive larval brain overgrowth.
50 ntrol dynamic interactions between migratory neuroblasts and surrounding astrocytes are of particular
51 ue involves immortalizing GAL4 expression in neuroblasts and their descendants.
52   We developed new genetic tools that target neuroblasts and their diverse descendants, increasing ou
53 able to readily distinguish the delaminating neuroblasts and to describe progressive states of gene e
54  tumor suppressor in both neural stem cells (neuroblasts) and epithelia.
55  due to expansion of proliferating embryonic neuroblasts, and Let-7-independent functions are implica
56 lls in 1 tumor and was also discovered among neuroblast-appearing cells in another.
57                               Neurons from a neuroblast are often so diverse that many neuron types r
58  number and the cell fates generated by each neuroblast are very precisely controlled in a cell auton
59                          Subventricular zone neuroblasts are aligned in tightly bundled chains within
60                                   Drosophila neuroblasts are an excellent model for investigating how
61                Drosophila neural stem cells (neuroblasts) are a powerful model system for investigati
62                                              Neuroblasts arising post-IR derive from activated qNSCs
63 y generated rodent subventricular zone (SVZ) neuroblasts as they transit along the lateral ventricles
64 l mesencephalic tissue, rich in dopaminergic neuroblasts, as restorative treatment for their Parkinso
65 ot alter the number of doublecortin-positive neuroblasts at the end of the treatment period.
66 oral fate by RNA-sequencing lineage-specific neuroblasts at various developmental times.
67  a paracrine signal, contributes to maintain neuroblasts attached to each other while they migrate in
68 izes asymmetrically to mother centrosomes in neuroblasts, both requiring Bld10, a basal body protein
69  effect on transit-amplifying progenitors or neuroblasts but was restricted to neural stem cells.
70 al progenitors (transit amplifying cells and neuroblasts) but not NSCs (quiescent and activated) unde
71  be converted to doublecortin (DCX)-positive neuroblasts by a single transcription factor, SOX2, in t
72 trophic cellular stress and p53 to eliminate neuroblasts by necrosis.
73                                    Fruit fly neuroblasts can either self-renew, rest or take on a spe
74                   Importantly, these induced neuroblasts can mature into synapse-forming neurons in v
75                                              Neuroblasts carrying the novel fzy allele or exhibiting
76 ration of spatial inputs by a fixed temporal neuroblast cascade thus acts as a powerful mechanism for
77                              Once in the OB, neuroblasts cease to express S1P1, which results in cell
78 e gyrus, with higher expression intensity in neuroblast cells as compared to quiescent stem cells and
79                       Cell proliferation and neuroblast chain formation in subventricular zone (SVZ)
80  of mushroom body, antennal lobe and type II neuroblasts compared with non-selective neuroblasts, neu
81 e (Rok) enriches for activated Myosin on the neuroblast cortex prior to nuclear envelope breakdown (N
82 s establish a Myosin gradient at the lateral neuroblast cortex, necessary to trigger an apically dire
83 Rok and Protein Kinase N (Pkn) on the apical neuroblast cortex.
84 and neurogenic genes, resulting in increased neuroblast death and functionally aberrant newborn neuro
85      Lin28 knockdown in cultured sympathetic neuroblasts decreases proliferation, whereas Let-7 inhib
86 mental patterning genes such as intermediate neuroblasts defective (ind).
87 eling of the neuronal progenitor domain upon neuroblast delamination, and reveals that the order and
88 ion, and reveals that the order and place of neuroblasts' delamination from the otic epithelium prefi
89 nematode C. elegans, the migration of the QR neuroblast descendants requires multiple Wnt ligands and
90  show that spindle polarity is maintained in neuroblasts despite centrosome detachment, with the pole
91 erent signaling pathways active during early neuroblast development and prosensory domain specificati
92  of central projections, and (2) delaminated neuroblasts differentiate in close contact with the neur
93 Y5Y), soluble HBEGF is sufficient to promote neuroblast differentiation and decrease proliferation.
94 stoma cell lines with soluble HSPGs promoted neuroblast differentiation via FGFR1 and ERK phosphoryla
95 sed its association with the adapter protein neuroblast differentiation-associated protein (AHNAK, de
96 th by releasing soluble factors that promote neuroblast differentiation.
97               Proliferating MYCN/ALK(F1174L) neuroblasts display a differentiated phenotype but diffe
98          We found that Ensconsin/MAP7 mutant neuroblasts display shorter metaphase spindles, a defect
99 ctopically expressed, some non-mushroom body neuroblasts divide independent of dietary nutrient condi
100 mmetry in the daughter cell sizes of the Q.a neuroblast division but by a mechanism that is independe
101 eads to randomly inherited centrosomes after neuroblast division.
