


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ogenesis while reducing Satb2(+) upper-layer neurogenesis.
2  to elucidate the function of FXR1P in adult neurogenesis.
3 tly regulate both hippocampal blood flow and neurogenesis.
4 ional coordination during mammalian cortical neurogenesis.
5 LH-2, and in parallel to HLH-3 to promote I4 neurogenesis.
6 rtant in large mammals with respect to adult neurogenesis.
7 ect lineage progression during postembryonic neurogenesis.
8 res that sprout on neuronal dendrites during neurogenesis.
9  post-transcriptional regulators to regulate neurogenesis.
10 biting CDK7/cyclin H might similarly promote neurogenesis.
11 e of zebrafish for the study of regenerative neurogenesis.
12 w source of cerebrovascular pericytes during neurogenesis.
13 anscriptional regulator of hESC identity and neurogenesis.
14 mber of ABLKs generated during postembryonic neurogenesis.
15 d during the phases of primary and secondary neurogenesis.
16 ronic hyperglycemia on brain homeostasis and neurogenesis.
17 sing acetyl histone H3 activity and cortical neurogenesis.
18 essary for exercise to stimulate hippocampal neurogenesis.
19 shed regulator of stem cell self-renewal and neurogenesis.
20 te in cross-talk between immune response and neurogenesis.
21  hESC identity, neuroectoderm commitment and neurogenesis.
22  and investigated the effects on hippocampal neurogenesis.
23 ctions including cell junction, adhesion and neurogenesis.
24 rates neural differentiation and potentiates neurogenesis.
25  enhanced neuronal protection, and increased neurogenesis.
26 pression of active RIT1 driving robust adult neurogenesis.
27 tivity along with an increase in hippocampal neurogenesis.
28  reprogramming, as required for efficient I4 neurogenesis.
29 he DDR kinases DNA-PKcs, ATM, and ATR during neurogenesis.
30 T1, plays a critical role in IGF-1-dependent neurogenesis.
31 and the interplay between ATM and ATR during neurogenesis.
32 n controlling NSC quiescence and hippocampal neurogenesis.
33 inflammation, brain injury, autoimmunity and neurogenesis.
34 of how basal processes and endfeet influence neurogenesis.
35 ity-dependent and injury-induced hippocampal neurogenesis.
36 ulating critical genes in aNSCs during adult neurogenesis.
37 e investigated a possible role for n1-src in neurogenesis.
38  spatial expression of nrd4, a key marker of neurogenesis.
39 ining the transcriptome landscape related to neurogenesis.
40 ssion and is crucial for multiple aspects of neurogenesis.
41 c effect that has been linked to hippocampal neurogenesis.
42 R and with the subsequent alterations of NPC neurogenesis.
43 ain regions to regulate NSCs and hippocampal neurogenesis.
44 blished reports of the effects of miR-210 on neurogenesis.
45 he mechanisms that regulate pigmentation and neurogenesis.
46  (a deep layer VI marker) during upper-layer neurogenesis, a loss of Fezf2(+)/Ctip2(+) layer V neuron
47                 Both FMRP and FXR2P regulate neurogenesis, a process affected in a number of neurolog
48 ation of neocortical progenitors during late neurogenesis, abnormalities in asymmetric centrosome inh
49 ATEMENT Increasing the success of endogenous neurogenesis after brain injury holds therapeutic promis
50 here critical check-points about post-stroke neurogenesis after cortical infarcts, important for the
51 egies designed to increase adult hippocampal neurogenesis (AHN) may have therapeutic potential for re
52 l knockdown of Sin3a led to reduced cortical neurogenesis, altered neuronal identity and aberrant cor
53  neurovascular tissues by combining in vitro neurogenesis and angiogenesis models using a microfluidi
54 d to optimize the gel components in terms of neurogenesis and angiogenesis.
55 ular mitochondria are critical to successful neurogenesis and are a major target of inflammatory inju
56  reverses carbofuran's inhibitory effects on neurogenesis and associated learning and memory deficits
57 ly with nonperiventricular adult hippocampal neurogenesis and basal migration of NSPCs during develop
58 onserved adverse effects of hyperglycemia on neurogenesis and brain healing in zebrafish.
59  disorders and clarify the role of Kctd13 in neurogenesis and brain size.
