


コーパス検索結果 (1語後でソート)

1               Before MRI, rats were examined neurologically.
2 -hour survivors were normal or nearly normal neurologically.
3 bles the human capacity both cognitively and neurologically.
4 CP2 levels in brain is strongly suggested by neurologically abnormal phenotypes of mouse models with
5 ta4-7/Delta4-7) mice are growth retarded and neurologically abnormal.
6 od establishes the feasibility of monitoring neurologically active amine content and potentially othe
7  instrument is used for the determination of neurologically active biogenic amines, especially tyrami
8                  The higher AdoMet levels in neurologically affected patients may result from inhibit
9 nd the initial use of tetrathiomolybdate for neurologically affected patients will change our future
10                                Most improved neurologically after immunomodulatory or tumor-directed
11 sis and management of voiding dysfunction in neurologically and anatomically normal children.
12 iduals in this subgroup are less compromised neurologically and display structural brain abnormalitie
13 m to learning and memory in animals that are neurologically and genetically intact.
14 ogical function and neuroimaging findings in neurologically asymptomatic adults with SCA and controls
15                    Patients in cohort A were neurologically asymptomatic and were not receiving corti
16                            Among 32 patients neurologically asymptomatic at diagnosis, 16 (50%) devel
17                Lorenzo's oil administered to neurologically asymptomatic boys who are less than 6 yea
18                               A total of 269 neurologically asymptomatic cancer patients were enrolle
19 cted from ischemic stroke patients (n = 39), neurologically asymptomatic controls (n = 20), and strok
20 tile range [IQR], 3-8 samples/patient) in 75 neurologically asymptomatic human immunodeficiency virus
21 d, more important, from HTLV-I seropositive, neurologically asymptomatic individuals.
22               There is a high risk for adult neurologically asymptomatic patients to develop neurolog
23 untless apparently uneventful anesthetics in neurologically at-risk patients.
24 component of anesthesia in neurosurgical and neurologically at-risk patients.
25 , psychiatric features are sometimes seen in neurologically based movement disorders.
26  patients with motor disability to measure 3 neurologically based subtypes of apathy: Executive, Emot
27                   Compared with kidneys from neurologically brain dead (NBD) donors, DCD kidneys had
28 om sleep in four subjects with high (>/= C3) neurologically complete spinal cord injuries while on co
29 dation can be systematically assessed in the neurologically critically ill; the majority can also be
30         Sacks attributed the experience to a neurologically determined disorder of body-image and bod
31 re to donate their organs and who are either neurologically devastated or imminently dying should be
32          Taken together, our findings reveal neurologically dissociable PFC and parieto-occipital sys
33 ted odds ratio, 1.57; 95% CI, 1.25-1.96) and neurologically favorable survival (adjusted proportion,
34 ependently associated with decreased odds of neurologically favorable survival compared with conventi
35  CI, 1.51-2.79) was associated with improved neurologically favorable survival compared with no BCPR
36 d with return of spontaneous circulation and neurologically favorable survival to hospital discharge.
37                         Overall survival and neurologically favorable survival were 11.3% (440 of 390
38                       Similarly, the odds of neurologically favorable survival were significantly low
39 ort (357,228 patients), the adjusted odds of neurologically favorable survival were significantly low
40 ssociated with improved overall survival and neurologically favorable survival while compression-only
41                         Overall survival and neurologically favorable survival, defined as a Cerebral
42  similarly associated with decreased odds of neurologically favorable survival.
43 justed proportion, 9.5%; 95% CI, 8.28-10.69; neurologically favorable survival: adjusted proportion,
44  developed, and fewer patients deteriorating neurologically from diagnosis to discharge.
45 hat Neanderthal-derived genetic variation is neurologically functional in the contemporary population
46  also may have an impact on the treatment of neurologically handicapped children in the future.
47 aphy on diffusion spectrum imaging data from neurologically healthy adults (N = 60) was used to map f
48                                        Eight neurologically healthy adults viewed sentences that were
49  with microbleed evidence of TAI compared to neurologically healthy age-matched controls.
50         98 (56%, 95% CI 48-63) children were neurologically healthy before their first ever episode a
51                                  Relative to neurologically healthy comparison subjects, the patients
52 ntington's disease patients, and none of the neurologically healthy comparison subjects.
53 21 patients with Huntington's disease and 29 neurologically healthy comparison subjects.
54 ntal Disorders (Fourth Edition) matched with neurologically healthy control individuals.
55 and without anosognosia (n = 15), as well as neurologically healthy control subjects (n = 15).
