


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 rneal surface can alter nerve morphology and neurochemistry.
2  while measuring both ingestive behavior and neurochemistry.
3 able when studying the effects of cocaine on neurochemistry.
4 ght differ in regards to their HPC monoamine neurochemistry.
5 cal factor in modulating changes in striatal neurochemistry.
6 r activation and dramatically modulate brain neurochemistry.
7 d on the effects of age on its structure and neurochemistry.
8 urvey metabolomic/transcriptomic hippocampal neurochemistry.
9 ess changes in dopaminergic and serotonergic neurochemistry.
10 ered brain microstructure, connectivity, and neurochemistry.
11 ler hippocampal volumes, but not hippocampal neurochemistry.
12 r NOS or ChAT was used to characterize their neurochemistry.
13 between suicide risk and brain circuitry and neurochemistry abnormalities.
14 e data add to our understanding of how brain neurochemistry accounts for the variation in human behav
15  results indicate that modulation of various neurochemistries along the trajectory of the self-stimul
16 rience leads to significant changes in brain neurochemistry, anatomy, and electrophysiology.
17 whole-mount immunocytochemistry to study the neurochemistry and anatomical organization of glomeruli
18  has been used to model long-term changes in neurochemistry and behaviour associated with exposure to
19 etamine administration affected dopaminergic neurochemistry and cognition in monkeys.
20 this hypothesis further, we investigated the neurochemistry and connectivity of Area X and its projec
21 to 5 zones of analysis previously defined by neurochemistry and connectivity.
22 d in light of findings regarding interneuron neurochemistry and development.
23 orrelation between reductions in striatal DA neurochemistry and diminished motor function in aged F34
24 rain populations have been characterized via neurochemistry and electron microscopy, and the overall
25 he psychotomimetic drug phencyclidine on the neurochemistry and function of the prefrontal cortex in
26 btle abnormalities of cortical neuroanatomy, neurochemistry and function.
27 n episodic memory ability and in hippocampal neurochemistry and function.
28 al phenotype with the clinical syndrome, its neurochemistry and its pathogenesis.
29 This study has characterized the morphology, neurochemistry and major cell types of a VIP-ires-Cre am
30 ion modeling was used to test the effects of neurochemistry and MMN amplitude on DST performance.
31 harmacological agents would have on striatal neurochemistry and MPP+ levels following MPTP treatment.
32 d in several areas of biomedicine, including neurochemistry and neuro-oncology.
33                   These studies examined the neurochemistry and neuroanatomy of the serotonin (5-HT)
34                Taken together with the known neurochemistry and neuronal distribution of the Asc-1 tr
35 d women differ in terms of neurodevelopment, neurochemistry and susceptibility to neurodegenerative a
36 atter density, cerebellar volume, cerebellar neurochemistry and white matter abnormalities (WMAs) bet
37 ophysiological findings, cerebrospinal fluid neurochemistry, and 13 clinical characteristics between
38 nal fields of neurophysiology, neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and behavior, and we emphasize the semin
39  to the thalamus are distinct by morphology, neurochemistry, and function.
40 ted observations on the content, topography, neurochemistry, and functions of EEG oscillations involv
41 findings related to the content, topography, neurochemistry, and functions of EEG oscillations.
42 ddressing the neuropsychology, neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and molecular biology of ADHD/HKD docume
43                     Recent genetic, imaging, neurochemistry, and neuropsychological data support the
44 y is known to induce changes in the anatomy, neurochemistry, and physiology of primary afferents.
45   The results indicate that the projections, neurochemistry, and receptor and ion channel expression
46 guished on the basis of their morphology and neurochemistry, and suggest that nerve terminals with di
47 uating the impact of treatment on underlying neurochemistry; and prevention or reversal of food addic
48  risk gene DISC1 can alter prefrontal cortex neurochemistry, architecture, and function.
49  complementary approaches examining regional neurochemistry are beginning to yield additional insight
50 le in effort-based choice and the underlying neurochemistry are incompletely known.