60 yrus, a hippocampal subdivision essential to neurogenesis and cognition, and that this impact would f
61 long-term preservation of normal hippocampal neurogenesis and cognitive and memory function, in contr
62 in astrocytes could affect adult hippocampal neurogenesis and contribute to aspects of psychiatric di
63 nd differentiation, we provide evidence that neurogenesis and differentiation can occur independently
64            We propose that the uncoupling of neurogenesis and differentiation could provide neurogeni
65                                         Both neurogenesis and early embryogenesis exhibit substantial
66 a major role of Pum1 and Pum2 in hippocampal neurogenesis and function.
67 g RGP behavior and proliferation dynamics in neurogenesis and glia generation remain unknown.
68 ensures the appropriate amount and timing of neurogenesis and gliogenesis in the developing hippocamp
69 d a down-regulation of genes associated with neurogenesis and glutamate receptor signaling.
70 d also in more specialized processes such as neurogenesis and growth factor signaling.
71  link the O-GlcNAc modification to mammalian neurogenesis and highlight the role of this nutrient-sen
72 in astrocytes would affect adult hippocampal neurogenesis and hippocampus-dependent behaviors.
73  Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway promotes neurogenesis and inhibits neurodegeneration.
74 ficiency leads to impaired adult hippocampal neurogenesis and late-onset neurodegeneration in mouse b
75  38093 treatment increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis and may provide an innovative strategy to i
76 s, but the mechanisms by which they increase neurogenesis and modulate behavior are incompletely unde
77 sterone (DHEA), a neurosteroid that promotes neurogenesis and neuron survival, and determined the tim
78 her preferred levels of drug taking enhanced neurogenesis and neuronal activation of granule cell neu
79 allel, we characterized the effects on human neurogenesis and neuronal differentiation brought about
80 e embryonic brains was sufficient to disturb neurogenesis and neuronal migration in a similar manner
81  enriched for downstream targets involved in neurogenesis and neuronal migration.
82 of established xenograft tumors, ANG-induced neurogenesis and neuroprotection, levels of pro-self-ren
83  teleost brain and have established roles in neurogenesis and neurosteroidogenesis; however, their tr
84 nity effects required for embryonic cortical neurogenesis and novel cell-autonomous Lgl1 functions co
85 al role for C5a-C5aR1 signaling in mammalian neurogenesis and provides mechanistic insight into recen
86  receptor in Ascl1-expressing cells promoted neurogenesis and reduced anxiety- and depression-like be
87         ASD-derived neurons display abnormal neurogenesis and reduced synaptogenesis leading to funct
88 f the olfactory epithelium (OE) for lifelong neurogenesis and regeneration depends on the persistence
89 autophagy plays a crucial role in regulating neurogenesis and restricting local immune response in po
90 ate the relationship between decreased adult neurogenesis and stress-induced changes in hippocampal s
91 DK8 kinase module can promote non-ectodermal neurogenesis and suggest that inhibiting CDK7/cyclin H m
92 -homolog 1 (NDE1) in human cerebral cortical neurogenesis and suggested a role in brain evolution; ho
93 dium, such that Lhx2 overexpression promotes neurogenesis and suppresses gliogenesis, whereas loss of
94 stmitotic stage and selectively controls the neurogenesis and survival of specific neuronal subtypes
95  programs in neurons controlling plasticity, neurogenesis and survival.
96 o prompted the recovery of hippocampal adult neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity and restored cognit
97 pairments and elevated stereotypy, decreased neurogenesis and synaptic plasticity, and abnormally red
98          Early brain activity is crucial for neurogenesis and the development of brain networks.
99 w epigenetic regulation contributes to adult neurogenesis and the potential impact of its dysregulati
100 n factors and levels of proteins involved in neurogenesis and the TGF-beta pathway (i.e. TGF-beta; SM
101 study the roles of these proteins in enteric neurogenesis and their cross regulation.
102  formation (APF, SOP selection), 40 hrs APF (neurogenesis), and adult antennae.
103 seizures potently modulate hippocampal adult neurogenesis, and adult-born dentate granule cells contr
104 TX is known to play a role in transcription, neurogenesis, and antiviral response.
105 enhanced brain plasticity, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and increased levels of brain-derived neur
106 D44 play important roles in regulating adult neurogenesis, and we provide evidence that HA contribute
107 odal effects of neurotrophism, angiogenesis, neurogenesis, antiautoimmunity, and antiinflammation.
