


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ularly the role of iodine adequacy in normal neurodevelopment.
2  complement proteins in synaptic pruning and neurodevelopment.
3 t pathway, CTNNB1 plays an essential role in neurodevelopment.
4 acquisition with regulatory control of later neurodevelopment.
5 sential for multiple aspects of normal human neurodevelopment.
6 nges, suggesting dysfunction due to aberrant neurodevelopment.
7 d the importance of thyroid hormone in fetal neurodevelopment.
8 binding protein with a multitude of roles in neurodevelopment.
9  pregnancy is associated with abnormal fetal neurodevelopment.
10 nt of autistic traits in addition to general neurodevelopment.
11 lism in the placenta and its impact on fetal neurodevelopment.
12 NA methylation has significant effects on DS neurodevelopment.
13 nsport of ATG-9 by KIF1A/UNC-104 to regulate neurodevelopment.
14 l exposure to organophosphate pesticides and neurodevelopment.
15 a total of 10 cell types spanning the entire neurodevelopment.
16 omes form near synapses and are required for neurodevelopment.
17 -dependent neurogenic processes during fetal neurodevelopment.
18 ways associated with fetal growth to program neurodevelopment.
19 th by apoptosis and autophagy, and impairing neurodevelopment.
20 aberrant expression may more directly affect neurodevelopment.
21 gh-income countries and can threaten optimal neurodevelopment.
22 ht to be particularly vulnerable to abnormal neurodevelopment.
23 verge in specific regulatory networks during neurodevelopment.
24 implicates BCL11A as an important factor for neurodevelopment.
25 rn infants may relate to brain structure and neurodevelopment.
26 nces of this genetic insult unfold to impair neurodevelopment.
27 on of iron deficiency in infancy may promote neurodevelopment.
28 ut are best understood within the context of neurodevelopment.
29 iation with psychiatric disease and abnormal neurodevelopment.
30 of the human brain is a marker of successful neurodevelopment.
31  unavailable, quantitative markers of normal neurodevelopment.
32 in cell junction, neuronal morphogenesis and neurodevelopment.
33 to arachidonic acid for different aspects of neurodevelopment.
34 ental chemicals previously linked to altered neurodevelopment.
35 activity- and calcium-dependent processes in neurodevelopment.
36  in the nervous system and are essential for neurodevelopment.
37  complex (PRC1-AUTS2), and in the context of neurodevelopment.
38 nes play a critical role in fetal growth and neurodevelopment.
39 ools to explore coexpression of genes across neurodevelopment.
40  immune system, and how this might influence neurodevelopment.
41 on of iron deficiency in infancy may promote neurodevelopment.
42 ported on reproductive hormone levels and on neurodevelopment.
43 locus broadly necessary for neurogenesis and neurodevelopment.
44 ive diseases can occur so early as to affect neurodevelopment.
45 ith hormone-mediated signal transduction and neurodevelopment.
46 nmentally persistent with adverse effects on neurodevelopment.
47 for recessive perinatal phenotypes affecting neurodevelopment.
48  of the receptors' function, at least during neurodevelopment.
49 s been studied extensively in the context of neurodevelopment.
50 o explore the impacts of NLGN4X knockdown on neurodevelopment.
51 ng genes with Gene Ontology terms related to neurodevelopment.
52 he two traits follow different mechanisms in neurodevelopment.
53 for both maternal thyroid function and child neurodevelopment.
54 act with the thyroid pathway and may disturb neurodevelopment.
55 loss, to prevent morbidity, and to stimulate neurodevelopment.
56 re that may relate to sex-biased outcomes in neurodevelopment.
57 ith implications for synaptic plasticity and neurodevelopment.
58 g pregnancy are also associated with altered neurodevelopment.
59 d manganese, was evaluated as a predictor of neurodevelopment.
60  combined variably with epilepsy and delayed neurodevelopment.
61 he formation of AIS during the early step of neurodevelopment.
62 xpression of LBP during a critical period of neurodevelopment.
63 fect of high fluoride exposure on children's neurodevelopment.
64 iconceptional folate is essential for proper neurodevelopment.
