


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 s GRN contribute to disease pathogenesis and neurodegeneration.
2 r toxicity of misfolded proteins and prevent neurodegeneration.
3 PP metabolism with important implications in neurodegeneration.
4 ed in human development, and is disrupted by neurodegeneration.
5 torage disorder characterised by progressive neurodegeneration.
6 the microglial response to tau pathology, or neurodegeneration.
7 eutic approaches for alpha-synuclein induced neurodegeneration.
8 eregulation underlies memory deficits during neurodegeneration.
9 ping new therapies for BBB repair to control neurodegeneration.
10 pathway of tau aggregation and the resulting neurodegeneration.
11 es a mechanistic link between DNA repair and neurodegeneration.
12 y be a suitable therapeutic strategy against neurodegeneration.
13  and conformational Tau changes, and undergo neurodegeneration.
14 isrupted cortical lamination, and widespread neurodegeneration.
15 S cortex and elucidate its relationship with neurodegeneration.
16 ical coherence tomography (SD-OCT) evaluated neurodegeneration.
17 trictions and oxidative stressed neurons and neurodegeneration.
18 es, are unable to induce acute dopamine (DA) neurodegeneration.
19 c hormones considered therapeutic targets in neurodegeneration.
20 eads to synaptic pathology and ultimately to neurodegeneration.
21 al growth factor-A (VEGF-A), contributing to neurodegeneration.
22 they have protective factors for amyloid and neurodegeneration.
23 wledge about the TBK1 functions relevant for neurodegeneration.
24 ed individuals and often is an early sign of neurodegeneration.
25  abnormalities, and no signs of dopaminergic neurodegeneration.
26 eostasis but also constitutes a mechanism of neurodegeneration.
27 cluding tauopathy, synaptic dysfunction, and neurodegeneration.
28 ll loss in a zebrafish model of dopaminergic neurodegeneration.
29 ential feed-forward loop that contributes to neurodegeneration.
30  network formation and function that precede neurodegeneration.
31 fully understood how these mutations lead to neurodegeneration.
32 lipids linked to both neural development and neurodegeneration.
33 propensity for altered systemic immunity and neurodegeneration.
34 rtant role both during brain development and neurodegeneration.
35 ole of somatic mutations in myeloid cells in neurodegeneration.
36 other AD biomarkers, and imaging evidence of neurodegeneration.
37 ing a direct link between neuroblastomas and neurodegeneration.
38  chain (NfL) has been suggested a marker for neurodegeneration.
39 ns that may have a deleterious impact during neurodegeneration.
40 V600E) mutation in the EMP lineage may cause neurodegeneration.
41 ese mice developed epilepsy without signs of neurodegeneration.
42 pha-syn accumulation, neuroinflammation, and neurodegeneration.
43 g pathway promotes neurogenesis and inhibits neurodegeneration.
44 sult more from diffuse immune mechanisms and neurodegeneration.
45 fidelity and ribosome stalling, resulting in neurodegeneration.
46  tracer to non-tau molecules associated with neurodegeneration.
47 e strand breaks and ATM defects and triggers neurodegeneration.
48 a and exerts neuroprotective effects against neurodegeneration.
49 lve with disease progression but precede NMJ neurodegeneration.
50 ncer, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, and neurodegeneration.
51 evelopment of various pathologies, including neurodegeneration.
52  and (18)FDG-PET parameters related to brain neurodegeneration.
53 prevented neuronal loss in an acute model of neurodegeneration.
54 the EMP lineage in mice can drive late-onset neurodegeneration.
55 rostructural tissue integrity, and secondary neurodegeneration.
56  indirect trauma to the nerve and subsequent neurodegeneration.
57 g a secondary effect of neuroinflammation or neurodegeneration.
58 genous CNS immune mechanisms, can affect CNS neurodegeneration.
59 rlier mortality and age-dependent, selective neurodegeneration.
60 hat the impaired IGF-I system contributes to neurodegeneration.
61  mTORC1 signaling, and impaired autophagy in neurodegeneration.
62 ation of several diseases, such as cancer or neurodegeneration.
63  cortical lamination, and to protect against neurodegeneration.
