


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 nd adherens-junctions within chick and mouse neuroepithelial cells.
2 oteins on the vitreal endfeet of the retinal neuroepithelial cells.
3 ed in proliferating, undifferentiated retina neuroepithelial cells.
4 ehog protein, ptc-2, is expressed by retinal neuroepithelial cells.
5  musashi1) that are expressed in uncommitted neuroepithelial cells.
6 x can regulate survival and proliferation of neuroepithelial cells.
7  neuroepithelium affecting morphology of the neuroepithelial cells.
8 o rescue the phenotype of oko meduzy retinal neuroepithelial cells.
9 vered along with rare clusters of persistent neuroepithelial cells.
10 rn that is consistent with its production by neuroepithelial cells.
11 ty is first detected at embryonic day 8.5 in neuroepithelial cells.
12 orts neurulation by stimulating autophagy in neuroepithelial cells.
13 transcriptional program similar to embryonic neuroepithelial cells.
14 P4 to generate dCPECs from human ESC-derived neuroepithelial cells.
15 ng members of the Notch pathway expressed in neuroepithelial cells.
16 rical divisions of polarized radial glial or neuroepithelial cells.
17 re significantly heterogeneous among retinal neuroepithelial cells.
18 h neutral red and appear to be the branchial neuroepithelial cells.
19 ma3d inhibits the proliferation of hindbrain neuroepithelial cells.
20 tid body Type I (glomus) cells and pulmonary neuroepithelial cells.
21 ell polarity in neoplastic transformation of neuroepithelial cells.
22  localization and cell fate determination in neuroepithelial cells.
23 e vertebrate retina develops from a sheet of neuroepithelial cells.
24 al life are derived from the Nkx6.1+ ventral neuroepithelial cells.
25  kinase activity is essential for regulating neuroepithelial cell adhesion, migration and morphogenes
26 central nervous system (CNS) is regulated by neuroepithelial cells, although the genes and pathways t
27 ptor, CXCR4, are constitutively expressed on neuroepithelial cells and are believed to be involved in
28 at mediate the transition, we microdissected neuroepithelial cells and compared their transcriptional
29  of activated Yorkie, promotes overgrowth of neuroepithelial cells and delays or blocks their differe
30 rt to a molecular state resembling embryonic neuroepithelial cells and functionally acquire rapid pro
31              In medium that allows growth of neuroepithelial cells and glial progenitors, mutant cell
32 g of postmitotic neurons is mediated through neuroepithelial cells and is necessary for guiding neuro
33 ver, Cited2 was required for the survival of neuroepithelial cells and its absence led to massive apo
34 is driven by neuronal progenitors, including neuroepithelial cells and radial glia.
35 ment, CPECs differentiate from preneurogenic neuroepithelial cells and require bone morphogenetic pro
36                       We first isolate early neuroepithelial cells and show their broad Notch-depende
37 rmalities in the cell adhesive properties of neuroepithelial cells and suggest that NMHC-B is essenti
38 migration differentially positions nuclei in neuroepithelial cells and therefore influences selection
39 iating adhesion and signaling events between neuroepithelial cells and vascular endothelial cells.
40 to be expressed along the apical surfaces of neuroepithelial cells and was coexpressed with Shh in th
41 romotes proliferation and differentiation of neuroepithelial cells, and identify Decorin as a novel n
42 ave transiently suppresses Notch activity in neuroepithelial cells, and that inhibition of Notch trig
43 ulation, which underlies constriction of the neuroepithelial cells, and that ultimately drive neural
44 ic reticulum stress, caspase activation, and neuroepithelial cell apoptosis (causal events in type 1
45 (K1361R) embryos show a striking increase in neuroepithelial cell apoptosis and a dramatic loss of ph
46  predominantly leads to exencephaly, induces neuroepithelial cell apoptosis and suppresses autophagy
47 n contrast, proliferation of MEKK4-deficient neuroepithelial cells appeared to be largely unaffected.