102                                              Neuroblast divisions in the nematode Caenorhabditis eleg
103 entified genes that, when mutated, result in neuroblast divisions that generate daughter cells that a
104   In humans, it is organized in layers where neuroblasts do not form chains.
105 out neurogenesis by activating a conditional neuroblast driver in specific lineages using various int
106 s on loss of the GAL4 repressor, GAL80, from neuroblasts during early neurogenesis.
107 which are generated by neural stem cell-like neuroblasts during embryonic and postembryonic developme
108  rostral migratory stream, a pathway used by neuroblasts during their transit toward olfactory bulb l
109 ains the proliferation of neural stem cells (neuroblasts) during starvation.
110 gaster nervous system development, revealing neuroblast dynamics throughout an entire embryo.
111                          The analysis of the neuroblast ectopic migration from the SVZ toward the les
112 of Lin28B in embryonic mouse sympathoadrenal neuroblasts elicits postnatal NB formation.
113                            We find that most neuroblasts enter and exit cell cycle in a nutrient-depe
114             In this study, we show that when neuroblasts enter quiescence, the differentiation factor
115                       In mice lacking TSHZ1, neuroblasts exhibited a normal tangential migration to t
116  When Eyeless is knocked down, mushroom body neuroblasts exit cell cycle when nutrients are withdrawn
117                                              Neuroblasts experiencing catastrophic cellular stress, o
118 ophila embryonic nervous system development, neuroblasts express a programmed cascade of five tempora
119 EGFR(+) oligodendrocyte progenitors, but not neuroblasts, express high levels of a T3-inactivating de
120 inmo/Imp and activate Syncrip, plus two late neuroblast factors, Broad and E93.
121 thin the radial dimension, and many immature neuroblasts failed to exit the rostral migratory stream.
122 tic progenitors activate NEUROG1 and adopt a neuroblast fate is incompletely understood.
123                 Notch is required in type II neuroblasts for normal development of their transit ampl
124 ges, we marked and isolated lineage-specific neuroblasts for RNA sequencing.
125 lar and clonal data showing that all type II neuroblasts form in the embryo, produce INPs and express
126 er strains, we determined that DKK3 inhibits neuroblast formation by suppressing WNT signaling and Dk
127 ty in immature INPs suppresses supernumerary neuroblast formation in brat mutant brains.
128 r RTK-Ras signaling in the delamination of a neuroblast from an epithelial organ.
129         These droplets protect glia and also neuroblasts from peroxidation chain reactions that can d
130 re we show that the continuous supply of new neuroblasts from the subventricular zone is necessary fo
131 romoting Btd expression, thereby maintaining neuroblast functional heterogeneity.
132                Thus, Trx instructs a type II neuroblast functional identity by epigenetically promoti
133                      Trx regulates a type II neuroblast functional identity in part by maintaining ch
134 type II neuroblasts gradually adopt a type I neuroblast functional identity, losing the competence to
135 ssary and sufficient for eliciting a type II neuroblast functional identity.
136                                   Most brain neuroblasts generate a series of ganglion mother cells (
137 e two neurons (type I lineage), but 16 brain neuroblasts generate a series of intermediate neural pro
138                          In contrast, larval neuroblasts generate longer 50 division lineages, and c
139 and post-embryonic, in which the same set of neuroblasts give rise to the distinct larval and adult n
140 nt of the Drosophila central nervous system, neuroblasts go through two phases of neurogenesis separa
141                           trx mutant type II neuroblasts gradually adopt a type I neuroblast function
142 blastoma tumor stroma is thought to suppress neuroblast growth via release of soluble differentiating
143  that substantial changes in the identity of neuroblasts have occurred during insect evolution.
144               Drosophila neural progenitors (neuroblasts) have been an excellent model for studying s
145 s critical for proper spindle positioning in neuroblasts, how Ana2 and LC8 interact is yet to be esta
146 l glia-like cells, intermediate progenitors, neuroblasts, immature neurons and neurons.
147 neurons (MNs) that are derived from a single neuroblast in Drosophila.
148  in ventriculomegaly with an increase of SVZ neuroblast in rostral migratory stream, whereas VEGF lig
149 lial-mesenchymal transition that mature into neuroblasts in a second proliferative zone.