64 pin) mutants, a Drosophila model of LSD-like neurodegeneration.
65 g is a valid marker of clinical symptoms and neurodegeneration.
66 diseases ranging from infection to cancer to neurodegeneration.
67 basal autophagy, a key mechanism suppressing neurodegeneration.
68  (MS), contributes to axonal dysfunction and neurodegeneration.
69  genes previously associated with cerebellar neurodegeneration.
70 dized cholesterol metabolite associated with neurodegeneration.
71  widely felt to play a key role in promoting neurodegeneration.
72  potential molecular target for treatment of neurodegeneration.
73 of these protein aggregates leads to AD-like neurodegeneration.
74 ion to homeostasis, and their involvement in neurodegeneration.
75 lial numbers and ameliorated mHTTx1-mediated neurodegeneration.
76 trophy is characterized by demyelination and neurodegeneration.
77 n the somatosensory cortex prior to signs of neurodegeneration.
78 re directly linked by distinct mechanisms to neurodegeneration.
79 is paramount for understanding their role in neurodegeneration.
80  its homolog Tau, which has various roles in neurodegeneration.
81 ent, were associated with greater AD-pattern neurodegeneration.
82 ter ATP7A because ATP7A null mutations cause neurodegeneration.
83 brain injury, Parkinson's disease, and other neurodegenerations.
84 n glaucoma and potentially other age-related neurodegenerations.
85 th old mhAPP mice, whereas at later stage of neurodegeneration (6 month) basal synaptic transmission
86             Here we found that AD-associated neurodegeneration accompanied an overactive anterior cin
87 es) is not directly related to the degree of neurodegeneration across various vulnerable neuronal pop
88 rmative cognition, we measured AD-associated neurodegeneration (AD signature cortical thickness; ADSC
89 s, p = 6.8 x 10-6) and in vivo markers of AD neurodegeneration (ADNI, volume loss within the entorhin
90  understanding how early-stage AD-associated neurodegeneration affects autonomic regulation.
91            We show here that mdivi-1 reduced neurodegeneration, alpha-syn aggregates and normalized m
92 stasis, tumor suppression, and prevention of neurodegeneration and aging.
93 f neuronal injury signaling that drives both neurodegeneration and axon regeneration, yet little is k
94 immune function, and play important roles in neurodegeneration and brain aging.
95 n is central to numerous diseases, including neurodegeneration and cancer.
96 ariety of human diseases including diabetes, neurodegeneration and cancer.
97 l human diseases, including tissue-fibrosis, neurodegeneration and cancer.
98 N-methyl-d-aspartate (NMDA) receptors causes neurodegeneration and cell death.
99 sessed by microperimetry is related to brain neurodegeneration and could be a useful biomarker for id
100  inborn error of metabolism characterized by neurodegeneration and death in early childhood.
101 ingly recognized as important mechanisms for neurodegeneration and dementia associated with Alzheimer
102 behavioural deficit during amyloid-dependent neurodegeneration and demonstrate that microglial RAGE a
103 dylcholine (LPC), a molecule associated with neurodegeneration and demyelination, elicits NLRP3 and N
104 resembles several aspects of SPMS, including neurodegeneration and disease progression driven by the
105 hey propagate to other regions, resulting in neurodegeneration and disease.
106 xaemia, synergistically induce TLR4-mediated neurodegeneration and dysmotility.
107 rological symptoms, culminating in extensive neurodegeneration and early death.
108 at the hair cell synapse that later leads to neurodegeneration and exacerbates age-related hearing lo
109 rmacologically, restores memory and prevents neurodegeneration and extends survival.
110 mic stroke lesion volume but also attenuated neurodegeneration and improved poststroke sensorimotor f
111 of the nuclear export adaptor SRSF1 prevents neurodegeneration and locomotor deficits in a Drosophila
112  To identify pathways involved in subsequent neurodegeneration and loss of brain mass in the cKO cort
113 glutamate side chain and its loss results in neurodegeneration and male infertility.
114 ss and synapse damage, ultimately leading to neurodegeneration and memory impairment in AD.
115 arkin promoted earlier onset of dopaminergic neurodegeneration and motor defects in the PD-mito-PstI
116 s, including gangliosidoses manifesting with neurodegeneration and neuroinflammation.