56 ency of the variant was also assessed in 489 neurologically healthy controls and in publicly availabl
57 ed twenty-five patients with ALS and fifteen neurologically healthy controls in a P300 brain-computer
58 resonance imaging (fMRI) data collected from neurologically healthy controls in a separate experiment
59 rformance of patients with dlPFC lesions and neurologically healthy controls on a memory-guided sacca
60 or levodopa, and age- and education- matched neurologically healthy controls were assessed using the
61 s from 18 autopsied patients with ALS and 12 neurologically healthy controls, as well as from wild-ty
62 ex was also very similar to that observed in neurologically healthy controls.
63 rom 106 AD patients, 51 MCI patients, and 29 neurologically healthy controls.
64  verbal and visual creativity as compared to neurologically healthy controls.
65 patients without constructional problems and neurologically healthy controls.
66 imately 2-fold improvement in the ability of neurologically healthy human adults to localize mechanic
67 these two functional pathways, two groups of neurologically healthy humans were tested using transcra
68 ces in fornix white matter microstructure in neurologically healthy participants were related to diff
69 unctional magnetic resonance imaging to scan neurologically healthy participants while they performed
70 up was significantly higher than that in the neurologically healthy subjects (31%).
71 ease (81%) and about double that seen in the neurologically healthy subjects (41%).
72                            We investigated 6 neurologically healthy subjects and 5 PD patients: 2 wit
73  that, compared with age- and gender-matched neurologically healthy subjects, the vmPFC-lesioned pati
74          One hundred one patients (78%) were neurologically impaired (NI), 74 (57%) had chronic pulmo
75 ion to jejunostomy feedings is suggested for neurologically impaired after two wrap failures and a pa
76 significant differences were found comparing neurologically impaired and normally developed patients.
77 o the PrP(Sc)106 purified from the brains of neurologically impaired animals, multimeric beta-rPrP106
78  containing bla(KPC-3) in an LTCF caring for neurologically impaired children and young adults.
79         Visual field examination in young or neurologically impaired children is a challenge.
80 al perimetry cannot be performed in young or neurologically impaired children.
81 p survived for 24 hrs, but all were severely neurologically impaired.
82    Twenty-three patients in both groups were neurologically impaired.
83 why patients are not being assessed properly neurologically, in part as many doctors have limited neu
84         In the past, clinicians treated some neurologically injured patients with the sustained appli
85 ergency department) and 79 (40 percent) were neurologically intact (good overall capability or modera
86                       The primary end point, neurologically intact 24-hr survival, was evaluated usin
87 ration is related to hippocampal activity in neurologically intact adults.
88 alling for 15 persons with hemiplegia and 12 neurologically intact age-matched control subjects.
89 ting), accurately simulating the behavior of neurologically intact and frontally damaged people.
90 with ventricular fibrillation were alive and neurologically intact at one year.
91 se with partial destruction of the SCN or in neurologically intact control animals.
92  chronically maintained decerebrate (CD) and neurologically intact control rats given fourth-ventricl
93                                       CD and neurologically intact control rats were injected (i.p.)
94                            CD rats, like the neurologically intact controls, decreased intraoral food
95 (taste reactivity) in CD rats, as it does in neurologically intact controls.
96      Among 67 patients, 30 (45%) survived to neurologically intact discharge (overall performance cat
97  in the conventional ACLT model of OA in the neurologically intact dog.
98  cruciate ligament left intact (n = 8) or of neurologically intact dogs that underwent ACLT (n = 7) a
99  brains resist damage and the animals emerge neurologically intact each spring.
100 st functional evidence for such efferents in neurologically intact hamsters by exploiting a phenomeno
101 ivity in response to unilateral stimulation, neurologically intact humans do not experience bilateral
102                              We used fMRI on neurologically intact humans to investigate whether or n
103 ted brains and in tonsils and platelets from neurologically intact individuals.
104 ation task that can be learned implicitly by neurologically intact individuals.
105 ute right hemisphere ischaemic stroke and 24 neurologically intact inpatients on a test of affective
106 movement kinematics has been well studied in neurologically intact nonhuman primates.
107  for 2.5 years in female squirrels that were neurologically intact or in which the hypothalamic supra
108 7.9% of patients as very unlikely to survive neurologically intact or with mild deficits (< 3%); the
109 nd stroke) as well as semantic processing in neurologically intact participants.
110  as functional imaging in stroke aphasic and neurologically intact participants.
111         A total of 100 generally healthy and neurologically intact patients scheduled for radical ret
112 score of 3 +/- 0 vs. five of seven alive and neurologically intact positive pressure ventilation pigs
113 ch of the four aforementioned brain areas of neurologically intact rats but only in the NTS of CD rat
114                             Indicating TPOA, neurologically intact rats conditioned with the odor/tas
115                                              Neurologically intact rats expecting to receive a high-v
116 file resembled that obtained previously with neurologically intact rats tested according to the same
117 n a second experiment, locomotor activity in neurologically intact rats was used.