108        While a number of regulators of VM DA neurogenesis are known, processes involved in later deve
109 metabolic programs and their impact on adult neurogenesis are largely unknown.
110           Mechanisms mediating adult enteric neurogenesis are largely unknown.
111                          Postnatal and adult neurogenesis are region- and modality-specific, but the
112 der patients and lower levels of hippocampal neurogenesis are the hypothesized cause.
113                 Spatiotemporal variations of neurogenesis are thought to account for the evolution of
114  phase, where neurorepair mechanisms such as neurogenesis, are involved.
115 t included delayed brain differentiation and neurogenesis as well as abnormal proliferation accompany
116 d for adult neural stem cell maintenance and neurogenesis as well as the formation of ependymal cells
117 identified ID1, a HLH inhibitor of premature neurogenesis, as a target.
118  by neurodegeneration, inflammation, altered neurogenesis, as well as cognitive and memory deficits.
119 ogether suggest FTO plays important roles in neurogenesis, as well as in learning and memory.
120 deling and deacetylase (NuRD) complex at the neurogenesis-associated gene loci, and, as a consequence
121 own mechanisms for active forgetting include neurogenesis-based forgetting, interference-based forget
122 tion (astroglial and microglial activation), neurogenesis (BrdU-labeled newborn cells), and amyloidos
123 ked to this locus contains genes involved in neurogenesis but, in accordance with an earlier study, d
124 tion factor SOX2 has been implicated in otic neurogenesis, but its requirement in the specification o
125  antidepressants stimulate adult hippocampal neurogenesis, but the mechanisms by which they increase
126 lomeres are required for embryonic and adult neurogenesis, but their uncapping has surprisingly no de
127                                    Enhancing neurogenesis by conditional deletion of the pro-apoptoti
128 is highly conserved in animals and regulates neurogenesis by facilitating neural differentiation, yet
129  revealed that CDK-8 most likely promotes I4 neurogenesis by inhibiting the CDK-7/CYH-1 (CDK7/cyclin
130                The estrogen seems to restore neurogenesis by inhibiting the cell cycle and elevating
131 cordingly, hunger and satiety regulate adult neurogenesis by modulating the activity of this hypothal
132 erstanding the circadian regulation of adult neurogenesis can help optimize the timing of therapeutic
133                   Alterations in hippocampal neurogenesis can mediate treatment of mental illness or
134                                 The order of neurogenesis can therefore account for the dorsoventral
135  the course of brain development by altering neurogenesis, cell death, migration, differentiation, de
136 europrogenitors are lost with increased age, neurogenesis concomitantly decreases.
137 ting the mouse olfactory bulb, where ongoing neurogenesis continually supplies new inhibitory granule
138  only known brain region where physiological neurogenesis continues into adulthood across mammalian s
139 In the present review, we evaluate how adult neurogenesis contributes to the repair and regeneration
140 l layer, with concomitant rescue of both the neurogenesis defect and hippocampal memory abnormalities
141 ntiation of NPCs, and Mbd3 depletion rescued neurogenesis defects seen in Smek1/2 knockout mice.
142 hondrial function ameliorates age-associated neurogenesis defects.
143 function as a potential target to ameliorate neurogenesis-defects in the aging hippocampus.
144 administration of S 38093 were assessed on a neurogenesis-dependent "context discrimination (CS) test
145     Combining stress and inhibition of adult neurogenesis did not have additive effects on the magnit
146 gainst carbofuran-mediated neurotoxicity and neurogenesis disruption.
147 es enriched with functional associations for neurogenesis, dopamine signaling, immune regulation and
148 rt a direct role for the importance of adult neurogenesis during abstinence in compulsive-like drug r
149 l stem and progenitor cells, but its role in neurogenesis during brain development remains unknown.
150 ceptor may be instrumental for understanding neurogenesis during eye development and for devising the
151 ptions of temporal parietal and sub-cortical neurogenesis during infancy are critical to the pathophy
152 ion of ERK signaling, or inhibition of adult neurogenesis, each blocks the ketamine-induced behaviora
153 r factor suppresses gliogenesis and promotes neurogenesis; each can substitute for loss of the other.