150 ire of transcription factors expressed among neuroblasts in diverse patterns.
151 ilized zygotes in Caenorhabditis elegans and neuroblasts in Drosophila, and in the development of mam
152 from a limited number of progenitors, called neuroblasts in Drosophila.
153 Let-7 inhibition increases the proportion of neuroblasts in the cell cycle.
154 l death-levels and a decrease in SVZ-derived neuroblasts in the distal RMS, as compared to controls.
155                         Neural stem cells or neuroblasts in the Drosophila melanogaster embryo delami
156  which innervate the inner ear, originate as neuroblasts in the floor of the otic vesicle and subsequ
157 to radial migration of postnatally generated neuroblasts in the olfactory bulb.
158 Spemann organizer, regulates delamination of neuroblasts in the otic vesicle.
159 s of Pbx1 expression in neuronally committed neuroblasts in the rostral migratory stream in a Pbx2 nu
160 n fails to form apical crescents in dividing neuroblasts in vivo, and the lack of Canoe phosphorylati
161 a glia-enriched conduit of forward-migrating neuroblasts in which chemorepulsive signals control the
162 tric division of a type II neural stem cell (neuroblast) in the Drosophila larval brain, the Brain tu
163 enitors that matured into neural stem cells (neuroblasts) in a second domain.
164 Ps), generated by type II neural stem cells (neuroblasts) in fly larval brains, provide an in vivo mo
165 ains the heterogeneity of neural stem cells (neuroblasts) in the developing Drosophila larval brain.
166 n Drosophila larval brain neural stem cells (neuroblasts) in which apoptosis is normally repressed.
167 ells in the medial OPC directly convert into neuroblasts, in an IPC subdomain they generate migratory
168  caused a near-absence of NEUROG1-expressing neuroblasts, increased cell death in the neurosensory ep
169 ivity also strongly suppresses supernumerary neuroblasts induced by overexpression of klu.
170 lear Prospero can drive proliferating larval neuroblasts into quiescence.
171 al drivers that are temporarily expressed in neuroblasts, into drivers expressed in all subsequent ne
172 discovered in Drosophila neural progenitors (neuroblasts) involve progenitor-intrinsic temporal trans
173                                    The other neuroblast is novel and appears to have arisen recently
174  neurons; the neuroepithelium that generates neuroblasts is also subdivided into six compartments by
175 sis and show how proliferation of individual neuroblasts is dictated by temporal and spatial cues.
176  transgenic mice, we find that the influx of neuroblasts is required for recovery of intrabulbar map
177 le neuroblastomas resemble mouse sympathetic neuroblasts lacking KIF1Bbeta independent of MYCN amplif
178 igate how hyperactivation of Notch in larval neuroblasts leads to tumours, we combined results from p
179                                           In neuroblasts, Lgl relocalizes to the cytoplasm at mitosis
180 for future comparative studies on individual neuroblast lineages in D. melanogaster and T. castaneum
181 ARCM labeling to identify all adult-specific neuroblast lineages in the late larval SEG and find a su
182 vidual cells from the developing otocyst and neuroblast lineages to assay 96 genes representing estab
183  SEG and find a surprisingly small number of neuroblast lineages, 13 paired and one unpaired.
184 ks that underlie the development of distinct neuroblast lineages, we marked and isolated lineage-spec
185 it results in the formation of novel ectopic neuroblast lineages.
186 izzy (fzy) gene that lead to premature brain neuroblast loss without perturbing cell proliferation in
187      Included were genes associated with the neuroblast maintenance and self-renewal programme that w
188 nscription factors that are likely to be pan-neuroblast, many transcription factors exist that are se
189 al stem cells (neuroblasts) to the published neuroblast map of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster.
190                                          The neuroblast map presented here can be used for future com
191 istochemistry to study the expression of the neuroblast marker doublecortin (DCX), and compared its e
192 ption factors, which have been implicated in neuroblast maturation.
193 f transcription factors present in different neuroblasts may govern the diverse lineage-specific neur
194 nges in the expression profile of individual neuroblasts might have contributed to the evolution of n
195               In the postnatal rodent brain, neuroblasts migrate long distances from the subependymal
196 at the S1P receptor 1 (S1P1) is expressed in neuroblasts migrating in the RMS.
197 oth pathways is required to ensure efficient neuroblast migration along the RMS.
198 and is best characterized for their roles in neuroblast migration during early embryogenesis.
199  stem cell niche organization and ultimately neuroblast migration in the anterior forebrain.SIGNIFICA
200 mily, as a molecule essential for tangential neuroblast migration in the postnatal mouse forebrain.
