


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 bdivisions that differ both anatomically and neurochemically.
2 reased activity may be due to the release of neurochemically active substances as a result of the pre
3                   This relationship was both neurochemically and anatomically specific.
4 l, we demonstrate that impulsive animals are neurochemically and behaviorally more sensitive to heroi
5 d glucose can alter the electrical output of neurochemically and biophysically defined LH cells in mo
6                        Vagal inputs to these neurochemically and topographically distinct enteric neu
7 d mesencephalic transplant can anatomically, neurochemically, and functionally reinstate the 6-OHDA-e
8      They are anatomically, developmentally, neurochemically, and functionally related to the basal g
9 oubly dissociated both neuroanatomically and neurochemically at the level of the nucleus accumbens.
10 e differential vulnerability of circuits and neurochemically by the vulnerability of neurons that dif
11  procedure to neuroanatomically localize and neurochemically characterize substrates in the VP that m
12 eritioneal administration of Fluorogold, and neurochemically characterized by simultaneous single- an
13 cral dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were neurochemically characterized by using six neuronal mark
14 urons, the BF is in fact an anatomically and neurochemically complex structure.
15 neocortex, it is in fact an anatomically and neurochemically complex structure.
16  system in the zebrafish is anatomically and neurochemically complex, providing a substrate for auton
17 th multiple-labeling immunohistochemistry to neurochemically define these neurons and characterize th
18                                 Among the 10 neurochemically defined axonal populations, a significan
19                            We found multiple neurochemically defined cell types, suggesting multiple
20 ar GABAAR subunit expression patterns within neurochemically defined cellular circuits of the mouse E
21 porting the participation of the receptor in neurochemically defined circuits integrating sensory cue
22 her with results regarding the birthdates of neurochemically defined classes of V ganglion cells, the
23                        The striatum contains neurochemically defined compartments termed patches and
24 ontained GABA, and some expressed markers of neurochemically defined GABAergic subtypes, indicating t
25 alic proliferative zone (PZ) to give rise to neurochemically defined interneuron subgroups.
26 he upper and lower visual quadrants occupied neurochemically defined medial, central, lateral, and la
27                 Thus, our results identify a neurochemically defined neural circuit through which D-F
28 ely distinguishes subgroups corresponding to neurochemically defined pathologies.
29                                          The neurochemically defined PLd was labeled by tracer inject
30 irrel monkeys, and macaque monkeys, we found neurochemically defined subdivisions within the medial v
31 valbumin, and nitric oxide synthase, we find neurochemically defined subdivisions within the MVe simi
32 istribution of these cells relative to other neurochemically defined subdivisions.
33 A and calbinin-D28k indicating that they are neurochemically different from the newly described vasop
34  for progression to dementia and in defining neurochemically differentiated subsets of MCI subjects.
35 hat GABAergic and cholinergic neurons define neurochemically distinct areas.
36  dissect the locomotor function of the three neurochemically distinct cell types within the MLR: glut
37 studies have identified two anatomically and neurochemically distinct cellular compartments within th
38 study demonstrates that muOR is expressed by neurochemically distinct classes of myenteric neurons th
39  the functional activation of neurons in the neurochemically distinct compartments of the striatum, t
40                    Thus, morphologically and neurochemically distinct cSLR/AAA cholinergic neurons ex
41 s express Piezo2, and that these neurons are neurochemically distinct from corneal polymodal nocicept
42 ssical' GABAergic neurons of the cortex, are neurochemically distinct from LHA hcrt/orx and MCH cells
43 as been no systematic examination of whether neurochemically distinct interneuron classes undergo dif
44 t cells (BCs), we tested the hypothesis that neurochemically distinct interneuron populations are dif
45 c cholinergic specializations are present on neurochemically distinct interneuron subtypes in the hip
46 y, I propose that differential engagement of neurochemically distinct interneuron subtypes is a unify
47 s was located on somatodendritic surfaces of neurochemically distinct myenteric plexus neurons, while
48                                     Multiple neurochemically distinct pathways originate from these b
49 icate that intraperitoneal IL-1beta recruits neurochemically distinct pathways within the BSTov and C
50 rise multiple subsets of morphologically and neurochemically distinct phenotypes located at strategic
51                                            A neurochemically distinct population of koniocellular (K)
52 vity in 1a afferents is modulated by several neurochemically distinct populations of presynaptic neur
53                      Overall, we found seven neurochemically distinct populations of principal neuron
54 y of these substances suggested at least two neurochemically distinct portions of NCL.