51  were used to examine hippocampal volume and neurochemistry as predictors of gait function.
52           Parallels in neural substrates and neurochemistry, as well as corresponding motivational an
53 ble, and suitable for the study of serotonin neurochemistry associated with emotion and behavior.
54 The relationship between cerebral volume and neurochemistry at this early time point may indicate pro
55 odel R(2)=0.33, p=0.01), but not hippocampal neurochemistry (beta=0.09, p=0.48).
56 hese results suggest the rapid maturation of neurochemistry by eye opening followed by functional mat
57    Neural circuitry, molecular profiles, and neurochemistry can be changed by experiences, which infl
58 Such dynamic processes affecting the brain's neurochemistry can be monitored using a variety of neuro
59 atch," which reside in matrix zones but have neurochemistry, connectivity, and electrophysiological c
60 een attentional biases to drug cues and dACC neurochemistry could aid in identifying neurobiological
61 ility of these fabricated microelectrodes in neurochemistry, CRMAs containing eight microring electro
62 diction hypothesis comes from alterations in neurochemistry (dopamine, endogenous opioids), neuroanat
63 indings describe a pattern of abnormal brain neurochemistry early in the course of psychosis.
64 d the effects of LDX on brain activation and neurochemistry, hypothesizing that LDX would be associat
65 e developmental changes in (i) dopamine (DA) neurochemistry; (ii) numbers of DA neurons; and (iii) pr
66 s been increasingly used to examine striatal neurochemistry in adult major depressive disorder.
67        This experiment examined behavior and neurochemistry in adult mice (Mus musculus) after neonat
68 rvation of normal olfactory bulb anatomy and neurochemistry in adult zebrafish.
69     Microdialysis has been used for studying neurochemistry in brain regions that respond to afferent
70    The current study is the first to examine neurochemistry in children during the critical period in
71 d variations of spatial reference memory and neurochemistry in intact female mice were examined.
72 easibility of using PET to investigate brain neurochemistry in KO mice has not been demonstrated.
73 behavioral assays, immmunohistochemistry and neurochemistry in limbic areas such as the amygdala (Amy
74 ms, relatively little is known about enteric neurochemistry in nonhuman primates.
75         Estrogen also influences cholinergic neurochemistry in the basal forebrain and hippocampus.
76 or 3 mg/kg every 3 days) alters dopaminergic neurochemistry in their offspring and exacerbates MPTP t
77 s are attributable to species differences in neurochemistry, including differential expression of ste
78 nabolic androgenic steroid use affects brain neurochemistry, increasing CSF 5-HIAA and decreasing MHP
79                        The altered brainstem neurochemistry is associated with impaired ventilatory r
80                    We found that cholinergic neurochemistry is diminished in the spinal cord of 22-24
81  in routine clinical testing at the Clinical Neurochemistry Laboratory of the Sahlgrenska University
82 , and 2) are heterogeneous in terms of their neurochemistry, location, and potentially function.
83                       Assessments of in vivo neurochemistry, locomotor activity, and cardiovascular p
84 brain microstructure (diffusion imaging) and neurochemistry (magnetic resonance spectroscopy of neuro
85 nearby animals, together with the underlying neurochemistries, may help to clarify the origins of hum
86  is needed to address the neurocircuitry and neurochemistry mediating their abnormal underlying motiv
87 nic stressors produce changes in hippocampal neurochemistry, neuronal morphology, and hippocampal-dep
88               Using a combination of in vivo neurochemistry, neurophysiology, and pharmacological met
89 ribute, in part, to the abnormalities in the neurochemistry observed in the brains of DS individuals.
90 wed that marked differences in HPC monoamine neurochemistry occurred in NTLE patients as compared wit
91 ) is an effective approach for profiling the neurochemistry occurring in selected neurons.
92 e studies emphasize that there is a distinct neurochemistry of acute and persistent pain.
93 thermore, very few studies have examined the neurochemistry of adult human cardiac ganglia.