201                                              Neuroblast migration is a highly orchestrated process th
202 ial role for EphA4 in facilitating efficient neuroblast migration to the OB.
203 eration decrease, an increase in the eutopic neuroblast migration towards the olfactory bulb was obse
204 eam (RMS), yet are permissive to large-scale neuroblast migration.
205 ion occurs on demand and that its loss slows neuroblast migration.
206 stem characterized by interruption of normal neuroblasts migration between the 7(th) and 16(th) week
207 sms that govern the dynamic reshaping of the neuroblasts' morphology required for their migration alo
208  INP identity and enhances the supernumerary neuroblast mutant phenotype in brat mutant brains.
209 le exit of INPs in Drosophila larval type II neuroblast (NB) lineages.
210                            In these regions, neuroblasts (NBs) divide asymmetrically to self-renew an
211  use quantitative live imaging of ingressing neuroblasts (NBs) in Drosophila melanogaster embryos to
212      During larval life most of the thoracic neuroblasts (NBs) in Drosophila undergo a second phase o
213         Here, we show that a subset of brain neuroblasts (NBs) in Drosophila utilize Phosphoinositide
214                           Drosophila type II neuroblasts (NBs), like mammalian neural stem cells, dep
215  Drosophila neural stem cells, also known as neuroblasts (NBs), requires a 'decommissioning' phase th
216 uring asymmetric cell division of Drosophila neuroblasts (NBs).
217 erminates the self-renewal of larval type II neuroblasts (NBs, the Drosophila NSCs) and transforms ty
218 mmetrically dividing Drosophila melanogaster neuroblasts (NBs; neural stem cells).
219      In contrast, very little is known about neuroblasts, neural lineages, or any other aspect of the
220 nticle in the specification of an identified neuroblast (neuronal progenitor) lineage in the Drosophi
221 e II neuroblasts compared with non-selective neuroblasts, neurons and glia revealed a rich repertoire
222 oreover, we identified three thorax-specific neuroblasts not previously characterized and show that H
223 ctor Prospero is transiently detected in the neuroblast nucleus, followed by the establishment of a u
224 f PntP1 leads to both an increase in type II neuroblast number and the elimination of INPs.
225            Here, we identified the embryonic neuroblast origin of the adult neuronal lineages in the
226                                 By contrast, neuroblasts overexpressing the non-degradable form of ca
227 tically interact with erm to prevent type II neuroblast overgrowth.
228 rosophila cerebrum originates from about 100 neuroblasts per hemisphere, with each neuroblast produci
229 oxetine on proliferation of type II NSCs and neuroblast populations in the ventral hippocampus.
230 hin the ventral hippocampus, type II NSC and neuroblast populations specifically responded to fluoxet
231                                   Drosophila neuroblasts produce long, stereotyped lineages of neuron
232                                         Each neuroblast produces a specific neuronal lineage.
233 ut 100 neuroblasts per hemisphere, with each neuroblast producing a characteristic set of neurons.
234 rowth factor receptor activation to increase neuroblast production.
235 ts, into drivers expressed in all subsequent neuroblast progeny.
236 lt central complex, as do the larval type II neuroblast progeny?
237 characterize MYCN/ALK cooperation leading to neuroblast proliferation and survival that may represent
238 pports a function for SKP2 in the maintained neuroblast proliferation downstream of MYCN/ALK, which m
239 8A/B and Let-7 are essential for sympathetic neuroblast proliferation during normal development.
240              Therefore, Eyeless uncouples MB neuroblast proliferation from nutrient availability, all
241 xtrinsic factors control the reactivation of neuroblast proliferation in a fashion that has not yet b
242                                 In contrast, neuroblast proliferation is maintained when MYCN and ALK
243 ever, Lin28B overexpression neither sustains neuroblast proliferation nor affects let-7 expression.
244 ind that the glial cell niche also preserves neuroblast proliferation under conditions of hypoxia and
245 l function of MYCN and MYC in the control of neuroblast proliferation, as well as effects of overexpr
246 pregulation in a mouse model does not affect neuroblast proliferation, ganglion size, and Let-7 expre
247 e CDK inhibitor p27 for degradation, reduces neuroblast proliferation, implicating SKP2 in the mainta
248 g neurogenesis and is important for in vitro neuroblast proliferation.
249  functions for endogenous Lin28 and Let-7 in neuroblast proliferation.
250 n had a similar effect, leading to decreased neuroblast proliferation.