65 little is known of its effects on children's neurodevelopment.
66 al a pivotal modulatory role for d-serine in neurodevelopment.
67 is, lipid metabolism, citric acid cycle, and neurodevelopment.
68 displays dynamic expression during postnatal neurodevelopment.
69 uto-phosphorylation in neuronal function and neurodevelopment.
70 on sequestering and alpha7nAChR signaling in neurodevelopment.
71  intracellular transport, cell division, and neurodevelopment.
72 o prenatal stressors, which adversely impact neurodevelopment.
73 er such perturbation contributes to impaired neurodevelopment.
74  and recruitment could underlie the abnormal neurodevelopment.
75  microorganisms inhabiting the gut influence neurodevelopment.
76 ntal 5-HT levels, forebrain 5-HT levels, and neurodevelopment.
77 ed dynamic m6A modification during postnatal neurodevelopment.
78 ing pregnant rat, which likely affects fetal neurodevelopment.
79 o arsenic, manganese, and lead on children's neurodevelopment.
80 binding and catalytic activity to facilitate neurodevelopment.
81 tent stem cell (iPSC)-derived model of human neurodevelopment.
82 ting the harmful impact of ZIKV(BR) in human neurodevelopment.
83                             To ensure proper neurodevelopment, a precise regulation of MeCP2 expressi
84          This suggests an impairment of late neurodevelopment affecting the acquisition of verbal ski
85 dk5 hyperactivation without affecting normal neurodevelopment afforded by normal p35/Cdk5 activity.
86                   Yet limited information on neurodevelopment after IVF exists, especially after the
87                                   In today's neurodevelopment and -disease research, human neural ste
88 olding protein of significant importance for neurodevelopment and a prominent candidate protein in th
89 re small noncoding RNA sequences critical to neurodevelopment and adult neuronal processes by coordin
90  enriched in the nervous system and displays neurodevelopment and age-related changes.
91 ether early life microbial disruption alters neurodevelopment and behavior in larval zebrafish.
92 n of this process may contribute to aberrant neurodevelopment and brain abnormalities in Joubert synd
93 rders likely have their origins in perturbed neurodevelopment and can result from a large number of c
94     The link of chromatin remodeling to both neurodevelopment and cancer has recently been highlighte
95 s in diverse biological processes, including neurodevelopment and cancer progression.
96 or their neurobehavioral effects, especially neurodevelopment and cognitive performance.
97 ng the functional roles of CNVs in affecting neurodevelopment and conferring susceptibility to neurod
98  possible link between altered basal ganglia neurodevelopment and declined motor performance in high
99 s (ASGR1, ACADVL, DVL2, and GABARAP) impeded neurodevelopment and decreased dosage of the same loci c
100 ighlight SON as a master regulator governing neurodevelopment and demonstrate the importance of SON-m
101 tergenerational parental stress in offspring neurodevelopment and disease risk, and the currently kno
102 o study the role of DNA methylation in human neurodevelopment and disease.
103   Considering CM-HBCD has been implicated in neurodevelopment and endocrine disruption, with expected
104 odel environmental exposure shown to disrupt neurodevelopment and exert long-term effects on behavior
105 wed that identified pathways were related to neurodevelopment and highlighted genes linked to axon gu
106  of the innate and adaptive immune system in neurodevelopment and how T cells maintain a proper innat
107 e results reveal a pivotal role for BAZ1B in neurodevelopment and implicate its haploinsufficiency as
108 tant role for TLX and miR-219 in both normal neurodevelopment and in SCZ patient iPSC-derived NSCs.
109 lin 3 gene (NRG3) plays pleiotropic roles in neurodevelopment and is a putative susceptibility locus
110 Specificity Protein 4 (SP4) is important for neurodevelopment and is genetically associated with both
111 infection is a significant cause of abnormal neurodevelopment and long-term neurological sequelae in
112 h factor (NGF) are crucial modulators in the neurodevelopment and maintenance of central and peripher
113 cterial CW-TLR2 signaling axis affects fetal neurodevelopment and may underlie postnatal cognitive di
114 ent can induce stable changes that influence neurodevelopment and mental health.