48 tudies on CXCR4 expression and regulation in neuroepithelial cells are fundamental for understanding
49 trations ([Ca2+]i) in proliferating cortical neuroepithelial cells are markedly dependent on Ca2+ ent
50                 In the following 10 d, these neuroepithelial cells are specified to OLIG2-expressing
51                                              Neuroepithelial cells are transformed into asymmetricall
52 ches, we show that dystroglycan functions in neuroepithelial cells as an extracellular scaffold to ma
53  of the glass onion phenotype in a subset of neuroepithelial cells as well as its onset following the
54           It was widely localized in retinal neuroepithelial cells at 1 day postfertilization (dpf),
55     These results suggest that the remaining neuroepithelial cells at later stages of animal life are
56 idance molecule netrin-1 was specifically on neuroepithelial cells at the disk surrounding exiting RG
57                                              Neuroepithelial cells at the medial edge of the OOA, sho
58                            How a naive human neuroepithelial cell becomes an electrophysiologically a
59 ed cells, was widespread in undifferentiated neuroepithelial cells, before the initiation of axons.
60  initially detectable when the first retinal neuroepithelial cells began to leave the cell cycle.
61 intrinsic forces generated by alterations in neuroepithelial cell behavior, whereas bending requires
62       In cultures of dissociated neocortical neuroepithelial cells, BMPs increase the number of MAP-2
63 al expression of specific metabolic genes in neuroepithelial cells, but not in neuroblasts, and highl
64                           At cranial levels, neuroepithelial cells can regulate to generate neural cr
65 led to the retraction of the end feet of the neuroepithelial cells, caused an increase in the number
66  PKA-dependent target gene gli-1 in cultured neuroepithelial cells, concomitant with a decrease in DN
67             Endothelial coculture stimulates neuroepithelial cell contact, activating Notch and Hes 1
68 rest cells, with both the ectodermal and the neuroepithelial cells contributing to induced population
69          Alternatively, both neuroblasts and neuroepithelial cells could be capable of dividing asymm
70 s in oxidative stress-induced DNA damage and neuroepithelial cell death.
71 gotes also manifest embryonic lethality with neuroepithelial cell death.
72 hough they divide normally, abl(-/-)arg(-/-) neuroepithelial cells display gross alterations in their
73 , in dissociated cell cultures, some retinal neuroepithelial cells divide asymmetrically and distribu
74           We show that, whereas most retinal neuroepithelial cells divide with their mitotic spindles
75 ited only by the apical daughter cell when a neuroepithelial cell divides vertically.
76 or nonrandomly oriented (i.e., rostrocaudal) neuroepithelial cell division in longitudinal lengthenin
77 is localized to apical adhesive junctions of neuroepithelial cells during neurulation and that Xena k
78 uced swollen/enlarged ER lumens in embryonic neuroepithelial cells during neurulation.
79 is essential for the morphogenic movement of neuroepithelial cells during the formation of the neural
80 athological angiogenesis caused by defective neuroepithelial cell-endothelial cell adhesion and imbal
81     Electron microscopy shows that the dying neuroepithelial cells exhibit the characteristics of apo
82       Following in ovo misexpression of NKL, neuroepithelial cells exit the cell cycle and differenti
83                             On the contrary, neuroepithelial cells from all regions of the tectum att
84 ex, sequential transcriptional programs take neuroepithelial cells from proliferating progenitors to
85 et-derived growth factor (PDGF), uncommitted neuroepithelial cells from the developing cortex of embr
86 rreversible retraction of the endfeet of the neuroepithelial cells from the vitreal surface of the re
87  cones traversed or tracked more often along neuroepithelial cells from their natural target area, po
88 on cell neurons and the proliferation of the neuroepithelial cells from which they derive.
89  gene expression between neuroblasts and the neuroepithelial cells from which they derive.
90                                              Neuroepithelial cells further yield successive Notch-dep
91 ion strategy involves symmetrically dividing neuroepithelial cells generating large numbers of asymme
92 he surrounding brain parenchyma, composed of neuroepithelial cells, glia, and neuronal precursors.