117          We then analyze multiple markers of neurodegeneration and neurotoxicity in transgenic animal
118 ar to anatomical, that may contribute to RGC neurodegeneration and optic atrophy are tackled in an in
119 tanding the molecular pathophysiology of RGC neurodegeneration and optic atrophy, is key to broadly u
120 y help develop urgently needed therapies for neurodegeneration and other age-dependent pathologies.
121  MGRN1 deficiency is closely associated with neurodegeneration and prenatal and neonatal mortality, w
122 st time that the extent of early hippocampal neurodegeneration and progressive microstructural change
123 ar antigen 1 (TIA1) in vivo protects against neurodegeneration and prolongs survival in transgenic P3
124  depletion robustly enhances TDP-43-mediated neurodegeneration and promotes the formation of stress g
125 g wild-type or A152T-tau, where A152T caused neurodegeneration and proteasome compromise.
126 rkedly upregulated in a mouse model of acute neurodegeneration and reactive gliosis, which was induce
127 atic brain injury is associated with greater neurodegeneration and reduced memory performance in indi
128 llows for both rapid and robust diagnosis of neurodegeneration and segregation between different deme
129 development of neurological signs, prevented neurodegeneration and significantly prolonged survival.
130 l mechanism for the observed tissue specific neurodegeneration and the role of environmental factors
131 AP kinase pathway in microglia as a cause of neurodegeneration and this offers opportunities for ther
132 ndent degenerative disorders such as cancer, neurodegeneration and tissue atrophy, and in accelerated
133 rticularly ceramide and glucosylceramide, to neurodegeneration and to motor unit dismantling in amyot
134 athways linking Abeta to synaptotoxicity and neurodegeneration and to new targets for therapeutic int
135 rom biofilm disruption to protection against neurodegeneration and tumor prevention.
136 tochondrial dynamics induced by alpha-syn on neurodegeneration and whether targeting this pathway has
137 erapeutic intervention in metabolic disease, neurodegeneration, and aging.
138 human diseases, including diabetes mellitus, neurodegeneration, and cancer, thus opening up the poten
139 inks in genomic DNA may contribute to aging, neurodegeneration, and cancer.
140  by extending lifetime in NPC mice, delaying neurodegeneration, and decreasing visceral and neurologi
141 es, such as autoimmunity, mechanical injury, neurodegeneration, and infection.
142 along with widespread hippocampus and cortex neurodegeneration, and learning and memory defects.
143 different human pathologies, such as cancer, neurodegeneration, and lysosomal storage diseases.
144 ultiple human diseases, including cancer and neurodegeneration, and modulation of non-AUG usage may r
145 ey are involved in learning, fear behaviors, neurodegeneration, and pain sensation.
146 tochondrial calcium overload in LRRK2-driven neurodegeneration, and suggest possible interventions th
147 t lack of arginylation in the brain leads to neurodegeneration, and suggests that alpha-syn arginylat
148                              Brain aging and neurodegeneration are associated with prominent microgli
149 ties in neuroimaging measures of amyloid and neurodegeneration are correlated with odor identificatio
150 actors that influence amyloid and AD-pattern neurodegeneration are different.
151 tituents of the ERAD complex and its role in neurodegeneration are not yet fully understood.
152 he mechanisms by which such expansions cause neurodegeneration are poorly understood.
153 chanisms by which Cdk5 inhibits and promotes neurodegeneration are still poorly understood.
154 erlying mechanisms between BBB breakdown and neurodegeneration as a basis for developing new therapie
155 uroimaging biomarker modality used to define neurodegeneration associated with Alzheimer disease.
156  contribute to neurovascular dysfunction and neurodegeneration associated with human disease.