118 ueous odor as well as each taste stimulus in neurologically intact rats.
119 ke immunoreactivity (FLI) in the striatum of neurologically intact rats.
120  connectivity and cessation likelihood among neurologically intact smokers.
121                        During PI resolution, neurologically intact subjects recruited a BF network th
122 wed "pseudoneglect", the natural tendency of neurologically intact subjects to perceive the left side
123 th spinal cord injury (SCI) when compared to neurologically intact subjects using neuromuscular elect
124                                        Using neurologically intact subjects, Experiment 2 established
125 ermia during CPCR would increase the rate of neurologically intact survival after prolonged cardiac a
126 iocerebral resuscitation as a model for CQI, neurologically intact survival of patients with OHCA in
127 QI approach if the community does not have a neurologically intact survival rate of at least 30%.
128 crease cerebral perfusion, thereby improving neurologically intact survival rates following prolonged
129 c arrest survivors has been shown to improve neurologically intact survival, optimal methods to ensur
130 previously been described with high level of neurologically intact survival.
131    From the 150 patients, 129 (86%) remained neurologically intact whereas 21 (14%) developed DP-SCI.
132 ous for the Mln64 mutant allele were viable, neurologically intact, and fertile.
133 timulation of the sacral segments (S1-S2) in neurologically intact, chloralose anesthetized adult mal
134                 Here, we use genetically and neurologically intact, forced desynchronized rats to tes
135 ncy department, and 79 (39%) were discharged neurologically intact.
136 ccurs while SCN circuitry is genetically and neurologically intact.
137 mRNA, and (2) whether this effect is seen in neurologically-intact rats (in previous experiments we s
138 n myocardial dysfunction and thereby improve neurologically meaningful survival in a rodent model aft
139                 This study describes a novel neurologically mutant rat exhibiting a forebrain anomaly
140 considered to be diagnostically nonspecific, neurologically nonlocalizing, and, hence, "soft." This s
141 nuous chest compression CPR produces greater neurologically normal 24-hour survival than standard ABC
142                     The primary end point of neurologically normal 24-hour survival was significantly
143                         Both patients became neurologically normal after transplantation.
144 gestation or less who had been classified as neurologically normal at 7.5-8 years.
145 ve sensorimotor deficits resembling those of neurologically normal children with strabismus and ambly
146 5 have more severe deficits, not observed in neurologically normal children.
147 l trans octadecadienoic acid values than did neurologically normal children.
148  1-related amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and neurologically normal control cases, in order to determi
149 opsy from individuals with primary RLS and a neurologically normal control group.
150 two of the previously published mutations in neurologically normal Control individuals.
151 sease patients and seven healthy age-matched neurologically normal control subjects during intentiona
152 that both regions are actively involved when neurologically normal control subjects name visually pre
153                        The movement speed of neurologically normal control subjects' was over 40% hig
154 r the same neural pathway was used by our 24 neurologically normal control subjects.
155  of Parkinson's disease patients (n=267) and neurologically normal controls (n=270).
156 choroid plexus, obtained at autopsy, from 18 neurologically normal controls and 14 individuals who ha
157 h 766 case patients with the disease and 750 neurologically normal controls, and replication series 2
158 42 patients with the ASDs relative to 12,544 neurologically normal controls, to find potentially drug
159  western Washington State and 644 unrelated, neurologically normal controls, we examined whether PD w
160 t and that the risk variants were present in neurologically normal controls.
161 late-onset disease and in 828 North American neurologically normal controls.
162  from 276 patients with sporadic ALS and 271 neurologically normal controls.
163 m neuropathologically confirmed PD cases and neurologically normal controls.
164  subtypes of frontotemporal dementia against neurologically normal controls.
165 eral sclerosis (ALS) patients versus that of neurologically normal controls.
166  made more navigation and safety errors than neurologically normal drivers on a RFT that placed deman
167 e PD (median Hoehn-Yahr stage = 2.0) and 152 neurologically normal elderly adults, all active and lic
168 ta accumulation (normal ageing, n = 13), and neurologically normal elderly with cortical amyloid-beta
169 = 13, age at death: 82.9 +/- 10.8 years) and neurologically normal elderly with extensive cortical am
170 eas from Alzheimer's disease cases (n = 19), neurologically normal elderly without amyloid-beta accum
171  (n = 19; age at death: 84.7 +/- 7.8 years), neurologically normal elderly without amyloid-beta accum
172 h minor neurological signs (HIV-MCMD) and 93 neurologically normal HIV-seropositive individuals (HIV-
173 V1 in one or both cerebral hemispheres of 15 neurologically normal human brains obtained at autopsy.
174 ration in Parkinson's disease, in brain from neurologically normal individuals and patients with Park
175  was obtained from the left hemisphere of 26 neurologically normal individuals ranging in age from 14
176 rrelate of calculation ability in a group of neurologically normal individuals.