251 ing: nutritional cues regulate the timing of neuroblast proliferation/quiescence and a steroid hormon
252 w level nuclear Prospero precedes entry into neuroblast quiescence even when the timing of quiescence
253                    Yet the origin of type II neuroblasts remains mysterious: do they form in the embr
254 ssion of the Ecdysone receptor in mid-larval neuroblasts, rendering them competent to respond to the
255 Ps (imINPs), whereas the increase in type II neuroblasts results from the dedifferentiation of imINPs
256 rough changes in gene expression in a single neuroblast reveals a surprising capacity for novel circu
257 ttenuated competence to respond to all known neuroblast self-renewal factors in INPs.
258 la embryonic development, neural stem cells (neuroblasts) sequentially express transcription factors
259                    These cues enforce strict neuroblast spatial boundaries within the dense astroglia
260 in tumor model using brat-RNAi driven by the neuroblast-specific promoter inscuteable Suppressing Bra
261 ian T cell differentiation in the thymus and neuroblast specification in Drosophila are both regulate
262 ogical and molecular analyses pinpointed the neuroblast stage as the main developmental window when t
263 ed in the cleavage furrow of the Q.a and Q.p neuroblasts, suggesting that TOE-2 might position the cl
264 but inhibition later significantly increases neuroblast survival.
265 increased proliferation but does not sustain neuroblast survival.
266 l axes generate this neuronal diversity: all neuroblasts switch fates over time to produce different
267  extrinsic pathways that regulate Drosophila neuroblast temporal patterning: nutritional cues regulat
268 ther pediatric cancers, does not evolve from neuroblasts that continue to divide and involves Let-7-i
269        Drosophila central neurons arise from neuroblasts that generate neurons in a pair-wise fashion
270                               One area where neuroblasts that give rise to adult-born neurons are gen
271                               Interestingly, neuroblasts that maintain initial Imp/Syp levels can sti
272  amplifying cells (TACs), which give rise to neuroblasts that migrate to the olfactory bulb.
273 the ventricular-subventricular zone generate neuroblasts that migrate via the rostral migratory strea
274 was a significant reduction in the number of neuroblasts that reached the OB and integrated into the
275 c stem cell niche generates highly migratory neuroblasts that transit the anterior forebrain along a
276                                In almost all neuroblasts the relative positions in the ventral hemi-n
277  are conserved; however, in over half of the neuroblasts the time of formation as well as the gene ex
278                                In Drosophila neuroblasts, the Inscuteable/Baz/Par-6/aPKC complex recr
279   Unlike TFs expressed in mitotically active neuroblasts, these TFs do not regulate each other's expr
280  within the pathway and efficient transit of neuroblasts through the anterior forebrain to the olfact
281 he survival and migration of newly generated neuroblasts through the RMS to the olfactory bulb.
282                        We labeled particular neuroblasts throughout neurogenesis by activating a cond
283               Here, we use chick sympathetic neuroblasts to examine the normal function of MYCN and M
284 reate coarse temporal windows within type II neuroblasts to pattern INPs, which subsequently undergo
285 and expression profile of neural stem cells (neuroblasts) to the published neuroblast map of the frui
286 n immature INPs by repressing genes encoding neuroblast transcriptional activators.
287 poral fating mechanisms, we profiled type II neuroblasts' transcriptome across time.
288 ular transition is known: Chinmo/Imp/Lin-28+ neuroblasts transition to Syncrip+ neuroblasts.
289 tiates T cell leukemia as well as Drosophila neuroblast tumors.
290 ther, the results suggest that Notch induces neuroblast tumours by directly promoting the expression
291                         We show that retinal neuroblasts undergo fast oscillations and that myosin co
292 malian neural stem cells, Drosophila type II neuroblasts utilize INPs to produce neurons and glia.
293 hat Nogo-A-Delta20 promotes the migration of neuroblasts via HSPGs but not S1PR2.
294 the OB; however, upon arrival to the OB, the neuroblasts were distributed aberrantly within the radia
295                                 The targeted neuroblasts were efficiently recovered using a custom-bu
296 t migration of both early-born and late-born neuroblasts, which could be linked to reduced reelin sig
297 ifically affects the asymmetrically dividing neuroblasts, which display supernumerary centrosomes and
298   However, a small subset, the mushroom body neuroblasts, which generate neurons important for memory
299 lows long-term proliferation and survival of neuroblasts with differentiated characteristics.
300                                     Ablating neuroblasts with hydroxyurea (HU) prior to onset of larv

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