94             There are sex differences in the neurochemistry of brainstem nuclei that participate in t
95 ne and compare the synaptic arrangements and neurochemistry of elements involving direct lateral geni
96 on, there is a lack of studies examining the neurochemistry of individual vascular dementia subtypes.
97 term consequences of cortical lesions on the neurochemistry of interconnected cortical areas.
98                                          The neurochemistry of LES-projecting neurons was also invest
99 gly few data on the central organization and neurochemistry of LES-projecting preganglionic neurons.
100  reveal an important distinction between the neurochemistry of multi-infarct vascular dementia/SND an
101 ocal microscopy to explore the structure and neurochemistry of nerve terminals in the corneal epithel
102 e behavior, is largely unexplored, as is the neurochemistry of PH connectivity with limbic and neuroe
103                       The neurocircuitry and neurochemistry of sickness-induced hyperalgesia are desc
104                  Thus, investigations of the neurochemistry of social bonding in humans, for which th
105 iques may prove valuable in the study of the neurochemistry of the cerebral mechanisms of hibernation
106                               To address the neurochemistry of the mechanisms that underlie the devel
107 rs at glutamatergic synapses in mammals, the neurochemistry of the memory-storing mushroom body Kenyo
108 d questions is the location, morphology, and neurochemistry of the nerve endings of spinal afferents
109 MRS) in the rACC to examine the function and neurochemistry of the rACC in individuals with OCD and c
110                       The alterations in the neurochemistry of the spinal cord and the sensitization
111                                          The neurochemistry of the spinal cord was evaluated at days
112 tiple identified brain regions; however, the neurochemistry of these inputs is largely unknown.
113 receptors and to (2) dissect the anatomy and neurochemistry of these neurons, in order to assess the
114                   We examined the underlying neurochemistry of those structures using compressed sens
115      These findings provide insight into the neurochemistry of treatment response and show that low d
116 groups of interneurons with respect to their neurochemistry or function.
117 peutic strategies that restore proper reward neurochemistry or reverse alcohol-induced neurodegenerat
118  injection) had no effect on either striatal neurochemistry or the rescue of SNc TH-positive neurons.
119  afferent inputs, peripheral target tissues, neurochemistry, or physiological features rather than fr
120                     Maturation of amino acid neurochemistry preceded the development of retinal funct
121 pends on striatal dopamine transmission, the neurochemistry supporting maternal behavior in humans ha
122 s of information--molecular data on cellular neurochemistry, temporal information about neural activi
123 g brains with MPH may exert effects on brain neurochemistry that modify some behaviors even in adulth
124  social skills and on brain architecture and neurochemistry, that both skill development and brain ma
125       Magnetic resonance spectroscopy allows neurochemistry to be probed noninvasively in vivo.
126       The dystrophic retina displays similar neurochemistry to control retina before eye opening but
127                    The mechanistic link from neurochemistry to perception provides a vital step in un
128 athology as well as inflammatory markers and neurochemistry using biochemical, immunohistochemistry a
129                        Here we determine the neurochemistry (using in situ hybridization) of catechol
130 oving rats and the effect on the post-mortem neurochemistry was measured.
131        Neocortical, rather than hippocampal, neurochemistry was more sensitive to hormonal modulation
132               No strain differences in basal neurochemistry were apparent in the nucleus accumbens sh
133 ences in EtOH-induced change in behavior and neurochemistry were essentially reversed by AAV-mediated
134                               Alterations in neurochemistry were observed after the onset of rod phot
135               Neuropsychiatric morbidity and neurochemistry were similar among transplanted and nontr
136 antagonists had any effect on the cerebellar neurochemistry when injected alone or had any effect on
137 ng-term effect on development, behaviour and neurochemistry, which is an important public health issu
138 ons of neurovascular coupling that correlate neurochemistry with hemodynamic changes in vivo for any
139      In this study, we investigated cellular neurochemistry with proton magnetic resonance spectrosco
140                                 This altered neurochemistry within the LHA further highlights the pot

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