157 on end products (RAGE) in neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration-associated changes, and cognitive dysf
158 SJ1 overexpression can reduce aggregation of neurodegeneration-associated proteins in vitro and in vi
159    Whereas normoxia-treated KO mice die from neurodegeneration at about 60 d, hypoxia-treated mice ev
160                                      Several neurodegeneration biomarkers and longitudinal cognitive
161           In cognitively normal individuals, neurodegeneration biomarkers did not differ between Abet
162                                  Tau PET and neurodegeneration biomarkers were discordant in most ind
163 otal of 469 individuals with MCI had data on neurodegeneration biomarkers; of these patients, 107 wer
164  cognitively normal participants had data on neurodegeneration biomarkers; of these, 52 were Abeta-N+
165     Gain of function of the complex leads to neurodegeneration, but ATXN1-CIC is also essential for s
166 ter volumes are often interpreted to reflect neurodegeneration, but studies investigating the cellula
167 synuclein (alpha-syn) is a central player in neurodegeneration, but the mechanisms triggering its pat
168  images, are commonly interpreted to reflect neurodegeneration, but this assumption has not been test
169 nship between PNS function and AD-associated neurodegeneration by testing two competing hypotheses in
170 s been demonstrated in preclinical models of neurodegeneration by virtue of promoting neuronal surviv
171 implicated in several pathologies, including neurodegeneration, cancer, infection, immunodeficiency,
172 These findings indicate that TDP-43-mediated neurodegeneration causes impaired chromatin dynamics tha
173 ong neural circuits are thought to result in neurodegeneration causing Alzheimer's disease, progressi
174 paminergic neurons in vivo, resulting in the neurodegeneration characteristic of PD.SIGNIFICANCE STAT
175    Loss of proteostasis underlies ageing and neurodegeneration characterized by the accumulation of p
176 ation, with progressive age-related signs of neurodegeneration, characterized by clustering of activa
177 on elevation that is closely associated with neurodegeneration, cognitive loss and parkinsonian featu
178                                      Frontal neurodegeneration does not prevent the perceptual effect
179 ell as 9 individuals affected by early-onset neurodegeneration due to genetic disorders of DNA repair
180 pe human alpha-synuclein, which shows robust neurodegeneration, early-onset locomotor deficits, and a
181 thenate kinase 2 gene cause a severe form of neurodegeneration for which no treatment is available.
182 ctivated microglial cells, the first step in neurodegeneration, has been widely demonstrated, and thi
183 ted in playing a unique and critical role in neurodegeneration; however, structural similarities betw
184 f glycogen metabolism in brain functions and neurodegeneration, impairment of the glycogenolytic acti
185 rotective factors for amyloid and AD-pattern neurodegeneration in a population-based sample and to te
186 on of cognitive deficits, neuroinflammation, neurodegeneration in a transgenic mouse model of tauopat
187              Gait performance is affected by neurodegeneration in aging and has the potential to be u
188 llar amyloid deposits, which are linked with neurodegeneration in Alzheimer and Parkinson disease, an
189                                 Tau-mediated neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease and tauopathies
190 ta have emerged as important contributors to neurodegeneration in Alzheimer's disease.
191 Chronic inflammation is one of the causes of neurodegeneration in Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS)
192 s have proven effective against tau-mediated neurodegeneration in animal models, and because COX- and
193 t surprising that miRNA dysregulation causes neurodegeneration in animal models.
194 n and analyse how SETX mutations can lead to neurodegeneration in AOA2/ALS4.
195 s, impaired olfactory perception, and severe neurodegeneration in brain.
196                                The data link neurodegeneration in childhood with altered rDNA chromat
197 been proposed as a blood-based biomarker for neurodegeneration in dementias.
198 ycin or partially restoring autophagy delays neurodegeneration in dNrd1 mutant flies.
199  designed to isolate genes whose loss causes neurodegeneration in Drosophila photoreceptor neurons.
200  candidates enhanced alpha-synuclein-induced neurodegeneration in Drosophila.
201       Here we performed in-depth analysis of neurodegeneration in experimental autoimmune encephalomy
202 tein was not sufficient to protect mice from neurodegeneration in G70S/- mice, showing that the mutan
203                                 The observed neurodegeneration in Gclc deficiency is of more chronic
204  way of thinking about the possible cause of neurodegeneration in HIV-1-seropositive patients, which
205 te a subset of PIs as potential mediators of neurodegeneration in HIV-associated neurocognitive disor
206 ght-activated caspase (Caspase-LOV) to study neurodegeneration in larval and adult Drosophila Using t
207             These data are the first to show neurodegeneration in mice expressing mutant CHMP2B and i
208 -2-HG accumulation, leukoencephalopathy, and neurodegeneration in mice, thereby offering new insights
209 ings demonstrate that SSC drives excitotoxic neurodegeneration in MoCD and introduce NMDA-R antagonis
210                    The rapid and progressive neurodegeneration in MoCD presents a major clinical chal
211 ological process contributing to excitotoxic neurodegeneration in MS/EAE.