115   There are also suggestive implications for neurodevelopment and mental health.
116  Parents and Children (ALSPAC), focussing on neurodevelopment and mental health.
117 the expression of mRNAs that are crucial for neurodevelopment and mental health.
118  suggests potential impacts of DNA breaks on neurodevelopment and neural functions.
119 er time indicates an intriguing link between neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration, also supported b
120  Se utilization, with concomitant effects on neurodevelopment and neurodegeneration.
121                           The role of FTO in neurodevelopment and neurogenesis, however, remains larg
122 n for understanding the role of myosin-1d in neurodevelopment and neurological disorders.
123 tic spine actin cytoskeleton is critical for neurodevelopment and neuronal plasticity, but how neuron
124 or dysregulation of key pathways involved in neurodevelopment and neuroplasticity.
125 OS expression is likely to have an impact on neurodevelopment and neurotransmission, and may explain
126 n reversing sodium fluoride-induced thyroid, neurodevelopment and oxidative alterations in offspring
127 stem and monocytic cells revealed effects on neurodevelopment and plasticity in neural, immune, and e
128 NA binding and catalytic activity to promote neurodevelopment and prevent mental dysfunction.
129 hese results indicate a role for D-serine in neurodevelopment and provide novel insights on how we in
130 s provide an excellent model system to study neurodevelopment and regeneration because they develop q
131  determining the functions of NOX enzymes in neurodevelopment and regeneration.
132 ovel role of placental InsRs in sex-specific neurodevelopment and reveal a potential mechanism for ne
133 a multifunctional neurotrophin that mediates neurodevelopment and schizophrenia risk.
134                                   To compare neurodevelopment and social-emotional development betwee
135  the neurobiological changes associated with neurodevelopment and suggest that characteristics of whi
136 to understand how the Shank family regulates neurodevelopment and synapse function.
137 otentially by virtue of its critical role in neurodevelopment and synaptic plasticity.
138 n, we discuss the biological intersection of neurodevelopment and the microbiome and explore the hypo
139  novel mechanistic link of a SZ risk gene to neurodevelopment and translational control.
140 e consequences of malfunctioning immunity on neurodevelopment and will discuss the roles of the innat
141 osure to lead is associated with deficits in neurodevelopment and with hematopoietic system toxicity.
142 is symmetry breaking is an important step in neurodevelopment, and aberrant symmetry breaking is asso
143 is a regulator of host immunity, metabolism, neurodevelopment, and behavior.
144 other ASD risk genes in both human and mouse neurodevelopment, and converge in ASD-associated co-expr
145              Cytokines have complex roles in neurodevelopment, and dysregulated levels may be indicat
146  pathway signaling is a major participant in neurodevelopment, and evidence suggests that BRAF, a key
147  between the environment, brain or behaviour neurodevelopment, and genetic and epigenetic science.
148 e nutrition and has direct impact on growth, neurodevelopment, and health.
149 able risk factors for child deaths, impaired neurodevelopment, and later life metabolic diseases.
150  (NMDARs) and regulates synaptic plasticity, neurodevelopment, and learning and memory.
151 t should prevent early malnutrition, enhance neurodevelopment, and limit the increase in total body f
152 ic protein important for vesicle clustering, neurodevelopment, and plasticity.
153 shown to disrupt thyroid hormone regulation, neurodevelopment, and reproduction in some animals.
154  been associated with poorer birth outcomes, neurodevelopment, and respiratory function in children.
155 cluding physical growth, cognitive function, neurodevelopment, and social-psychological health.
156 oncoding disease variants in OCRs can affect neurodevelopment, and that analysis of open chromatin re
157 ased on association studies or their role in neurodevelopment, and then used statistical techniques t
158 e parental environment and shaping offspring neurodevelopment, are uniquely positioned to mediate tra
159                                    We define neurodevelopment as the dynamic inter-relationship betwe
160 so potentially longer-term outcomes, such as neurodevelopment, as well.
161 reterm formula); of survivors, 299 (92%) had neurodevelopment assessed.
162 wborn Growth Consortium for the 21st Century Neurodevelopment Assessment tool.