154 ccordingly, Mef2c-het mice exhibit decreased neurogenesis, enhanced neuronal apoptosis, and an increa
155  trophic factors along with neurotrophic and neurogenesis factors were detected; these elevations las
156    In contrast, complete inhibition of adult neurogenesis for 4 weeks led to volume reduction only in
157                 With prolonged inhibition of neurogenesis for 8 or 16 weeks, volume loss spread to th
158 sible future directions for harnessing adult neurogenesis for therapeutic use.
159 age marker, during the active phase of mesDA neurogenesis from E9.5 to E14.5 during mouse development
160 ng results, the impact of Abeta pathology on neurogenesis/gliogenesis remains unclear.
161      The role of FTO in neurodevelopment and neurogenesis, however, remains largely unknown.
162 mportant epigenetic roles in mammalian adult neurogenesis; however, the precise molecular mechanisms
163  study has explored complement regulation of neurogenesis, identifying a novel relationship between t
164 euronal stem cells suggests that hippocampal neurogenesis impairment is an important factor underlyin
165  n1-src causes a striking absence of primary neurogenesis, implicating n1-src in the specification of
166 we have performed a longitudinal analysis of neurogenesis in a model of cortical ischemia in mice.
167 edictable restraint stress and inhibition of neurogenesis in a rat pharmacogenetic model.
168        Here we investigated how manipulating neurogenesis in adult mice alters excitatory synaptic tr
169  suggest that colitis promotes rapid enteric neurogenesis in adult mice and humans through differenti
170  investigate constitutive and injury-induced neurogenesis in adult vertebrates.
171  prevented carbofuran-mediated inhibition of neurogenesis in both hippocampal NSC cultures and the hi
172 nutrient availability, allowing preferential neurogenesis in brain subregions during nutrient poor co
173 at dogs are a valuable animal model of adult neurogenesis in comparative and preclinical studies.
174 d trajectories of radial glia maturation and neurogenesis in developing human telencephalon.
175         Transient inhibition of C5aR1 during neurogenesis in developing mice led to behavioral abnorm
176 s, representing a potential avenue to direct neurogenesis in developmental disorders or regenerative
177 transient Hes1 expression rescues precocious neurogenesis in Dmrta2 knockout NPCs.
178  as early determinants, promoting deep-layer neurogenesis in early cortical progenitors via input int
179 (6)A signaling also regulates human cortical neurogenesis in forebrain organoids.
180 filing, we have analysed the early stages of neurogenesis in fragile X syndrome human pluripotent ste
181                                  Maintaining neurogenesis in growing tissues requires a tight balance
182 estrogen replacement might partially restore neurogenesis in human premature infants.SIGNIFICANCE STA
183 y, OSNs are continually replenished by adult neurogenesis in mammals, including humans, so OSN measur
184 13 or kctd13 does not increase brain size or neurogenesis in mice or zebrafish, respectively.
185 ioral alterations and rescued abnormal adult neurogenesis in mutant DISC1 mice.
186 n proteasome function during development and neurogenesis in particular; they enable the definition o
187  and estrogen treatment reverses interneuron neurogenesis in preterm newborns by cell-cycle inhibitio
188  transcription factors known to govern adult neurogenesis in response to active RIT1 expression in th
189 cruit distinct NSC pools, allowing on-demand neurogenesis in response to physiology and environmental
190 CA3 pyramidal cells and suppression of adult neurogenesis in rodents.
191 stions about the role of sprouting and adult neurogenesis in sustaining seizure-like activity.
192 ormed by the discovery that exercise induces neurogenesis in the adult brain, with the potential to i
193 the promotion of stem cell proliferation and neurogenesis in the adult dentate gyrus.
194 equired for neural stem cell maintenance and neurogenesis in the adult lateral ventricle subventricul
195 a synthetic small molecule known to modulate neurogenesis in the adult rodent brain) during abstinenc
196 rrested alveologenesis in the lung, impaired neurogenesis in the brain and occasional myocardial fibr
197                                        Adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) is strongly influ
198 As both astrocytes and DISC1 influence adult neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus (DG) of the hippocampu
199                   ABSTRACT: Exercise signals neurogenesis in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus.
200 current dogma, there is little or no ongoing neurogenesis in the fully developed adult enteric nervou
201 ) AR-42, ameliorates the deficiency of adult neurogenesis in the granule cell layer of the dentate gy
202                                        Adult neurogenesis in the hippocampal subgranular zone (SGZ) i
203 s on the adult brain that relies on improved neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
204 working memory capacity via suboptimal adult neurogenesis in the hippocampus.