212  retinal layers show atrophy associated with neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis when measured wi
213 cognition and monitoring of inflammation and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis.
214 different mechanisms of neural circuitry and neurodegeneration in normal and injured brains.
215 f hypoxia can be used to prevent and reverse neurodegeneration in other animal models, and to determi
216  implicated in substantia nigra dopaminergic neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease (PD), but how t
217 egative ventral tier, which is vulnerable to neurodegeneration in Parkinson's disease, and the calbin
218 in blood is a potential prognostic marker of neurodegeneration in patients with Huntington's disease.
219 mains unclear whether FTY720 could influence neurodegeneration in PD.
220 ansion in the deubiquitinase ataxin-3 causes neurodegeneration in Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3 (SCA3
221         Treatment with (-)-P7C3-S243 blocked neurodegeneration in TgF344-AD rats, without altering am
222 ggregation as a trigger for inflammation and neurodegeneration in the aging brain.
223 euroinflammation, fibrinogen deposition, and neurodegeneration in the brain.
224 of LSD1 in adult mice leads to paralysis and neurodegeneration in the hippocampus and cortex and sugg
225 ate at the sites of active demyelination and neurodegeneration in the multiple sclerosis brain and ar
226 ive flexibility." It has been suggested that neurodegeneration in the pathway between the centromedia
227  neuroinflammation and is protective against neurodegeneration in the setting of pure tauopathy.
228 s Parkinson's disease, presumably by driving neurodegeneration in vulnerable neuronal target populati
229 mpus, concomitant with memory impairment and neurodegeneration, in adult mice.
230 ammation has been increasingly implicated in neurodegeneration, including FTD.
231 eceptor required for microglial responses to neurodegeneration, including proliferation, survival, cl
232 genesis, neuroinflammation, and tau-mediated neurodegeneration independently of amyloid-beta patholog
233                                              Neurodegeneration induced by loss of the sole fly Nmnat
234 leads to hippocampus dysfunction typified by neurodegeneration, inflammation, altered neurogenesis, a
235                                              Neurodegeneration is a leading cause of death in the dev
236                                              Neurodegeneration is also connected to changes in lipid
237                   We show that AD-associated neurodegeneration is associated with altered PNS regulat
238  in relation to the onset and progression of neurodegeneration is currently missing.
239 er, the involvement of chromatin dynamics in neurodegeneration is less well understood.
240                                      Because neurodegeneration is the main clinical feature of NPC di
241   A first step toward understanding cochlear neurodegeneration is to identify the cause of initial ex
242  studies, but whether hypoperfusion precedes neurodegeneration is unknown.
243 sease and other tauopathies, or tau-mediated neurodegeneration, is not clear.
244 e phosphorylation system (OXPHOS), occurs in neurodegeneration, it is postulated that such defects ar
245 esized to be responsible for synapse damage, neurodegeneration, learning, and memory deficits in AD.
246 ne of evidence to suggest that AD-associated neurodegeneration links to altered PNS regulation during
247  flies results in robust Abeta accumulation, neurodegeneration, locomotor dysfunction, and reduced li
248 ly related to both more severe AD-associated neurodegeneration (lower ADSCT scores) and worse cogniti
249                 We raise the hypothesis that neurodegeneration may play a role in the pathogenesis of
250 h spatial resolution are needed to elucidate neurodegeneration mechanisms.
251 e absence of peroxisomes, reduced viability, neurodegeneration, mitochondrial abnormalities, and accu
252 ing CTCF-mediated gene regulation in risk of neurodegeneration more generally.
253 espite ongoing cortical degeneration in this neurodegeneration mouse model.
254 mulation including tau hyperphosphorylation, neurodegeneration, neuroinflammation and microhemorrhage
255 ammation may be a contributing factor to the neurodegeneration observed in FTD.