163  and Apoptosis Study', 'Pediatric Anesthesia NeuroDevelopment Assessment', and 'Mayo Safety in Kids'
164 ke Mayo Safety in Kids, Pediatric Anesthesia NeuroDevelopment Assessment, and General Anesthesia and
165 r milk compared with formula did not improve neurodevelopment at 18 months' corrected age.
166 th a statistically significant difference in neurodevelopment at 2 years of age.
167 ot brain injury was associated with impaired neurodevelopment at 2 years of age.
168            The primary outcome of the trial, neurodevelopment at 24 months, has not yet been assessed
169 rganophosphorus pesticide exposure and child neurodevelopment at 24 months: an analysis of four birth
170                  To test the hypothesis that neurodevelopment at 4.5 years is related to the severity
171  cord clamping did not affect iron status or neurodevelopment at age 12 months in a selected populati
172 icient pregnant women had no effect on child neurodevelopment at age 5-6 years.
173 od, placenta and embryo serotonin levels and neurodevelopment at embryonic day E14.5, when peripheral
174 tervention thresholds based on assessment of neurodevelopment at least to school age.
175 tions showed age-appropriate weight gain and neurodevelopment at the age of 12 months.
176  enriched with genes in pathways involved in neurodevelopment, autism spectrum disorder (ASD) candida
177 , TPH1, TPH2, DDC, MAOA, MAOB, BCHE and TH), neurodevelopment (BDNF and others), the SNARE system and
178 nxiety, depression, and stress all influence neurodevelopment but show modest, weak, or no associatio
179 Deficiencies in lamin B1 and lamin B2 impair neurodevelopment, but distinct functions for the two pro
180 riptome, we found that it was not related to neurodevelopment, but may partially overlap with other C
181 % of human population are linked to atypical neurodevelopment, but predominantly treated by behaviour
182 eceptor ErbB4 influence several processes of neurodevelopment, but the mechanisms regulating this sig
183 sposition can cause somatic mosaicism during neurodevelopment by insertional mutagenesis.
184 deficits of ribosomal biogenesis may disturb neurodevelopment by reducing neuronal connectivity.
185 mean cell volume) and parental assessment of neurodevelopment by the Ages and Stages Questionnaire, s
186 ignificant tests using the hypothesis-driven neurodevelopment category.
187 enes were both highly ranked and involved in neurodevelopment (category 1) while 42 and 52 genes were
188 y 1) while 42 and 52 genes were exclusive to neurodevelopment (category 2) or highly ranked (category
189                                  A proxy for neurodevelopment could be head circumference (HC), but s
190 tuses, inducing fetal microcephaly and other neurodevelopment defects.
191 ng DISC1 function has focused on its role in neurodevelopment, despite its presence throughout life.
192                  Angelman syndrome (AS) is a neurodevelopment disorder characterized by severe cognit
193                                 This complex neurodevelopment disorder is known to be associated with
194 nt of, and the rehabilitation of those with, neurodevelopment disorders in low- and middle-income cou
195 ysfunction in miRNA signaling contributes to neurodevelopment disorders such as Rett and fragile X sy
196 1) genes previously associated with abnormal neurodevelopment (e.g., AUTS2, FOXP1, and CDKL5), (2) si
197 he role of maternal immune activity in fetal neurodevelopment, exacerbated in part by socioeconomic d
198 tibilities may be at higher risk for adverse neurodevelopment following prenatal exposure.
199 e process as it unfolds during the course of neurodevelopment from prenatal to adult stages of life.
200 tributable, in part, to abnormal patterns of neurodevelopment generated by these adverse rearing envi
201 of atypical Rho GTPases (such as RHOBTB2) in neurodevelopment has barely been characterized.
202 ogical advances and increased focus on human neurodevelopment have enabled a more comprehensive chara
203                    Studies of sex effects on neurodevelopment have traditionally focused on animal mo
204 ephaly, polymicrogyria and other diseases of neurodevelopment, have been associated with mutations in
205 ons and placental transfer of manganese with neurodevelopment in 224 2-y-old children residing near t
206 use of potentially neurotoxic pesticides and neurodevelopment in 7-year-old children.
