


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 dent activity in the presence of recombinant neurocalcin.
2 nes the identity of a new ROS-GC1 regulator: neurocalcin.
3  play a role is the calcium binding protein, neurocalcin.
4  2) calbindin D-28K (CB), 3) parvalbumin, 4) neurocalcin, 5) tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), 6) the 67-kDa
5  Thus, the signal transduction mechanisms of neurocalcin and CD-GCAP are different, occurring through
6 ely related Ca(2+)-binding proteins, such as neurocalcin and visinin-like protein (VILIP)-1 have no s
7 nding proteins closely related to recoverin, neurocalcin, and many other neuronal Ca(2+)-sensor prote
8 lcium sensor (NCS) proteins (e.g. recoverin, neurocalcins, and frequenin) are expressed at highest le
9                                              Neurocalcins belong to a family of neuronal specific EF
10 is domain with the corresponding region from neurocalcin causes a paradoxical behavior of the chimeri
11                               Several GCAP-2/neurocalcin chimera proteins that cannot efficiently act
12 ify reduction of the neuronal calcium sensor Neurocalcin delta (NCALD) as a protective SMA modifier i
13         Finally we show that hippocalcin and neurocalcin delta both increase the calcium sensitivity
14                                              Neurocalcin delta is not present in PROS, indicating the
15   At the membrane, the myristoylated form of neurocalcin delta senses submicromolar increments in fre
16                     In addition we show that neurocalcin delta, but not VILIP-2, can also act as a ca
17 er segments (PROS), and its new modulator is neurocalcin delta.
18 K16), hippocalcin-like 1 (HPCAL1) as well as neurocalcin-delta (NCALD).
19 egion-specific fluctuations in the number of neurocalcin immunoreactive cells.
20  the cloning and initial characterization of neurocalcin in Drosophila melanogaster.
21 wed that the guanylate cyclase coexists with neurocalcin in the apical region of the cilia.
22 these data are consistent with the idea that neurocalcin may be important for regulating sexual dimor
23              A previous study indicated that neurocalcin mRNA was widely distributed throughout the z
24 ituted with the corresponding fragments from neurocalcin or recoverin, or even partially deleted with
25                We showed that the Drosophila neurocalcin protein (DrosNCa) is expressed in neurons an
26 es had significantly more neurons containing neurocalcin protein in HVC and RA than males.
27    However, the present study shows that the neurocalcin-regulated domain is distinct from CRM2.
28            Deletion analysis showed that the neurocalcin-regulated domain resides at the C-terminal r
29 e three domains in GCAP-2 with corresponding neurocalcin sequences also affects activation of individ
30  region can be substituted with recoverin or neurocalcin sequences without loss of GCAP-2 function.
31                                              Neurocalcin signaling of ROS-GC1 is highly specific.
32                                  Recombinant neurocalcin stimulates ROS-GC1 in a dose-dependent fashi
33  relative number of cells immunopositive for neurocalcin varied across specific regions, but with the
34 Given the similarities between recoverin and neurocalcin, we examined the effect of DrosNCa on rhodop
35 ithelium contained a Ca(2+) binding protein, neurocalcin, which stimulated the cyclase in a Ca(2+)-de

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