256   PS cDKO mice display classical features of neurodegeneration occurring in Alzheimer's disease inclu
257 lta14 ALS mouse-antibody system we show that neurodegeneration occurs in the absence of FUS protein a
258                                   The causal neurodegeneration of ALS is associated with reactive oxy
259                  Here we show that selective neurodegeneration of human frontal speech regions result
260 egenerative disorders defined by progressive neurodegeneration of the corticospinal tract motor neuro
261 ivation is responsible for the Hcy effect on neurodegeneration or is a secondary event.
262 : amyloid deposition (A), tauopathy (T), and neurodegeneration or neuronal injury (N).
263  included with those of beta-amyloidosis and neurodegeneration or neuronal injury to more fully chara
264 ng tau PET, and normal (N-) or abnormal (N+) neurodegeneration or neuronal injury using cortical thic
265 TEMENT This study provides new insights in a neurodegeneration pathway triggered by the absence of sp
266 LSD1 induces transcription changes in common neurodegeneration pathways, along with the re-activation
267 ith Alzheimer disease clinical phenotype and neurodegeneration pattern.
268 er prevalence may account for differences in neurodegeneration patterns between Abeta-N+ and Abeta+N+
269 taucipir binding corresponds to the expected neurodegeneration patterns in nonamnestic AD, with poten
270 ween patients with distinct SNAP (Abeta- and neurodegeneration-positive [Abeta-N+]) subtypes and thei
271 Neuroinflammation is an integral part of the neurodegeneration process inherent to several aging dysf
272 cells (RGCs), are particularly vulnerable to neurodegeneration related to mitochondrial dysfunction.
273 the mechanisms by which aging contributes to neurodegeneration remain elusive.
274 ption of the broad functions of SMN leads to neurodegeneration remain unclear.
275 le in PD pathogenesis, but the mechanisms of neurodegeneration remain unclear.
276  Lipopolysaccharide-induced in vitro enteric neurodegeneration requires the presence of palmitate and
277         Bioinformatic analysis suggests that neurodegeneration results from a global miRNA-mediated s
278 ) mutants display many phenotypes, including neurodegeneration, segmentation, patterning and planar p
279 ic activity that leads to excitotoxicity and neurodegeneration.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Dendritic spine
280 ar to be good predictors of vulnerability to neurodegeneration.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The inadequate
281 d retrograde JNK signaling and protects from neurodegeneration, suggesting that these kinases may rep
282 MC(+) participants had significantly greater neurodegeneration than CMC(-) participants but did not d
283 e revealed lessons about inflammation-driven neurodegeneration that can be applied to other neurodege
284 ase is Leigh syndrome, an episodic, subacute neurodegeneration that can lead to death within the firs
285  gain unique perspectives into mechanisms of neurodegeneration that contribute to ALS pathogenesis.
286 s disease (HD) is characterized by selective neurodegeneration that preferentially occurs in the stri
287 ensitive to iron accumulation, one marker of neurodegeneration, that (i) secondary thalamic alteratio
288 s) have identified hundreds of risk loci for neurodegeneration, the mechanisms by which these loci in
289 mary events and sufficiently contributory to neurodegeneration to be useful targets for therapy of se
290  key roles in multiple diseases ranging from neurodegeneration to diabetes and metastatic cancer.
291 onths, the hippocampal neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration typically observed in unlesioned P301S
292  that the (G4C2)n repeat causes toxicity and neurodegeneration via a gain-of-toxic function mechanism
293 otheses involving frontal regions' activity (neurodegeneration vs. compensation).
294                                              Neurodegeneration was also evident in specific cerebral
295 enetic understanding of lysosomal defects in neurodegeneration, we explore why some of these orphan d
296 ations in TREM2 cause an early-onset form of neurodegeneration when inherited homozygously.
297 -fat diet (HFD) is associated with myenteric neurodegeneration, which in turn is associated with dela
298 microglia-type has the potential to restrict neurodegeneration, which may have important implications
299  prions reach the brain they cause extensive neurodegeneration, which ultimately leads to death.
300          Disruption of PERK signaling delays neurodegeneration without reducing JNK signaling.

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