205 irth-dating experiments confirmed diminished neurogenesis in the MCT8-deficient cell population as we
206 show that preterm birth disrupts interneuron neurogenesis in the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) and
207    Hence, preterm birth disrupts interneuron neurogenesis in the MGE and estrogen treatment reverses
208       Here, we show that inhibition of adult neurogenesis in the mouse dentate gyrus decreases hippoc
209                                        Adult neurogenesis in the olfactory epithelium is often depict
210  mice may prove useful for future studies of neurogenesis in the olfactory epithelium.
211  and that C3a receptor signalling stimulates neurogenesis in unchallenged adult mice.
212 e harmine metabolite harmol, stimulate adult neurogenesis in vitro.
213  with the host molecular machinery to impact neurogenesis in vivo is not well understood.
214 on with behavioral tests, we evaluated adult neurogenesis, including neural progenitor proliferation
215 ucing populations across different stages of neurogenesis, including radial glia-like cells, intermed
216  mature neurons, whereas genetic ablation of neurogenesis increased EPSCs in mature neurons.
217 riad changes in the brain, including reduced neurogenesis, increased synaptic aberrations, higher met
218 entate neurons increased EPSCs and prevented neurogenesis-induced synaptic suppression.
219             We propose a novel view for otic neurogenesis integrating cell dynamics whereby ingressio
220 le of radial glia cells and extends cortical neurogenesis into postnatal stages.
221                                              Neurogenesis is a highly regulated process in which dive
222                 Specifically, we showed that neurogenesis is affected early in the APP/PS1 hippocampu
223 xercise-mediated potentiation of hippocampal neurogenesis is also diminished in RIT1 (-/-) mice.
224                            Adult hippocampal neurogenesis is an important form of structural and func
225 ry is present in adult rats, even when adult neurogenesis is blocked.
226                                              Neurogenesis is essential to brain development and plays
227                                              Neurogenesis is initiated by the transient expression of
228 rstanding the molecular mechanisms governing neurogenesis is necessary for the development of transla
229                       In Lmnb1-null embryos, neurogenesis is reduced, while in vivo Lmnb1 silencing i
230              The findings suggest that adult neurogenesis is required to maintain hippocampal volume
231  and accordingly, Sox2-dependent hippocampal neurogenesis is significantly blunted following IGF-1 in
232              Loss or increase in LHX2 during neurogenesis is sufficient to increase or decrease, resp
233 l dentate gyrus, a region with ongoing adult neurogenesis, is sensitive to MAGUK loss in mature anima
234       Despite extensive studies on mammalian neurogenesis, its post-transcriptional regulation remain
235 o reduced neuronal differentiation, impaired neurogenesis, learning deficits, and autism-like behavio
236                                 This lack of neurogenesis leaves unanswered the question of how enter
237 ble restraint stress and inhibition of adult neurogenesis led to atrophy of pyramidal cell apical den
238                           Thus, during adult neurogenesis, microglia regulate the elimination (prunin
239 regarded to follow a stereotypic sequence of neurogenesis, migration, and differentiation.
240 rates, it remains unresolved which ancestral neurogenesis mode prefigures the highly divergent cytoar
241                Using inflammation-associated neurogenesis models and a transgenic approach, we aimed
242             Together these results show that neurogenesis modifies synaptic transmission to mature ne
243                        Isoxazole-9 modulated neurogenesis, neuronal activation and structural plastic
244 mary cilia are crucial for early patterning, neurogenesis, neuronal maturation and survival, and tumo
245                                     However, neurogenesis, neuronal pruning, and neuronal enlargement
246                                   Postinjury neurogenesis occurs as a burst of proliferation that pea
247 the select regions of the mature brain where neurogenesis occurs.
248 r, our results show significant turnover and neurogenesis of adult enteric neurons and provide a para
249 tion of the Wnt signaling pathway to promote neurogenesis of the ENS in vitro.
250 phosphatase that has been shown to influence neurogenesis, oligodendrogenesis, and oligodendrocyte di
251 , mechanistic studies on the relationship of neurogenesis on drug seeking are limited.