207 ng that optimizing the time to CC may affect neurodevelopment in a low-risk population of children bo
208 ces dendritic morphogenesis in two models of neurodevelopment in a region-specific manner has signifi
209 on in pontocerebellar hypoplasia and central neurodevelopment in addition to optic and peripheral neu
210                  Lead (Pb) adversely affects neurodevelopment in children.
211 ural use of neurotoxic pesticides and poorer neurodevelopment in children.
212  exposure with neural stem cell function and neurodevelopment in children.
213 A) exposure has been associated with adverse neurodevelopment in epidemiological studies.
214 ybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) can harm neurodevelopment in humans and animals.
215 dies of the effects of prenatal nutrition on neurodevelopment in humans are complicated because poor
216 s worldwide, and is associated with impaired neurodevelopment in infants and children.
217               This treatment also normalized neurodevelopment in infected mice without significantly
218 ine heterozygous frameshift Chd8 mutation on neurodevelopment in mice.
219 sufficient thyroid hormone levels influences neurodevelopment in offspring.
220 ity and increased environmental influence on neurodevelopment in our species.
221 eloped a multivariable risk factor model for neurodevelopment in surviving VPT/VLBW children.
222 coding variants highlight the involvement of neurodevelopment in the aetiology of schizophrenia.
223 enia may represent consequences of disrupted neurodevelopment in the disorder.
224 tal morbidity, supports growth, and improves neurodevelopment in VLBW infants.
225 eporting multivariable prediction models for neurodevelopment in VPT or VLBW children.
226  vitamin B-12 status has been linked to poor neurodevelopment in young children.We measured the assoc
227 xpression of FURIN, TSNARE1 or CNTN4 changed neurodevelopment in zebrafish; knockdown of FURIN in hum
228 r RAD51-mediated homologous recombination in neurodevelopment, in addition to DNA repair and cancer s
229 edicted functions in chromatin remodeling or neurodevelopment, including ACTL6B, BAZ2B, COL5A3, SSRP1
230                                              Neurodevelopment is a complex process governed by both i
231 lk fatty acids is complex, particularly when neurodevelopment is assessed after the period of exclusi
232                  A long-standing question in neurodevelopment is how neurons develop a single axon an
233 iation between maternal anxiety and in utero neurodevelopment is modified through complex genetic var
234 terplay between BDNF and Reelin signaling in neurodevelopment is not fully understood.
235 s and neuropsychiatric diseases, its role in neurodevelopment is not well understood.
236 ent to which experience modulates adolescent neurodevelopment is not.
237 t of extreme lipid restriction on subsequent neurodevelopment is unknown.
238                   This lncRNA, termed LncND (neurodevelopment), is expressed in neural progenitor cel
239 dynamics have already been implicated during neurodevelopment, little is known about hydroxymethylati
240 not yet known whether more subtle effects on neurodevelopment may exist as well.
241 5.4 vs 33.6 ng/mL, respectively; P = .40) or neurodevelopment (mean ASQ total score, 229.6 vs 233.1,
242 al processes taking place in early embryonic neurodevelopment might be responsible for later manifest
243 al history of ZIKV infection, its effects on neurodevelopment, modes and risk of transmission, and it
244          The intestinal microbiota influence neurodevelopment, modulate behavior, and contribute to n
245 o show that men and women differ in terms of neurodevelopment, neurochemistry and susceptibility to n
246  the Wnt pathway has crucial implications in neurodevelopment, neurogenesis and neuroplasticity, and
247 ssociation were in or near genes involved in neurodevelopment, neuroprotection, or neurotransmission,
248 n order to estimate its population impact on neurodevelopment of children.
249 encing, is a final and essential step in the neurodevelopment of excitatory postsynaptic synaptogenes
250                               To explore the neurodevelopment of ISL, we investigated the event-relat
251 ortant because VEGF also plays a role in the neurodevelopment of newborns.