93                              A population of neuroepithelial cells has recently been shown to migrate
94                    Our results indicate that neuroepithelial cells have all the necessary components
95 splanting cells to new sites emphasizes that neuroepithelial cells have the potential to integrate in
96                                              Neuroepithelial cells in both mutants fail to apically c
97         The architecture of primary cilia on neuroepithelial cells in Pam(-/-) mouse embryos was also
98                                              Neuroepithelial cells in the developing ventricular zone
99 not support the commonly held view that most neuroepithelial cells in the embryonic CNS VZ are stem c
100  in the presumed segmental cues that specify neuroepithelial cells in the hindbrain.
101                                      Whereas neuroepithelial cells in the medial OPC directly convert
102            Most striking, a subpopulation of neuroepithelial cells in the medial telencephalic wall e
103 s (PDGFR alpha) are expressed by a subset of neuroepithelial cells in the ventral half of the embryon
104 g stem cells, which comprise the majority of neuroepithelial cells in the ventricular zone (VZ) of th
105 prominent towards the apical boundary of the neuroepithelial cells in the ventricular zone.
106 ry neurons emerge from proneural clusters of neuroepithelial cells in the zebrafish.
107  Here, we report that apicobasally polarized neuroepithelial cells in Xenopus laevis have a shorter c
108                                              Neuroepithelial cells infected with Toxoplasma type I ex
109 opment, from a seemingly homogenous sheet of neuroepithelial cells into a complex structure that is t
110 l expansion of the Olig1/Olig2 expression in neuroepithelial cells into the Nkx2.2 domain and a conse
111       Production of astrocytes from cultured neuroepithelial cells is hedgehog independent, whereas o
112 ural tube, and forced expression of Foxj1 in neuroepithelial cells is sufficient to increase cilia le
113 ce of focal adhesions in dissociated retinal neuroepithelial cells isolated from St 25 embryos.
114                                Additionally, neuroepithelial cell junctions in the embryonic rat brai
115  event(s) involved in the maintenance of the neuroepithelial cell layer shortly after its formation.
116 erebral cortical precursor cells reside in a neuroepithelial cell layer that regulates their prolifer
117  were recorded from cells of an immortalized neuroepithelial cell line named V1.
118 urons, like projection neurons, develop from neuroepithelial cells located near the ventricular layer
119 rsal- and ventral-most regions of the brain, neuroepithelial cells lose their integrity and begin to
120  the basal cytoplasm did not occur and these neuroepithelial cells lost their columnar morphology.
121         All cells expressed nestin, an early neuroepithelial cell marker.
122 ound in cobblestone lissencephalies in which neuroepithelial cells migrate into superficial layers of
123 autonomously within the retina and brain, as neuroepithelial cell morphology and polarity in these ti
124  basal progenitors (BPs), differentiate from neuroepithelial cells (NCs) with stem cell properties.
125                                Subsequently, neuroepithelial cells (NE) convert into neuroblasts (NB)
126                  In this study, we show that neuroepithelial cells (NECs), including neural crest cel
127 racellular calcium concentration of isolated neuroepithelial cells (NECs), which are putative oxygen
128 F or EGF promotes the proliferation of mouse neuroepithelial cells (NECs).
129 al crest-derived, and the hypoxia-sensitive 'neuroepithelial cells' (NECs) of fish gills, whose embry
130               Adherent cultures of E10.5 rat neuroepithelial cells (NEP cells) from the caudal neural
131 resent in the developing neural tube (E10.5, neuroepithelial cells; NEP) were examined for the expres
132 port that the knockdown of Htt expression in neuroepithelial cells of neocortex results in disturbed
133  determined that NDE1 is highly expressed in neuroepithelial cells of the developing cerebral cortex,
134 t is a major challenge to understand how the neuroepithelial cells of the developing CNS choose betwe
135 sx-2 is initially expressed by proliferating neuroepithelial cells of the presumptive neural retina,
136                                          The neuroepithelial cells of the sharp boundary regions that
137 , phosphacan surrounds the radially oriented neuroepithelial cells of the telencephalon, whereas neur
138 receptor subunits, whereas the ZI cells were neuroepithelial cells or newly postmitotic neurons, expr
139 e capable of dividing asymmetrically, but in neuroepithelial cells other polarity cues might prevent
140 l, human PSCs are first induced to primitive neuroepithelial cells over 10 d, and then patterned to N
141          Within a column (a small cluster of neuroepithelial cells), postmitotic cells appeared first
142 as key regulatory elements in the control of neuroepithelial cell proliferation and the neuroblast tr
143                                              Neuroepithelial cell proliferation must be carefully bal
144 helial stem cell phenotype and regulation of neuroepithelial cell proliferation, suggesting that a mu
145 inantly localizes to the basolateral side of neuroepithelial cells, promotes the enlargement of the n
146 niche is composed of a diverse repertoire of neuroepithelial cells, radial glia (RG), and intermediat
147 y expressed early in embryogenesis, e.g., in neuroepithelial cells, radial glia, germinal matrix cell
148 re, with peak CPEC competency correlating to neuroepithelial cells rather than radial glia.
