


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 eurogenesis by stabilising the bHLH protein, neurogenin.
2 expression during cell-fate specification by neurogenin.
3 riptional regulators of mammalian genes, the neurogenins.
4           The proneural transcription factor neurogenin 1 (neurog1) has been shown to be a key regula
5                            Here we show that neurogenin 1 (ngn1), a vertebrate proneural gene related
6 has been postulated that a proneural factor, neurogenin 1 (Ngn1), simultaneously activates the neurog
7 n of the proneural bHLH transcription factor neurogenin 1 (ngn1).
8                                              Neurogenin 1 and MASH1 activate PK2 transcription by bin
9 ripheral nervous system, the proneural genes neurogenin 1 and neurogenin 2 (Ngn1 and Ngn2), and Mash1
10 in is directly involved in the regulation of neurogenin 1 and possibly other proneural genes when neu
11   In the zebrafish, the transcription factor neurogenin 1 is essential for the generation of the sens
12  find that inactivation of the gene encoding neurogenin 1 leads to the development of over twice the
13 transcription factor Neurog1 (Ngn1, Neurod3, neurogenin 1) is involved in neuronal differentiation an
14 molog 1a) knockdown or neurons with neurog1 (neurogenin 1) knockdown, we showed that the remaining ce
15 he mouse otocyst epithelium, Tbx1 suppresses neurogenin 1-mediated neural fate determination and is r
16                                              Neurogenins 1 and 2 appear to control distinct sublineag
17          Proneural genes, including Pax6 and Neurogenin-1 and -2, were higher in preterm rabbit pups
18 geminal nerve fibers during development with neurogenin-1 knockout mice, during early postnatal devel
19      Here we show that the proneural protein neurogenin 2 (Neurog2), which controls neurogenesis in t
20 system, the proneural genes neurogenin 1 and neurogenin 2 (Ngn1 and Ngn2), and Mash1 are required for
21           The proneural transcription factor Neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) acts as a master regulator of neuron
22                   Later the cultures express neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) and become neurogenic.
23  marked promoters of poised proneural genes [neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) and neurogenic differentiation 1 (Ne
24 und that two of these E-boxes are targets of Neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) and that this mechanism is important
25      The proneural factors Mash1 (Ascl1) and neurogenin 2 (Ngn2) are expressed during formation of th
26                        The proneural protein neurogenin 2 (NGN2) is a key transcription factor in reg
27 orsomorphin) enable the transcription factor Neurogenin 2 (NGN2) to convert human fetal lung fibrobla
28              We found that the expression of neurogenin 2 (Ngn2), a basic helix-loop-helix transcript
29 conserved serine residues on the bHLH factor neurogenin 2 (Ngn2), S231 and S234, are phosphorylated d
30 IG2(S147A) prefers to form heterodimers with Neurogenin 2 or other bHLH partners, suggesting a molecu
31  and maturation by inducing the beta-catenin-neurogenin 2 pathway.
32  differentiation gene Neurog2 (Ngn2, Math4A, neurogenin 2) as a direct target of PTF1-J.
33 ion and neuronal differentiation mediated by Neurogenin 2, a transcription factor expressed in adult
34 elopment, we detected only a single-phase of Neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3) expression and endocrine differen
35 level production of the transcription factor Neurogenin 3 (Neurog3) in Sox9(+) bipotent epithelial ce
36 ryonic development, the transcription factor neurogenin 3 (Neurog3) initiates the differentiation of
37                     The transcription factor Neurogenin 3 (Neurog3) is required for islet development
38 sin and immunostained for Musashi-1 (Msi-1), neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3), chromogranin A (CgA), serotonin,
39 tivate the proendocrine transcription factor neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3), exit the cell cycle, and differe
40 induction of the endocrine progenitor factor neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3).
41 ls expressing carboxypeptidase A1 (CPA1) and neurogenin 3 (NEUROG3).
42 age is dependent on the transcription factor Neurogenin 3 (Neurog3, Ngn3).