252 toddlers, including the understanding of the neurodevelopment of nociception and of the wide array of
253  that maternal PCOS may subtly influence the neurodevelopment of the offspring, resulting in increase
254 te that NR2F1 plays an important role in the neurodevelopment of the visual system and that its disru
255 in mildly iodine-deficient pregnant women on neurodevelopment of their offspring in areas where schoo
256 ited altered expression either during normal neurodevelopment or in tissue from adult schizophrenic s
257 ild development either directly by enhancing neurodevelopment or indirectly through the inflammatory
258                             Hence, disrupted neurodevelopment or neurodegeneration are among the like
259 ognitive model makes no mention of dopamine, neurodevelopment, or indeed the brain.
260 4.2 [1.7] cm) measured at follow-up, nor for neurodevelopment outcome.
261 amined the association of gene variants with neurodevelopment outcomes in the ELEMENT birth cohort.
262 egnancy plays an important role in offspring neurodevelopment, potentially via epigenetic processes.
263                      A young man with normal neurodevelopment presented with 3 years of medically ref
264 pirical support for the relationship between neurodevelopment, puberty, and social functioning.
265 f genes implicated in ID, but their roles in neurodevelopment remain largely unexplored.
266 king placental dysfunction to abnormal fetal neurodevelopment remain unclear.
267 nary dysplasia but its safety with regard to neurodevelopment remains to be assessed.
268 One SD below the mean established a delay in neurodevelopment (score <85).
269 e negatively associated with early childhood neurodevelopment scores in our study.
270 ternal and cord manganese, associations with neurodevelopment scores were negative for pairs with eit
271 nese concentrations were not associated with neurodevelopment scores.
272 ry estimates of prenatal exposure to OPs and neurodevelopment should be interpreted with caution beca
273 ation or in the weaning diet from effects on neurodevelopment solely due to human milk fatty acids is
274 nfection interferes with multiple aspects of neurodevelopment that contribute to the complexity of cZ
275 nflammatory response associated with altered neurodevelopment that follows murine CMV infection of th
276  placental insufficiency and abnormal foetal neurodevelopment that leads to neuropsychiatric disorder
277 is a poorly understood yet pivotal period of neurodevelopment that occurs within 2-3 weeks after birt
278 ites build a MCPH complex critical for human neurodevelopment that promotes CDK2 centrosomal localiza
279       Given the critical role of IGF1 during neurodevelopment, the present study used human induced p
280                                       During neurodevelopment, these mechanisms are required to gener
281 tworks typically increases during adolescent neurodevelopment, these results suggest that adolescent
282            Preeclampsia may trigger aberrant neurodevelopment through placental, maternal, and fetal
283                                  By dividing neurodevelopment to three major stages and applying rule
284                    Genes regulating specific neurodevelopment/transmission processes primarily mediat
285  a comprehensive knowledge of how adolescent neurodevelopment triggers behavioral reactions.
286 oexposure to arsenic, manganese, and lead on neurodevelopment using an adapted Bayley Scale of Infant
287 upled plasma mass spectrometry, and assessed neurodevelopment using the Bayley Scales of Infant Devel
288 gene selection using an a priori hypothesis (neurodevelopment) was superior to random selection.
289 tigate the possible role of CCDC88A in human neurodevelopment we re-examined the behaviour and neuroa
290  To study the impact of storage in postnatal neurodevelopment, we examined murine models of MPS IIIA,
291 ration of the importance of placental OGT in neurodevelopment, we found that hypothalamic gene expres
292  increased Zac1 expression directly perturbs neurodevelopment, we misexpressed Zac1 in murine neocort
293  several leading candidate genes involved in neurodevelopment were investigated by exon resequencing.
294 hort (Maternal Adversity, Vulnerability, and Neurodevelopment) were used to study 4-year-old children
295 rm the basis for integrative models of fetal neurodevelopment, which propose that antenatal maternal
296 r one type of early diet suffices for normal neurodevelopment with a normal body composition in later
297 suggests that schizophrenia is a disorder of neurodevelopment with alterations in both early and late
298                                 Dysregulated neurodevelopment with altered structural and functional
299  be possible to demonstrate minor effects on neurodevelopment with the size of the study population a
300 an provide key insights into trajectories of neurodevelopment within individuals with this common dev

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