177 ls with restless legs syndrome compared with neurologically normal individuals.
178                      Twenty-four healthy and neurologically normal men (mean age, 29 years) reporting
179 rs assayed 5-HIAA in "leftover" CSF from 193 neurologically normal newborns and obtained family psych
180         Seventy-nine drivers with PD and 151 neurologically normal older adults underwent a battery o
181 l T2-weighted fast spin-echo MR images in 30 neurologically normal patients (60 hemispheres) were ret
182 ALS) than in lumbar spinal cord samples from neurologically normal patients.
183 dr2 is not expressed in tumors obtained from neurologically normal patients.
184  accommodative responses compared with their neurologically normal peers.
185 rability of perception focuses on studies of neurologically normal populations.
186 alization were investigated in right-handed, neurologically normal subjects (n = 100) and right-hande
187 nvestigate narrative speech activation in 18 neurologically normal subjects and 17 patients with left
188                          Six (60%) of the 10 neurologically normal subjects had abnormal PET.
189             In this study, we demonstrate in neurologically normal subjects that in addition to small
190 t from our laboratory that used this task in neurologically normal subjects, 'errors' (incongruent tr
191                                           In neurologically normal subjects, a double dissociation in
192 /CT brain acquisitions were obtained from 88 neurologically normal subjects, aged 6 mo to 18 y.
193 termine auditory perceptual thresholds in 14 neurologically normal subjects, and in 31 patients who h
194 patients with Alzheimer's disease, and eight neurologically normal subjects.
195                                              Neurologically normal survival at 24 hours after resusci
196   This study was designed to compare 24-hour neurologically normal survival between the initial appli
197                             Twenty-four-hour neurologically normal survival occurred in seven of 10 g
198 gnificantly better 24-hour postresuscitation neurologically normal survival than did the initial byst
199 o patients with cardiac arrest that improves neurologically normal survival.
200 386 white patients with sporadic ALS and 542 neurologically normal white controls (the discovery seri
201 espite their very low birth weight, all were neurologically normal with no consistent abnormalities o
202 ysis with positron emission tomography in 33 neurologically normal young adults at rest.
203 ren have neurological disabilities, many are neurologically normal, and the latter group provides us
204 d 30 subjects (age, 47 to 82 years) who were neurologically normal, of whom 16 were carriers of the A
205 vered slowly so that by 3-4 months they were neurologically normal.
206  CCS/wild-type-SOD1 dual transgenic mice are neurologically normal.
207 he neuron specific enolase promoter appeared neurologically normal.
208 e spectrum of epilepsy syndromes and in 1299 neurologically-normal controls.
209 ckle cell anemia (HbSS) are at high risk for neurologically overt cerebral infarcts associated with s
210                    These results delineate a neurologically plausible network of converging corticost
211 riable natural history of CMT with regard to neurologically produced musculoskeletal changes.
212 ade cerebral perfusion have been shown to be neurologically protective during ascending aortic replac
213             Ten out of these were considered neurologically recovered (modified Rankin scale of zero)
214 ming fundoscopic examination and identifying neurologically relevant findings on another fundoscopy s
215 ed binding sites in the promoters of several neurologically relevant genes including MECP2.
216 f primary human glial precursor cells with a neurologically relevant human herpesvirus causes profoun
217 fy neuronal signaling pathways responsive to neurologically relevant manganese levels, as previous da
218 d mice with a very low minute volume did not neurologically respond to hypercapnia or optogenetic pho
219 cerebral infarcts associated with stroke and neurologically silent cerebral infarcts correlated with
220 n patients with untreated or locally treated neurologically stable brain metastases at baseline.
221 n reuptake inhibitor mirtazapine and remains neurologically stable, with resolution of cerebral lesio
222               In addition, unusual states of neurologically symptomatic cobalamin deficiency are bein
223                                              Neurologically symptomatic patients require carotid reva
224 ndingly, shaking mice are much less impaired neurologically than either Caspr-null or CST-null mice.
225                      Each finger corresponds neurologically to a spinal-cord segment ranging from C6
226 e a counterproductive strategy, at least for neurologically typical students.
227 ys-gly (85.0 versus 54.7 microM) than the 11 neurologically unaffected patients.
228  undergone permissive hypercapnia seem to be neurologically unaffected.
229  disease (HD) patients but not in those from neurologically unremarkable controls, suggesting the rel
230         Excluding the patients who presented neurologically unresponsive or with ongoing cardiopulmon
231           Patients who remain clinically and neurologically unstable require urgent transsphenoidal s

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