149                                     Germinal neuroepithelial cells retained specific 3[H]prazosin bin
150 clude withdrawal from mitosis by multipotent neuroepithelial cells, specification to particular cell
151  is localized to the basal cortex of mitotic neuroepithelial cells, suggesting that c-NUMB regulates
152 ore than 20-fold in cultured E10.5 hindbrain neuroepithelial cells, suggesting that PACAP activates p
153 NA and protein was specifically expressed in neuroepithelial cells surrounding retinal axons at the o
154 aste buds are aggregates of 50-100 polarized neuroepithelial cells that detect nutrients and other co
155                     In the absence of Nurr1, neuroepithelial cells that give rise to dopaminergic neu
156 axons, radial glia, spinal axonal tracts and neuroepithelial cells through associations with heparan
157                               The ability of neuroepithelial cells to generate a diverse array of neu
158  intrinsic change in the potential of spinal neuroepithelial cells to generate neurons.
159                  This permits the underlying neuroepithelial cells to invade the spinal canal and obs
160 ur studies establish that the progression of neuroepithelial cells to neuroblasts is regulated by Not
161  period that ends as they differentiate from neuroepithelial cells to neuronogenic radial glia.
162  that affect the transition of proliferating neuroepithelial cells to postmitotic retinal cells.
163 l stem cells (NSCs) undergo transitions from neuroepithelial cells to radial glial cells (RGCs), and
164 ion is highly reminiscent of the switch from neuroepithelial cells to radial glial cells in the devel
165 sruption of the pial basal lamina caused the neuroepithelial cells to retract their pial end feet and
166 at Notch signalling augments the response of neuroepithelial cells to Shh, leading to the induction o
167 or Cx43 in which Cx43 acts through non-crest neuroepithelial cells to suppress cellular delamination
168 t the retinal basal lamina, by anchoring the neuroepithelial cells to the pial surface of the retina,
169  to the brain, providing an anchoring of the neuroepithelial cells to the pial surface, and allowing
170  3, MAD2, CDC28 protein kinase (CKS)1 and 2, neuroepithelial cell transforming gene (NET)1, activator
171                                  We identify neuroepithelial cell transforming gene 1 (Net1) as a dow
172 olecular biology techniques in both cultured neuroepithelial cells treated with a GCN5 inhibitor and
173 ring phase 1, the cell differentiates from a neuroepithelial cell type and extends an axon out of the
174                                              Neuroepithelial cells undergo a cell cycle arrest before
175 serve nuclear movements in zebrafish retinal neuroepithelial cells, we show that, except for brief ap
176                                              Neuroepithelial cells were labelled via their ventricula
177                   Neuroblasts originate from neuroepithelial cells, which are polarized along the api
178  expanding cores of undifferentiated mitotic neuroepithelial cells, which can be tumorigenic.
179 eks, hESCs are induced to differentiate into neuroepithelial cells, which form neural tube-like roset
180      The Drosophila optic lobe develops from neuroepithelial cells, which function as symmetrically d
181               Cocultures of hES cell-derived neuroepithelial cells with exogenous astrocytes signific
182 man stem cells are first differentiated into neuroepithelial cells with or without exogenous patterni
183 ivo, yet because RGCs develop from polarized neuroepithelial cells within a polarized environment, di

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