43  Mice deficient for the transcription factor neurogenin 3 (ngn3) fail to develop endocrine cells in t
44    Moreover, we demonstrated upregulation of neurogenin 3 (NGN3) in both proliferating ducts and pree
45 roliferating germ cells and colocalized with neurogenin 3 (Ngn3), a helix-loop-helix transcription fa
46 t protein (EGFP) inserted into one allele of neurogenin 3 (Ngn3), a marker for pancreatic endocrine p
47                                   Similarly, neurogenin 3 (Ngn3), a Math5 paralog expressed in pancre
48       We demonstrated that the expression of neurogenin 3 (ngn3), an islet- and neuron-specific basic
49 signaling and requires a threshold number of Neurogenin 3 (Ngn3)-expressing acinar cells.
50 alysis of e12.5-18.5 embryonic pancreas from neurogenin 3 (Ngn3)-null mice, a background that abrogat
51 3(zf/zf) mutant mice; however, the number of neurogenin 3 (Ngn3)-positive endocrine cell progenitors
52 coding the proendocrine transcription factor neurogenin 3 (Ngn3).
53 ull allele of the bHLH transcription factor, neurogenin 3 (ngn3).
54 ESIGN AND In order to separate the transient neurogenin 3 -expressing endocrine progenitor cells from
55                  Thus, our data suggest that Neurogenin 3 can redirect the differentiation of bipoten
56                         Severe deficiency of neurogenin 3 causes a rare novel subtype of permanent ne
57 n of this model defines the narrow window of neurogenin 3 expression in islet progenitor cells and pe
58  the mouse villin promoter was used to drive Neurogenin 3 expression throughout the developing epithe
59 ult to distinguish cells actively expressing neurogenin 3 from differentiated cells that have stopped
60   We screened the coding region of the human neurogenin 3 gene (NEUROG3) for mutations in a group of
61 transcriptional activity of the bHLH protein neurogenin 3 in complex with the coactivators p300 or CB
62                                              Neurogenin 3 is a bHLH transcription factor that is expr
63                                              Neurogenin 3 is essential for enteroendocrine cell devel
64                                      Because neurogenin 3 is required for the development of beta-cel
65 ucted a library in which fetal pancreas from Neurogenin 3 null mice, which consists of only exocrine
66  proportion of smaller islets, and increased neurogenin 3 or insulin expression in cells adjacent to
67                                     Neurog3 (Neurogenin 3 or Ngn3) is both necessary and sufficient t
68                                              Neurogenin 3 plays a pivotal role in pancreatic endocrin
69 increased in the transgenics suggesting that Neurogenin 3 stimulated a program of terminal enteroendo
70 lation of native pancreatic cells expressing neurogenin 3, an established marker of islet progenitors
71           In addition, we determined whether neurogenin 3-expressing cells respond to abnormal Wnt si
72 slet progenitors leads to an increase in the neurogenin 3-expressing precursor cell population, which
73                                          The Neurogenin 3-expressing transgenics had decreased number
74 e cells expressing the transcription factor, neurogenin 3.
75  candidate islet progenitor cells expressing neurogenin 3.
76 ation of islet progenitor cells that express neurogenin 3.
77                                              Neurogenin-3 (NEUROG3) is expressed in endocrine progeni
78  The neurogenic differentiation-1 (NEUROD1), neurogenin-3 (NEUROG3), and hepatic nuclear factor-1alph
79                                              Neurogenin-3 (Ngn-3) is required for pancreas developmen
80 ta-cell size, islet size, islet density, and neurogenin-3 expression were analyzed.
81 ween HNF3 and basic helix-loop-helix factors neurogenin-3 or NeuroD1 binding to adjacent sites played
82  gamma-secretase inhibitor dibenzazepine and neurogenin-3 overexpression induced goblet cell and ente
83         We enforced Pdx1 expression from the Neurogenin-3-expressing endocrine commitment point onwar
84                                              Neurogenins act via a cascade of downstream transcriptio
85 eover, the ability of p27(Xic1) to stabilise neurogenin and enhance neurogenesis localises to an N-te
86 erminal neural differentiation is induced by neurogenin and neuro D overexpression but not when only
87 t evolutionarily conserved core mediators of Neurogenin and NeuroD activities.