55  an ever-growing list of morphologically and neurochemically distinct spinal cord interneurons.
56 ides important morphological insights into a neurochemically distinct subclass of local-circuit inhib
57                Piezo2 expression occurs in a neurochemically distinct subpopulation of corneal affere
58  B5-I neurons and show that they belong to a neurochemically distinct subset.
59      Our findings demonstrate that multiple, neurochemically distinct types of hair cells are present
60                         Two anatomically and neurochemically distinct zones within the vomeronasal or
61  previous evidence that these subregions are neurochemically distinct.
62 can be studied in isolation because they are neurochemically distinct.
63 ributed with respect to the functionally and neurochemically diverse cell populations of the ventral
64                     LDT afferents arise from neurochemically diverse cell types and mediate multiple
65 ypothesized that the developing human IPN is neurochemically heterogeneous despite its cytological si
66 la oblongata (VLM) of the brainstem contains neurochemically heterogeneous neurons that have a critic
67  indicates that the receptor is located in a neurochemically heterogeneous population of small diamet
68                           Because the DRN is neurochemically heterogeneous, dual immunoelectron micro
69                            Because the DR is neurochemically heterogeneous, when possible, neurons we
70 t2(a) receptor exists on morphologically and neurochemically heterogenous neurones and is closely ass
71 lear that most of the avian telencephalon is neurochemically, hodologically, and functionally compara
72 e of how cholinergic neuromodulation acts on neurochemically identical but morphologically distinct i
73 AGB), we investigated kainate sensitivity of neurochemically identified cell populations within the s
74  able to up-regulate CREB phosphorylation in neurochemically identified gamma-aminobutyratergic neuro
75 on of the electrophysiological properties of neurochemically identified interneurons sampled in the s
76  896 (pNR1S896), or serine 890 (pNR1S890) in neurochemically identified neurons of the adult rat stri
77                    An analysis of effects on neurochemically identified neurons revealed that 5-HT ne
78  vivo measured by juxtacellular recording of neurochemically identified neurons.
79 forming whole-cell patch-clamp recordings of neurochemically identified striatal neurons combined wit
80 h of which contained an inhibitory pause, in neurochemically identified ventral tegmental area (VTA)
81 d manipulate the activity of genetically and neurochemically identified VTA-projecting BNST neurons i
82 somes were discovered several decades ago as neurochemically identified zones in the striatum, yet te
83 transmission was not required to synchronize neurochemically induced membrane oscillations between el
84                                           No neurochemically-induced changes in EE were observed, nor
85 ematically mapped in a neuroanatomically and neurochemically interactive manner in the VP.
86 s fairly homogeneous cytoarchitecturally and neurochemically, it has been divided into distinct funct
87             Our data suggest that the PPN is neurochemically segregated, and such differences define
88                However, the role of TXNIP in neurochemically specific hypothalamic subpopulations and
89 al brain metabolism or blood flow as well as neurochemically specific pharmacological interventions,
90   These findings demonstrate robust, innate, neurochemically specific, and apparently heritable pheno
91          The loss of CB immunoreactivity was neurochemically specific.
92 , previously identified in human striatum as neurochemically unique domains of the accumbens and puta
93     Because interneurons are genetically and neurochemically unique from striatal projection neurons,
94 RN may be anatomically, morphologically, and neurochemically unique subdivisions of the gerbil DRN.

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