


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1 ioperative stroke indicated by postoperative neurological examination.
2 mutant alleles of TBC1D24 were available for neurological examination.
3 sis, if present, is mild and evident only by neurological examination.
4            Signs of DSPN were ascertained by neurological examination.
5 gical validation of abnormal findings on the neurological examination.
6 death, using medical history and findings of neurological examination.
7 ing, rope and ladder climbing), as well as a neurological examination.
8 ile (SIP), Fatigue Severity Scale (FSS), and neurological examination.
9 atric interview that included a physical and neurological examination.
10 d neuropsychological battery and underwent a neurological examination.
11 rom the sonication based on neuroimaging and neurological examinations.
12 ardized magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and neurological examinations.
13 he knockout and wild-type mice in systematic neurological examinations.
14 e safe and feasible), the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (90% sensitivity), and the Deve
15 98% sensitivity), and the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination (90% sensitivity).
16 ing-remitting multiple sclerosis, a complete neurological examination, a baseline brain and spinal co
17 h included history, physical assessment, and neurological examinations; a subset had electroencephalo
18                     The relationship between neurological examination abnormalities and alterations i
19                       All subjects underwent neurological examination and 3mm skin biopsies.
20  diabetic polyneuropathy, the results of the neurological examination and abnormalities of nerve cond
21 12 months after injury, combined with a full neurological examination and comprehensive pain assessme
22                       All underwent detailed neurological examination and electrodiagnostic and genet
23 y signs were elicited by a standard clinical neurological examination and included signs of focal dam
24 ned for polyneuropathy with a questionnaire, neurological examination and nerve conduction studies.
25   Diagnosis was based on structured history, neurological examination and neuropsychological assessme
26 ticipants were clinically assessed including neurological examination and pain questionnaire.
27 e integration of historical information with neurological examination and relevant laboratory and par
28 ental impairment was based on a standardized neurological examination and the revised Brunet-Lezine s
29  coworkers, including a general physical and neurological examination and the Unified Parkinson's Dis
30 cal presentation with normal findings from a neurological examination and unremarkable findings on di
31              At baseline, patients underwent neurological examination and were scored on the Expanded
32 ological dysfunction, 4) abnormal limits for neurological examinations and tests, 5) minimal criteria
33 cording to results on the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination) and event-free survival (time
34 es of the Bayley scales, head circumference, neurological examination, and abnormalities on brain mag
35 ated based on neuropsychological evaluation, neurological examination, and MRI.
36      Neuroimaging, nerve conduction studies, neurological examinations, and neuropsychological examin
37 garding age, medical history, oculomotor and neurological examinations, and result of any neuroimagin
38 ividual, was responsible for the form of the neurological examination as it is now performed; and his
39 opathic epilepsy and abnormal motor-sensory (neurological) examinations as predictors of a positive M
40 peg test, tremor-related disability, general neurological examination, Barthel Activities of Daily Li
41                                 We performed neurological examinations, bedside mental state tests, n
42                     Patients had independent neurological examinations before and after the procedure
43                                              Neurological examinations, brain magnetic resonance imag
44 idence of conscious awareness when a careful neurological examination cannot.
45  All subjects underwent clinical assessment, neurological examination, cerebral magnetic resonance, a
46 lineated the frequencies of abnormalities on neurological examination, cerebrospinal fluid studies, n
47 eizures were more likely to have an abnormal neurological examination (clinical seizures: 78% versus
48 rooke's Cognitive Examination (ACE-R), had a neurological examination, clinical diagnostics and multi
49  1228 symptomatic individuals, with detailed neurological examination descriptions available for 753
50 jected to behavioural tests that comprised a neurological examination, determination of motor functio
51 ing DWI in this time window with the 72-hour neurological examination, DWI improved the sensitivity f
52       These EEG features together with basic neurological examinations (eg, pupillary light reflex) c
53 ging has become a requisite component of the neurological examination enabling tailored stroke therap
54       Baseline assessment included: history, neurological examination, expanded disability status sca
55 th APP mutations), with detailed history and neurological examination findings available for 121 (85
56                                           On neurological examination, he had no light perception bil
57 ry feasts were obtained together with serial neurological examination, if possible.
58 stic specificity of abnormal findings on the neurological examination in first-episode schizophrenia
59 ribution underwent standard and quantitative neurological examination, including disability status, v
60                          Video recordings of neurological examinations, including the Movement Disord
61 europhysiologic monitoring and postoperative neurological examination is important to enable immediat
62 resonance imaging and the Hammersmith Infant Neurological Examination may be helpful in assisting cli
63    These results indicate pretransplantation neurological examinations may be the most significant pr
64 tive patients with liver cirrhosis underwent neurological examination, MMSE and electroencephalograph
65 njury, several in-vivo procedures (including neurological examination, neuropsychological assessment,
66                   All participants underwent neurological examination, neuropsychological testing and
67  and highlight the need for precision in the neurological examination particularly of elderly patient
68 hological grade and scores on the Quantified Neurological Examination (QNE) and its chorea and motor
69 ain location and characteristics, structured neurological examination, quantitative sensory testing,
70 uctural magnetic resonance imaging scans and neurological examination reports of patients with brain
71                         The remainder of the neurological examination results were normal.
72                                              Neurological examination revealed new asymmetric quadrip
73                                          The neurological examination revealed: drooping of the right
74 tes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS, a 15-item neurological examination scale with scores from 0 to 42,
75  the age and the NIH Stroke Scale (a 15-item neurological examination scale with scores ranging from
76                                              Neurological examination, serological characterization a
77             Third, a complete and systematic neurological examination should be routinely done in pat
78  the majority of patients were asymptomatic, neurological examination showed distal sensory loss to p
79                                        Basic neurological examination supplemented by X-ray examinati
80 clude a thorough history, digital rectal and neurological examinations, symptom scoring (including qu
81  Doppler with embolus detection studies, and neurological examinations to evaluate the relation of RL
82 bar puncture underwent standardized history, neurological examination, venipuncture, and lumbar punct
83 sments included adverse events, physical and neurological examinations, vital signs, clinical laborat
84                                              Neurological examination was abnormal in three, with lim
85                     A standardized childhood neurological examination was administered to a sample of
86                                              Neurological examination was normal.
87 d 12 months after discontinuation), complete neurological examination was undertaken and an adverse e
88           Other than mental retardation, the neurological examination was unremarkable, with exceptio
89                    The results of an initial neurological examination were normal, including his high
90 n studies, quantitative sensory testing, and neurological examination were used to assess peripheral
91 il 2003) through a survey and a standardized neurological examination, which was videotaped and subse
92 ts underwent detailed neuropsychological and neurological examinations, with a proportion also undert

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