88 y neuronal differentiation at a step between neurogenin and neuroD activity.
89 transcriptional targets of the bHLH proteins Neurogenin and NeuroD and found that primary roles of th
90           We defined consensus sequences for Neurogenin and NeuroD binding and identified responsive
91  Taken together, these data demonstrate that Neurogenin and NeuroD preferentially recognize neurogene
92 can differentially inhibit the activities of neurogenin and neuroD, both neurogenic bHLH molecules an
93 also revealed a crucial control step between neurogenin and neuroD.
94 included targets of the transcription factor neurogenin and previously uncharacterized, evolutionaril
95 ogenesis in the olfactory system upstream of neurogenin and Xebf2.
96 st, misexpression of Olig2 alone derepresses Neurogenins and promotes motoneuron differentiation.
97 lix-loop-helix transcription factors such as Neurogenin are activators of neuronal gene expression.
98 HES, Myc/USF, Hand, Mesp, Shout, p48, NeuroD/Neurogenin, Atonal and AS-C.
99 We show that Hes6 expression follows that of neurogenins but precedes that of the neuronal differenti
100                                     A single neurogenin gene, neurogenin1 (ngn1), is required for the
101               Overexpression of X-NGNR-1 (or NEUROGENIN) induces ectopic neurogenesis and ectopic exp
102 helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor Neurogenin/Math/atonal and Mash/achaete-scute family mem
103 computational approach to predict additional Neurogenin/NeuroD target genes involved in neurogenesis.
104              All such neurons require either neurogenin (ngn) 1 or 2, two neuronal determination gene
105 embryos, NKL is induced by overexpression of Neurogenin (Ngn), arguing that NKL is downstream of the
106  neurogenesis, the bHLH transcription factor neurogenin (Ngn1) inhibits the differentiation of neural
107 and represses neuron formation by binding to Neurogenin (Ngn2) and blocking its function.
108 loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factors, the Neurogenins (NGNs) and MASH-1, respectively.
109                                          The NEUROGENINS (NGNs) are neural-specific basic helix-loop-
110 ver, neither XFD nor N17Ras inhibits noggin, neurogenin, or XBF2 induction of anterior neural markers
111                               Activating the neurogenin pathway in ferret progenitors promoted delami
112  is sufficient to induce phox2a-positive and neurogenin-positive cells.
113 h beta-catenin and Lef1 bind directly to the neurogenin promoter, and luciferase reporter assays demo
114 taposed to the expression domains of Xenopus Neurogenin related 1 and N-tubulin, markers of early neu
115 duces expression of the early proneural gene neurogenin-related 1 although not itself being induced b
116                        Expression of Xenopus NEUROGENIN-related-1 (X-NGNR-1) defines the three prospe
117     The related basic/helix-loop-helix genes neurogenin-related-1 and neuroD are not induced in respo
118                       In further contrast to neurogenin-related-1 and neuroD, high-level expression o
119                 Transcription factors in the Neurogenin, Runt, ETS, and LIM families control sequenti
120         In particular, studies on NeuroD and Neurogenin suggest a regulatory pathway, providing power
121 e revealed more cells coexpressing proneural neurogenin targets in human than in other species, sugge
122 l to express the basic helix-loop-helix gene neurogenin that is essential for the formation of neuron
123 stoma specimens, whereas NEUROD2 and NEUROD3/neurogenin were expressed in partly overlapping subsets
124 moted by proneural bHLH proteins such as the neurogenins, which act as potent transcriptional activat
125 scribe a novel, NeuroD-related bHLH protein, NEUROGENIN, whose expression precedes that of NeuroD in
126 is finding, XDmrt4 is sufficient to activate neurogenin, Xebf2, and neural cell adhesion molecule exp

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