252  function, in contrast to waned and abnormal neurogenesis, persistent inflammation, and functional de
253                                        Adult neurogenesis persists in the rodent dentate gyrus and is
254                                  Thus, adult neurogenesis plays a central role in the adaptive change
255 guide specification of neuronal types during neurogenesis preconfigure the brain.
256 , implicating biological pathways related to neurogenesis, programmed cell death and insulin signalin
257 ma7A as a key regulator of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, providing an example of how differential r
258                                              Neurogenesis-regulating miRNAs were decreased in NDAN in
259 nscriptionally regulated by NPAS3, as is the neurogenesis regulator Notch.
260 molecular mechanisms for carbofuran-impaired neurogenesis remain unknown.
261                                     Impaired neurogenesis resulted in a reduced number of glutamaterg
262  landscapes between mouse and human cortical neurogenesis reveals enrichment of human-specific m(6)A
263 system, neuroblasts go through two phases of neurogenesis separated by a period of mitotic quiescence
264             Neurotrophic processes including neurogenesis shown in preclinical studies may underlie t
265 ertebrate nervous system evolved to regulate neurogenesis.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT The Src family of no
266 halamus presents constitutive and stimulated neurogenesis, suggesting that obesity-associated hypotha
267 n Drosha-deficient hippocampal NSCs restores neurogenesis, suggesting that the Drosha/NFIB mechanism
268  evolutionarily conserved and operate during neurogenesis, suggesting that they represent a physiolog
269  Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway promotes neurogenesis (synapse formation and remodeling) and inhi
270 e mice show changes in genes associated with neurogenesis, synapse formation, and neuronal cell death
271 related to the central nervous system (e.g., neurogenesis, synaptic plasticity, glial cell developmen
272 d in neurodevelopmental disorders, including neurogenesis, synaptic processes and neuroimmune signali
273 In the adult brain, one of the regions where neurogenesis takes place is the subventricular zone (SVZ
274 n in the SGZ may contribute to reductions in neurogenesis that are linked to age-related decline in s
275 ids to identify specific cellular defects in neurogenesis that may explain PTEN-related macrocephaly
276 t of mRNAs related to transcription factors, neurogenesis, the cell cycle, and neuronal differentiati
277 osure has detrimental effects on hippocampal neurogenesis, the generation of new neurons from neural
278 anges span from synaptic plasticity to adult neurogenesis, the latter being highly reduced in large-b
279                 Later in development, during neurogenesis, the mutation spectrum shifted toward oxida
280                                        Adult neurogenesis, the process of generating mature neurons f
281 onal differentiation recapitulated embryonic neurogenesis, they generated action potentials, and they
282  In contrast, ATR coordinated the DDR during neurogenesis to direct apoptosis in cycling neural proge
283 genitors to control the temporal switch from neurogenesis to gliogenesis.
284 l progenitors and the consequent decrease of neurogenesis together with the impaired survival of late
285                                       During neurogenesis, vertebrate and Drosophila progenitors chan
286  pathway downstream of MeCP2 that influences neurogenesis via interactions with central molecular hub
287      The circadian system may regulate adult neurogenesis via intracellular molecular clock mechanism
288          Interestingly, a milder decrease in neurogenesis was observed in heterozygotes, indicating S
289                                              Neurogenesis was reduced in BERKO ES cells, and oligoden
290 aracterize in vivo the function of ZFP423 in neurogenesis, we analyzed allelic murine mutants in whic
291 ablished importance of microRNAs (miRNAs) in neurogenesis, we employed isogenic human RTT patient-der
292                            During deep layer neurogenesis, we show that transcription factor LHX2 bin
293 ISC1-associated behaviors and abnormal adult neurogenesis were also examined.
294 in Kmt2d(+/betaGeo) mice; similar effects on neurogenesis were observed on exogenous administration o
295 s multiple hallmarks of aging in hippocampal neurogenesis, whereas pharmacological enhancement of mit
296 ry can change the level of adult hippocampal neurogenesis, which plays an important role in regulatin
297 ed the period of Tbr1(+)/Ctip2(+) deep-layer neurogenesis while reducing Satb2(+) upper-layer neuroge
298 tein 3 (NPAS3) impairs postnatal hippocampal neurogenesis, while loss of the related protein NPAS1 pr
299                             Further defining neurogenesis will improve understanding and treatment of
300                                     In adult neurogenesis young neurons connect to the existing netwo

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